17th June 2008
DataCash Group plc ("DataCash" or the "Company")
Director shareholding
Under the terms of the top-up rights contained within the acquisition agreement between DataCash and Proc Cyber Services (UK) Limited, each time one of the Company's existing share options (which existed at the time of the acquisition) is exercised, Ashley Head, non-executive chairman of the Company, is entitled to subscribe for the equivalent number of new shares at the same price as the exercise price of the option exercised.
The Company has been notified today by Mr Head that he has subscribed for the following shares at the following prices:
Number of shares Exercise price (p) Number of shares subscribed for by Mr Head Subscription price
100,000 53.75 pence 100,000 53.75 pence
2,000 41.66 pence 2,000 41.66 pence
Pursuant to subscribing for these shares Mr Head is beneficially interested in 44,830,724 shares representing 48.69 per cent, of the issued share capital of the Company.
There remain options over 337,171 DataCash shares, Mr Head has rights to subscribe for further new shares as and when these options are exercised.
Paul Burton, Chief Financial Officer 0870 727 4761