Final Results
Hargreave Hale AIM VCT1 plc
(formerly Keydata AIM VCT1 plc)
Preliminary Announcement of Final Results for the year ending 30 September 2009.
Ordinary Shares: 2009 2008
Net asset value per share 63.98p 66.21p
Cumulative distributions paid since launch 17.00p 14.00p
Net asset value total return 80.98p 80.21p
Discount to Net Asset Value  22.6% 8.62%
(based on mid-market price at balance sheet date)
Returns per share:
Revenue return (0.31)p 0.38p
Capital return (1.27)p (36.01)p
Total return (1.58)p (35.63)p
Interim paid 2.0p 4.0p
Final proposed - 1.0p*
Total dividend for year 2.0p 5.0p
*Dividend paid on 26 January 2009
C Ordinary Shares: 2009 2008
Net asset value per share - 82.06p
Cumulative distributions paid since launch - 3.20p
Net asset value total return - 85.62p
Net asset value total return since launch at 95p - 85.62p
Share price (mid) - 77.5p
Discount to Net Asset Value - 5.56%
(based on mid-market price at balance sheet date)
Returns per share:
Revenue return - 1.24p
Capital return - (13.92)p
Total return - (12.68)p
Interim paid - 0.7p
Final proposed - -
Total dividend for year - 0.7p
The financial results for the year to 30 September 2009 reflect the difficult
economic environment in the UK during this period. At 30th September the NAV was
63.98 pence which after adjusting for the dividends paid represents an effective
1.0% increase for the period. This compares with a 6.1% rise in the all-share
index and a 3.9% rise in the AIM index during the same period. Losses per
ordinary share for the year were 1.58 pence per share (comprising revenue losses
of 0.31 pence and capital losses of 1.27 pence).
Following the appointment of Administrators to Keydata Investment Services
Limited your Board has appointed Hargreave Hale Limited to take over the
administrative services in respect of the Company and Giles Hargreave, CEO of
Hargreave Hale Limited has joined the Board as a non-executive director to
replace Stewart Ford who resigned.
Conversion of C shares
On 7 October 2008, in accordance with the Articles of Association, the C shares
were converted into new Ordinary shares based on the respective net asset value
per share of each fund at 30 September 2008. The conversion ratio was 1.23935
new ordinary shares for each C share held on 7 October 2008. The 17,719,270 C
shares in issue were converted into 21,959,891 new ordinary shares which rank
pari passu with the existing ordinary shares. The two investment funds combined
from this date.
The Investment Manager, Hargreave Hale, invested a further £340,000 in 2
qualifying companies during the year and made disposals or part disposals of 14
of the AIM investments, realising a net loss on sale of £3,199K.  The bid value
of qualifying investments at 30 September 2009 was £10.3 million invested in 47
AIM companies, the balance was held in non-qualifying AIM stocks.
Tender Offer
At the EGM, held on 19th May, a special resolution was passed by shareholders to
give approval for a tender offer of up to 8,000,000 ordinary shares at a price
of 52 pence per share. Valid acceptances were received by the closing date of
30 April 2009 from 179 shareholders for 5,076,447 ordinary shares which were
repurchased for cancellation (2,365,313 shares) and holding in treasury for
issue by the company at a future date (2,711,134 shares).
Change of name
At the general meeting on 30 September 2009 it was approved that the Company
name be changed to "Hargreave Hale AIM VCT1 Plc" to more closely reflect the new
arrangements and its relationship with Hargreave Hale Limited. I am pleased to
report that this change of name is now completed.
An interim dividend of 2 pence was paid on 30 June 2009. It is not proposed to
declare a dividend at this time but your board is committed to paying regular
dividends and will keep the matter under review.
The UK economic cycle is now at a critical point. The 2008-09 recession, which
was much deeper than most people envisaged, now appears to be abating albeit
that it has not yet technically ended. The CBI stated that the UK economy was
expected to emerge from recession through modest growth in the third and fourth
quarters of 2009. However we remain cautious as we believe the economy is still
fragile and that any growth in the immediate future will be slow and modest.
Sir Aubrey Brocklebank Bt
31 December 2009
For the year ended 30 September 2009
 Ordinary Shares
  Revenue Capital Total
  £000 £000 £000
Net loss on investments held at fair value  - (266) (266)
through profit or loss
Income  362 - 362
  -------- -------- --------
  362 (266) 96
  -------- -------- --------
Management fee  (39) (118) (157)
Other expenses  (415) - (415)
  -------- -------- -------
  (454) (118) (572)
  -------- -------- -------
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation  (92) (384) (476)
Taxation  0 0 0
  -------- -------- --------
Loss after taxation  (92) (384) (476)
  -------- -------- --------
Losses per share  (0.31)p (1.27)p (1.58)p
On 7 October 2008, in accordance with the Articles of Association, the C shares
were converted into new Ordinary shares based on the respective net asset value
per share of each fund at 30 September 2008. The two investment funds were
combined from this date forward.
