Final Results
Global Petroleum Ltd
30 September 2005
Preliminary Results for the year ended 30 June 2005
Principal activities
The principal activities of the Company during the course of the financial year
* A continuing 20% interest in four production sharing contracts related to
blocks L-5, L-7, L-10 and L-11 in offshore Kenya.
* An investment of 14% held in Falkland Oil and Gas Limited which holds a 77.5%
interest in seven offshore petroleum licences covering approximately 29,000 km2
and 100% interest in a further seven licences covering approximately 50,000 km2
in offshore Falkland Islands.
* An investment of 10% held in Falkland Gold and Minerals Limited which holds an
exclusive minerals licence, onshore Falkland Islands.
* Ireland Licence Option held 100% to carry out a work program in an area which
comprises part of four blocks in the North Celtic Sea Basin to decide whether to
relinquish the option or apply for an exclusive exploration licence.
* Malta Exploration Study Agreement held 100% to decide whether to enter into a
production sharing contract with the Government of Malta over two blocks in the
southern end of the Ragusa Trough, offshore Malta.
Review and results of operations
Consolidated operating loss after tax attributable to the members of the Company
for the year ended 30 June 2005 was $1,772,832 (2004: $3,054,408).
Kenya (Global Petroleum 20%)
The Company has a holding of 20% in three blocks L-5, L-7, and L-11 offshore
Kenya. In regard to the fourth Block L-10, which is held by Dana (80% and
operator) and Global Petroleum (20%) - the terms of an extension of the Licence
including the work programme are subject to discussion with the Kenya
In L-5 and L-7 Global Petroleum is in a Joint Venture with Woodside (50% and
operator) and Dana Petroleum (E&P) Limited (30%). The costs associated with
Global Petroleum's 20% equity are carried for all activities including the
drilling and testing of two wells.
Woodside withdrew from L-11 in September 2005 and Global Petroleum and Dana
Petroleum (E&P) Limited are negotiating terms for the operation of this block.
In August 2004, the Company announced Woodside's intention to continue in Blocks
L-5 and L-7 at which time Woodside committed to the drilling of the first of the
two wells through which Global Petroleum's costs are carried. In May 2005,
Woodside indicated that it was actively seeking a drilling rig for Kenya and has
indicated the second or third quarters of calendar year 2006 as a likely time of
drilling of the first well which is targeted to be in Block L-5.
Mapping of the 2003 5,500 km2 2D seismic survey revealed several leads in Blocks
L-5 and L-7 in water depths of 1,650 - 2,800 metres with the leads (potential
targets for drilling) ranging in size from 10 km2 (2,500 acres) to 60 km2
(15,000 acres).
Preliminary interpreted results of the 3,600 km 2D seismic survey which was
carried out between November 2004 and January 2005 now indicate the presence of
over 30 leads with sizes ranging from 20 to 100 km2. A lead of 50 km2 would be
capable of holding 350 million barrels of recoverable oil on the basis of
reasonable reservoir assumptions.
Relinquishments have been made during the year from blocks L-5, L-7 and L-10.
Falkland Oil and Gas Limited - FOGL (Global Petroleum 14.0%)
FOGL issued a public offering prospectus on 30 September 2004 and was admitted
to the UK AIM board on 14 October 2004 with a capital raising of £12 million
(A$30 million). Global Petroleum held 12.85 million shares or 16.1% in the new
listed company. The capital was raised to fund seismic surveys over the licence
areas of 33,700 km2 in offshore Falkland Islands held 77.5% by FOGL and 22.5% by
Hardman Resources. In December 2004 FOGL was awarded a further 50,000 km2 in its
own right which is north of the FOGL/Hardman area.
In late December 2004 the seismic survey of 9,450 kms 2D commenced and
preliminary results were announced in May 2005. Over 130 leads were identified
compared with the initial eight leads stated in the AIM prospectus in September
Encouraged by the results of the first round of seismic, FOGL decided to conduct
a second round of seismic and in June 2005 the GSI vessel 'Admiral' commenced
8,000 kms of 2D seismic which is expected to be completed in October 2005. This
survey has since been extended to 15,000 kms. The company's aim is to identify
20 drillable prospects with drilling possibly beginning in 2007.
In June 2005 directors of FOGL placed an additional 11.765 million shares at 85p
to raise further funds of £10 million (A$25 million) for the new seismic surveys
to investigate leads identified through the interpretation of the seismic to
date. Global Petroleum did not take up any shares in the placement preferring
instead to conserve its cash. As a result the Company's holding in FOGL was
diluted down to 14.0%.
