Preliminary Results

Immediate Release 22 April 2008     Gulfsands Petroleum plc Preliminary Results for Year Ended 31 December 2007   Summary * Strong overall performance in 2007   * Profit for the year, gross profit, profit before taxation, revenue, fixed assets, net assets and shareholders' funds all up from year-end 2006   * Significant reserves added through Khurbet East, Syria Discovery   London, 22nd April, 2007:  Gulfsands Petroleum plc (AIM: GPX) ("Gulfsands", "the Group" or "the Company"), the oil and gas production, exploration and development company with activities in Syria, Iraq and the USA announces its preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2007.   HIGHLIGHTS   * Profit for the year (after tax) of the Group increased by 28% to $2.7 million (2006: $2.1 million);   * Gross profit of the Group increased by 15% to $15.4 million (2006: $13.4 million);   * Profit before taxation of the Group increased by 16% to $5.2 million (2006: $4.5 million);   * Revenue of the Group increased by 10% to $37.3 million (2006: $33.9 million);   * Net assets and shareholders' funds of the Group increased by 37% to $100.7 million (2006: $73.3 million);   * Fixed assets of the Group increased by 23% to $75.5 million (2006: $61.3 million);   * The Group drilled an oil and gas discovery well at Khurbet East in Syria and two successful appraisal wells with the Khurbet East 3 appraisal well drill-stem tested at an average stabilized rate of 3,420 barrels of oil per day;   * The first reserves study at Khurbet East was carried out in the Cretaceous Massive Reservoir as of 1 January 2008.  This study indicated gross life-of-field Proved and Probable Reserves of 66 million barrels of oil ("MMBO") and Proved, Probable and Possible Reserves of 143 MMBO.  Gulfsands net attributable Proved and Probable Reserves were estimated at 11.3 MMBO after royalties, taxes and government share; and   * Proved and Probable Reserves in the USA Gulf of Mexico and onshore Gulf Coast were 40.7 billion cubic feet of natural gas equivalents (BCFGE), or 6.8 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE), as of 31 December 2007 (44.6 BCFGE or 7.4 MMBOE at 31 December 2006). The net present value of the Proved and Probable Reserves at 31 December 2007 (discounted at 10%) increased to $226 million (2006: $197 million).           Gulfsands' Chairman, Andrew West, said:   "The Company has made significant progress on a number of fronts during 2007, the most exciting being the discovery of the Khurbet East Field in Syria. We look forward to sustaining the achievement in 2008 as production from Khurbet East comes on stream later in the year."    Certain statements included herein constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. These forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions by Gulfsands and as such are not a guarantee of future performance. Actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements due to factors such as general economic and market conditions, increased costs of production or a decline in oil and gas prices. Gulfsands is under no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable laws.   For further information including the Company's recent investor presentation, please refer to the Company's website or contact:     Gulfsands Petroleum (Houston) + 1-713-626-9564 John Dorrier, Chief Executive Officer   David DeCort, Chief Financial Officer       Gulfsands Petroleum (London) +44 (0)20-7182-4016 Kenneth Judge, Director of Corporate Development +44 (0)7733-001-002     Buchanan Communications Limited (London) +44 (0)20-7466-5000 Bobby Morse   Ben Willey       RBC Capital Markets (London) +44 (0)20-7653 4804 Andrew K. Smith   Sarah Wharry                                 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT     I am pleased to report that the year ended 31 December 2007 was one of conspicuous success for the Group.  The undoubted highlight of the year was the commercial discovery at Khurbet East in Syria.  In addition revenues, profits and net assets all increased.  Production from the Gulf of Mexico benefited from continuing strong oil and gas prices and the expiration of all remaining hedges.     SYRIA In the Syrian Arab Republic, where the Group is Operator and owner of a 50% working interest in Block 26, a significant oil and gas discovery was made in the Khurbet East Field.  The initial reserves study indicated, in the Cretaceous Massive Reservoir alone, gross life-of-field Proved and Probable Reserves of 66 million barrels of oil ("MMBO") and Proved, Probable and Possible Reserves of 143 MMBO.  Gulfsands' net attributable Proved and Probable Reserves were estimated at 11.3 MMBO after all royalties, taxes and government share.    The Khurbet East Field is currently under development with first production targeted for the fourth quarter of 2008.  Favourable fiscal terms and proximity to infrastructure make the economics of this particular development particularly compelling.  Further work will also be undertaken to evaluate in due course the commercial viability of the Kurrachine Dolomite and Butmah Reservoirs in the Khurbet East Field.   