Interim Results

Halma PLC 06 December 2005 HALMA p.l.c. INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE HALF YEAR TO 1 OCTOBER 2005 6 DECEMBER 2005 Halma, the leading safety, health and sensor technology group, today announces its interim results for the 26 weeks to 1 October 2005. Highlights include: • A 9% increase in revenue from continuing operations at £152.4m (2004: £140.1m), with adjusted profit from continuing operations* up by 8% to £26.6m (2004: £24.6m)** • Organic revenue and profit growth from continuing operations of 6% • Recovery of Water and Resistors businesses going to plan • Completion of two high-quality acquisitions, disposal of one non-core business and exit from unprofitable Resistor Transit contracts • Progressive dividend policy maintained with 5% growth underpinned by strong cash generation * before taxation and amortisation of acquired intangible assets ** under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), with restated comparatives Commenting on the results, Andrew Williams, Chief Executive of Halma, said: 'In my first operating review in our Annual Report 2005, I stated that my top priority for the Group was to generate organic growth. It is pleasing to report we have made a good start. During the first half we delivered underlying organic revenue and profit growth of 6%. It is important to note that profit growth has been driven by a healthy increase in revenues whilst strong product margins and effective control of our assets and costs have been maintained. 'I continue to be impressed by what is being achieved and can see a greater sense of common purpose across the Group. It is heartening to see actions starting to translate into improved financial results too. I believe the progress made so far this year already has put the Group in a stronger position to deliver organic growth on a more sustainable basis. 'I remain confident of the Group's prospects for the full year.' For further information, please contact: Halma p.l.c. +44 (0)1494 721111 Andrew Williams, Chief Executive Kevin Thompson, Finance Director Hogarth Partnership Limited +44 (0)20 7357 9477 Rachel Hirst/Andrew Jaques A copy of this announcement, together with other information about Halma, may be viewed on its website: A copy of the Interim Report will be sent to shareholders on 6 December 2005 and will be available to the general public on written request to the Company's registered office at: Misbourne Court, Rectory Way, Amersham, Bucks HP7 0DE. PHOTOGRAPHS High resolution photos of Halma senior management, including Chief Executive Andrew Williams, and images illustrating Halma business activities can be downloaded from its website: Click on the 'News' link, then 'Image Library'. Photo queries: David Waller +44 (0)20 8205 0038, e-mail: NOTE TO EDITORS Halma develops and markets products used worldwide to protect life and improve the quality of life. The Group comprises three business sectors: • Infrastructure Sensors • Health and Analysis • Industrial Safety The key characteristics of Halma's businesses are that they are based on advanced technology and offer strong growth potential. Many Group businesses are a clear market leader in their specialist field and, in a number of cases, are the dominant world supplier. HALMA p.l.c. Interim Results for the 26 weeks to 1 October 2005 Financial Highlights Unaudited Unaudited Change 26 weeks to 26 weeks to 1 October 2005 2 October 2004 (restated) Continuing operations: Revenue + 9% to £152.4 million £140.1 million Adjusted profit before taxation(1) + 8% to £ 26.6 million £ 24.6 million Statutory profit before taxation + 8% to £ 26.4 million £ 24.4 million Adjusted earnings per share(2) + 6% to 4.94p 4.66p Statutory earnings per share + 6% to 4.90p 4.63p Dividend per share + 5% to 2.71p 2.58p Return on sales(3) 17.5% 17.5% Return on total invested capital(4) 12.5% 12.2% Return on capital employed(4) 50.8% 46.9% The comparative figures for the 26 weeks to 2 October 2004 and the 52 weeks to 2 April 2005 have been restated to reflect