Interim Results

Goodwin PLC 27 January 2006 GOODWIN PLC UNAUDITED INTERIM RESULTS CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT The pre-tax profit of £2,107,000 is a 22.4% increase over the same period last year and turnover has increased by 31.8%. Higher energy costs have affected margins and yet are stimulating greater demand for engineering within the energy industries. Our heavy engineering order book remains very healthy. In accordance with European Union regulations, the Group is required to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in its consolidated accounts for the first time and notes explaining these changes are included. J. W. GOODWIN, Chairman The Interim Report is to be sent to shareholders today and will be made available to the public at the company's registered office. Goodwin PLC Unaudited Interim Results Group Income Statement for the half year ended 31st October 2005 Half Year Ended Half Year Ended Year Ended 31st October 2005 31st October 2004 30th April 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover - continuing 26,977 20,462 44,945 Operating Profit before Finance Costs 2,278 1,931 4,088 Finance Costs (171) (210) (553) Profit Before Tax 2,107 1,721 3,535 Tax Expense (638) (562) (1,016) Profit for the Period 1,469 1,159 2,519 Attributable to: Equity Holders of the Parent 1,434 1,141 2,477 Minority Interest 35 18 42 1,469 1,159 2,519 Earnings per Ordinary Share 19.91p 15.85p 34.40p Basic and diluted Goodwin PLC Unaudited Interim Results Group Balance Sheet at 31st October 2005 Half year ended Half year ended Year Ended 31st October 2005 31st October 2004 30th April 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 Assets Intangible Assets 227 140 130 Property, Plant and Equipment 10,948 10,670 10,920 Total Non Current Assets 11,175 10,810 11,050 Inventories 11,716 9,436 10,004 Trade and Other Receivables 11,367 11,516 9,743 Cash 462 242 275 Total Current Assets 23,545 21,194 20,022 Total Assets 34,720 32,004 31,072 Liabilities Trade and Other Current Payables 13,038 9,343 14,459 Corporation Tax Liabilities 590 519 635 Obligations under Finance Leases 260 340 315 Bank Overdrafts 4,486 7,662 945 Total Current Liabilities 18,374 17,864 16,354 Net Current Assets 5,171 3,330 3,668 Deferred tax 1,060 975 951 Obligations under Finance Leases 456 464 576 Non Current Liabilities 1,516 1,439 1,527 Total Liabilities 19,890 19,303 17,881 Net Assets 14,830 12,701 13,191 Equity Share Capital 720 720 720 Retained Earnings 13,696 11,777 12,262 Foreign Exchange Hedge Reserve 158 0 0 Overseas Subsidiaries Translation Reserve (8) 0 (20) Equity Attributable to Equity Holders of 14,566 12,497 12,962 Parent Minority Interests 264 204 229 Total Equity 14,830 12,701 13,191 Goodwin PLC Unaudited Interim Results Group Cash Flow Statement For the half year ended 31st October 2005 Half Year Half Year Year Ended Ended Ended 31st October 2005 31st October 2004 30th April 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash Flows From Operating Activities Profit for the period 1,469 1,159 2,519 Adjustments for: Depreciation 732 720 1,506 Amortisation 20 20 40 Interest Expense 171 210 553 Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets 4 2 43 Corporation Tax Expense 638 562 1,016 Operating Profit Before changes in Working Capital and Provisions 3,034 2,673 5,677 Increase in Trade and other Receivables (1,379) (1,914) (156) Increase in Inventories (1,681) (2,097) (2,665) (Decrease) / Increase in Payments on Account (180) 464 3,301 (Decrease) / Increase in Trade and Other Payables (1,322) 403 2,808 Cash Generated From Operations (1,528) (471) 8,965 Interest Paid (171) (210) (553) Corporation Tax Paid (642) (392) (753) Net Cash From Operating Activities (2,341) (1,073) 7,659 Cash Flows From Investing Activities Proceeds from Sale of Plant and Equipment 5 1 25 Acquisition of Plant and Equipment (739) (1,265) (2,177) Acquisition of Subsidiary Interest (116) 0 (11) Net Cash From Investing Activities (850) (1,264) (2,163) Cash Flows from Financing Activities Payment of Capital Element of Finance (175) (213) (435) Lease Obligations Dividends Paid - - (850) Net Cash from Financing Activities (175) (213) (1,285) Net (Decrease) /Increase in Cash and (3,366) (2,550) 4,211 Cash Equivalents Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents (670) (4,871) (4,871) Effect of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Cash Held 12 0 (10) Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents (4,024) (7,421) (670) Goodwin PLC Unaudited Interim Results