Final Results

Greggs PLC 11 March 2008 11 March 2008 GREGGS plc PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE 52 WEEKS ENDED 29 DECEMBER 2007 KEY FINANCIALS +---------+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | | Before property gains and | After property gains and | | | restructuring costs | restructuring costs | +---------+------------+---------------------+------------+--------------------+ | | 2007| Change YOY| 2007| Change YOY| +---------+------------+---------------------+------------+--------------------+ |Sales | £586m| +6.4%| £586m| +6.4%| +---------+------------+---------------------+------------+--------------------+ |Operating| £47.7m| +13.0%| £49.9m| +28.8%| |profit | | | | | +---------+------------+---------------------+------------+--------------------+ |Pre-tax | £49.0m| +11.9%| £51.1m| +27.1%| |profit | | | | | +---------+------------+---------------------+------------+--------------------+ |Diluted | 319.9p| +22.3%| 340.4p| +41.9%| |earnings | | | | | |per share| | | | | +---------+------------+---------------------+------------+--------------------+ |Dividends| 140.0p| +20.7%| 140.0p| +20.7%| |per share| | | | | +---------+------------+---------------------+------------+--------------------+ • Record operating profit and earnings per share • Twenty-third consecutive year of dividend growth • Further £25.7m returned to shareholders through ongoing share buyback programme • Like-for-like sales up 5.3%, including core volume growth of 0.9% • Good progress in building new organisational structure for more unified Greggs brand • Initial benefits from extended shop trading hours and strategic marketing programme • 32 net new shops opened, exceeding initial target • Like-for-like sales in ten weeks to 8 March 2008 up 6.2% "Like every other business in our sector, we are continuing to face substantial pressure from rises in the cost of energy and in our key ingredients, including flour, vegetable oils, and protein. We will work hard to mitigate the impact of cost increases through greater efficiency and, in recovering higher costs in the market place, shall take account of consumer confidence and the competitive environment. We remain determined to continue offering outstanding value to our customers. "Having laid firm foundations in 2007 for the growth of Greggs as a national brand, we will implement our plans to improve our products, shops and service during the current year. Progressive harmonisation of our offer, and the roll-out of best practice across the business, will help us both to drive sales growth and reduce costs in the medium and longer term. "Overall, I expect that 2008 will be another year of steady progress for the Group, and will confirm that we have established a strong platform for future growth." - Derek Netherton, Chairman ENQUIRIES: Greggs plc Hudson Sandler Sir Michael Darrington, Managing Director Wendy Baker / Jessica Rouleau Richard Hutton, Financial Director Tel: 020 7796 4133 Raymond Reynolds, Retail Director Tel: 020 7796 4133 on Tuesday, 11 March only 0191 281 7721 thereafter High resolution images are available for the media to view and download from CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT This was a year of significant change for Greggs, as we re-shaped our way of working in line with the conclusions of the strategic review we completed in late 2006. Encouragingly, we have already achieved a much improved performance, setting new records for both operating profit and earnings per share. Even more importantly, we have made good progress in building the organisational structure we require to drive the future growth of the Greggs business as a more customer-focused operation with a unified national brand. Results Total Group sales for the 52 weeks ended 29 December 2007 increased by 6.4 per cent to £586 million (2006: £551 million). Like-for-like sales rose by 5.3 per cent, including core volume growth of 0.9 per cent. Operating profit, excluding property gains in 2007 and the costs of restructuring the Bakers Oven business in the North and Scotland in 2006, increased by 13.0 per cent to £47.7 million (2006: £42.2 million), a new record for the Group. Excluding these items the operating margin improved to 8.1 per cent (2006: 7.7 per cent). Net finance income was reduced by 17 per cent to £1.2 million (2006: £1.5 million) as we reduced our average cash balances through our continuing programme to return surplus cash to our shareholders through increased dividends and ongoing share buybacks. Pre-tax profit, excluding property gains in 2007 and the costs of restructuring the Bakers Oven business in the North and Scotland in 2006, increased by 11.9 per cent to £49.0 million (2006: £43.7 million). There was a one-off property profit in 2007 of £2.2 million, arising from the disposal of bakery sites in Newcastle upon Tyne, Glasgow and Manchester; while in 2006 we bore non-recurring restructuring costs, related to the closure of Bakers Oven in the North and Scotland, of £3.5 million. Including these items, pre-tax profit was £51.1 million (2006: £40.2 million), an increase of 27.1 per cent. The Group tax charge for the year benefited from one-off credits relating to the revaluation of deferred taxation at the new Corporation Tax rate of 28 per cent and the abolition of balancing charges in respect of previously recognised Industrial Buildings Allowances on the property disposals in the year. We anticipate that next year will see a further tax credit which is likely to result in a below-average rate of taxation. Beyond this we expect the Group's average rate of taxation to steadily rise over the following 3 years as Industrial Building Allowances are phased out and settle in the region of 31 per cent. Before the property gains and restructuring costs, diluted earnings per share grew by 22.3 per cent to 319.9 pence (2006: 261.6 pence). This represents a new record for the Group, the previous best being a figure of 278.9 pence in 2005. This reflects improved profitability, the benefits of our share buyback programme and the impact of changes to corporate taxation. Including the non-recurring items in each year, there was a 41.9 per cent increase in diluted earnings per share to 340.4 pence (2006: 239.9 pence). Dividend and share buyback programme In line with our previously stated intention to strengthen cash returns to shareholders the Board recommends a final dividend of 94 pence per share (2006: 78 pence), an increase of 20.5 per cent. Together with the interim dividend of 46 pence (2006: 38 pence), paid in October 2007, this makes a total for the year of 140 pence (2006: 116 pence), an increase of 20.7 per cent. This new record dividend for the Group makes 2007 our twenty-third consecutive year of dividend growth since Greggs came to the stock market in 1984. Subject to the approval of the Annual General Meeting, the final dividend will be paid on 23 May 2008 to shareholders on the register at 25 April 2008. In addition to delivering value to shareholders through increased dividends, the Company has continued to return surplus cash by making market purchases of its own shares for cancellation. During the year we spent a total of £25.7 million on the purchase of 526,472 shares at an average price of £48.41 per share. Since the beginning of the current financial year, we have purchased for cancellation a further 118,500 shares at an average price of £43.77 and an aggregate cost of £5.2 million. It is the Board's intention to renew its authority to buy back shares at the Annual General Meeting, and to continue to buy back shares when it considers it to be in the interests of shareholders to do so. Business highlights We made good sales progress throughout the year, with like-for-like sales growth of 4.6 per cent during the first half (24 weeks) improving to 5.8 per cent in the second half. We have already seen some initial benefits from our longer term drive to make the business more responsive to the needs of our customers, including an increase in the number of our shops trading on Sundays and the extension of our weekday opening hours in appropriate locations. We were also pleased with the initial results of our three-year, strategic, integrated marketing campaign, designed to build awareness of the Greggs brand. The shop opening programme accelerated during the second half, enabling us to exceed our initial target by adding a net 32 new shops during the year. At the centre, we have now put in place the Retail, Marketing and Supply Chain teams we need to drive Greggs forward as a unified, national brand, in line with the conclusions of our strategic business review. This change programme is intended to deliver a progressive acceleration of both top and bottom line growth, with profitability also expected to benefit from the implementation of best practice across the business. Mike Darrington discusses these developments in more detail in his report. The Board Mike Darrington is now 66 and has been managing director of Greggs for 24 very successful years. We have in place a process to determine his successor and we will make a further announcement in due course. Stephen Curran, our Senior Independent Director, will retire at the AGM in May. He joined the Board of Greggs in 1981 when it was still a private company with a turnover of £29 million and 236 shops. Throughout this period of major changes and considerable growth Stephen has been a source of invaluable help and advice, supportive but challenging, drawing on his experience with a wide range of businesses. Stephen has shown huge commitment to the Company over 27 years and I, and Ian Gregg before me, have greatly appreciated all that he has done. Bob Bennett will take on Stephen's role as Senior Independent Director after the AGM. Sir Ian Gibson, a Non-Executive Director since 2006, resigned from the Board with effect from 29 February 2008 to focus on his increasing commitments at Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC. I would like to record our appreciation of his wise advice and assistance through a period in which we completed a comprehensive business review and embarked on a process of