Commencing 23 August 2007 the Group initiated the first three year extension period of the Block 26 Exploration Licence. The minimum work commitment during this phase includes the acquisition of 250 square kilometres of 3D seismic and the drilling of two exploration wells.  The seismic programme has already been completed and a number of highly prospective exploration targets identified.  Additionally, one of the exploration well commitments has been satisfied by the drilling of a Khurbet East appraisal well. We have also been fortunate to secure rig commitments adequate to both our development and exploration requirements.   During the course of 2007 the Group also formed a strategic partnership with Cham Holding for the purpose of acquiring oil and gas projects in Syria and Iraq.     USA The Group's USA reserves decreased slightly during the year from 44.6 billion cubic feet of natural gas equivalents (BCFGE) or 7.4 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE) at 31 December 2006 to 40.7 BCFGE or 6.8 MMBOE at 31 December 2007.  In terms of net present value this decrease was, however, more than offset by higher oil and gas prices.  All hedges on our Gulf of Mexico production have now expired and we benefit fully from this strong price environment.   A combination of high operating costs in the Gulf of Mexico combined with very favourable economics in Block 26 in Syria makes it difficult to justify re-investing more in our USA assets than is necessary to recoup depletion.  However, the assets are in their own right attractive and will remain important to the Group as a generator of substantial and reliable cash flow at least until the Khurbet East Field becomes a significant producer.   IRAQ We continue to make progress in our discussions with the Iraq Oil Ministry on the Maysan Gas Project and with various regional administrations with regards to this and other business initiatives in Iraq.   Iraq remains daily in the news and much of that news, as reported by the Western media, is not positive.  However, subject to the obvious caveats when dealing with a region beset by such uncertainties, there is probably more reason now than ever before to believe that Gulfsands' continued investment of time and effort in Iraq will result in an eventual payback in some tangible form.  We remain committed to that objective.     OUTLOOK   With the commercial discovery in Khurbet East, the Group reached a key milestone in its evolution.  When we begin to produce and sell oil from the field that will be another, even more significant milestone.  Against a backdrop of rising oil and gas prices and having regard to all pertinent factors, I am persuaded that Gulfsands is as well-positioned as any small exploration and production company and that our prospects for the coming years are exciting.       Andrew West Chairman 18 April 2008       GULFSANDS PETROLEUM PLC Unaudited Consolidated Income Statement Years Ended 31 December       Note 2007 2006     $'000 $'000 Revenue   37,309 33,934 Cost of sales          Depreciation   (5,034) (4,716)    Impairment   (947) (1,334)    Other cost of sales   (15,883)  (14,465) Total cost of sales   (21,864) (20,515) Gross profit    15,445 13,419         Administrative expenses before exceptional items   (7,204)  (4,455) Share based payments   (882) (851) Total administrative expenses   (8,086) (5,306)         Hurricane repairs   (1,856) (2,573)         Operating profit   5,503 5,540         Unwinding of discount on decommissioning   (1,475) (2,223) Interest income     1,190 1,193         Profit before taxation   5,218  4,510         Taxation    (2,557) (2,433)         PROFIT FOR THE YEAR - attributable to equity holders of the Company    2,661  2,077         Earnings per share (cents):       Basic  2  2.48 2.17 Diluted  2  2.37  2.15       The results for 2007 and 2006 relate entirely to continuing operations. GULFSANDS PETROLEUM PLC Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet As at 31 December           2007 2006     Notes $'000 $'000 ASSETS         Non-current assets         Property, plant and equipment 3 46,925 46,247   Intangible assets 4  28,593  15,097   Deferred tax asset    -    176       75,518  61,520           Current assets         Trade and other receivables    11,154 9,629   Cash and cash equivalents   34,611  26,724        45,765  36,353 Total Assets   121,283  97,873           LIABILITIES       Current liabilities         Trade and other payables    (6,672) (12,717)   Provision for decommissioning     (2,512)  (3,319)   Oil and gas price derivatives    -   (101)       (9,184)  (16,137)           Non-current liabilities         Deferred tax liabilities    (1,932)  -     Provision for decommissioning   (9,475) (8,420)       (11,407) (8,420) Total Liabilities   (20,591) (24,557) NET ASSETS     100,692  73,316           EQUITY         Capital and reserves attributable to equity holders         Share capital   11,997  11,047   Share premium   79,389 56,506   Share-based payments reserve   1,733  851   Merger reserve   11,709 11,709   Retained losses   (4,136)  (6,797) TOTAL EQUITY   100,692 73,316                   GULFSANDS PETROLEUM PLC Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity Years Ended 31 December             Share         Share Share based Merger Retained Total   capital premium payments reserves losses equity   $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 Year