In June 2005 FOGL was granted a two year extension to Phase one of its initial
licence area of approximately 33,700 km2 (which was reduced by relinquishment in
June 2005 to approximately 29,000 km2). Phase one now expires in July 2007.
Phase two of the initial licence area with a commitment to drill two wells now
expires in July 2010.
Falkland Gold and Minerals Limited - FGML (Global Petroleum 10.1%)
In November 2004 the company's name was changed from Falkland Minerals Limited
to Falkland Gold and Minerals Limited (FGML) to better reflect its objectives.
The company holds an exclusive onshore minerals licence over the entire land
area of the Falkland Islands.
In order to fund onshore drilling, assays and analysis of the results, FGML
sought and was admitted to the UK AIM board on 9 December 2004 with a capital
raising of some £9 million after costs (A$22.5 million). Global Petroleum holds
7.91 million shares or 10.1% in the new listed company.
Drilling commenced in March 2005 on targets developed from its 2004 aeromagnetic
survey and at June 2005 three holes had been drilled from an initial target of
nine. In June 2005 the first assays were reported as being sub-economic.
Astral assets
At the AGM held on 25 November 2004 shareholders approved the acquisition of
100% of the issued shares of Astral Petroleum Limited (Astral) and the payment
to one of the vendors, TM Services Ltd, of £195,000 (A$504,322) plus the issue
of one million fully paid ordinary Global Petroleum shares to the vendors. The
vendors of Astral included Mr P Blakey and Mr P Taylor who are directors and
substantial shareholders of Global Petroleum; a company associated with both of
them and a company associated with the spouse of Mr M Savage, a director of
Global Petroleum. Mr Savage no longer has any association with the vendors of
The two assets acquired were the Ireland Licensing Option and the Malta
Exploration Study Agreement (details of which are listed below). Shareholders
also approved the issue to the vendors of an additional four million fully paid
ordinary Global Petroleum shares (each for Tranches 2 and 3) in respect of each
asset provided the Company entered into conditional farmouts for each asset by
25 November 2005 (ie eight million shares in total if both assets are
The Company has undertaken remapping and studies combined with some reprocessing
to improve the quality of the seismic lines in the deeper sections to provide
information which will be attractive to potential farminees for both of the
Ireland and Malta interests.
However, the Company was delayed in its endeavours to achieve farmouts due in
large part to the serious illness of its London based consultant. As the due
date for both farmouts is now unlikely to be achieved, the Company will seek an
extension of time from shareholders until 30 June 2006 at the forthcoming AGM to
be held on 24 November 2005. Details will be available in the Explanatory
Memorandum in the AGM Notice of Meeting.
Irish Licensing Option
100% interest in parts of blocks 57/3, 57/4, 57/8 and 57/9 in the North Celtic
Sea Basin.
The Irish Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources granted the
Irish Licensing Option to Astral (Ireland) on 5 September 2003.
Under the Irish Licensing Option, Global Petroleum applied for an exclusive
licence and an extension was granted on a conditional basis until 31 December
2005 provided that Company undertake additional work as agreed by the Minister
and the Company. The Company has applied for a 12 month extension to the License
Option until 31 December 2006.
Since the grant of the Option, Global Petroleum has been working closely with
the Irish Government on the existing work program and has initiated a marketing
program to bring new parties into the Option.
The purpose of the extension is to allow the optionholder (Global Petroleum) to
carry out further work, seek potential farminees through the marketing program
and following completion of both programs decide then what is the best course
for the Company to follow.
Maltese Exploration Study Agreement
Under the Maltese Exploration Study Agreement, TM Services (Malta) Ltd and
Astral Petroleum (Malta) Limited are permitted to study data owned by the
Government and all other data in relation to the area the subject of the
agreement. The parties may elect to enter into a production sharing contract
with the Government of Malta within a certain period of time.
Since the grant of the Exploration Study Agreement, Global Petroleum has been
working on the existing work program which includes seismic reprocessing trials
and has initiated a marketing program to bring new parties into the Exploration
Study Agreement.
The Maltese Exploration Study Agreement was to expire on 26 June 2005. The
Maltese Government extended it by 6 months until 26 December 2005 on generally
the same terms. The Company has applied for a 12 month extension to the
Exploration Study Agreement until 26 December 2006.
