5 July 2011 GREAT WESTERN MINING CORPORATION PLC ("Great Western" or "the Company") PUBLICATION OF COMPETANT PERSON'S REPORT Great Western Mining Corporation plc, the Dublin based mineral exploration company which is prospecting for Gold, Silver, Copper, Uranium and other minerals over a 73sq km area in Nevada, USA, announces the publication of a Competant Person's Report (the "CPR" or the "Report") on the Company's mining properties in the Black Mountain and Huntoon Districts of Mineral County, Nevada, USA (the "Mining Properties"). The independent CPR has been prepared and signed by W T Cohan of WT Cohan & Associates, Inc. ("WT Cohan") and has been independently peer reviewed by Gerald J. Daub, Daub & Associates, Inc. Further details of Mr Cohan's qualifications and experience are contained towards the end of this announcement. WT Cohan prepared a technical report on the Company's mining properties in June 2009. The CPR is a revision of that report, updated to reflect the results obtained from additional sampling, the reinterpretation of existing aeromagnetic survey data and studies of high altitude infrared imagery. The CPR has been drafted to comply with the reporting requirements specified within JORC* and the AIM Note for Mining and Oil & Gas Companies (June 2009). All opinions, findings and conclusions expressed in this report are those of WT Cohan and are based on information obtained by himself or provided by Great Western and the review by WT Cohan of source data. Below is an Exectuive Summary of the CPR. A full copy of the CPR can be found on the Company's website: Executive Summary of Report Great Western Mining PLC owns six blocks of unpatented lode mining claims in the Black Mountain Mining District, in Mineral County, Nevada, USA. Prospecting has disclosed the wide-spread occurrence of high grade oxidized copper associated with southwest trending linear structures. A number of these prospects appear to be suitable for exploitation by open pit mining and heap leaching. It is possible that economic concentrations of silver are associated with these copper deposits. There also are showings of narrow vein- hosted uranium and precious metals mineralization that might be feasible for exploitation by underground mining and heap leaching. Bottle roll leaching tests conducted by Hazen Research of Golden, Colorado, USA of samples crushed to pass a 6 mm screen opening, produced excellent extractions of copper, precious metals and uranium. Geologic and geophysical evidence suggests that portions of the claimed properties are permissive for the discovery a bulk-tonnage disseminated copper and silver deposits at moderate depths. Recently completed geophysical and high altitude infrared imagery studies indicate the potential for the occurrence of epithermal precious metals, in particular silver, deposits similar to those mined at the nearby mining district of Candalaria. A total of eight targets that are of interest to Great Western Mining Corporation PLC were identified. The target models are now believed to consist of the following possibilities: Model Mass, Tonnes Grade Disseminated Silver 25 Million 102.9g/t Ag Disseminated Oxide Copper 25 Million 0.6% Cu Epithermal Silver Vein 3 Million 514.3g//t Ag These models are have been derived from published data and the author's knowledge of the nearby mining districts of Candalaria, Santa Fe and Tonopah, Nevada. The recommended future exploration programs consist of geologic mapping to define targets and detailed sampling and exploration by drilling. Additional geophysical surveys, in the form of land based induced polarization ("I-P") and magnetic surveys are being implemented. A program of acquiring additional land tenure on recently identified geophysical targets of interest has been implemented. The estimated costs of the future exploration programs are $US 5.3 million for the first phase and $US 5.7 million for the second phase. The two phases are expected to define one of the identified geologically anomalous areas sufficiently to complete an estimate of resources and a preliminary feasibility study. The estimated duration of both phases is two to three years, depending upon drill productivities. Notes for Editors: Further Information on WT Cohan & Associates, Inc. Mr W T Cohan founded WT Cohan & Associates in 1980 and has practiced in the States of Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Wyoming, and in the countries of Australia, Canada, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Pakistan, the Republic of South Africa and the Ukraine and has held positions responsible for managing mine development and production, mine engineering management and mineral exploration. Mr. William T. Cohan, B.Sc. (Mining Engineering, w/Honors) is a graduate of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and a Registered Professional Engineer (Mining) in the States of Colorado and Nevada, a Registered Geologist in the State of California and a Registered Water Rights Surveyor in the State of Nevada. He is a member of the Society of Mining Engineers of AIMME (Legion of Honor), the Society of Economic Geologists, the Canadian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, Society of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers of the National Ground Water Association, and the National Society of Professional Engineers. The CPR is based upon Mr. Cohan's previous experience in the district during the period 1980 to 1989, inspection of the properties accompanied by Great Western representatives in July 2008, examination and assays of samples collected by Cohan and Great Western personnel, during the period 2007 to the present, geophysical and infrared spectral analyses (ASTER) studies conducted on behalf of Great Western Mining, and technical literature available in the public domain. All assaying was performed by Grand Junction Laboratories, an ISO certified facility, located in Grand Junction, Colorado, USA. Other than for the purposes of completing the Report as described in this document, neither WT Cohan nor any person involved in the preparation and/or review of this Report has any commercial interest in Great Western or any associated companies. Neither WT Cohan nor its staff will receive any interest in Great Western or any associated companies as a result of undertaking this Report. WT Cohan will be paid normal professional rates for completing the CPR for Great Western. * The JORC Code is the Australasian Code for the reporting of Exploration results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves prepared by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) of the Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, Australian Institute of Geoscientists and the Minerals Council of Australia and published in 2004. Enquiries: Great Western Mining Corporation plc: Emmett O'Connell, Chairman Tel: +353 51 565844 Melvyn Quiller, Chief Executive Tel: 07712 899588 SVS Securities plc - PLUS Corporate Advisor: Alexander Brearley Tel: 020 7638 5600 SVS Securities plc - Broker: Ian Callaway/Alexander Mattey Tel: 020 7638 5600 Libertas Capital - Broker: Neil Pidgeon Tel: 020 7569 9678 Hansard Group - Financial PR: Nicholas Nelson/Guy McDougall Tel: 020 7245 1100 THE DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONTENT OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. Great Western Mining Corporation plc
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