Final Results

Hansa Trust PLC 13 June 2003 HANSA TRUST PLC Preliminary Announcement of Results for the year ended 31 March 2003 Hansa Trust PLC announces its Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2003. Financial Highlights Year ended Year ended 31 March 2003 31 March 2002 (unaudited) (audited) Capital deficit per equity share (101.1p) (42.4p) Revenue return per equity share 4.0p 4.9p Net asset value per equity share 270.4p 371.5p Total dividend per equity share for the year 4.0p 5.0p Total income (£000's) 2,366 2,584 Revenue before taxation (£000's) 963 1,144 • Final dividend 2.2p per share • NAV per share fell by 27.2% compared with a fall of 32.1% in the FTSE All-Share Index • Proposed change in performance benchmark The following are attached: • Chairman's Statement • Consolidated Statement of Total Return • Balance Sheet for the Group and Company • Consolidated Cash Flow Statement • Reconciliation of Operating Results to Net Cash Flow from operating Activities • Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow Movement to Movement in (Debt)/Net Funds • Notes For further information please contact: Peter Gardner Hansa Capital Limited 020 7647 5750 David Haggie Haggie Financial Limited 020 7417 8989 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT PERFORMANCE During the year under review the Net Asset Value per Ordinary and 'A' Ordinary share fell from 371.5p to 270.4p, a drop of 27.2% compared with a fall in the FTSE All-Share Index of 32.1%. The comparative figures for the medium and long-term are as follows: Period to 31 March 2003 Net Asset Value FTSE All-Share Index 3 Years -39.2% -44.2% 5 Years -12.9% -37.6% 10 Years +110.0% +23.0% The short-term absolute performance continues to be disappointing. This is described further in the Adviser's Report, which follows. Whilst the long-term return on the Company's assets continues to be more satisfactory, the current performance has meant that the Company's shares continue to trade at a largish discount. Since 31 March 2002, the discount has widened from 17.2% to 20.5% for the Ordinary shares, and 17.9% to 19.4% for the 'A' Ordinary shares. The Directors have powers to buy back 'A' Ordinary shares and will do so if an appropriate opportunity presents itself. Meanwhile they are considering what opportunities will be presented by the proposal to allow the purchase of shares for Treasury. The power to buy back 'A' Ordinary shares lapses at the AGM and so a renewal of the authority will be proposed at the meeting REVENUE AND DIVIDENDS Total income in the year fell from last year's level of £2.58m to £2.37m, and this generated a revenue return on ordinary activities before taxation of £0.96m a fall of some £0.18m from the previous year's return of £1.14m. Regrettably the Company's trading subsidiary Consolidated Investment Funds produced a loss of £73,000, which although an improvement over the prior year's loss of £373,000, when combined with the drop in the level of revenue returns, has restricted the Company's ability to maintain dividends at the prior year level. An interim dividend of 1.8p per share (2002: 1.8p) was paid to shareholders in December 2002. The Directors have decided to reduce the total level of dividend payable for the year to 4p (2002: 5p) and are therefore recommending a final dividend of 2.2p per Ordinary and 'A' Ordinary share. This final dividend will be payable on 7 August 2003, subject to shareholders approval at the AGM, to shareholders on the register at 27 June 2003. It is probably worth repeating that the Company's focus is on total return and the balance between income and capital will vary depending on market conditions; therefore there can be no guarantee that the level of dividend will remain constant from year to year, although over the long term we would expect it to grow. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT (continued) INVESTMENTS Strategic Following the decision by the board of Adam and Harvey Group PLC to return shareholders' funds, the Company received the first and major cash distribution during the year, with a small amount expected to be received before the year end. Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited, the Brazilian investment and shipping group, in which we have a significant stake, maintained its turnover and substantially increased its operating profits. Regrettably the results were once again affected by the exchange losses on its foreign currency borrowings. Although its after tax profit fell from the previous year level of £3.6 to £0.8m, the company has maintained its dividend. Portfolio The portfolio of investments with a breakdown of the investments by size and market is detailed on pages 9 and 10. The charts on page 8 show the industry sector weightings and market sector weightings for both 2002 and 2003. From the industry sector charts you will be able to see that during the year the exposure to the financial sector has increased by 13%, the majority of which has been the increase in the insurance sector, with reductions in both the investment trust and cyclical services sectors of 11% and 15% respectively. Further details on the portfolio and its performance are covered in the Adviser's Report. BENCHMARK As reported in the Interim Report, the Board has been considering the Company's benchmark and has concluded that a benchmark which reflects real