Group Statement of Changes in Equity for the half year ended 31st October 2005 Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 31st October 2005 31st October 2004 30th April 2005 £,000 £'000 £'000 Balance at start of period 13,191 11,542 11,542 Adjustment for IAS 39 2,856 Revised Balance at Start of Period 16,047 Profit for the Period 1,469 1,159 2,519 Prior Year Dividend Paid (850) Effective Changes in Fair Value of Cash Flow Hedges (3,854) Tax on Items Taken Directly to Equity 1,156 Exchange Movements 12 (20) Balance at End of Period 14,830 12,701 13,191 Goodwin PLC Unaudited Interim Results for the half year ended 31st October 2005 NOTES 1. Key changes in accounting policies From 2005, the Group will produce its consolidated report and accounts in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted for use in the European Union (IFRS). Previously the Group reported under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP). The key changes that have arisen due to the transition from reporting under UK GAAP to reporting under IFRS are set out in Appendix 1. The Group's date of transition to IFRS is 1st May 2004, which is the beginning of the comparative period for the 2005 financial year. Therefore the opening balance sheet for IFRS purposes is that reported at 30th April 2004 as amended for changes due to IFRS. This interim financial report is the first to be prepared under IFRS, which results in the comparative figures being prepared on the same basis and are therefore restated from those previously reported under UK GAAP. To help understand the impact of the transition, reconciliations have been produced to show the changes made to statements previously reported under UK GAAP in arriving at the equivalent statements under IFRS and are also included in Appendix 1. The income statement for the six months to 31st October 2005 and the balance sheet at that date are reported under IFRS. As they have not previously been reported under UK GAAP no reconciliation to IFRS is provided. The interim report has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) anticipated to be in effect at the first reporting date which is 30th April 2006. They have been prepared on the assumption that all IFRS statements issued as effective from 2005 reporting will be endorsed by the European Commission. As permitted by IFRS 1 'First Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards', the Group has elected not to restate comparative information for the Financial Instrument standards IAS 32 and IAS 39. In this respect the prior year information has been prepared under UK GAAP. A full set of UK GAAP accounting policies was published in the Group's report and accounts for the year to 30th April 2005. The accounting policies that have changed under IFRS are detailed below. Basis of accounting The financial statements and reconciliations shown in this report have been prepared on an historic cost basis except for certain financial instruments which are measured at fair value. The statements are also prepared on the basis of IFRS expected to be in issue at 30th April 2006. The financial statements presented are unaudited. Intangible assets All business combinations are accounted for by applying the purchase method. For acquisitions that have occurred since 1st May 2004, goodwill is recorded as the difference between the fair value of consideration given on acquisition and the aggregate fair value of its identifiable net assets. In respect of acquisitions prior to this date, goodwill is recorded at deemed cost under UK GAAP. In accordance with IFRS3 'Business Combinations', goodwill is no longer amortised but stated at cost less any provision for impairment in value. In accordance with IFRS 1 business combinations made prior to 1st May 2004 have not been restated. Goodwill is reviewed annually for any impairment in its value or at such time there is an indication that its value has reduced. Expenditure on development activities is capitalised according to IAS 38 if the product or process is technically and commercially feasible and the Group has sufficient resources to complete development. The expenditure capitalised includes the cost of materials, direct labour and an appropriate proportion of overheads. Other development expenditure is recognised in the income statement as an expense as incurred. Capitalised development expenditure is stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment losses and amortised over its useful economic life. Foreign currency Transactions in foreign currencies