Interim Results

Gartmore Monthly Income Tst PLC 22 November 2001 STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT GARTMORE MONTHLY INCOME TRUST PLC Announcement of Interim Results for the six months to 31st October 2001 The Directors announce the Group's unaudited results for the six months to 31st October 2001 as follows:- Features - Total Return on Total Assets, before interest payments, of minus 16.8% for the six months to 31st October 2001, compared with a total return of minus 22.1% on the benchmark index - Total Return on the Equity Portfolio of minus 13.1% for the six months to 31st October 2001, compared with a total return of minus 14.8% on the FTSE All-Share Index - Total Return on the Income Share Portfolio of minus 29.9% for the six months to 31st October 2001, compared with a total return of minus 30.9% on the HSBC Income Share Index - Revenue return per Ordinary share of 5.9p and total equity dividends paid for the period of 6.0p per share - Zero Dividend Preference shares covered 0.7 times for repayment on 30th April 2007 at 172.66p - Zero Dividend Preference shares covered 1.2 times for repayment on 30th April 2002 at 109.37p Chairman's Statement Following the reconstruction in February 2001, the Company now has two share classes in issue - Ordinary shares with an indefinite life and Zero Dividend Preference shares issued by a new subsidiary, GMIT Securities PLC. The zeros are repayable in April 2007 or, at the option of the holders, in April 2002. The Company also has bank borrowings of £72.5 million. The Company's objectives are to provide holders of the Ordinary shares with a high and increasing level of monthly dividend income and capital growth, whilst maintaining a satisfactory level of cover on the Zero Dividend Preference shares. To meet these objectives, the Company's assets are invested in an Equity Portfolio comprising principally large capitalisation UK companies and an Income Share Portfolio comprising geared ordinary shares. Holders of the Zeros will be aware that there will be an opportunity to redeem for cash at 109.37p in April 2002. As stated in the Prospectus dated 18th January 2001, if a significant proportion of the Zeros are repaid in April 2002 and the gearing provided by such shares cannot be replaced on acceptable terms, the ability of the Company to achieve its investment objectives would be affected. In such circumstances the Directors may consider recommending a change in investment policy and/or the proportions in which the Company's finance costs and management expenses are allocated between the capital account and the revenue account. The level of dividends payable in the future is also dependent on the Company's capital structure, specifically the borrowings remaining in place and the continued gearing being provided to the Group in the form of Zeros. Performance During the six months under review, the Company's assets produced a total return, before interest payments, of minus 16.8%. This compares with a total return of minus 22.1% for the Company's composite benchmark, being 55% of the total return on the FTSE All-Share Index and 45% of the total return on the HSBC Income Share Index. In relative terms, the Company has benefited from holding a higher proportion of its portfolio in equities as opposed to income shares, which fell sharply over the period. The Equity Portfolio produced a total return of minus 13.1% in comparison with a return of minus 14.8% for the FTSE All-Share Index. The Equity Portfolio has been focused on some of the more defensive higher-yielding sectors of the UK equity market, such as utilities and tobacco, which have performed well given their relative earnings stability. In addition, a significant overweight position in construction stocks was a positive factor, as the strength of the UK housing market and interest rate reductions triggered sustained earnings upgrades and consequently strong performance from this sector. Moreover, the portfolio held relatively low exposure to the telecoms, media and technology sectors, which were the worst performing areas of the UK equity market over the period. The Income Share Portfolio produced a total return of minus 29.9% in comparison with a return of minus 30.9% for the HSBC Income Share Index. Since the adoption of the current investment objectives on 15th February 2001, the Income Share Portfolio has returned minus 35.5% in comparison with a return of minus 39.1% for the HSBC Income Share Index. The Income Share Portfolio has focused on shares issued by well managed split capital trusts, with limited exposure to those funds which have been worst affected by difficult market conditions and high levels of gearing. Nevertheless, the disappointing absolute returns reflect the weak performance of the income shares of split capital trusts in general. Due to their gearing, these shares tend to perform poorly when equity markets are falling. Moreover, a number of split capital investment trusts have reduced or suspended dividend payments and are being reconstructed in order to raise fresh capital, which has further