For the year ended 30 September 2008
 Ordinary Shares C Shares Company
  Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
   £000 £000 £000  £000 £000 £000  £000 £000 £000
Net (loss)
held at
fair value
through - (4,441) (4,441) Â - (2,379) (2,379) Â - (6,820) (6,820)
profit or
Income   179 - 179  482 - 482  661 - 661
   --------- ---------- ----------  -------- ---------- ----------  -------- ---------- ----------
   179 (4,441) (4,262)  482 (2,379) (1,897)  661 (6,820) (6,159)
   --------- ---------- ----------  -------- ---------- ----------  -------- ----------
Management   (28) (83) (111)  (40) (121) (161)  (68) (204) (272)
Other   (113) - (113)  (175) - (175)  (288) - (288)
   --------- ---------- ----------  -------- ---------- ----------  -------- ---------- ----------
   (141) (83) (224)  (215) (121) (336)  (356) (204) (560)
   --------- ---------- ----------  -------- ---------- ----------  -------- ---------- ----------
(loss on
taxation) 38 (4,524) (4,486) Â 267 (2,500) (2,233) Â 305 (7,024) (6,719)
Taxation   9 16 25  (47) 22 (25)  (38) 38 -
   --------- ---------- ----------  -------- ---------- ----------  -------- ---------- ----------
(loss) 47 (4,508) (4,461) Â 220 (2,478) (2,258) Â 267 (6,986) (6,719)
   --------- ---------- ----------  -------- ---------- ----------  -------- ---------- ----------
(losses 0.38p (36.01)p (35.63)p  1.24p (13.92)p (12.68)p
per share)
The total column of this statement is the income statement of the Company. All
revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing
operations. There are no recognised gains or losses other than the loss for the
As at 30 September 2009
  2009 2008 2008 2008
  Ordinary Ordinary C Ordinary Total
   £000  £000 £000 £000
Fixed assets
Investments at fair value   16,079  6,393 14,301 20,694
through profit or loss
   ---------  --------- --------- ---------
Current assets
Debtors   95  68 88 156
Cash at bank   1059  385 224 609
   ---------  --------- --------- ---------
   1,154  453 312 765
Creditors: amounts falling due   (129)  (8) (73) (81)
within one year
   ---------  --------- --------- ---------
Net current assets   1,025  445 239 684
   ---------  --------- --------- ---------
Net assets   17,104  6,838 14,540 21,378
   ---------  --------- --------- ---------
Capital and Reserves
Called up share capital   294  103 886 989
Special reserve   22,765  9,772 15,927 25,699
Capital reserve - realised   (3,735)  61 (21) 40
Capital reserve - unrealised   (3,133)  (3,301) (2,359) (5,660)
Revenue reserve   167  163 96 259
Capital redemption reserve   746  40 11 51
   ---------  --------- --------- ---------
Equity shareholders' funds   17,104  6,838 - 6,838
Rights of C shareholders   -  - 14,540 14,540
  ---------  --------- --------- ---------
Equity shareholders' funds
and rights of C shareholders   -  6,838 14,540 21,378
  ---------  --------- --------- ---------
Net asset value per share   63.98p  66.21p 82.06p
On 7 October 2008, in accordance with the Articles of Association, the C shares
were converted into new Ordinary shares based on the respective net asset value
per share of each fund at 30 September 2008. The two investment funds were
combined from this date forward.
For the year ending 30 September 2009
  2009 2008 2008 2008
  Ordinary Ordinary C Ordinary Total
   £000  £000 £000 £000
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from   (101)  (78) 37 (41)
operating activities
Net financial investment   4,349  3,791 238 4,029
Dividends paid   (864)  (454) (258) (712)
   ---------  --------- --------- ---------
Cash outflow before management   3,384  3,259 17 3,276
of liquid resources
Financing (share buy backs) Â Â (2,934) Â (3,228) (167) (3,395)
   ---------  --------- --------- ---------
Increase/(Decrease) in cash   450  31 (150) (119)
   ---------  --------- --------- ---------
On 7 October 2008, in accordance with the Articles of Association, the C shares
were converted into new Ordinary shares based on the respective net asset value
per share of each fund at 30 September 2008. The two investment funds were
combined from this date forward.
