Pre-Close Period Update

Greencore Group PLC 28 September 2001 GREENCORE GROUP PLC CONTACT: MR. K.C. O'SULLIVAN TELEPHONE 353 1 605 1029 FAX 353 1 605 1104 GREENCORE PRE ANNUAL RESULTS CLOSE PERIOD UPDATE The following is the basis of an update that will be provided to analysts before Greencore enters its close period prior to its preliminary results which are scheduled to be announced on 29 November 2001. Restructuring, Integration & Disposals Good progress has been and continues to be made in relation to the restructuring and integration of Hazlewood Foods which was acquired in January 2001. Since the interim report on 5 June, the horticultural businesses and an Irish fats and edible oil business have been sold and several other disposals are anticipated in the short term. Proceeds to-date amount to over Euro40m. The Group expects to complete its disposal programme by May 2002 as planned. In an environment of low interest rates, disposals are likely to dilute earnings. The integration of the Manchester ambient bottled sauces operation into Selby was recently announced and further steps to improve efficiency have also been instigated. In pizza, the closure of the Dallas Road facility and the transfer of pizza topping activity to our new Deeside facility was announced on 25 September. As stated at the time of the Hazlewood acquisition, the Group intends to take an exceptional charge in 2001 in relation to the fundamental re-organisation and restructuring programme following the acquisition and this is currently estimated at Euro50m with approximately half of this being cash. Additionally, fair value issues, including fixed asset impairments relating to Hazlewood disposals, will increase goodwill arising on the acquisition of Hazlewood. Trading Within the recently acquired Hazlewood businesses, trading in the chilled businesses has been good with strong progress in particular in sandwiches and chilled sauces. In ambient grocery, commissioning issues at the major new cake facility at Hull together with difficult market conditions mean that results will be below expectations. The bottled sauces and pickles plant at Selby, which was flooded in November 2000, is back to full production with every effort being made to recover market share lost as a result of the flood. Other grocery operations traded satisfactorily. However, challenges remain to achieve the level of profitability of which the Board believes these businesses are capable. In non-Hazlewood businesses, results in U.K. baking will be well below expectations mainly as a result of margin pressure in the value bread market together with a drop in bread consumption. Other businesses are generally performing in line with expectations. David Dilger, Chief Executive of Greencore said 'While overall trading conditions are far from easy with margin pressures in many of our businesses, we are encouraged by the progress made in the integration, synergies and disposal programme and, in particular, by the growth being achieved in the chilled foods sector. The acquisition of Hazlewood is delivering improved prospects and growth to the Group'. K.C. O'SULLIVAN DIRECTOR GREENCORE GROUP PLC, ST. STEPHEN'S GREEN HOUSE, EARLFORT TERRACE, DUBLIN 2. 28th September, 2001.
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