undermined investor sentiment towards the sector. At 31st October 2001, capital cover in respect of those Zero Dividend Preference shares being redeemed in April 2002 was 1.2 times their repayment value of 109.37p. During the six months under review, the mid-market share price of the GMIT Securities zeros fell by 10.4% to 92.75p, an 11% discount to their net asset value. This reflects the sharp fall in the UK equity market and erosion in asset cover, which has depressed zero share prices throughout the sector. The mid-market price of the Ordinary shares fell by 24.3% during the period to 68.5p at 31st October 2001. The net asset value of the Ordinary shares, after allowing for the entitlement of the Zero Dividend Preference shares, fell by 69.0% to 25.27p. The steep fall in the net asset value of the Ordinary shares reflects the gearing effect of the bank loan and the Zero Dividend Preference shares in a falling market. Conversely, the high income yield on the Ordinary shares has supported the share price in difficult market conditions during the period. Revenue A sixth monthly dividend of 1.0p per Ordinary share has been declared, payable on 12th December 2001, to shareholders on the register on 30th November 2001. Dividends totalling 6.0p per Ordinary share have been declared for the six months to 31st October 2001. In line with the prospectus and in the absence of unforeseen circumstances, the Directors expect dividends totalling 12.5p per Ordinary share, comprising seven monthly dividends of 1p and five monthly dividends of 1.1p, will be paid for the current year to 30th April 2002. Future Prospects Since the end of the period, there have been further interest rate reductions in the US, Europe and the UK, where base rates of 4% mark the lowest level since 1964. Whilst the global economic background remains unfavourable for equities, the significant reductions in interest rates should prompt a recovery in economic activity during 2002. Looking forward, this should provide a more positive backdrop for the UK equity market, and be of benefit to the valuation of many of the securities in which the Company invests and consequently the asset value of the Company's Equity and Income Share Portfolios. Managers' Review Economic Background The period just ended proved extremely challenging for investors in the UK equity market. Growing pessimism over the state of the global economy and a marked deterioration in the earnings background were the principal factors behind equity market weakness. Prior to September's terrorist attacks on the US, the risk of recession in the US appeared to be growing and following the attacks, the consensus moved rapidly to the view that a US recession was all but inevitable, as confidence amongst US consumers is likely to be seriously undermined. The principal feature of the UK equity market over the period was the sustained weakness of the technology, telecoms, and media sectors against a background of a slowdown in US economic growth and a spate of profit warnings from leading companies in the US and the UK. In contrast, the more defensive areas such as tobacco, beverages and food producers, performed strongly as investors became more pessimistic on the global economic outlook. The Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee opted to lower base rates from 5.5% in May to 4.5% by the end of October. These reductions were largely a pre-emptive series of measures against the impact of the US slowdown, as the UK economy has remained relatively robust. The preliminary third quarter GDP figures showed the economy expanding at 2.2% on an annualised basis, broadly in line with the long-term trend. Data releases throughout the period reflected the increasingly 'two-speed' nature of the UK economy, highlighting the contrast between a strong consumer and a beleaguered manufacturing sector. Equity Portfolio Against a deteriorating global economic background, we continued to focus on those companies with the strongest franchises, superior management and the greatest scope to provide earnings growth ahead of expectations. We continue to believe that these characteristics form a powerful defence against any cyclical economic downturn. Accordingly, we added to a number of defensive holdings including drinks group Diageo and tobacco company Gallaher. Prospects for the latter company have been improved by the recent purchase of Austria Tabak, which provides significant scale in manufacturing and greater geographic breadth. In the utilities sectors, we purchased water company Severn Trent, which is expanding through acquisition in businesses such as waste management. Other more defensive acquisitions included diversified business services group Rentokil. The company operates a range of services from security to hygiene. It has strong cash flow and organic growth is set to rise further, an attractive combination given the current uncertain economic environment. We also purchased beverages group Scottish & Newcastle. Within the financial sectors, we purchased Halifax, prior to the merger with Bank of Scotland to form