returns is more in alignment with shareholders' interests than the present FTSE All-Share Index. The Board has therefore decided to recommend to shareholders at the forthcoming AGM the adoption of a new benchmark. The proposed benchmark is the three-year average rolling rate of return for five-year government bonds, plus two percent. By way of illustration the chart below plots both the current benchmark and the proposed benchmark over the last five years. Owing to problems in converting the chart to transmittable data compatible with the RNS reporting system the chart has been omitted from this statement. However a copy of the Chairman's Statement including the chart will be available from Monday 16 June 2003 on If shareholders approve the change in the benchmark at the forthcoming AGM, the Board together with the Investment Manager will review the Company's investment policy. The Board believes that focusing on individual stock selection and on investing in special situations is the best policy for exceeding the new benchmark and for providing shareholders with a real return on their capital. In the new circumstances the Board will then consider how best to give effect to the revised investment policy. Hansa Trust, as a special situation investment trust, has never been a slave to its benchmark and whilst it has diverged from it markedly over many years, normally positively, we do not expect the change in the benchmark will significantly alter our approach to investing. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT (continued) FSA PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE LISTING RULES As no doubt you have read in the newspapers following the collapse of a number of the Split Trusts, the Financial Services Authority has decided to introduce additional listing rules in respect of investment trusts and published a consultation paper earlier this year. The Board responded to the proposals, which in the main were acceptable. However we did not agree with the proposals to set limits to the investment policy of investment trusts, in particular in relation to investing in other closed end funds. This matter should be left to the Board to determine together with the Investment Manager, in accordance with the Articles of the Company and as agreed by the shareholders. Furthermore we do not believe that a representative of the Investment Manager should be prevented from sitting on the Board. Such a person should have direct fiduciary accountability to the shareholders, which will be achieved as a consequence of participation on the Board. The Board will consider the impact on the Company of any changes finally proposed by the FSA and propose an appropriate course of action to protect the Company and its shareholders. THE BOARD After 27 years as a member of the Board, Edwin Teideman has decided to retire at the forthcoming AGM rather than stand for re-election. We have been very fortunate to have had his wide financial experience and detailed analysis over many years. Alex Hammond-Chambers, who joined the board in November last year, will in accordance with normal practice resign and offer himself for re-election at the AGM. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 11.00am on 31 July 2003 in the Curzon Suite, at the Mayfair Intercontinental Hotel, Stratton Street, London, WIA 2AN. I do hope that as many shareholders as are able will attend. This will be an opportunity to meet with your Board of Directors. In addition William Salomon, who is the Chairman of the Investment Manager, together with John Dodd the Investment Adviser, will make a presentation and be available to answer questions. OUTLOOK It is difficult to comment on the outlook for the UK or overseas stockmarkets. For three years they have fallen in value and share prices, being so much lower than they were at the peak of the technology bubble, are clearly in most cases, much more reasonably valued. But many companies are experiencing pressures on profits coming from poor sales growth, rising costs and taxes and much tougher accounting standards for reported profits. If profits generally don't progress significantly, it is difficult to see markets making much progress either. However, we believe it would he quite wrong to be bearish about all shares. If markets move sideways over the next few years, then some shares will rise while others will fall. There are clearly areas, such as insurance in which we have a considerable investment, in which companies can do very well. Our proposed new benchmark has been devised with a view of setting a goal of actually making money for shareholders. By investing in those companies with good medium-term prospects, we believe we can make money. Jamie Borwick Chairman 12 June 2003 HANSA TRUST PLC CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURNS Incorporating the revenue account for the year ended 31 March (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) (audited) (audited) Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 2002 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Losses on investments - (24,256) (24,256) - (10,141) (10,141) Exchange losses on currency balances - - - - (29) (29) Income 2,366 - 2,366 2,584 - 2,584 Investment management fees (547) - (547) (641) - (641) Other (459) - (459) (484) - (484) expenses ---------- -------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- Net