First Day of Dealings

Epicure Qatar Equity Opportunities 31 July 2007 Epicure Qatar Equity Opportunities plc 31 July 2007 NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CANADA, THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA OR JAPAN Epicure Qatar Equity Opportunities plc: First Day of Dealings on AIM Epicure Qatar Equity Opportunities plc (the 'Company') is pleased to announce its admission to trading today on AIM and a Placing of Ordinary Shares raising gross proceeds of US$171,355,000. The Company's share capital comprises 171,355,000 Ordinary Shares (ticker: EQEO) issued at US$1.00 and in addition, 34,271,000 Warrants have been issued on a 1 for 5 basis (ticker: EQEW). The Company is a recently incorporated, Isle of Man registered, closed ended investment company focused on investing primarily in quoted Qatari equities. The Company's investment objective is to capture, principally through the medium of Qatar's Stock Exchange, the Doha Securities Market ('DSM'), the opportunities for growth offered by the expanding Qatari economy by investing in listed companies or companies soon to be listed. The projected tripling of Qatar's liquefied natural gas ('LNG') exports over the period 2006 to 2012 is expected to underpin strong GDP growth and should continue to drive quoted corporate revenues and profits. The Company may also invest in listed companies, or companies soon to be listed, in other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries, up to a maximum of 15 per cent. of its overall investments. In the absence of unforeseen circumstances, the Investment Manager and Investment Adviser currently anticipate that the net proceeds of the placing should be fully invested within three to four months of admission. Panmure Gordon acted as nominated adviser, broker and placing agent and Helvetica (Isle of Man) Company Limited acted as distribution adviser. Qatar Insurance Company S.A.Q. (QIC) is acting as Investment Adviser to the Company and the Investment Manager and will be responsible for managing and advising the Company as to the management and investment and reinvestment of the assets. QIC's investment department manages the investment and treasury function for the insurer and has a 21 year track record, generating a 17.5 per cent. IRR on its investment portfolio over this time. Leonard O'Brien, a non-executive director of the Company, commented: 'The Doha Securities Market is expected to be a major beneficiary of the anticipated Qatari economic growth, which is being driven by a projected tripling in the country's LNG exports over the next 5 years. We believe the Company, advised by the, Doha-based team at QIC with considerable experience in the local market, is well placed to take advantage of the country's positive outlook. We are delighted with the level of support that we have received from investors and to be, what we believe to be, the first company listed on AIM to provide access to Qatar's booming economy.' For further information, please contact: Epicure Qatar Equity Opportunities plc +41 (22) 908 1190 Leonard O'Brien Panmure Gordon 020 7459 3600 Richard Gray Andrew Potts Ashton Clanfield M:Communications 020 7153 1269 Tim Draper Marylene Guernier Defined terms have the meaning set out in the Admission Document dated 25 July 2007. Panmure Gordon (Broking) Limited (acting as Nominated Adviser, Broker and Placing Agent) are advising Epicure Qatar Equity Opportunities plc and no-one else in relation to the placing of ordinary shares in the capital of the Company (the 'Placing') and the application for admission ('Admission') of the entire issued and to be issued share capital of the Company to trading on AIM and will not be responsible to anyone other than Epicure Qatar Equity Opportunities plc for providing the protections afforded to customers of Panmure Gordon (Broking) Limited for providing advice in relation to the Admission. This announcement does not constitute or form any part of an offer or invitation to sell or issue, or any solicitation of an offer to purchase or subscribe for, any shares in Epicure Qatar Equity Opportunities plc, nor shall it or any part of it or the fact of its distribution form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract thereof. The contents of this announcement have not been approved by an authorised person and recipients of this announcement who intend to purchase or subscribe for shares in Epicure Qatar Equity Opportunities plc following its publication of an admission document in final form are reminded that any such purchase or subscription may only be made on the basis of the information contained in such document which may be different from the information contained in this announcement. Accordingly, no reliance may be placed for any purpose whatsoever on the information contained in this announcement or on its completeness. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by Epicure Qatar Equity Opportunities plc, its directors, Panmure Gordon, Epicure Managers Qatar Limited, Helvetica (Isle of Man) Company Limited, Qatar Insurance Company S.A.Q. or any other professional adviser as to the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained in this announcement and no liability is accepted for the same. This announcement does not constitute an offer to sell or issue, or the solicitation of an offer to buy or subscribe for ordinary shares in the Company in any jurisdiction to whom or in which such offer or solicitation is unlawful and, in particular, is not for release, publication or distribution in or into the United States, Canada, the Republic of South Africa or Japan or (including their territories, possessions and all areas or territories subject to their jurisdiction) or to any national, resident or citizen of the United States of America, Canada, the Republic of South Africa or Japan or to any corporation, partnership or other entity created or organised under the laws thereof, or to any persons in any other country outside the United Kingdom where such release, publication or distribution may lead to a breach of any legal or regulatory requirement. This announcement does not constitute a recommendation concerning the Placing. The value of shares can go down as well as up. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Potential investors should consult a professional adviser as to the suitability of the Placing for the investor concerned. This document is not an offer of securities for sale in the United States of America, its territories or possessions (the 'United States'). The shares to be offered in the Placing have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the 'Securities Act'), and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to any 'US person' (as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act) except pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements thereof. Certain information contained in this announcement includes forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. These statements are based on current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements, including the risks to be described in the admission document. The Company does not undertake, nor does it have any obligation, to provide updates or to revise any forward-looking statements except as may be required by applicable law and regulation (including the AIM Rules). ................................................................................ The Company Epicure Qatar Equity Opportunities plc is a newly incorporated Isle of Man company established to capture, principally through the medium of the Doha Securities Market, the opportunities for growth offered by the rapidly expanding Qatari economy by investing in listed companies or companies soon to be listed. Its share capital is denominated in US Dollars and consists of a single class of Ordinary Shares, with Warrants attached on the basis of one Warrant for every five Ordinary Shares. Each Warrant entitles the holder to subscribe for one Ordinary Share at a price of US$1.25 each, and is exercisable on 31 October in any of the years 2008 to 2012 (both inclusive). In the absence of unforeseen circumstances, the Investment Manager and Investment Adviser currently anticipate that such net proceeds should be fully invested within 3 to 4 months of Admission. Investment Manager Epicure Managers Qatar Limited, a recently incorporated British Virgin Islands company, has been appointed by the Company as investment manager and will be responsible for the management of the Company's assets and in particular, for retaining the services of the Investment Adviser. Epicure Managers Qatar Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Unicos Partners LLP, which is incorporated in Singapore. Investment Adviser Qatar Insurance Company S.A.Q. ('QIC'), a public shareholding company incorporated in Qatar, has been engaged by the Investment Manager and the Company to act as investment adviser. The Investment Adviser will be responsible for managing and advising the Company as to the management and investment and reinvestment of the assets of the Company and to monitor the performance and operation of, subject always to the overall policies, direction and control of the Board and the Investment Manager, the investment policy and restrictions. QIC, which was established in 1964, is one of the oldest property and casualty insurers in the region. QIC was the first domestic insurance company in Qatar and currently holds a 50 per cent. market share. It has an 'A' rating from Standard & Poors and operates in several countries across the GCC Region. It is listed on the Doha Securities Market with a market capitalisation of QR4.3 billion (US$1.2 billion). QIC's investment department directly manages an investment (including cash) portfolio of US$982 million out of which a total of US$341 million is invested in the local Qatari equity markets. The Investment Adviser has agreed to invest US$25 million in the Company as part of the Placing, which will align the interests of the Investment Adviser with those of Shareholders. QIC's investment department, which is headed by Sunil Talwar who has been with QIC during this 21 year period, is staffed by a team of nine professionals including a dedicated back office team of four. Investment Guidelines No single investment position will exceed 15 per cent. of the Net Asset Value of the Company. No holding will exceed 5 per cent. of the outstanding shares in any one company. The Company may hold up to a maximum of 15 per cent. of its Net Asset Value outside Qatar, within the GCC region, if these markets offer more liquid opportunities and/or to capture Qatari themes. It is expected that the GCC markets which are most likely to offer such investment opportunities are the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Oman. Investment Philosophy and Approach The Company will initially apply a top-down screening process to identify those sectors which should most benefit from sectoral growth trends. Fundamental industry and company analysis, rather than benchmarking, will form the basis of both stock selection and portfolio construction. In the normal course of events, the Investment Adviser expects the Company to be fully-invested, although the Company may, however, hold cash reserves pending new IPOs. It is expected that the Company will hold positions for the long-term and thus have limited turnover. Investment Pipeline The Investment Manager has, on behalf of the Company, entered into a number of informal discussions with third parties (which may include Shareholders) with a view to identifying available blocks of stock to potentially purchase. The combination of liquidity from these proposed transactions, together with stock market turnover, should, in the absence of unforeseen circumstances, enable the Company to be fully invested within 3 to 4 months of Admission. Board of Directors The Company has been established with a board of four, all of whom are non-executive and all of whom, except for Leonard O'Brien are independent of the Company's service providers. A majority of the Directors are resident outside the United Kingdom:- David von Simson (aged 56, Non-Executive Chairman) David von Simson is a co-founder of Europa Partners Limited, a London-based investment bank and was formerly a managing director of Warburg Dillon Read (now UBS). He