The purpose of the extension is to allow Global Petroleum to carry out further
work, seek potential farminees through the marketing program and following
completion of both programs decide then what is the best course for the Company
to follow.
Global Petroleum may give notice that it wishes to enter into a Production
Sharing Contract over the area at any time up to expiry of the Maltese
Exploration Study Agreement.
Surat Basin, Queensland (Global Petroleum 100%)
In July 2004 the Company surrendered two permits ATPs 729P and 731P back to the
Queensland Government. During the March 2005 quarter the Company applied to
surrender the remaining permit ATP 728P.
A joint venture was established in the previous financial year between the
Company and local interests in Iraq to procure a production sharing contract
(PSC) in northern Iraq. The application to the Kurdistan Regional Government
sought the right to rehabilitate the Chamchamal gas and condensate field. As
reported last year the application was unsuccessful and the joint venture has
In June 2005 the Company formed a joint venture alliance with TM Services
Limited for the purpose of pursuing upstream petroleum interests in Iraq except
in certain areas in northern Iraq known as Chamchamal and Taq Taq.
Significant changes in the state of affairs
The consolidated entity's ordinary share capital increased by $5,897,478 to
$34,436,135 (2004: $28,538,657), principally as a result of the one-for-three
non-renounceable rights issue in September 2004.
The consolidated entity's total assets increased by $3,440,349 to $27,259,208
(2004: $23,818,859), principally as a result of higher cash holdings of
$2,870,407 following the rights issue in September 2004.
No dividends have been declared, provided for or paid in respect of the
financial year ended 30 June 2005.
Events subsequent to reporting date
Since 30 June 2005:
* The Company has proposed to amend the Astral Petroleum Limited acquisition
agreement which was approved at the November 2004 AGM. The amendment is in
respect of the Tranche 2 and Tranche 3 shares, being an extension of time for
the issue from 25 November 2005 to 30 June 2006, and is subject to shareholder
approval at the November 2005 AGM.
* 500,000 options were exercised in September 2005 at an exercise price of $0.25
(there were no amounts unpaid on the shares issued).
* Woodside withdrew from L-11 in offshore Kenya in September 2005.
For reporting periods beginning on or after 1 July 2005, the consolidated entity
must comply with Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting
Standards (AIFRS) as issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board. The
implementation plan and potential impact of adopting AIFRS are detailed in Note
35 to the financial statements.
Other than the matters discussed above there has not arisen in the interval
between the end of the financial year and the date of this report any item,
transaction or event of a material and unusual nature likely, in the opinion of
the directors of the Company to affect significantly the operations of the
consolidated entity, the results of those operations or the state of affairs of
the consolidated entity in future financial years
Likely developments
At the date of this report the Company is awaiting the result of Woodside's
endeavours in securing a deepwater drilling rig to drill the first well in L-5
in offshore Kenya. The Company will announce when a rig has been secured by
The consolidated entity will continue to investigate opportunities to add
projects to its portfolio which fit its strategy.
Consolidated Global Petroleum
Note 2005 2004 2005 2004
$ $ $ $
Revenue from
ordinary activities 3 1,624,106 1,588,064 1,006,413 140,522
expense 4 (58,251) (34,800) (13,940) (16,231)
Salaries and
employee benefits
expense (444,000) (189,035) (265,848) (82,320)
Consulting fees (862,751) (241,575) (742,816) (159,965)
Shareholder costs (172,011) (96,683) (126,429) (88,244)
Occupancy costs (46,283) (25,843) (12,124) (12,291)
Carrying amount of
non-current assets
disposed (14,728) (2,357) (405) (2,357)
Exploration and
evaluation expenditure
written off:
Relating to
exploration assets
disposed 4 (887,532) (996,757) (166,585) -
Other 4 (593,502) (2,875,580) (593,502) (470,970)
Write-down of
investment in
controlled entity 4 - - (613,234) (1,776,605)
Net other expenses
from ordinary
activities (235,409) (168,377) (148,713) (90,434)
Net foreign