significant change. I am pleased to report that Roger Whiteside (49) will join the Board as an additional Non-Executive Director with effect from 17 March 2008. Roger was Chief Executive of the Thresher Group off-licence chain from 2004-2007, prior to which he was a co-founder of Ocado, the innovative online grocer operating in partnership with Waitrose, and served as its Joint Managing Director from 2000-2004. He began his career at Marks & Spencer, where he spent 20 years, ultimately becoming head of its Food Business. I am sure that we will derive significant benefits from his very extensive experience of the food and retail industries. People All our people have continued to work effectively through a period of major change within the business, and I would like to express the thanks of the Board to every member of the team for their very positive approach, and for their individual contributions to our progress during 2007. Prospects Like every other business in our sector, we are continuing to face substantial pressure from rises in the cost of energy and in our key ingredients, including flour, vegetable oils and protein. We will work hard to mitigate the impact of cost increases through greater efficiency and, in recovering higher costs in the market place, shall take account of consumer confidence and the competitive environment. We remain determined to continue offering outstanding value to our customers. Against this background I am pleased to report a positive start to the current year, with like-for-like sales in the ten weeks to 8 March 2008 increasing by 6.2 per cent. Having laid firm foundations in 2007 for the growth of Greggs as a national brand, we will implement our plans to improve our products, shops and service during the current year. Progressive harmonisation of our offer, and the roll-out of best practice across the business, will help us both to drive sales growth and reduce costs in the medium and longer term. Overall, I expect that 2008 will be a year of steady progress for the Group, and will confirm that we have established a strong platform for future growth. Derek Netherton Chairman 11 March 2008 MANAGING DIRECTOR'S REPORT It is pleasing to report much improved results after the disappointing performance of 2006. This was not a 'quick fix', but the first phase of our three year plan designed to transform Greggs from a devolved and divisionalised business into a much more unified, centrally driven national operation, with a greatly enhanced capability to understand and meet the needs of its customers. We are encouraged by our progress to date, but there is much more potential for the future as we work to enhance our products and shops, spread best practice through the business and build awareness of our brand and all that it has to offer. Trading performance Although we continue to operate in an extremely competitive market place, trading conditions during the year proved more benign than in 2006. As a daily purchase business, we are sensitive to the effects of climatic extremes, and like-for-like sales growth slowed as a result of the exceptionally wet period in June, but benefited from very favourable conditions in August and September. Accordingly, over the year as a whole, we regard the weather impact on our business as broadly neutral. Like-for-like sales increased by 4.6 per cent in the first half (24 weeks) and the rate of growth improved to 5.8 per cent in the second half, despite the rather more demanding 2006 comparatives encountered in the final weeks of the year. As the Chairman has noted, this made an increase in Group like-for-like sales for the year of 5.3 per cent, including core volume growth of 0.9 per cent. Customer growth, as measured by the number of transactions, was a little over one per cent. We benefited from some of our initial actions to make the business more responsive to customer needs, including the opening of more of our shops on Sundays, and the extension of weekday opening hours in locations where we identified sufficient demand. Wage costs increased as the result of our general pay settlement of just under four per cent, and the recruitment of additional senior personnel at the centre to drive the development of the Greggs brand. Energy costs, after a £4.5 million increase in 2006, rose by a further £0.5 million. We experienced significant cost pressure on a number of key ingredients, including flour, dairy products and vegetable oils, particularly in the second half. We continue to enter into forward contracts for certain key inputs with the aim of achieving predictability in our cost base in the short term. Greggs brand UK Like-for-like sales under the Greggs brand increased by 5.5 per cent, including core volume growth of 0.9 per cent. Management. Following the appointment of Raymond Reynolds as Retail Director in December 2006, we have given priority during the year to building strong central teams to lead the growth and development of the Greggs brand in the areas of Retail, Marketing and the Supply Chain. These teams have been assembled both by external