Baar, Switzerland 27 march, 2012
Glencore International plc today announces that, following approval by the South African Competition Authorities it, together with its local Black Economic Empowerment partner Cyril Rapmaphosa (together the "Consortium"), has completed the acquisition of an interest in a further 36.56 per cent of the issued share capital of Optimum Coal Holdings Limited ("Optimum"). The Consortium has now acquired, directly and indirectly, 67.77 per cent of the issued share capital of Optimum.
As the Consortium is now in a position to exercise at least 35 per cent of the voting rights attached to the ordinary shares of Optimum, it is required, in terms of section 123(3) of the South African Companies Act 71 of 2008 ("Companies Act"), to make a mandatory offer to acquire the shares of all shareholders of Optimum not already owned or controlled by the Consortium ("Offer"). The Offer will be made in compliance with the Consortium's obligations in terms of the Companies Act and the Takeover Regulations. The Consortium will offer the remaining shareholders R38 per Optimum share in cash.
Tor Peterson, director of the Coal/Coke commodity department, commented:
"Optimum will add to our coal presence in South Africa and will be highly complimentary to our joint venture Shanduka Coal and our investment in Umcebo. South Africa is an important producer to supply the growing Chinese and Indian markets, so we are delighted to add to our business in the country with our partner Cyril Ramaphosa."
For further information, please contact:
Paul Smith (Investors) t: +41 (0)41 709 2487 m: +41 (0)79 947 1348 |
Simon Buerk (Media) t: +41 (0)41 709 2679 m: +41 (0)79 955 5384 |
Finsbury (Media) Guy Lamming Dorothy Burwell t: +44 (0)20 7251 3801
Elisa Morniroli (investors) t: +41 (0) 41 709 2818 m: +41 (0) 79 833 05 08 |
Charles Watenphul (Media) t: +41 (0) 41 709 2462 m: +41 (0) 79 904 33 20
About Glencore International plc
Glencore is one of the world's leading integrated producers and marketers of commodities, headquartered in Baar, Switzerland, and listed on the London and Hong Kong Stock Exchanges. Glencore has worldwide activities in the production, sourcing, processing, refining, transporting, storage, financing and supply of Metals and Minerals, Energy Products and Agricultural Products.