Bulk Sampling Results

IE00B1FR8863/GBP/PLUS-exn PLUS: GWMO 18 August 2008 GREAT WESTERN MINING CORPORATION PLC ("GWMC" or the "Company") BULK SAMPLING RESULTS The Board of Great Western Mining Corporation plc., the PLUS quoted Dublin based uranium, gold & silver exploration company, is pleased to announce results of the second bulk sample leaching test on ore from its high-impact project in the State of Nevada, U.S.A. Background GWMC is examining an ore deposit containing uranium and other precious metals in quartz monzonite and quartzite located in a hydrothermal shear zone in Mineral County, Nevada. GWMC controls 100% pf an approximately 7.4 square kilometre claim area. The independent laboratory report contains head analyses and the results from bottle-roll leaching tests. Results The second Bulk Sample Test substituting a carbonate leach in place of acid did not improve the recovery rates of U3O8 reported in the previous test. The use of a cyanidation leach for the gold and silver recovery supported the values achieved on the first test announced on 24 April 2008. Chairman Emmett O'Connell said: "Final decision on the design of the leaching programme will be made on cost of recovery and an environmental impact study, following completion of the Competent Persons Report and results from the drilling campaign." The Directors of the Company accept responsibility for this announcement. For media enquiries, please contact: Nick Rome / Michael Kinirons, Bishopsgate Communications Tel +44 207 562 3350 For further information on investor relations please contact: Emmett O'Connell, Chairman, Great Western Mining Corporation Tel. +353 51 565 844 or +353 87 798 8839 E-mail: emmett@iol.ie Corporate Adviser: St Helen's Capital Plc Barry Hocken Tel. +44 207 628 5582 www.greatwesternmining.com Note to Editor: Great Western Mining Corporation plc is an Irish based exploration company, quoted on the PLUS Market. The company, which concentrates on gold, silver and uranium exploration, is based in Nevada, USA. Its headquarters are in Dublin. The Great Western Mining Corporation holds 89 gold, silver and uranium lode claims in the area near Marietta, Mineral County, Nevada. This US state consistently ranks as one of the leading geologically prospective and pro-mining legal jurisdictions in the world today. Crucially, it is also extremely stable from a geo-political perspective. Furthermore, as nuclear power usage expands rapidly across the globe, demand for the world's limited uranium resources will expand rapidly, pushing up the price for uranium ore. The company plans to build a varied portfolio of uranium ore claims in politically secure areas. Great Western Mining Corporation plc
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