exchange loss 4 - (4,570) (986) -
-------- -------- -------- --------
Share of net losses
of associates
accounted for
using the equity
method 27 (82,471) (6,895) - -
-------- -------- -------- --------
Loss from ordinary
activities before
related income tax
expense/benefit (1,772,832) (3,054,408) (1,678,169) (2,558,895)
Income tax
(expense)/benefit 6 - - - -
-------- -------- -------- --------
Net loss 20 (1,772,832) (3,054,408) (1,678,169) (2,558,895)
-------- -------- -------- --------
Non-owner transaction
changes in equity - - - -
-------- -------- -------- --------
Total changes in
equity from non-owner
transactions attributable
to the members of the
parent entity (1,772,832) (3,054,408) (1,678,169) (2,558,895)
======== ======== ======== ========
Cents Cents
Basic earnings per
share 7 (1.08) (2.51)
Diluted earnings
per share 7 (1.08) (2.51)
AS AT 30 JUNE 2005
Consolidated Global Petroleum
Note 2005 2004 2005 2004
$ $ $ $
Current assets
Cash assets 8 6,159,540 3,289,133 6,135,310 3,279,991
Receivables 9 213,340 119,222 77,700 56,082
Other financial
assets 10 600 61,480 600 600
Other assets 11 72,710 13,929 19,837 13,929
------- -------- -------- --------
Total current
assets 6,446,190 3,483,764 6,233,447 3,350,602
------- -------- -------- --------
Non-current assets
Other financial
assets 12 2,495,798 - 18,625,854 18,147,910
accounted for
using the equity
method 27 - 2,112,981 - -
Receivables 13 - - 2,769,662 1,256,924
Property, plant
and equipment 14 73,897 114,318 69,594 96,599
Exploration and
expenditure 15 18,243,323 18,107,796 113,687 742,931
------- -------- -------- --------
Total non-current
assets 20,813,018 20,335,095 21,578,797 20,244,364
------- -------- -------- --------
TOTAL ASSETS 27,259,208 23,818,859 27,812,244 23,594,966
------- -------- -------- --------
Current liabilities
Payables 16 303,247 945,838 206,510 166,835
Provisions 17 7,095 48,801 7,095 48,801
------- -------- -------- --------
Total current
liabilities 310,342 994,639 213,605 215,636
------- -------- -------- --------
Non-current liabilities
Payables 18 - - 61,260 61,260
------- -------- -------- --------
Total non-current
liabilities - - 61,260 61,260
------- -------- -------- --------
TOTAL LIABILITIES 310,342 994,639 274,865 276,896
------- -------- -------- --------
NET ASSETS 26,948,866 22,824,220 27,537,379 23,318,070
======= ======== ======== ========
equity 19 34,436,135 28,538,657 34,436,135 28,538,657
losses 20 (7,487,269) (5,714,437) (6,898,756) (5,220,587)
------- -------- -------- --------
TOTAL EQUITY 22 26,948,866 22,824,220 27,537,379 23,318,070
======= ======== ======== ========
Consolidated Global Petroleum
Note 2005 2004 2005 2004
$ $ $ $
Cash flows from
operating activities
Payments to suppliers
and employees (1,413,269) (694,600) (981,404) (392,124)
Goods and services tax
refunded 119,646 53,652 119,646 53,652
Interest received 330,522 101,056 336,565 109,023
Dividends received
from controlled
entities - - 652,793 -
Management fees
received 359,165 91,756 - -
-------- -------- -------- --------
Net cash provided by/
(used in) operating
activities 33(a) (603,936) (448,136) 127,600 (229,449)
-------- -------- -------- --------
Cash flows from
investing activities
Payments for property,
plant and equipment (42,420) (4,493) (35,579) (4,493)
Payments for
exploration expenditure,
Including overheads
capitalised (592,201) (876,373) (176,715) (269,775)
Proceeds on disposal
of exploration assets 850,745 - - -
Payments for
controlled entities 26(b) (721,178) - (721,178) -
Payments for
investments (1,183,369) (25,558) - -
Proceeds from other
financial assets 60,886 161,297 - 9,868
Repayments of loans
from controlled
entities - - 599,053 -
Advances to controlled
company - - (2,018,616) (703,200)
-------- -------- -------- --------
Net cash used in
investing activities (1,627,537) (745,127) (2,353,035) (967,600)
-------- -------- -------- --------
Cash flows from
financing activities
Proceeds from issue of
shares 5,661,518 2,509,000 5,661,518 2,509,000
Share issue expenses (134,040) (73,281) (134,040) (73,281)
Costs of admission to
the Alternative Investment
Market of the London
Stock Exchange (446,724) - (446,724) -
-------- -------- -------- --------
Net cash provided by
financing activities 5,080,754 2,435,719 5,080,754 2,435,719
-------- -------- -------- --------
Net increase in cash
held 2,849,281 1,242,456 2,855,319 1,238,670
Cash acquired on
acquisition of