the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards. See Note 9 for details. Pro-forma information: (1) Adjusted to remove the amortisation of acquired intangible assets of £237,000 (2004: £175,000). (2) Adjusted to remove the amortisation of acquired intangible assets. See Note 6 for details. Return on sales is defined as adjusted(1) profit before taxation from continuing operations expressed as a (3) percentage of revenue from continuing operations. (4) Organic growth rates, return on total invested capital and return on capital employed are non-GAAP performance measures used by management in measuring the returns achieved from the Group's asset base. See Note 8 for details. Financial Overview For the first half of this financial year, adjusted profit before tax from continuing operations was £26.6 million (2004: £24.6 million)*, up 8%. Revenue from continuing operations was up 9% at £152.4 million (2004: £140.1 million)*. We achieved organic revenue and profit growth of 6%.* Return on total invested capital increased to 12.5% (2004: 12.2%)*. During the period we made two acquisitions: Netherlocks Safety Systems B.V. and Radio-Tech Limited, and disposed of one non-core business, SEAC Limited. The interim dividend will amount to 2.71 pence per share, an increase of 5%, and will be paid on 8 February 2006 to shareholders on the register at 6 January 2006. *see Financial Highlights Chairman's Statement Geoff Unwin, Chairman of Halma, said: 'Andrew Williams, our new CEO, has made a good start in his first complete half-year with the Group reporting record profits and organic growth in both revenue and profit. He has re-focussed the business along three major divisions: - Infrastructure Sensors - Health and Analysis - Industrial Safety. 'Our two acquisitions and one disposal support this focus. 'We are also seeing significant rejuvenation of management at all levels which is feeding through into an increased rate of progress within the Group. Pleasing to see. 'The Board remains confident of the Group's prospects for the full year.' Chief Executive's Review Andrew Williams, Chief Executive of Halma, said: Organic growth of 6% achieved 'In my first operating review in our Annual Report 2005, I stated that my top priority for the Group was to generate organic growth. It is pleasing to report we have made a good start. During the first half, for our continuing activities we delivered revenue growth of 9%* on profit growth of 8%*. Statutory profit from continuing operations was £26.4 million (2004: £24.4 million). Underlying organic revenue and profit growth were both 6%*. 'There was strong growth in both our Industrial Safety and Health and Analysis sectors - each achieving double-digit revenue increases. The former showed the benefits of our vigorous actions to achieve recovery in our Resistors business and a strong performance from our Process Safety companies. The latter benefited from the planned recovery in Water and continued progress in Optics and Fluid Technology. Significantly, profit growth has been driven by a healthy increase in revenues whilst strong product margins and effective control of our assets and costs have been maintained. 'Infrastructure Sensors, incorporating our Fire, Elevator & Door Safety businesses continued to have a more challenging time with revenues only a fraction up and profits down by 12%. The profit decline was mainly a result of our decision to invest more in our sales and distribution internationally and make some organisational changes. We will continue to make these investments in the second half since I believe they are essential if we are to deliver worthwhile organic growth from this sector in the longer term. *see Financial Highlights Key strategic actions being implemented to drive sustainable growth 'The Group has responded to the growth challenge in impressive fashion. The overall energy level in the business has been raised by several notches and directed into selected areas. 