return/ (loss) before finance costs and taxation 1,360 (24,256) (22,896) 1,459 (10,170) (8,711) ---------- -------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- Interest payable and similar charges (397) - (397) (315) - (315) ---------- --------------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ----------- Return/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 963 (24,256) (23,293) 1,144 (10,710) (9,026) Taxation charge on activities - - - 23 - 23 ------------ --------------- --------------- --------- ------------- ------------ Return/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation 963 (24,256) (23,293) 1,167 (10,710) (9,003) Dividend on Ordinary and 'A' Ordinary shares (equity) (960) - (960) (1,165) - (1,165) -------- --------------- -------------- ---------- ------------- ---------- Transfer to/ (from) reserves 3 (24,256) (24,253) 2 (10,170) (10,168) ------------ ------------ ---------- ------------- ------------ ---------- Return/ (deficit) per Ordinary share 4.0p (101.1p) (97.1p) 4.9p (42.4p) (37.5p) ------------ -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------ The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account for the Group. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. HANSA TRUST PLC BALANCE SHEET OF THE GROUP AND COMPANY at 31 March (unaudited) (audited) (unaudited) (audited) Group Group Company Company 2003 2002 2003 2002 £000 £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets - investments Group undertakings - - 50 123 Other investments 72,466 89,345 72,466 89,345 ---------- -------- ---------- -------- 72,466 89,345 72,516 89,468 Current assets Debtors 92 231 197 221 Investments 126 43 - - Cash at bank 51 488 21 417 ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- 269 762 218 638 Creditors Amounts falling due (7,831) (950) (7,830) (949) within one year ------------- --------- ------------- --------- Net current (7,562) (188) (7,612) (311) liabilities ------------- ---------- ------------- --------- Net Assets 64,904 89,157 64,904 89,157 =========== ========== ========== ========= Capital and reserves Called up share capital 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Capital reserve - 77,725 81,800 77,725 81,800 realised Capital reserve - (15,807) 4,374 (15,760) 4,494 unrealised Revenue reserve 1,786 1,783 1,739 1,663 --------- --------- --------- --------- Total equity 64,904 89,157 64,904 89,157 shareholders funds ======== ======== ======== ======== Net asset value per 270.4p 371.5p 270.4p 371.5p Ordinary share HANSA TRUST PLC CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the year ended 31 March (Unaudited) (Audited) 2003 2002 £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,347 2,055 --------- --------- Service of finance Interest paid (395) (325) --------- --------- Net cash outflow from servicing finance (395) (325) --------- --------- Taxation Taxation recovered 23 71 --------- --------- Financial investments Purchase of investments (42,771) (72,459) Sales of investments 35,394 76,625 --------- --------- Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financial (7,377) 4,166 investment --------- --------- Equity dividends paid (1,200) (1,200) Unclaimed dividends - 35 --------- --------- (1,200) (1,165) --------- --------- Financing Drawdown/(repayment) of loans 7,165 (5,500) --------- --------- Decrease in cash (437) (698) --------- --------- HANSA TRUST PLC RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING RESULTS TO NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (unaudited) (audited) 2003 2002 £000 £000 Net revenue return before finance costs and 1,360 1,459 taxation Decrease/(increase) in prepayments and accrued 116 (60) income (Increase)/decrease in current asset investments (83) 827 Decrease in other creditors and accruals (46) (171) --------- -------- Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,347 2,055 --------- -------- RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW MOVEMENT TO MOVEMENT IN NET (DEBT)/FUNDS (unaudited) (audited) 2003 2002 £000 £000 Movement in net funds resulting from cashflows (7,602) 4,802 Exchange losses - (29) --------- --------- Movement in net funds in the year (7,602) 4,773 Net funds/(debt) at the start of year 488 (4,285) --------- --------- Net (debt)/funds at end of year (7,114) 488 --------- --------- Represented by: (audited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) At 31 March Exchange At 31 March 2002 Cashflows Movements 2003 £000 £000 £000 £000 Cash at bank 488 (437) - 51 Short-term bank - (7,165) - (7,165) loans --------- --------- --------- --------- Net (debt)/funds 488 (7,602) - (7,114) --------- --------- --------- --------- Notes: 1. This Preliminary Announcement is not the Company's statutory accounts. It has been agreed by the auditors and is an abridged version of the Company's full draft accounts, which have not yet been signed or filed with the Registrar of Companies. 2. Statutory accounts for the 12 months ended 31 March 2002 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and received an audit report which was unqualified and did not contain statements under Section 237 (2) and (3) of the Companies Act 1985. Hansa Capital Limited - Company Secretary 12 June 2003 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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