was successively chief executive, then chairman, of SBC Warburg France, which was a leading foreign-owned investment banking, stock broking and fund-management group in France. Before joining Warburg Dillon Read in 1995 (when Swiss Bank Corporation acquired S.G. Warburg), he was co-head of corporate finance at Swiss Bank Corporation in London. Prior to joining Swiss Bank Corporation in 1985, he was an executive director of Hill Samuel & Co. Limited. He has also served as a non-executive director of companies, including Gardner Merchant Services Group plc, a leading food services provider in the UK. He was founding chairman of InTechnology plc, which was admitted to trading on AIM in 2000. He also serves as non-executive chairman of the AIM quoted Prospect Epicure J-REIT Value Fund plc and of PME African Infrastructure Opportunities plc. David has an honours degree in Law from Oxford University. Paul Martin Macdonald (aged 54, Non-Executive Director) Paul Macdonald qualified as a chartered accountant in 1979. He worked for Pilkington plc for 16 years, the last 7 of these in Germany. In Germany he was managing director for Pilkington Deutschland GmbH (holding company) and managing director of both Flachglas AD (glass manufacturer) and Dahlbusch AD (property and holding company). For the last 8 years Paul has been active in the private equity market and has been successful in developing a number of companies covering a number of industries including Sirona Beteiligungs GmbH (Germany), a leveraged buy-out from Siemens. Paul is a non-executive director of Prospect Epicure J-REIT Value Fund plc. Leonard Joseph O'Brien (aged 39, Non-Executive Director) Leonard O'Brien is joint managing director and 50 per cent. shareholder of Silex Financial Services Group which consists of Silex Holdings Limited and its two wholly owned subsidiaries, Silex Management Limited and Silex Trust Company Limited. Len is also a non-executive director of Speymill Deutsche Immobilien Company plc, an AIM-listed German property investment company and Prospect Epicure J-REIT Value Fund plc. He previously worked with Stonehage Financial Services Group (incorporating the Chesterfield Group), and served as a director on the boards of Regal Trustees Limited (Jersey) and Aegis Trust Company Limited (Cayman) and has acted as a Membre de Direction of Barclays Bank (Suisse) SA, Geneva. Len is a qualified chartered accountant. Nicholas Vernon Wilson (aged 62, Non-Executive Director) Nick Wilson has over 30 years experience in hedge funds, derivatives and global asset management. He has established and run offshore branch operations for MeesPierson Derivatives Limited, ADM Investor Services International Limited and several other London based brokerage companies. He is non-executive chairman of Alternative Investment Strategies Limited, the longest running London quoted fund of hedge funds and a constituent of the FTSE All Share Index. In addition, he sits on the boards of a number of other public companies, including RAB Special Situations Company Limited. He is resident in the Isle of Man. Fees and Expenses In consideration for the Investment Manager performing asset and portfolio management services, the Investment Manager will be paid a management fee of 1.25 per cent. per annum of the Net Asset Value of the Company, payable quarterly in arrears. Performance fee The Investment Manager is also entitled to a performance fee in the event that (i) the year end Adjusted Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share is greater than the High Watermark and (ii) the year end Adjusted Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share exceeds the Target Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share during the relevant Performance Period. In the event of a liquidation of the Company, the calculation of the performance fee (if any) will be based on the Company's Adjusted Net Asset Value on the final day of trading of the Ordinary Shares on AIM. The performance fee will amount to 20 per cent. of the increase in the year end Adjusted Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share above the Target Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share multiplied by the time weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the relevant Performance Period. Distribution Policy The Company's objective is to achieve capital growth. It is therefore anticipated that substantially all realised capital gains derived from the Company's investment portfolio will be re-invested. Income received from the Company's investment portfolio may be distributed to Shareholders, dependent on the Company's results, financial position profits available for distribution and other factors regarded by the Directors as relevant at the time. Borrowings The Company will have the capacity to borrow but the Company will not normally borrow for the purpose of making investments, except on a short-term basis and where the investment opportunity is considered to be compelling. Borrowings will in any event be limited, as at the date on which the borrowings are incurred, to 5 per cent. of Net Asset Value. Hedging The Company does not intend to make use of any hedging mechanisms or derivative instruments. Valuation Policy The Company intends to publish its Net Asset Value in US Dollars on a weekly basis on a regulatory information service approved by the FSA. Life of the Company The Company currently does not have a fixed life but the Board considers it desirable that Shareholders should have the opportunity to review the future of the Company at appropriate intervals. Accordingly, at the annual general meeting of the Company in 2012 it is intended that an ordinary resolution will be proposed that the Company ceases to continue as presently constituted. If the resolution is not passed, a similar resolution will be proposed at every third annual general meeting thereafter. If the resolution is passed, the Directors will be required to formulate proposals to be put to Shareholders to reorganise, unitise or reconstruct the Company or for the Company to be wound up. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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