'Since the start of the year we have; • Recovered sales and profit growth in our Water businesses as planned. • Exited the unprofitable Resistor Transit contracts as planned and delivered sales and profit growth in Resistors. • Completed three acquisitions, one of them since the half year end, all of which strengthen the Group's technology and products in key areas. • Through the purchase of Texecom in November, at a purchase price of £26 million the second largest in the Group's history, made a strategic move into the growing security sensor market. • Disposed of a lower technology specialist business, SEAC. • Merged two sets of businesses in the Industrial Safety and Infrastructure Sensors sectors. • Established new manufacturing operations in Eastern Europe and North Africa. • Established further sales offices in the US, Europe, China and India. • Won new OEM contracts with major global companies in Health Analysis and Infrastructure Sensors. • Formalised long-term debt facilities of up to £60 million. 'This list is not exhaustive but gives you an indication of the range and significance of our actions. I look forward to reporting further progress in our Annual Report. New reporting sectors will add clarity externally and increase opportunities 'You will note in the following pages that we are now reporting our results under three sector headings. This is not merely a change to make the Group more readily understood, but one that will enable me, through the Divisional Chief Executives and the Subsidiary Executives, to continually develop and implement more coherent market-driven growth strategies. The new sectors group together businesses that have much in common, including market growth rates, market drivers, operating characteristics, distribution channels, technologies and customers. Improving prospects for sustained organic growth 'None of this would be possible without the hard work, commitment and skill of the people at all levels of our organisation. As I travel around the Group I continue to be impressed by what is being achieved and can see a greater sense of common purpose across the Group. It is heartening to see actions starting to translate into improved financial results too. 'I believe the progress made so far this year already has put the Group in a stronger position to deliver organic growth on a more sustainable basis.' Interim Results for the 26 weeks to 1 October 2005 Consolidated Income Statement £000 Unaudited Unaudited 26 weeks to 1 October 2005 26 weeks to 2 October 2004 Notes Before Amortisation Total Before Amortisation Total Unaudited acquired of acquired of 52 weeks to intangibles acquired intangibles acquired (restated) amortisation intangibles amortisation intangibles 2 April and goodwill and goodwill and goodwill and goodwill 2005 written off written written off written Total off (restated) off (restated) (restated) Continuing operations Revenue 1 152,436 - 152,436 140,149 - 140,149 291,302 Profit from 27,195 (237) 26,958 24,995 (175) 24,820 50,972 operations Net finance expense (593) - (593) (433) - (433) (1,052) Profit before 1 26,602 (237) 26,365 24,562 (175) 24,387 49,920 taxation Taxation 3 (8,366) 83 (8,283) (7,418) 62 (7,356) (15,177) Profit for the period 18,236 (154) 18,082 17,144 (113) 17,031 34,743 from continuing operations Discontinued operations Net loss for the 5 (767) (1,308) (2,075) (36) - (36) (192) period from discontinued operations Profit for the period 17,469 (1,462) 16,007 17,108 (113) 16,995 34,551 Dividend (£000) 10,004 9,511 23,967 Dividend per share 2.71p 2.58p 6.50p Earnings per share 6 From continuing operations Basic 4.90p 4.63p 9.44p Diluted 4.90p 4.63p 9.42p From continuing and discontinued operations Basic 4.34p 4.62p 9.38p Diluted 4.34p 4.62p 9.37p The comparative figures for the 26 weeks to 2 October 2004 and the 52 weeks to 2 April 2005 have been restated to reflect the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards. See Note 9 for details. Statement of Recognised Income and Expense £000 Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited 26 weeks to 26 weeks to 52 weeks to 1 October 2 October 2 April 