01 November 2023
The Government of the Republic of Fiji
6.3% Green Bonds Due 2030
Notification of Interest Payment on Green Bonds
Please be informed that on 01 November 2023, the Government of the Republic of Fiji has fulfilled its obligation of the twelfth coupon payment against the Fiji Green Bonds of F$80,000,000 issued in 2017-2018.
Parameters of the Green Bonds issued
Identification number of the bonds issued: 2030 Green Bonds
ISIN FJ0406990632
FISN Fiji /6.3 Bd 20301101
Reporting coupon period: The twelfth coupon period (01 May 2023 - 01 November 2023)
Total amount of interest paid against bonds: Following the twelfth coupon period, the total amount of FJ$2,520,000 was paid to bondholders including taxes.
Coupon payment date: 01 November 2023
For further information please contact:
Ms Sisilia Nalaide Manager Debt
Ministry of Finance
Email: sisilia.nalaide@finance.gov.fj
Phone contact: +679 322-1265, (M): + 679 805-9445