controlled entities 26(b) 21,126 - - -
Cash at beginning of
the financial year 3,289,133 2,046,677 3,279,991 2,041,321
-------- -------- -------- --------
Cash at end of the
financial year 33(b) 6,159,540 3,289,133 6,135,310 3,279,991
======== ======== ======== ========
2005 2004
$ $ $ $
Revenue from operating
Interest received/receivable -
related parties - - 8,795 8,795
Interest received/receivable -
other parties 347,527 123,909 344,775 123,182
Rendering of services from
operating activities 424,681 92,094 - -
Other revenues
Net foreign exchange gain 1,103 - - 5,715
Proceeds on the disposal of
exploration assets 850,745 1,366,629 - -
Proceeds on disposal of
property, plant and equipment 50 2,830 50 2,830
Dividends - related parties -
wholly-owned group - - 652,793 -
Other revenue - 2,602 - -
-------- -------- -------- --------
1,624,106 1,588,064 1,006,413 140,522
======== ======== ======== ========
Consolidated Global Petroleum
2005 2004 2005 2004
(a) Expenses
Depreciation of plant and
equipment 68,113 71,974 62,179 69,663
Less: depreciation capitalised
or oncharged to controlled
entities (9,862) (37,174) (48,239) (53,432)
-------- -------- -------- --------
58,251 34,800 13,940 16,231
-------- -------- -------- --------
Net expense/(credit) from
movement in:
Provision for employee
entitlements (41,706) 30,843 (41,706) 30,843
Exploration and evaluation
expenditure written off:
Relating to exploration
assets disposed 887,532 996,757 166,585 -
Other 593,502 2,875,580 593,502 470,970
Write-down of investment in
controlled entity - - 613,234 1,776,605
Operating lease rental
expenses 11,657 14,102 11,657 14,102
(b) (Gains)/losses
Net losses/(gains) on
disposal of exploration
assets 36,787 (369,872) 166,585 -
Net losses/(gains) on
disposal of property, plant
and equipment 14,678 (473) 355 (473)
Net foreign exchange losses - 4,570 986 -
(c) Significant items included in loss from ordinary
activities (including items in Notes 4(a) and 4(b))
Loss from ordinary activities before income tax expense includes the
following revenues and expenses whose disclosure is relevant in
explaining the financial performance of the consolidated entity:
Exploration and evaluation
expenditure written off (593,502) (2,875,580) (593,502) (470,970)
(Losses)/gains on disposal
of exploration assets (36,787) 369,872 (166,585) -
Write-down of investment in
controlled entity - - (613,234) (1,776,605)
Costs of admission to the
Alternative Investment
Market of the London Stock
Exchange (AIM) (446,724) - (446,724) -
The aggregate amount of income tax attributable to the financial year differs
from the amount calculated on the loss from ordinary activities before tax. The
differences are reconciled as follows:
Consolidated Global Petroleum
2005 2004 2005 2004
$ $ $ $
Loss from ordinary
activities before tax (1,772,832) (3,054,408) (1,678,169) (2,558,895)
======== ======== ======== ========
Income tax calculated
at 30% (2004: 30%) (531,850) (916,322) (503,451) (767,669)
Tax effect of permanent
Exploration and
evaluation expenditure
written-off 178,050 862,674 178,050 141,291
Write-down of
investment - - 183,970 532,982
Net loss/(gain) on
disposal of
exploration assets 11,036 (84,467) 49,976 -
dividends - - (195,838) -
Share of associates'
net losses 24,741 - - -
Other (35,833) 689 (35,833) 689
Tax losses not brought
to account 353,856 137,426 323,126 92,707
-------- -------- -------- --------
Income tax attributable to - - - -
operating loss ======== ======== ======== ========
Future income tax benefits arising from tax losses and timing differences have
not been brought to account at balance date as recovery of tax losses is not
virtually certain and recovery of timing differences is not assured beyond
reasonable doubt:
Consolidated Global Petroleum
2005 2004 2005 2004
$ $ $ $
Tax losses carried forward 2,087,941 1,674,149 2,066,032 1,630,901
Timing differences (359,866) (631,016) (359,866) (647,639)
--------- -------- -------- --------
1,728,075 1,043,133 1,706,166 983,262
========= ======== ======== ========
The potential future income tax benefits will only be obtained if:
(i) the relevant company derives future assessable income of a nature and an
amount sufficient to enable the benefit to be realised;
(ii) the relevant company continues to comply with the conditions for
deductibility imposed by the law; and
(iii) no changes in tax legislation adversely affect the relevant company in
realising the benefit.