2005 2004 2005 Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 3,654 1,872 144 Actuarial (losses)/gains on defined benefit pension schemes (5,760) 254 (48) Tax on items taken directly to equity 1,520 4 (4) Net (loss)/income recognised directly in equity (586) 2,130 92 Profit for the period 16,007 16,995 34,551 Total recognised income and expense for the period 15,421 19,125 34,643 Reconciliation of Shareholders' Equity £000 Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited 26 weeks 26 weeks 52 weeks to to to 1 October 2 October 2 April 2005 2004 2005 Shareholders' equity brought forward 173,259 159,027 159,027 Profit for the period 16,007 16,995 34,551 Dividends paid (14,462) (13,810) (23,320) Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 3,654 1,872 144 Actuarial (losses)/gains on defined benefit pension schemes (5,760) 254 (48) Tax on items taken directly to equity 1,520 4 (4) Net proceeds of shares issued 340 2,127 2,546 Movement in other reserves 253 127 363 Total movement in shareholders' equities 1,552 7,569 14,232 Shareholders' equity carried forward 174,811 166,596 173,259 Consolidated Balance Sheet £000 Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited 2 October 2 April 2004 2005 1 October (restated) (restated) 2005 Non-current assets Goodwill 104,689 102,539 99,276 Other intangible assets 5,878 4,990 4,817 Property, plant and equipment 50,368 47,281 47,784 Deferred tax assets 13,757 12,242 12,253 174,692 167,052 164,130 Current assets Inventories 35,903 37,080 35,502 Trade and other receivables 68,210 68,305 69,816 Cash and cash equivalents 36,232 30,495 45,348 140,345 135,880 150,666 Total assets 315,037 302,932 314,796 Current liabilities Borrowings 34,339 28,307 33,344 Trade and other payables 48,868 50,827 54,228 Tax liabilities 6,856 6,224 5,137 90,063 85,358 92,709 Net current assets 50,282 50,522 57,957 Non-current liabilities Retirement benefit obligations 45,858 40,807 40,845 Trade and other payables 1,900 6,579 5,768 Deferred tax liabilities 2,405 3,592 2,215 50,163 50,978 48,828 Total liabilities 140,226 136,336 141,537 Net assets 174,811 166,596 173,259 Shareholders' equity Called up share capital 36,910 36,848 36,880 Share premium account 10,421 9,724 10,111 Capital redemption reserve 185 185 185 Translation reserve 3,798 1,872 144 Other reserves 766 277 513 Retained earnings 122,731 117,690 125,426 Total shareholders' equity 174,811 166,596 173,259 The comparative figures as at 2 October 2004 and 2 April 2005 have been restated to reflect the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards. See Note 9 for details. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement £000 Notes Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited 26 weeks 52 weeks to to 26 weeks 2 October 2 April to 2004 2005 1 October (restated) (restated) 2005 7 Net cash inflow from operating activities 23,943 21,326 46,944 Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment (6,110) (4,037) (9,419) Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 387 182 418 Development costs capitalised (1,115) (631) (1,122) Interest received 642 594 1,086 Acquisition of businesses (12,363) (22,829) (23,536) Disposal of businesses 396 (512) (1,681) Net cash used in investing activities (18,163) (27,233) (34,254) Financing activities Dividends paid (14,462) (13,810) (23,320) Proceeds from issue of share capital 340 2,127 2,546 Interest paid (612) (338) (889) (Repayment)/drawdown of borrowings (240) (589) 5,764 Net cash used in financing activities (14,974) (12,610) (15,899) Decrease in cash and cash equivalents 7 (9,194) (18,517) (3,209) Cash and cash equivalents brought forward 45,348 48,482 48,482 Exchange adjustments 78 530 75 Cash and cash equivalents carried forward 36,232 30,495 45,348 The comparative figures for the 26 weeks to 2 October 2004 and the 52 weeks to 2 April 2005 have been restated to reflect the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards. Notes on the Interim Report 1 Segmental Analysis £000 Sector analysis Unaudited Unaudited 26 weeks to 