are translated at the foreign exchange rate ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the balance sheet date are translated at the foreign exchange rate ruling at that date. Foreign exchange differences arising on translation are recognised in the income statement. For consolidation purposes the assets and liabilities of overseas subsidiary undertakings are translated at foreign exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date. The revenues and expenses of overseas subsidiary undertakings are translated at an average rate for the period where this rate approximates to the foreign exchange rates ruling at the dates of the transactions. This is a change from UK GAAP where the revenues were translated at closing rate. Exchange differences arising from this translation of foreign operations are taken directly to the translation reserve. They are released into the income statement upon disposal. The Group has taken advantage of relief available in IFRS 1 to deem the cumulative translation differences for all foreign operations to be zero at the date of transition to IFRS (1st May 2004). Deferred taxation Deferred tax is provided using the balance sheet liability method, providing for temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. The amount of deferred tax provided is based on the expected manner of realisation of the settlement of the carrying value of the assets and liabilities, using the tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is regarded as more likely than not that they will be recovered. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not discounted. Financial instruments Derivative financial instruments are used by the Group to hedge foreign currency exchange rate risks. Under IAS 39 'Financial Instruments', forward foreign exchange contracts are stated in the balance sheet at fair value. The gain or loss on remeasurement to fair value is recognised immediately in profit or loss. However, where forward exchange contracts qualify for hedge accounting, the effective part of any gain or loss is recognised directly in the hedging reserve. Any ineffective portion of the hedge is recognised immediately in the income statement. The associated cumulative gain or loss is removed from equity and recognised in the income statement in the same period or periods during which the hedged forecast transaction affects profit or loss. When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated or exercised, or the entity revokes designation of the hedge relationship but the hedged forecast transaction is still expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss at that point remains in equity and is recognised in accordance with the above policy when the transaction occurs. If the hedged transaction is no longer expected to take place, the cumulative unrealised gain or loss recognised in equity is recognised in the income statement immediately. IAS 39 will be applied from 1st May 2005 as permitted under the transitional arrangements of IFRS 1. Comparatives are presented under UK GAAP where gains and losses on forward foreign exchange contracts treated as hedging instruments were not recognised in the income statement. On realisation of the hedged transaction the unrecognised gains and losses arising on the instrument were recognised in the income statement. 2. Dividends The directors do not propose the payment of an interim dividend. Half Year Ended Half Year Ended Year Ended 31st October 31st October 30th April 2005 2004 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 Equity dividends: Paid dividend (Year to April 2004: 11.806p per 0 0 (850) share) Proposed dividend (Year to April 2005: 13.889p 0 0 (1,000) per share) 3. Earnings per share The calculation of the earnings per ordinary share is calculated on the number of ordinary shares in issue during both years of 7,200,000 and on the profit for the period attributable to ordinary shareholders of £1,434,000 (31st October 2004 £1,141,000). The company has no share options or diluting earnings per share. 