recruitment and the transfer of suitably qualified divisional management. The appropriate capability is now in place and gaining steadily in experience. Having created this new structure during 2007, we expect to deliver progressively increasing benefits from the implementation of a more unified approach in the current year and beyond. Customers. We are committed to constant improvement of our understanding of the million customers who visit Greggs each day, and to providing them with what they want, when they want it. We also seek to extend our appeal to new groups of consumers by increasing the variety of locations in which we trade, adapting our opening hours to meet their lifestyle needs, and developing our product range. Increased investment in research to aid understanding of our customers and the fast-moving market place in which we operate is a continuing feature of our new strategic approach. Products. We are determined to meet consumer demand for innovative and more aspirational products, while retaining our traditional strength in iconic bakery products such as sausage rolls and doughnuts, which deliver great taste and enjoyment at competitive prices. We have begun the process of harmonising products and practices across our divisions, aiming to identify the best recipes and working methods, for example in sandwich production in our shops, and to ensure that they are adopted nationwide. The implementation of unified training programmes across the business will bring even more consistency to our product offer throughout the country. Shops. We have continued to develop our range of outlets and their opening times, to ensure that they are appropriately geared to each meal occasion and to local demand for food on the go. Our new shop openings in 2007 included a number of units in non-traditional locations away from the high street, such as industrial estates. Developments of this type will be an increasing feature of our opening programme in 2008 and beyond. We have increased the number of our shops trading on Sundays by around 150, and extended weekday opening hours where local demand exists, for example to meet the early morning needs of office workers or to cater for customers of retail centres or leisure attractions seeking early evening food on the go. Early results from our experimental shop formats have provided us with some valuable learning which is being progressively applied across the business as a whole. We continue our rolling programme of capital investment to enhance the appeal of our shops through refits and refurbishments. During the first half, we also refreshed some 350 shops to soften the somewhat strident colours of our previous takeaway-orientated design, and to re-emphasise our key point of difference as bakers. This has helped to create a significantly more attractive shopping environment at a relatively modest cost per unit. Marketing. There has been a significant expansion of our central marketing department during the year, and we are applying greater resources and professional expertise to this area than ever before. During the year we undertook a £3 million integrated marketing campaign, which included two major bursts of national TV and radio advertising as well as the use of posters and the internet. The advertisements, fronted by TV comedian Paddy McGuinness, achieved good consumer recognition and we have been pleased by the initial response, though the real objective is to build awareness of the Greggs brand nationally over the longer term. We will continue this strategic marketing push over the next two years, emphasising the freshness, quality and sheer enjoyability of our products. Now that we have established the right management infrastructure at the centre, we are well placed to build up the momentum of our drive to ensure the adoption of best practice in all areas of the Greggs business. This will help us to improve efficiency by driving down costs, at the same time as facilitating development of our reputation as a consistent, high quality, national brand. Bakers Oven brand Our Baker's Oven business now operates from 164 shops in the Midlands and the South following the restructuring changes made in 2006. Like-for-like sales under the Bakers Oven brand grew by 4.3 per cent, including core volume growth of 1.2 per cent. Bakers Oven Midlands successfully absorbed an additional 15 shops transferred to it following the restructuring of the brand in the North and Scotland. The projected ongoing cost savings from this restructuring have been delivered in full, enhancing Group profits by £1.25 million. The Bakers Oven operations in the Midlands and South now have a stable and profitable estate, generating good returns on our investment. Greggs brand Continental Europe Our Belgian business now trades from a total of 11 shops in Antwerp, Leuven and Brussels, following the acquisition of a small chain of five shops in the Belgian capital early in the second half. All of the acquired shops have been re-branded as Greggs, and a rolling programme of comprehensive refurbishment is in hand to bring them all up to the standards of the rest of the chain. The business as a whole continues to make satisfactory progress, achieving good core sales growth and providing us with valuable learning about the market place. Retail profile We opened 56 new shops during the year and closed 24, giving us a net increase of 32 units and a total of 1,368 at 29 December 2007. The pace of new openings accelerated in the final months of the year, enabling us to exceed our initial estimate of a net addition of 20 - 25 units during 2007. The Greggs brand in the UK continued to account for some 87 per cent of our total retail portfolio, with 1,193 shops trading at the year end (2006: 1,165), an increase of 28. The Bakers Oven estate was relatively stable at 164 shops (2006: 165), while our small acquisition in Belgium expanded the Greggs chain there to 11 shops (2006: six), an addition of five. We completed 29 comprehensive shop refurbishments and 53 minor refits during the year. We expect to achieve a net addition of at least 40 shops to our portfolio during 2008, with significant numbers of new openings planned in both Scotland and the South West to exploit the new bakery capacity we have recently created in these regions. Capital investment Capital expenditure for the year totalled £42.3 million, exceeding our stated budget of £39 million, mainly as a result of the increased number of shop openings compared with our original projections. Our largest single investment was in our new Glasgow bakery, which was completed on time and to budget, and is meeting all our expectations; we also completed a smaller scale expansion of our production facility in South Wales. During 2008 we plan to invest a total of £44 million; this will include the development of a new bakery in Manchester, an increased number of new shop openings and the continuation of our drive to raise standards in our existing shops through refits and refurbishments. Cash flow and balance sheet The Group is consistently and strongly cash generative, providing the basis for our progressive dividend policy over the last 23 years and underpinning the Board's more recent strategic decision to reduce dividend cover and conduct a continuing share buyback programme. During the year we returned a total of £38.9 million to shareholders, comprising £13.2 million in dividend payments and a further £25.7 million through share buybacks. Despite these substantial outflows, we ended the year with net cash on the balance sheet of £11.6 million (2006: £19.6 million). Community and the environment Greggs continues to pride itself on being a socially responsible business, and I am pleased to be able to announce that we have now underlined that commitment by the appointment of a new Social Responsibility Director: Graham Randell, formerly managing director of Greggs North East. Reporting directly to me, Graham brings to his new role seniority and experience which will ensure that he can exercise real authority, and I look forward to working with him to ensure that our social and environmental strategies are better co-ordinated and driven forward, with the backing of the Board and all our colleagues. We have continued to support the communities in which we operate through both corporate donations to charity and the voluntary fund-raising efforts of our employees. In total the Company gave £730,000 to charities during the year (2006: £540,000), amounting to 1.4 per cent of our pre-tax profit. This was directed principally through the Greggs Trust and our Greggs Breakfast Clubs, which operate in 124 primary schools in disadvantaged areas across the country. In addition to this our staff raised an impressive £175,000 for the BBC Children in Need Appeal and a further £310,000 for children's cancer charities through our long-established programme of regional fun runs. We have continued our business-wide drive to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. This is an area where the financial interests of the business are perfectly aligned with the protection of the environment. We are also pursuing a wide range of initiatives designed to reduce our environmental impact by increasing recycling and reducing the amount of food waste going to landfill. People After coping with a difficult year in 2006, our people were faced with extensive changes in the way we run the business from early 2007. These naturally made a particularly strong impact in an organisation such as Greggs, which has enjoyed a high degree of stability over many years. I know how difficult it can be to maintain operational effectiveness and sustain morale through a period of major change, which inevitably creates unfamiliarity and uncertainty. It is therefore a real tribute to the quality and character of our people that the necessary changes to the way we work have all been made remarkably smoothly, and adopted in such a positive manner. I am grateful to every member of the team throughout the business for the exceptional way they have responded to these challenges. The future Our year of change in 2007 was merely the start of a longer term strategic programme designed to increase our responsiveness to our customers, and to build an even stronger and more unified national Greggs brand. We have now laid firm foundations which we believe will significantly enhance the longer term growth prospects of the Group. We continue to see significant potential for further retail expansion in the UK, and feel confident that we can increase the rate of shop openings in the coming years. We will make further progress towards our goals by ensuring that we remain true to our core values and focusing on the delivery of great products and excellent service. I am confident that we are on track to realise our vision of sustained, long term growth as Europe's finest retail baker. Sir Michael Darrington Managing Director 11 March 2008 Greggs plc Consolidated income statement for the 52 weeks ended 29 December 2007 (2006: 52 weeks ended 30 December 2006) 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Excluding Profits on Excluding Bakers Oven profits on disposal of Bakers Oven restructuring disposal of properties restructuring costs properties (Note 4) Total costs (Note 5) Total Revenue 586,303 - 586,303 550,849 - 550,849 Cost of sales (220,849) 2,193 (218,656) (209,455) (68) (209,523) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Gross profit 365,454 2,193 367,647 341,394 (68) 341,326 Distribution and selling costs (278,708) - (278,708) (262,917) (2,947) (265,864) Administrative expenses (39,030) - (39,030) (36,232) (483) (36,715) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Operating profit 47,716 2,193 49,909 42,245 (3,498) 38,747 Finance income 1,234 - 1,234 1,579 - 1,579 Finance expenses - - - (87) - (87) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Profit before tax 48,950 2,193 51,143 43,737 (3,498) 40,239 Income tax (14,792) - (14,792) (14,227) 1,049 (13,178) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Profit for the financial year attributable to equity holders of the parent 34,158 2,193 36,351 29,510 (2,449) 27,061 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== Basic earnings per share 342.8p 241.2p Diluted earnings per share 340.4p 239.9p Dividends 2007 2006 Interim dividend paid (pence per share) 46p 38p Final dividend proposed (pence per share) 94p 78p Greggs plc Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense for the 52 weeks ended 29 December 2007 (2006: 52 weeks ended 30 December 2006) 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 Actuarial gains on defined benefit pension plans 1,410 2,741 Tax on items taken directly to equity (456) (822) ________ ________ Net income recognised directly in equity 954 1,919 Profit for the financial year 36,351 27,061 ________ ________ Total recognised income and expense for the financial year attributable to equity holders of the parent 37,305 28,980 ======= ======= Greggs plc Consolidated balance sheet at 29 December 2007 (2006: 30 December 2006) 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 196,783 184,325 Current assets Inventories 9,908 8,429 Trade and other receivables 19,934 16,026 Cash and cash equivalents 11,581 19,585 Asset held for sale - 275 ________ ________ 41,423 44,315 ________ ________ Total assets 238,206 228,640 ________ ________ LIABILITIES Current liabilities Trade and other payables (68,183) (61,295) Current tax liabilities (9,008) (5,467) ________ ________ (77,191) (66,762) Non-current liabilities Defined benefit pension liability (680) (1,883) Other payables (426) (90) Deferred tax liability (14,315) (15,014) ________ ________ (15,421) (16,987) ________ ________ Total liabilities (92,612) (83,749) ________ ________ Net assets 145,594 144,891 ======= ======= EQUITY Capital and reserves Issued capital 2,127 2,232 Share premium account 13,533 13,533 Capital redemption reserve 312 207 Retained earnings 129,622 128,919 ________ ________ Total equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 145,594 144,891 ======= ======= Greggs plc Consolidated statement of cashflows for the 52 weeks ended 29 December 2007 (2006: 52 weeks ended 30 December 2006) 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 Operating activities Cash generated from operations (see below) 74,685 66,185 Income tax paid (12,585) (13,600) ________ ________ Net cash inflow from operating activities 62,100 52,585 ________ ________ Investing activities Acquisition of property, plant and equipment (42,343) (30,023) Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 7,625 1,599 Interest received 1,234 1,579 ________ ________ Net cash outflow from investing activities (33,484) (26,845) ________ ________ Financing activities Defined benefit pension scheme special contribution - (5,500) Interest paid - (74) Proceeds from issue of share capital - 93 Sale of own shares 1,952 1,809 Purchase of own shares - (16,436) Shares purchased and cancelled (25,688) (39,544) Dividends paid (13,242) (12,105) Government grants received 358 - ________ ________ Net cash outflow from financing activities (36,620) (71,757) ________ ________ Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (8,004) (46,017) Cash