26 weeks to 2 October 1 October 2004 2005 (restated) Revenue Infrastructure Sensors 58,573 58,466 Health and Analysis 51,307 44,185 Industrial Safety 42,864 37,907 Inter-segmental sales (308) (409) Revenue from continuing operations 152,436 140,149 Discontinued operations (note 5) 4,368 3,980 Group revenue 156,804 144,129 Profit before taxation Infrastructure Sensors 10,370 11,723 Health and Analysis 10,222 7,009 Industrial Safety 6,120 5,707 Central companies 483 556 Profit from continuing operations 27,195 24,995 Amortisation of acquired intangibles (237) (175) Net finance expense (593) (433) Profit from continuing operations before taxation 26,365 24,387 Taxation (8,283) (7,356) Profit for the period from continuing operations 18,082 17,031 Net loss from discontinued operations (note 5) (2,075) (36) Profit for the period 16,007 16,995 Geographical analysis £000 By destination By origin Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited 26 weeks to 26 weeks 26 weeks 26 weeks 1 October to to to 2005 2 October 1 October 2 October 2004 2005 2004 (restated) Revenue United Kingdom 39,471 37,515 80,066 75,557 United States of America 50,041 42,291 55,024 47,478 Europe excluding UK 35,053 34,363 20,572 20,354 Far East and Australasia 16,026 15,941 7,772 7,204 Africa, Near and Middle East 5,705 4,977 - - Other 6,140 5,062 1,994 1,665 Inter-segmental sales - - (12,992) (12,109) Revenue from continuing operations 152,436 140,149 152,436 140,149 Discontinued operations (note 5) 4,368 3,980 4,368 3,980 Group revenue 156,804 144,129 156,804 144,129 Profit before taxation United Kingdom 13,148 13,033 United States of America 9,354 7,088 Europe excluding UK 3,167 3,154 Far East and Australasia 1,067 1,408 Other 459 312 Profit from continuing operations 27,195 24,995 Amortisation of acquired intangibles (237) (175) Net finance expense (593) (433) Profit from continuing operations before taxation 26,365 24,387 Taxation (8,283) (7,356) Profit for the period from continuing operations 18,082 17,031 Net loss from discontinued operations (note 5) (2,075) (36) Profit for the period 16,007 16,995 2 Basis of preparation In common with other European listed companies, Halma p.l.c. is required to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') for its consolidated financial statements with effect from 2 April 2005. This interim report for the 26 weeks to 1 October 2005 is the first interim report under IFRS and the first Annual Report under IFRS will be the Annual Report and Accounts for the 52 weeks to 1 April 2006. The interim report is unaudited and has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the accounts for the 52 weeks to 2 April 2005, amended where necessary to comply with IFRS. Details of these amendments are set out in 'Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards', a separate document released by the Company on 2 September 2005 and available on the Company's website ( or from the Company Secretary. The accounting policies are drawn up in accordance with those International Accounting Standards ('IAS') and IFRS issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ('IASB') that are expected to be adopted by the European Union and available for use when the Annual Report and Accounts for the 52 weeks ended 1 April 2006 are prepared. However the accounting policies may need to be updated for interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee, new standards issued by the IASB, or continuing evolution of interpretation of existing IAS and IFRS. The figures shown for the 52 weeks to 2 April 2005 are based on the Group's statutory accounts for that period, restated for IFRS. These statutory accounts, which were prepared under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ('UK GAAP'), received an unqualified audit report and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. This interim report was approved by the Board of Directors on 6 December 2005. 