4. Financial Information The financial information for the six months ended 31st October 2005 and the comparative figures for the six months ended 31st October 2004 have not been audited or reviewed. The summarised financial information in respect of the year ended 30th April 2005 is not the Group's statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accounts, which were prepared under UK GAAP, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The audit report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. APPENDIX 1 Reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) From 2005, Goodwin PLC will produce its consolidated report and accounts in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union. Previously the Group reported under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP). This commentary highlights the key changes that have arisen due to the transition from reporting under UK GAAP to reporting under IFRS. The Group's date of transition to IFRS is 1st May 2004, which is the beginning of the comparative period for the year ending 30th April 2006. Therefore the opening balance sheet for IFRS purposes is that reported at 30th April 2004 as amended for changes due to IFRS. This interim financial report is the first to be prepared under IFRS, which results in the comparative figures being prepared on the same basis and are therefore restated from those previously reported under UK GAAP. To help understand the impact of the transition, reconciliations have been produced to show the changes made to statements previously reported under UK GAAP in arriving at the equivalent statements under IFRS. The following five unaudited reconciliations are included below. 1. Balance sheet at 1st May 2004 2. Income statement for the 6 months to 31st October 2004 3. Balance sheet at 31st October 2004 4. Income statement for the year to 30th April 2005 5. Balance sheet at 30th April 2005 The income statement for the six months to 31st October 2005 and the balance sheet at that date are reported under IFRS. As they have not previously been reported under UK GAAP no reconciliation to IFRS is provided. Key accounting policy changes are included within the interim report. A full set of IFRS accounting policies will be published in the Group's report and accounts for the year to 30th April 2006. First time adoption IFRS1 'First Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards' sets out the approach to be followed when IFRS are applied for the first time. IFRS accounting policies are, in general, to be applied retrospectively although IFRS1 provides a number of exceptions to this general principle. The policy choices made under IFRS1 are mentioned under the relevant headings below: Goodwill Under UK GAAP, goodwill was amortised over its useful economic life. Under IFRS3 'Business Combinations' goodwill is not amortised but is carried at cost with impairment reviews being undertaken annually or when there is an indication that the carrying value has been reduced. Under IFRS1 the Group has applied the change from the date of transition as opposed to full application to all business combinations prior to that date. Dividends Under UK GAAP proposed dividends were accrued at the balance sheet date although there was no obligation to pay until formal approval by shareholders was granted at the Annual General Meeting. Under IAS10 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date', a liability should only be recognised once there is an obligation to pay. As a result the dividend will only be recognised once shareholders approve it. Treasury instruments The Group makes use of forward foreign exchange contracts to reduce the risk exposure to changes in foreign exchange rates. These contracts are designated as part of a hedging relationship and hence where the hedge is shown to be effective changes in fair value are accounted for in equity. The impact on the 30th April 2005 balance sheet is to increase other debtors and net assets by £2,856,000 by creating a hedge reserve within equity. Foreign exchange In accordance with IAS21 'The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates', translation differences that arise in respect of foreign entities have been reclassified as a separate component of equity from the date of transition, 1st May 2004. The financial statements presented are unaudited and there is a possibility that adjustments may be required before they are incorporated as part of the first audited annual report and accounts prepared under IFRS, which are due to be published in September 2006. The balance sheet reconciliations at 1st May 2004 (date of transition to IFRS) and at 30th April 2005 (date of last UK GAAP financial statements) and the reconciliation of profit for the period, as required by IFRS1 are shown below. The balance sheet reconciliation at 31st October 2004 and the reconciliation of profit for the six months to 31st October 2004 have also been included to enable a comparison of the 2005 interim figures with those published