Sale of Canadian Business - Canadian Tax Repayment

Hammerson PLC 12 January 2000 Sale of Canadian Business - Canadian Tax Repayment In 1998 Hammerson plc provided £37.1 million for taxation on the disposal of Hammerson Canada Inc and this was paid in 1998 and 1999. Hammerson has now received notification that approximately £20 million of the tax will be refunded. The repayment will therefore be accrued and credited to the 1999 accounts. It is anticipated that the repayment will be received in the first half of this year. The tax at issue related to a capital reorganisation prior to the sale. For further information: Simon Melliss Tel: 020 7887 1000 Group Finance Director Fax: 020 7887 1010 Christopher Smith Director of Corporate Affairs


Hammerson (HMSO)
UK 100