3 Taxation The total Group tax charge for the 26 weeks to 1 October 2005 of £8,168,000 (2004: £7,300,000) is made up of a tax charge on profit from continuing operations of £8,283,000 (2004: £7,356,000) and a tax credit on losses from discontinued operations of £(115,000) (2004: £(56,000)). The tax charge for the 26 weeks to 1 October 2005 comprises a current taxation charge of £8,066,000 (2004: £7,224,000) and a deferred tax charge of £102,000 (2004: £76,000). The tax charge is based on the estimated effective tax rate for the year. The tax charge includes £4,481,000 (2004: £3,889,000) in respect of overseas tax. 4 Acquisitions In July 2005 the Group acquired Netherlocks Safety Systems B.V. for an initial cash consideration of € 3,000,000 plus additional consideration of up to €7,000,000, conditional on profit growth over the current and following financial year. In August 2005 the Group acquired Radio-Tech Limited for an initial cash consideration of £2,000,000 plus additional consideration of up to £2,500,000, based on earnings growth to March 2007. Together these acquisitions contributed £1,078,000 to Group revenue and £340,000 to Group profit from continuing operations and are reported in the Industrial Safety and Health and Analysis sectors respectively. 5 Discontinued operations During the period the Group exited from its Resistor Transit operations and in September 2005 sold SEAC Limited. The loss on closure/disposal includes gross disposal proceeds of £1,300,000. Both of these operations were previously included in the Industrial Safety sector. The results of these discontinued operations, which have been included in the Consolidated Income Statement, were as follows: 26 weeks to 26 weeks to 52 weeks to 1 October 2 October 2 April 2005 2004 2005 Revenue 4,368 3,980 7,817 Expenses (4,196) (4,072) (8,186) Profit/(loss) from operations 172 (92) (369) Taxation (54) 56 177 Profit/(loss) from operations after taxation 118 (36) (192) Loss on closure/disposal of operations (1,054) - - Associated goodwill (1,308) - - Taxation 169 - - Net loss from discontinued operations (2,075) (36) (192) 6 Earnings per share Earnings per share are calculated using the weighted average of 368,917,910 (2004: 367,669,622) shares in issue during the period. Earnings for continuing and discontinued operations were £18,082,000 and £(2,075,000) respectively (2004: £17,031,000 and £(36,000)). Diluted earnings per share are calculated using 369,212,399 shares (2004: 368,223,286) which includes dilutive potential ordinary shares of 294,489 (2004: 553,664). The Company's dilutive potential ordinary shares are calculated from those exercisable share options where the exercise price is less than the average price of the Company's ordinary shares during the period. Earnings from continuing operations per ordinary share before the amortisation of acquired intangibles represents a more consistent measure of underlying performance. A reconciliation of earnings and the effect on per share figures is presented below: Per ordinary share 26 weeks to 26 weeks to 26 weeks to 26 weeks to 1 October 2 October 1 October 2 October 2005 2004 2005 2004 £000 £000 p p Profit for the period from continuing operations 18,082 17,031 4.90 4.63 Add back: amortisation of acquired intangibles (after tax) 154 113 0.04 0.03 Adjusted earnings 18,236 17,144 4.94 4.66 7 Notes on cash flow statement £000 26 weeks 26 weeks 52 weeks to to to 1 October 2 October 2 April 2005 2004 2005 Reconciliation of profit from operations to net cash inflow from operating activities Profit from continuing operations 26,958 24,820 50,972 Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations (before taxation) 172 (92) (369) Depreciation and amortisation 5,067 4,474 9,316 Loss/(profit) on sale of tangible fixed assets 89 70 (21) Operating cashflows before movement in working capital 32,286 29,272 59,898 Decrease/(increase) in inventories 7 (1,907) (1,000) Decrease in receivables 2,403 3,843 780 (Decrease)/increase in payables (4,136) (3,799) 1,760 Cash generated from operations 30,560 27,409 61,438 Taxation paid (6,617) (6,083) (14,494) Net cash inflow from operating activities 23,943 