HBOS, which provides scope for cost-savings and enhanced shareholder value. We took profits on a number of holdings in the general retailing sector, including GUS, Next and Selfridges, which had benefited from the strength of the UK consumer sector. We reduced the portfolio's exposure to the media sector as the deteriorating background in the advertising industry has impacted on earnings growth prospects. We sold the holdings in Capital Radio, Carlton Communications, EMI, and WPP. We also sold a number of holdings in the technology sectors, disposing of Informa, Misys, and Staffware. Recent months have highlighted the ongoing vulnerability of the IT sectors to earnings downgrades, and with industry overcapacity and falling demand earnings prospects for these companies are unlikely to improve in the foreseeable future. Towards the end of the review period, we switched out of ordinary share holdings in building materials group AMEC and travel company Airtours into convertible issues, maintaining exposure to these stocks whilst boosting the income stream. We began to add selectively to more cyclical stocks, which had fallen back sharply after the terrorist attacks on the US in September, purchasing holdings in auto components group GKN and transport operator Go-Ahead. Income Share Portfolio The investment process for the Income Share Portfolio has focused on establishing a diversified range of income shares issued by split-capital investment trusts. The aim has been to identify those income shares that not only offer the prospect of a high and growing income, but also the best scope for capital growth. In particular, we have favoured split-capital investment trusts with a relatively conservative capital structure but still offering an attractive yield providing good long-term investment opportunities, run by established fund managers with a proven track record. A number of these funds, such as Investors Capital and Jupiter Dividend and Growth focus on UK equities, with a bias towards higher yielding blue-chip stocks which have performed relatively well over the period under review. Although the Income Share Portfolio has not been immune from the problems that have beset the split-capital investment trust sector, we have held limited exposure to those trusts which have been worst affected. Only 10% of the Income Share Portfolio is invested in split capital trusts with a 'fund of funds' structure - defined as those with more than 50% of their own portfolios in other split capital trusts, given their highly geared capital structure and exposure to the knock-on effect of cross holdings. Outlook Political uncertainty and the deteriorating global economic background cloud the outlook for the UK equity market. In the short term, the market is likely to remain vulnerable to further profit downgrades and disappointing earnings announcements. Over the coming months, we are likely to see further interest rate reductions in the US, UK and in Europe. Moreover, the UK government is committed to significantly increasing public expenditure in real terms, which should help to underpin the domestic economy. We anticipate that investors will begin to look beyond the immediate earnings environment and factor in a recovery in the profits cycle, as significant monetary loosening and expansionary fiscal policy is expected to boost economic activity in 2002. Group Total Return Six months to 31st October 2001 Revenue Capital Total Return £'000 £'000. £'000 Income and Gains Dividends and other income 8,237 - 8,237 Net loss on investments - (54,373) (54,373) ------------ ------------ ------------ Return before expenses, interest and taxation 8,237 (54,373) (46,136) Expenses Management fees (294) (294) (588) Other expenses (132) (743) (875) ------------ ------------ ------------ Return before interest and taxation 7,811 (55,410) (47,599) Interest payable Bank loan interest (1,331) (1,331) (2,662) ------------ ------------ ------------ Return to Shareholders 6,480 (56,741) (50,261) Appropriated to minority interests GMIT Securities Zero: Repayment premium reserve - (4,908) (4,908) ------------ ------------ ------------ Return on ordinary activities to Equity Shareholders 6,480 (61,649) (55,169) Appropriated to Equity Shareholders Dividends: On the Ordinary shares - 6.0p (6,592) - (6,592) ------------ ------------ ------------ Transferred to/(from) Reserves: Ordinary shares (112) (61,649) (61,761) ------------ ------------ ------------ Total Return per Ordinary share 5.9p (56.1)p (50.2)p Note Management fees and financing costs are allocated 50% to revenue and 50% to capital. Group Total Return (comparative) Six months to 31st October 2000 Revenue Capital Total Return £'000 £'000 £'000 Income and Gains Dividends and other income 4,885 - 4,885 Net loss on investments - 5,657 5,657 ------------ ------------ ------------ Return before expenses, interest and taxation 4,885 5,657 10,542 Expenses Management fees (259) (259) (518) Other expenses (67) (67) (134) ------------ ------------ ------------ Return before interest and taxation 4,559 5,331 9,890 Interest payable Bank loan