ended 31 December 2007             At 1 January 2007 11,047 56,506 851 11,709  (6,797) 73,316 Options exercised  9 187  -    -    -   196 Shares issued 941 22,946  -    -    -   23,887 Share issue costs  -    (250) -    -    -   (250) Share-based payment charge  -    -   882 -    -   882 Profit for 2007 -    -    -   -   2,661 2,661 At 31 December 2007 11,997 79,389 1,733  11,709 (4,136) 100,692               Year ended 31 December 2006             At 1 January 2006  9,971  53,651  -   11,709  (8,874)  66,457 Options exercised 1,076   2,855  -    -    -    3,931 Share-based payment charge -    -   851  -    -    851 Profit for 2006 -    -    -   -   2,077 2,077 At 31 December 2006 11,047 56,506  851 11,709 (6,797) 73,316                 GULFSANDS PETROLEUM PLC Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Years Ended 31 December           2007 2006   Notes $000 $000 Cash flows from operating activities:       Operating profit   5,503 5,540 Depreciation    5,034  4,716 Impairment charge    947  1,334 Share-based payment charge   882 851 Non-cash bonus   252   Loss on disposal of assets   2   Increase in receivables    (2,266)  (3,888) (Decrease)/increase in payables   (5,399)  7,441 Net cash from operations   4,955 15,994         Interest received   1,190  1,193 Taxation paid    (356)  (1,111) Net cash from operating activities   5,789 82         Investing activities       Exploration and evaluation expenditure   (13,511)  (9,375) Oil and gas properties expenditure    (5,175) (17,896) Purchase of minority interest   -   (277) Other capital expenditures   (45)  (234) Plug and abandonment costs paid    (2,752) (2,062) Net cash used in investing activities   (21,483) (29,844)         Financing activities       Cash proceeds from issue of shares   23,831 3,931 Share issue costs   (250)  -   Net cash from financing activities     23,581 3,931         Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents     7,887  (9,837)         Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year   26,724 36,561 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year   34,611 26,724       GULFSANDS PETROLEUM PLC NOTES TO THE PRELIMINARY RESULTS 1.  Basis of preparation   1.1       Introduction   Gulfsands Petroleum plc is a public limited company listed on the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM") of the London Stock Exchange and incorporated in England.     On 1 January 2007, in accordance with the rules of the AIM Market, the Group adopted International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union ("IFRS").   The Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007, from which this financial information has been extracted, and for the comparative year ended 31 December 2006 are therefore prepared on a going concern basis and in accordance with IFRS, including IFRS 6 'Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources' and in accordance with those parts of the Companies Act 1985 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS.   As this is the first year in which the Group has prepared its financial statements under IFRS, the comparatives have been restated from UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP") to comply with IFRS.    The financial information contained in this report does not constitute full statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  The figures are extracted from the unaudited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007 which will be filed with the Registrar of Companies, sent to shareholders and will be available on the Company's website at following formal completion of the audit.   The comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 2006 are not the statutory accounts for that financial period. Those accounts, which were prepared under UK GAAP, have been reported on by the Company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.   These financial statements consolidate the accounts of Gulfsands Petroleum plc and all its subsidiary undertakings drawn up to 31 December each year.   In the Group financial statements, merged subsidiary undertakings are treated as if they had always been a member of the Group. The results of such subsidiaries are included for the whole year in the year they join the Group.   1.2 Accounting policies   A full listing of accounting policies is shown in the Group financial statements.  The significant accounting policies are detailed below:   (a) Reporting currency These preliminary results are presented in U.S. dollars. The Company's operations and the majority of all costs associated with foreign operations are paid in U.S. dollars and not the local currency of the operations.  Therefore, the presentational and functional currency is the U.S. dollar. Gains and losses from foreign currency transactions, if any, are recognised in the income statement for the year.  The effective exchange rate to the Pound Sterling at 31 December was £1 : US$1.99.   (b) Oil and gas properties The Group applies the requirements of IFRS 6 "Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources" and where additional guidance is needed, IAS 16 "Property, Plant and Equipment" and IAS 36 "Impairment of Assets" noting that several items in the later two standards are excepted due to the application of IFRS 6.   