21,326 46,944 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net cash Decrease in cash and cash equivalents (9,194) (18,517) (3,209) Loans acquired - (1,125) (1,125) Cash outflow/(inflow) from borrowings 240 589 (5,764) Exchange adjustments (1,157) (307) 554 (10,111) (19,360) (9,544) Net cash brought forward 12,004 21,548 21,548 Net cash carried forward 1,893 2,188 12,004 8 Non-GAAP measures £000 (i) Organic growth Organic growth measures the change in the revenue and profits from continuing Group operations. The effect of acquisitions made during the current or prior financial period has been equalised by subtracting from the current year figures a pro-rated contribution based on their revenue and profits at the date of acquisition. (ii) Return on capital employed Unaudited Unaudited 1 October 2 October 2005 2004 Profit from continuing operations before amortisation of acquired intangibles 27,195 24,995 Loss from discontinued operations in prior period - (92) Operating return 27,195 24,903 Capitalised software costs within intangible assets 1,350 1,044 Capitalised development costs within intangible assets 2,817 2,872 Property, plant and equipment 50,368 47,281 Inventories 35,903 37,080 Trade and other receivables 68,210 68,305 Trade and other payables (48,868) (50,827) Tax liabilities (6,856) (6,224) Non-current trade and other payables (1,900) (6,579) Add back: accrued deferred purchase consideration 5,968 13,335 Capital employed 106,992 106,287 Return on capital employed (annualised) 50.8% 46.9% (iii) Return on total invested capital Profit for the period from continuing operations before amortisation of acquired intangibles after taxation 18,236 17,144 Loss from discontinued operations in prior period after - (36) taxation Return 18,236 17,108 Total shareholders' equity 174,811 166,596 Add back: retirement benefit obligations 45,858 40,807 Less: associated deferred tax assets (13,757) (12,242) Cumulative amortisation of acquired intangibles 598 175 Goodwill on disposals 1,308 - Goodwill amortised prior to 3 April 2004 13,177 13,177 Goodwill taken to reserves prior to 28 March 1998 70,931 70,931 Total invested capital 292,926 279,444 Return on total invested capital (annualised) 12.5% 12.2% 9 Transition to IFRS The following reconciliations of equity at 3 April 2004 (the date of transition to IFRS), 2 October 2004 and 2 April 2005 and of the income statement for the 26 weeks ended 2 October 2004 and the 52 weeks ended 2 April 2005 complement the summary reconciliations given in the document 'Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards', released by the Company on 2 September 2005, which includes the significant accounting policies and further explanations on the adjustments. Reconciliation of profit Defined Deferred As benefit Share-based Development Reverse Amortisation tax on As reported pension payments costs goodwill of acquired goodwill Other restated under UK schemes capitalised amortisation intangibles in restatements under GAAP reserves IFRS 26 weeks to 2 October 2004 Revenue from continuing 140,149 140,149 operations Revenue from 3,980 3,980 discontinued operations Group revenue 144,129 - - - - - - - 144,129 Profit from continuing 21,928 383 (72) 194 2,667 (175) (105) 24,820 operations Loss from discontinued (92) (92) operations Total profit from 21,836 383 (72) 194 2,667 (175) - (105) 24,728 operations Net finance income/ 115 (548) (433) (charges) Profit before taxation 21,951 (165) (72) 194 2,667 (175) - (105) 24,295 Taxation (7,570) 195 75 (7,300) Profit for the period 14,381 (165) (72) 194 2,667 (175) 195 (30) 16,995 52 weeks to 2 April 2005 Revenue from continuing 291,302 291,302 operations Revenue from 7,817 7,817 discontinued operations Group revenue 299,119 - - - - - - - 299,119 Profit from continuing 45,222 767 (192) 68 5,491 (361) (23) 50,972 operations Loss from discontinued (369) (369) operations Total profit from 44,853 767 (192) 68 5,491 (361) - (23) 50,603 operations Net finance income/ 45 (1,097) (1,052) (charges) Profit before taxation 44,898 (330) (192) 