in the corresponding period of the previous financial year. Appendix 1 Unaudited Balance Sheet Reconciliation as at 1st May 2004 UK GAAP* IAS 10 IFRS IFRS format Dividends £'000 £'000 £'000 Non Current Assets Intangible Assets 160 160 Property, Plant and Equipment 10,391 10,391 Non Current Assets 10,551 0 10,551 Current Assets Inventories 7,339 7,339 Trade and Other Receivables 9,602 9,602 Cash 229 229 Current Assets 17,170 0 17,170 Total Assets 27,721 0 27,721 Current Liabilities Trade and Other Current Payables 9,587 (850) 8,737 Corporation Tax Liabilities 385 385 Obligations under Finance Leases 414 414 Bank Overdrafts 5,100 5,100 Current Liabilities 15,486 (850) 14,636 Net Current Assets 1,684 850 2,534 Non Current Liabilities Deferred tax 940 940 Obligations under Finance Leases 603 603 Non Current Liabilities 1,543 0 1,543 Total Liabilities 17,029 (850) 16,179 Net Assets 10,692 850 11,542 Equity Share Capital 720 720 Retained Earnings 9,785 850 10,635 Equity Attributable to Equity Holders of Parent 10,505 850 11,355 Minority Interests 187 187 Total Equity 10,692 850 11,542 * As published under UK GAAP reformatted for IFRS presentation Unaudited Income Statement Reconciliation - 6 Months to 31st October 2004 UK GAAP* IFRS3 IFRS IFRS format Goodwill £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover - Continuing 20,462 20,462 Operating Profit before Finance Costs 1,930 1 1,931 Finance Costs (210) (210) Profit Before Tax 1,720 1 1,721 Tax Expense (562) (562) Profit for the Period 1,158 1 1,159 Attributable to: Equity Holders of the Parent 1140 1 1,141 Minority Interest 18 18 1158 1 1,159 Unaudited Balance Sheet Reconciliation as at 31st October 2004 UK GAAP* IAS 10 IFRS3 IFRS IFRS format Dividends Goodwill £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Non Current Assets Intangible Assets 139 1 140 Property, Plant and Equipment 10,670 10,670 Non Current Assets 10,809 0 1 10,810 Current Assets Inventories 9,436 9,436 Trade and Other Receivables 11,516 11,516 Cash 242 242 Current Assets 21,194 0 0 21,194 Total Assets 32,003 0 1 32,004 Current Liabilities Trade and Other Current Payables 10,193 (850) 9,343 Income Tax Liabilities 519 519 Obligations under Finance Leases 340 340 Bank Overdrafts 7,662 7,662 Current Liabilities 18,714 (850) 0 17,864 Net Current Assets 2,480 850 0 3,330 Non Current Liabilities Deferred tax 975 975 Obligations under Finance Leases 464 464 Non Current Liabilities 1,439 0 0 1,439 Total Liabilities 20,153 (850) 0 19,303 Net Assets 11,850 850 1 12,701 Equity Share Capital 720 720 Retained Earnings 10,926 850 1 11,777 Equity Attributable to Equity 11,646 850 1 12,497 Holders of Parent Minority Interests 204 204 Total Equity 11,850 850 1 12,701 Unaudited Income Statement Reconciliation - 12 Months to 30th April 2005 UK GAAP* IFRS3 IFRS IFRS format Goodwill £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover - Continuing 44,945 44,945 Operating Profit before Finance Costs 4,085 3 4,088 Finance Costs (553) (553) Profit Before Tax 3,532 3 3,535 Tax Expense (1,016) (1,016) Profit for the Period 2,516 3 2,519 Attributable to: Equity Holders of the Parent 2,474 3 2,477 Minority Interest 42 42 2,516 3 2,519 Unaudited Balance Sheet Reconciliation as at 30th April 2005 UK GAAP* IAS 10 IFRS3 Reclassification IFRS IFRS format Dividends Goodwill £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Non Current Assets Intangible Assets 127 3 130 Property, Plant and 10,920 10,920 Equipment Non Current Assets 11,047 0 3 0 11,050 Current Assets Inventories 10,004 10,004 Trade and Other Receivables 9,743 9,743 Cash 275 275 Current Assets 20,022 0 0 0 20,022 Total Assets 31,069 0 3 0 31,072 Current Liabilities Trade and Other Current 15,459 (1,000) 14,459 Payables Corporation Tax Liabilities 635 635 Obligations under Finance 315 315 Leases Bank Overdrafts 945 945 Current Liabilities 17,354 (1,000) 0 0 16,354 Net Current Assets 2,668 1,000 0 0 3,668 Non Current Liabilities Provisions for Liabilities 951 951 and Charges Obligations under Finance 576 576 Leases Non Current Liabilities 1,527 0 0 0 1,527 Total Liabilities 18,881 (1,000) 0 0 17,881 Net Assets 12,188 1,000 3 0 13,191 Equity Share Capital 720 720 Retained Earnings 11,239 1,000 3 20 12,262 Overseas Subsidiaries 0 (20) (20) Translation Reserve Equity Attributable to 11,959 1,000 3 0 12,962 Equity Holders of Parent Minority Interests 229 229 Total Equity 12,188 1,000 3 0 13,191 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Goodwin Plc (GDWN)
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