Set out below are our interpretation of the principles set out in IFRS 6 and other IFRSs.  It should be noted that guidance on certain aspects of IFRS 6 has not yet been provided by the IASB or IFRIC. Accordingly, amendments may be required to the accounting policies set out below in future years.   There are two categories of oil and gas assets, Exploration and Evaluation assets which are included in Intangible assets and Development and Production assets which are included in Property, Plant and Equipment.   Oil and gas assets:  exploration and evaluation assets Recognition and measurement: Exploration and evaluation assets ("E&E") consist of costs of license acquisition, exploration, evaluation, appraisal and development activities and evaluating oil and gas properties.   Costs incurred prior to having obtained the legal rights to explore an area ('pre-license costs') are expensed directly to the income statement as they are incurred and are not included in E&E assets.  E&E costs are accumulated and capitalized into cost pools and added to Intangible Assets pending determination of commercial reserves.    The Group currently has two intangible E&E cost pools, being Block 26 in Syria and onshore USA.  E&E assets relating to each exploration license/prospect are not depreciated but are carried forward until the existence or otherwise of commercial reserves has been determined.  If commercial reserves have been discovered, the related E&E assets are assessed for impairment on a cash generating unit basis as set out below and any impairment loss is recognised in the income statement.  The carrying value of the E&E assets, after any impairment loss, is then reclassified as development and production assets in Property, Plant and Equipment.    Impairment: E&E assets are assessed for impairment when facts and circumstances suggest that the carrying amount may exceed its recoverable amount.  Such indicators include the point at which a determination is made as to whether commercial reserves exist.   Where the E&E assets concerned fall within the scope of a cash generating unit, the E&E assets are tested for impairrment together with all Development and Production assets associated within the cash generating unit.  The aggregate carrying value is compared against the expected recoverable amount of the pool, generally by reference to the present value of the future net cash flows expected to be derived from production of commercial reserves.  Where the E& E assets to be tested fall outside the scope of a cash generating unit, there will generally be no commercial reserves and the E&E assets concerned will generally be written off in full.   Any impairment loss is recognized in the income statement and is separately disclosed.  On the balance sheet it is recorded against the carrying value of the related E&E asset.   Oil and gas assets: development and production Tangible oil and gas assets are grouped into a cash generating unit or groups of units for purposes of impairment testing and for depreciating the development and production assets.  A cash generating unit is a well, field, area, block, region, or other defined area that is considered interrelated in producing revenue.  Interrelationships can be measured by oil and gas production agreements, reserve reports, or other documentation showing such relationships.  The only limitation in the size of a cash generating unit is that it cannot be larger than a reporting segment of the Group.   Recognition and measurement: Development and production assets are accumulated on a cash generating unit basis and represent the cost of developing the commercial reserves discovered and bringing them into production, together with the E&E expenditures incurred in finding commercial reserves transferred from intangible E&E assets.   The cost of development and production assets also includes the cost of acquisitions and purchases of such assets, directly attributable overheads, and the cost of recognizing provisions for future restoration and decommissioning.   Depreciation of producing assets Net book values carried within each cash generating pool are depreciated by a unit of production method using the ratio of oil and gas production in the year compared to the estimated quantity of commercial reserves at the beginning of the year. Changes in estimates of commercial reserves or future development costs are dealt with prospectively.   Impairment: An impairment test is performed whenever events and circumstances arising during the development or production phase indicate that the carrying value of a development or production asset may exceed its recoverable amount.  The aggregate carrying value is compared against the recoverable amount of the cash generating unit, generally by reference to the present value of the future net cash flows expected to be derived from production of commercial reserves.    (c)  Decommissioning Where a material liability for the removal of production facilities and site restoration at the end of the productive life of a field exists, a provision for decommissioning is recognized.  The amount recognized is the present value of estimated future expenditure determined in accordance with local conditions and requirements.  