68 5,491 (361) - (23) 49,551 Taxation (15,540) 344 196 (15,000) Profit for the period 29,358 (330) (192) 68 5,491 (361) 344 173 34,551 Reconciliation of equity Defined As benefit Share-based Release Development Holiday Acquired reported pension payments dividend costs pay intangible Other As under UK schemes accrual capitalised accrual assets Goodwill restatements restated GAAP under IFRS As at 3 April 2004 Goodwill 71,425 71,425 Other - 2,653 969 3,622 intangible assets Property, plant 47,139 (969) 46,170 and equipment Deferred tax - 12,231 12,231 assets Total 118,564 12,231 - - 2,653 - - - - 133,448 non-current assets Inventories 31,208 31,208 Trade and other 67,080 604 67,684 receivables Cash and cash 48,482 48,482 equivalents Total current 146,770 - 604 - - - - - - 147,374 assets Total assets 265,334 12,231 604 - 2,653 - - - - 280,822 Borrowings 26,934 26,934 Trade and other 45,648 (69) 806 46,385 payables Tax liabilities 5,563 5,563 Dividends 13,762 (13,762) - payable Retirement - 40,769 40,769 benefit obligations Deferred tax 6,067 156 816 (259) (4,636) 2,144 liabilities Total 97,974 40,700 156 (13,762) 816 547 - (4,636) - 121,795 liabilities Net assets 167,360 (28,469) 448 13,762 1,837 (547) - 4,636 - 159,027 Called up share 36,677 36,677 capital Share premium 7,768 7,768 account Capital 185 185 redemption reserve Translation - - reserve Other reserves - 150 150 Retained 122,730 (28,469) 298 13,762 1,837 (547) 4,636 114,247 earnings Total equity 167,360 (28,469) 448 13,762 1,837 (547) - 4,636 - 159,027 As at 2 October 2004 Goodwill 98,356 (899) 5,082 102,539 Other - 2,872 1,074 1,044 4,990 intangible assets Property, plant 48,325 (1,044) 47,281 and equipment Deferred tax - 12,242 12,242 assets Total 146,681 12,242 - - 2,872 - 175 5,082 - 167,052 non-current assets Inventories 37,080 37,080 Trade and other 67,652 653 68,305 receivables Cash and cash 30,495 30,495 equivalents Total current 135,227 - 653 - - - - - - 135,880 assets Total assets 281,908 12,242 653 - 2,872 - 175 5,082 - 302,932 Borrowings 28,307 28,307 Trade and other 56,681 (196) 921 57,406 payables Tax liabilities 6,224 6,224 Dividends 9,511 (9,511) - payable Retirement - 40,807 40,807 benefit obligations Deferred tax 7,202 121 889 (299) 292 (4,613) 3,592 liabilities Total 107,925 40,611 121 (9,511) 889 622 292 (4,613) - 136,336 liabilities Net assets 173,983 (28,369) 532 9,511 1,983 (622) (117) 9,695 - 166,596 Called up share 36,848 36,848 capital Share premium 9,724 9,724 account Capital 185 185 redemption reserve Translation - 2,198 (326) 1,872 reserve Other reserves - 277 277 Retained 127,226 (28,369) 255 9,511 1,983 (622) (117) 7,497 326 117,690 earnings Total equity 173,983 (28,369) 532 9,511 1,983 (622) (117) 9,695 - 166,596 As at 2 April 2005 Goodwill 94,848 (990) 5,418 99,276 Other - 2,739 966 1,112 4,817 intangible assets Property, plant 48,896 (1,112) 47,784 and equipment Deferred tax - 12,253 12,253 assets Total 143,744 12,253 - - 2,739 - (24) 5,418 - 164,130 non-current assets Inventories 35,502 35,502 Trade and other 69,062 754 69,816 receivables Cash and cash 45,348 45,348 equivalents Total current 149,912 - 754 - - - - - - 150,666 assets Total assets 293,656 12,253 754 - 2,739 - (24) 5,418 - 314,796 Borrowings 33,344 33,344 Trade and other 58,934 233 829 59,996 payables Tax liabilities 5,137 5,137 Dividends 14,457 (14,457) - payable Retirement - 40,845 40,845 benefit obligations Deferred tax 6,186 63 854 (266) 260 (4,882) 2,215 liabilities Total 118,058 41,078 63 (14,457) 854 563 260 (4,882) - 141,537 liabilities Net assets 175,598 (28,825) 691 14,457 1,885 (563) (284) 10,300 - 173,259 Called up share 36,880 36,880 capital Share premium 10,111 10,111 account Capital 185 185 redemption reserve Translation - (171) 315 144 reserve Other reserves - 513 513 Retained 128,422 (28,825) 178 14,457 1,885 (563) (284) 10,471 (315) 125,426 earnings Total equity 175,598 (28,825) 691 14,457 1,885 (563) (284) 10,300 - 173,259 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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