2005 2004
Cents Cents
Basic earnings per share (1.08) (2.51)
Diluted earnings per share is not materially
different from basic earnings per share (1.08) (2.51)
$ $
Earnings used in the calculation of basic and
diluted earnings per share (1,772,832) (3,054,408)
========= ========
Weighted average number of ordinary shares No. No.
outstanding during the year used in the calculation
of basic and diluted earnings per share 164,045,928 121,787,953
========= ========
There has been no conversion to, calls of, or subscriptions for ordinary shares
since the reporting date and before the completion of this financial report.
Options to purchase ordinary shares not exercised at 30 June 2005 have not been
included in the determination of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings
per share as they are not dilutive.
No dividends have been declared, provided for or paid in respect of the
financial years ended 30 June 2005 and 2004.
Consolidated Global Petroleum
2005 2004 2005 2004
$ $ $ $
(a) Reconciliation of net loss to net cash
provided by/(used in) operating activities
Net loss (1,772,832) (3,054,408) (1,678,169) (2,558,895)
Add/(less) items classified
as investing/financing
(Profit)/loss on
disposal of non-current
assets 14,678 (473) 355 (473)
(Profit)/loss on
disposal of exploration
assets 36,787 (369,872) 166,585 -
Exploration and
evaluation expenditure
written off 593,502 2,875,580 593,502 470,970
Costs of admission to the
Alternative Investment
Market of the London
Stock Exchange (AIM) 446,724 - 446,724 -
Add/(less) non-cash items:
Write-down of investment in
controlled entity - - 613,234 1,776,605
Depreciation 58,251 34,800 13,940 16,231
Net foreign exchange
(gain)/loss (1,103) 4,570 986 (5,715)
Provision for employee
entitlements (41,706) 30,843 (41,706) 30,843
Share of net losses of
associates 82,471 6,895 - -
-------- -------- -------- --------
Net cash provided by/(used
in) operating activities
before change in
assets and liabilities (583,228) (472,065) 115,451 (270,434)
Changes in operating assets and
liabilities, net of effects of
purchase of controlled entities
during the financial year:
Decrease/(increase) in
receivables (94,118) (41,728) (21,618) (29,561)
Decrease/(increase) in
prepayments 23,262 (12,368) (5,908) (12,499)
(Decrease)/increase in
payables 50,148 78,025 39,675 83,045
-------- -------- -------- --------
Net cash provided
by/(used in) operating
activities (603,936) (448,136) 127,600 (229,449)
======== ======== ======== ========
(b) Reconciliation of cash
Cash at bank and on hand 203,566 132,922 179,336 123,780
Bank short term deposits 5,955,974 3,156,211 5,955,974 3,156,211
-------- -------- -------- --------
6,159,540 3,289,133 6,135,310 3,279,991
======== ======== ======== ========
(c) Non-cash investing and financing activities
During the year the Company issued 1 million shares at $0.37 each for the
acquisition of a controlled entity as disclosed in Note 26(b).
During 2004 the consolidated entity disposed of exploration assets for
$1,366,629 in exchange for equity investments in associated entities.
International Financial Reporting Standards
For reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005 the consolidated
entity must comply with Australian equivalents to International Financial
Reporting Standards (AIFRS) as issued by the Australian Accounting Standards
Board. The potential impact of adopting AIFRS is detailed in Note 35.
Since 30 June 2005:
* The Company has proposed to amend the Astral Petroleum Limited acquisition
agreement which was approved at the November 2004 AGM. The amendment is in
respect of the Tranche 2 and Tranche 3 shares, being an extension of time for
the issue from 25 November 2005 to 30 June 2006, and is subject to shareholder
approval at the November 2005 AGM.
* 500,000 options were exercised in September 2005 at an exercise price of $0.25
(there were no amounts unpaid on the shares issued).
* Woodside withdrew from L-11 in offshore Kenya in September 2005.
Other than matters discussed above, there has not arisen since the end of the
financial year any item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature
likely, in the opinion of the directors of the Company, to affect significantly
the operations of the consolidated entity, the results of those operations, or
the state of affairs of the consolidated entity, in future financial years.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange