Hazel Renewable Energy VCT1 plc
(the "Company")
Top-Up Offers for Subscription
18 September 2018
The Company announces that it has published a top-up offers for subscription document (the “Top-Up Offers Document”) in respect of two separate share offers to raise in aggregate up to £3.23 million, one relating to an offer for subscription for investors subscribing less than £100,000 (the “First Offer”) and one for investors subscribing £100,000 or more (the “Second Offer” and together the "Top-Up Offers"), for new Ordinary Shares and A Shares of 0.1p each (“New Shares”).
The Top-Up Offers open on 17 September 2018 and will close on 3 April 2019 or as soon as the Top-Up Offers are fully subscribed or such earlier time as the directors of the Company in their absolute discretion may decide.
Pursuant to an agreement (the “Offer Agreement”) between the Company and Gresham House Asset Management Limited, the Companies' investment adviser (the "Investment Adviser"), acting as promoter of the Top-Up Offers, will receive a fee of:
Out of the fee, the Investment Adviser will pay all costs of the Top-Up Offers, including any commissions relating to execution-only transactions (excluding trail commission) and also listing expenses.
A copy of the Top-Up Offers Document is available free of charge from the registered office of the Companies or from:
Gresham House Asset Management Limited
5 Cheapside
London EC2V 6AA
E: l.darbourne@greshamhouse.com
T: 020 3837 6270
A downloadable version of the Top-Up Offers Document is also available from:
A copy of the Top-Up Offers Document will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for viewing online at the following website address:
If investors have any questions regarding this investment they should contact their financial adviser. For questions relating to an application, please contact Lizzie Darbourne at Gresham House (details above).