interest (1,228) (1,228) (2,456) ------------ ------------ ------------ Return to Shareholders 3,331 4,103 7,434 Appropriated to Non-Equity Shareholders Repayment premium reserves: Zero Dividend Preference shares - (4,362) (4,362) ------------ ------------ ------------ Return on ordinary activities to Equity Shareholders 3,331 (259) 3,072 Appropriated to Equity Shareholders Dividends: On the Geared Ordinary Income shares - 5.4p (3,584) - (3,584) ------------ ------------ ------------ Transferred to/(from) Reserves: Geared Ordinary Income shares (253) (259) (512) ------------ ------------ ------------ Total Return per share Geared Ordinary Income shares 5.0p (0.4)p 4.6p Note Expenses and financing costs are allocated 50% to revenue and 50% to capital. Group Balance Sheet At At 31st October 30th April 2001 2001 £'000 £'000 Fixed Assets Investments at valuation: Listed investments 203,199 256,311 Current Assets Debtors 2,769 7,529 Short-term deposits 7,630 7,926 Cash at bank 73 77 ------------ ------------ 10,472 15,532 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (4,708) (5,877) ------------ ------------ Net Current Assets 5,764 9,655 ------------ ------------ Total Assets, less Current Liabilities 208,963 265,966 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (72,056) (72,016) ------------ ------------ Net Assets 136,907 193,950 ------------ ------------ Capital and Reserves Called-up share capital 1,098 1,098 Other reserves: Special reserve 159,993 159,993 Capital reserve - realised (81,349) (65,728) Capital reserve - unrealised (52,726) (6,508) Revenue reserve 737 849 Equity Shareholders' Funds: ------------ ------------ Ordinary shares 27,753 89,704 Minority interests: GMIT Securities Zero 109,154 104,246 ------------ ------------ Capital Employed 136,907 193,950 ------------ ------------ Net Asset Value per share: GMIT Securities Zero 104.5p 99.8p Ordinary shares 25.3p 81.7p Group Cash Flow Six months to Six months to 31st October 31st October 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Revenue Activities Dividends and other income received 8,809 6,799 Expenses paid, allocated to revenue (338) (363) ------------ ------------ 8,471 6,436 ------------ ------------ Servicing of Finance Interest paid, allocated to revenue (1,382) (1,228) ------------ ------------ Taxation Income tax recovered - 153 ------------ ------------ Investment Activities Acquisitions of investments (77,386) (86,763) Disposals of investments 77,887 85,190 Expenses and interest paid, allocated to capital (1,559) (1,591) ------------ ------------ (1,058) (3,164) ------------ ------------ Equity Dividends paid Ordinary shares (6,371) (3,535) ------------ ------------ Net Cash Outflow (340) (1,338) ------------ ------------ Reconciliation of Net Cash Outflow To Movement in Net Debt Balance brought forward (64,013) (49,309) Net cash outflow (340) (1,338) ------------ ------------ Balance at 31st October (64,353) (50,647) ------------ ------------ Comprising: Fixed loan (72,056) (52,000) Short-term deposits 7,630 - Bank balances 73 1,353 ------------ ------------ (64,353) (50,647) ------------ ------------ Notes to the Accounts The accounts comprise the unaudited results of the Group, for the six months to 31st October 2001, and do not constitute statutory accounts under the Companies Act 1985. Full statutory accounts for the year to 30th April 2002 included an unqualified audit report and were filed with the Registrar of Companies on 16th August 2001. There have been no changes in accounting policies since 30th April 2001. Management fees and loan interest payable are allocated 50% to revenue and 50% to capital. Total return per Ordinary share has been calculated on the negative return to equity shareholders of £55,169,000 (positive return of £3,072,000) and 109,842,768 Ordinary shares (66,386,876 Geared Ordinary Income shares) in issue throughout the period. Listed investments are all listed in the UK. Interest payable on the £72,500,000 bank loan has been fixed at 7.17% per annum through to the repayment date of 30th April 2007. Net Asset Values per share have been calculated on attributable assets and shares in issue at the period end as follows: At At 31st October 30th April 2001 2001 £'000 £'000 109,842,768 Ordinary shares 109,154 104,246 104,423,106 GMIT Securities Zeros 27,753 89,704 ------------ ------------ 136,907 193,950 ------------ ------------ Sixth Monthly Dividend It was resolved to declare the sixth monthly dividend of 1.0p per Ordinary share in respect of the year ending 30th April 2002, payable on 12th December 2001 to Shareholders on the Register on 30th November 2001. The shares will be marked ex-dividend on 28th November 2001. Interim Report The Interim Report for the six months to 31st October 2001 will be posted to shareholders shortly. Copies will be available from the Registered Office of the Company: Gartmore House, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4PH. Gartmore Monthly Income Trust PLC Gartmore Investment Limited - Secretaries 22nd November 2001
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