and cash equivalents at the start of the year 19,585 65,602 ________ ________ Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 11,581 19,585 ======= ======= Cash flow statement - cash generated from operations 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 Profit for the financial year 36,351 27,061 Depreciation 24,548 23,884 (Profit) / loss on sale of property, plant and equipment (1,951) 753 Release of government grants (16) (8) Share based payment expenses 555 687 Finance income (1,234) (1,579) Finance expenses - 87 Income tax expense 14,792 13,178 Increase in inventories (1,479) (716) Increase in debtors (3,908) (165) Increase in creditors 6,820 2,609 Increase in pension liability 207 394 ________ ________ Cash from operating activities 74,685 66,185 ======== ======== Greggs plc NOTES: 1. Status of financial information The financial information set out above does not constitute the company's statutory accounts for the years ended 29 December 2007 or 30 December 2006. The financial information for 2006 is derived from the statutory accounts for 2006 which have been delivered to the registrar of companies. The auditors have reported on the 2006 accounts; their report was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for 2007 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the registrar of companies in due course. 2. Dividends The following tables analyse dividends when paid and the year to which they relate: 2007 2006 Per share Per share pence pence 2005 final dividend - 70.0p 2006 interim dividend - 38.0p 2006 final dividend 78.0p - 2007 interim dividend 46.0p - ________ ________ 124.0p 108.0p ======== ======== The proposed final dividend in respect of 2007 amounts to 94.0 pence per share (£9,886,000). This proposed dividend is subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting and has not been included as a liability in these accounts. 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 2005 final dividend - 8,013 2006 interim dividend - 4,092 2006 final dividend 4,855 - 2007 interim dividend 8,387 - ________ ________ 13,242 12,105 ======= ======= 3. Reconciliation of movement in capital and reserves Issued Share Capital Retained 2007 2006 capital premium redemption earnings Total Total reserve £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Balance at 31 December 2006 2,232 13,533 207 128,919 144,891 181,475 Shares issued in the year - - - - - 93 Shares purchased and cancelled (105) - 105 (25,688) (25,688) (39,544) Total recognised income and expense - - - 37,305 37,305 28,980 Purchase of own shares - - - - - (16,436) Sale of own shares - - - 1,952 1,952 1,809 Share-based payments - - - 555 555 687 Dividends - - - (13,242) (13,242) (12,105) Tax items taken directly to reserves - - - (179) (179) (68) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Balance at 29 December 2007 2,127 13,533 312 129,622 145,594 144,891 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== 4. Earnings per share Basic earnings per share The calculation of basic earnings per share at 29 December 2007 was based on profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of £36,351,000 (2006: £27,061,000) and a weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year ended 29 December 2007 of 10,604,188 (2006: 11,220,493). Diluted earnings per share The calculation of diluted earnings per share at 29 December 2007 was based on profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of £36,351,000 (2006: £27,061,000) and a weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year ended 29 December 2007 of 10,679,147 (2006: 11,280,902). Adjusted earnings per share Basic and diluted earnings per share have been calculated for the year ended 29 December 2007 which exclude the profit on disposal of properties. These have been calculated by dividing profit attributable to ordinary shareholders excluding the profit on disposal of properties by the relevant weighted average number of ordinary shares as set out above. Basic and diluted earnings per share were calculated for the year ended 30 December 2006 which exclude the effect of the Bakers Oven restructuring costs. These were calculated by dividing profit attributable to ordinary shareholders excluding Bakers Oven restructuring costs by the relevant weighted average number of ordinary shares as set out above. Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 Total Total Excluding Profits on Excluding Bakers Oven profits on disposal of Bakers Oven restructuring disposal of properties restructuring costs properties (Note 5) Total costs (Note 6) Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Profit for the financial year attributable to equity holders of the parent 34,158 2,193 36,351 29,510 (2,449) 27,061 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== Basic earnings per share 322.1p 20.7p 342.8p 263.0p (21.8p) 241.2p Diluted earnings per share 319.9p 20.5p 340.4p 261.6p (21.7p) 239.9p This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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