A fixed asset of an amount equivalent to the provision is also created (included in development and production assets) and depreciated on a unit of production basis.  Changes in estimates are recognized prospectively, with corresponding adjustments to the provision and the associated fixed asset.   2.    Earnings per share       2007 2006 $'000 $'000 except  per except  per share amounts share amounts Profit for the year                   2,661                2,077 Basic earnings (cents                     2.48                  2.17 per share) Diluted earnings                     2.37                  2.15 (cents per share)         2007 2006 Weighted average Number Number number of shares: For basic earnings per share 107,223,298 95,565,086 Options outstanding 5,184,859 930,600 For diluted earnings per share 112,408,157 96,495,686       3.   Property, plant and equipment     Development and Other fixed Total production assets -   USA assets     $'000 $'000 $'000 Cost:       At 1 January 2006  41,372   50   41,422 Additions  19,656  223  19,879 At 31 December 2006  61,028   273  61,301 Additions   6,600    45   6,645 Disposals   -      (8)   (8) At 31 December 2007   67,628   310  67,938         Accumulated depreciation and impairment:       At 1 January 2006 (8,998)  (21)  (9,019) Depreciation charge for 2006     (4,642)  (59)   (4,701) Impairment charge for 2006   (1,334)   -    (1,334) At 31 December 2006   (14,974)    (80) (15,054) Depreciation charge for 2007   (4,926)    (93)  (5,019) Impairment charge for 2007   (947)     -    (947) Disposals    -     7           7 At 31 December 2007   (20,847)  (166) (21,013) Net book value at 31 December 2007  46,781  144  46,925         Net book value at 31 December 2006   46,054    193 46,247   Depreciation and amortization of oil and gas properties is calculated on a unit-of-production basis, using the ratio of oil and gas production in the year to the estimated quantities of proved and probable reserves at the end of the year plus production in the year (i.e. estimated reserves at the beginning of the year), on a  cost generating unit basis.  Proved and probable reserve estimates are based on a number of underlying assumptions including oil and gas prices, future costs, oil and gas in place and reservoir performance, which are inherently uncertain.  Management uses established industry techniques to generate its estimates and regularly references its estimates against those of external consultants.  However, the amount of reserves that will ultimately be recovered from any field cannot be known with certainty until the end of the field's life.   Included in development and production assets above are capitalized decommissioning costs with a net book value of $9,420,000 as at 31 December 2007 (2006 - $9,327,00)   The impairment charges for 2006 and 2007 relate to provisions against the Group's carrying values of its USA producing assets, following the end of the year reserves review. In 2007 a field in the Gulf of Mexico had a decrease in reserves and it was determined that the carrying value was $947,000 higher than its recoverable value as referenced by the present value of the future net cash flows expected to be derived from production of the commercial reserves.   The Directors have assessed the carrying value of the oil and gas properties and in their opinion, no additional impairments are considered necessary for the year ending 2007.     4.      Intangible assets   Exploration and   evaluation Computer   assets software Total   $'000 $'000 $'000 Cost:       At 1 January 2006   5,691    38               5,729 Additions       9,375       11 9,386 At 31 December 2006    15,066    49 15,115 Additions     13,510    1                13,511 At 31 December 2007   28,576     50  28,626         Accumulated depreciation:                          At 1 January 2006      -     (3) (3) Charge for the period       -   (15)        (15) At 31 December 2006    -    (18)       (18) Charge for the period    -     (15)     (15) At 31 December 2007   -       (33)           (33)         Net book value at 31                    December 2007  28,576         17 28,593         Net book value at 31 December 2006    15,066    31    15,097     The amounts for intangible exploration and evaluation ("E&E") assets represent active exploration projects all in Syria.  These amounts are written off to the profit and loss account as exploration expense unless commercial reserves are established or the determination process is not completed and there are no indications of impairment.  The outcome of ongoing exploration, and therefore whether the carrying value of E&E assets will ultimately be recovered, is inherently uncertain.  The Directors, however, have reviewed the oil and gas E&E costs for possible impairment.  No provision for impairment is considered necessary against E&E costs incurred in the oil and gas field under exploration as at 31 December 2007. 5.  Dividends No dividends are proposed in respect of the current financial year. 6.  Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will take place at 11:00 A.M. on 23 June 2008 at the offices of Buchanan Communications, 45 Moorfields, London, England.  All shareholders are welcome to attend. ---END OF MESSAGE---
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