Posting of 2012 Annual Report & Financial Statements
Notices of Annual General Meeting and
separate Subscription Shareholders Meeting
Golden Prospect Precious Metals Limited (the "Company") today announces that it will be holding its Annual General Meeting at 2.30 p.m. on Thursday, 2 May 2013 at Legis House, 11 New Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands.
In addition, a separate class meeting of the holders of subscription shares of no par value in the Company ("Subscription Shares") will also be held at 2.45p.m. on Thursday, 2 May 2013 (or immediately following the conclusion or adjournment of the Annual General Meeting) to approve, as required by the CISX Listing Rules, two of the authorities proposed to be taken at the Annual General Meeting - the proposed new authority of the Directors generally to allot Subscription Shares and the proposed authority of the Company to make market purchases of its own ordinary shares of £0.001 each ("Ordinary Shares") - and to amend the terms of the Subscription Shares to dispense with the obligation on the Company to send out quarterly reminder notices of subscription rights so as to ease the administrative burden and cost on the Company.
Copies of each of the following documents are being posted to the holders of Ordinary Shares and/or (as appropriate) to the holders of Subscription Shares (the "Subscription Shareholders"):-
1. the Annual Report & Financial Statements of the Company for the financial year ended 31 December 2012;
2. the Circular to shareholders of the Company, including notices of the Annual General Meeting of the Company and the separate class meeting of the Subscription Shareholders (the "2013 AGM Circular"); and
3. the forms of proxy for use at the Annual General Meeting and at the separate class meeting of the Subscription Shareholders.
Only the holders of Ordinary Shares will be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting and only the Subscription Shareholders will be entitled to vote at the separate class meeting of the Subscription Shareholders.
The Annual Report & Financial Statements and the 2013 AGM Circular are also now available on the section of the website of New City Investment Managers dedicated to the Company, at
3 April 2013
Legis Fund Services Limited: +44(0) 1481 732152
Patrick Farncombe
N+1 Singer +44(0) 20 7496 3000
James Maxwell/Jennifer Wyllie
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