  Capital Capital Capital
Ordinary Share Redemption Reserve Reserve Special Revenue Total
Shares Capital Reserve Realised Unrealised Reserve Reserve
 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
At 1 October 103 40 61 (3,301) 9,772 163 6,838
2008 (Ord
At 1 October
(C shares 886 11 (21) (2,359) 15,927 96 14,540
Transfer of (666) 666 - - - - -
of C shares
 ------ ------ --------- --------- --------- ------ ---------
 323 717 40 (5,660) 25,699 259 21,378
Previously - (2,793) - - - (2,793)
recognised gains now
realised      -
Unrealised     - - 2,527 - - 2,527
losses on   -
Management     - (118) - - - (118)
fee charged -
to capital
Share (29) 29 - - (2,934) - (2,934)
Equity      - (864) - - - (864)
dividends   -
Revenue (loss) after - - - - (92) (92)
taxation for the
period    -
 ------ ------ --------- --------- --------- ------ ---------
At 30 294 746 (3,735) (3,133) 22,765 167 17,104
 ------ ------ --------- --------- --------- ------ ---------
For the year ending 30 September 2009
Reserves available for distribution are capital reserve realised, special
reserve and revenue reserve.
For the year ending 30 September 2008
  Capital Capital Capital
Ordinary Share Redemption Reserve Reserve Special Revenue Total
Shares Capital Reserve Realised Unrealised Reserve Reserve
 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
At 1 143 - 128 1,593 12,999 116 14,979
Previously - 454 (454) - - -
recognised gains
now realised
Unrealised     - - (4,440) - - (4,440)
losses on -
Management     - (83) - - - (83)
fee charged -
to capital
Tax relief     - 16 - - - 16
Share (40) 40 - - (3,227) - (3,227)
Equity     - (454) - - - (454)
dividends -
Revenue profit - - - - 47 47
after taxation for
the year    -
 ------ ------ --------- --------- --------- ------ ---------
At 30 103 40 61 (3,301) 9,772 163 6,838
 ------ ------ --------- --------- --------- ------ ---------
C Shares
At 1 897 - (154) 254 16,094 134 17,225
Unrealised     -  (2,379) - - (2,379)
losses on  -
Previously - 234 (234) - - -
recognised gains
now realised
Share (11) 11 - - (167) - (167)
Management - - (121) - - - (121)
fee charged
to capital
Tax relief - - 20 - - - 20
Equity - - - - - (258) (258)
Revenue (loss) - - - - 220 220
after taxation for
the year    -
 ------ ------ --------- --------- --------- ------ ---------
At 30 886 11 (21) (2,359) 15,927 96 14,540
 ------ ------ --------- --------- --------- ------ ---------
Notes to the preliminary announcement
1. The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement does not
constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 September
2009 or 30 September 2008. Statutory accounts for the year ended 30
September 2008 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and those of
the year ended 30 September 2009 will be delivered to the Registrar in due
course; both have been reported on by the Independent Auditors. The
independent auditors' report on the Financial Statements for the year ended
30 September 2008 was unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by
way of emphasis, and did not contain a statement under 237(2) or 237(3) of
the Companies Act 1985. The independent auditors' report on the Financial
Statements of the year ended 30 September 2009 was unqualified, did not draw
attention to any matters by way of emphasis, and did not contain a statement
under 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information
in this preliminary announcement has been prepared under the historical cost
convention, except for the revaluation of certain financial instruments, and
in accordance with UK GAAP and with the Statement of Recommended Practice
(SORP) for Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies issued in
December 2005. The accounting policies adopted in these preliminary results
have been consistently applied to all the years presented and are consistent
with the policies used in the preparation of the statutory accounts for the
year ended 30 September 2009. The full statutory annual accounts will be
published in January 2010. Copies may in due course be obtained during
normal business hours from Hargreave Hale Limited, 9-11 Neptune Court,
Whitehills, Blackpool, FY4 5LZ.
     The Annual general meeting of the company will be held at the Company's
registered office on 11 February 2010 at 11.00am.
2. Revenue return per ordinary share is based on a net revenue loss on ordinary
activities after tax of £92,000 (2008 £47,000) and on 29,963,737 (2008
12,520,138) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary
shares in issue during the year. The comparative figures for the C ordinary
shares are £Nil (2008 £220,000) and Nil (2008 17,789,162) C ordinary shares.
Capital return per ordinary share is based on a net capital loss on ordinary
activities after tax of £384,000 (2008 £4,508,000 loss) and on 29,963,737
(2008 12,520,138) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the year. The comparative figures for the C
ordinary shares are £Nil (2008 £2,478,000 loss) and Nil (2008 17,789,162) C
ordinary shares.
3. The net asset value per ordinary share at 30 September 2009 of 63.98p (2008
66.21p) is based on net assets of £17,104,000 (2008 £6,838,000) and on
26,733,966 shares, being the number of ordinary shares in issue as at 30
September 2009 (2008 10,327,905). The net asset value per C share at 30
September 2009 of Nil (2007 82.06p) is based on net assets of £Nil (2008
£14,540,000) and on Nil shares, being the number of C shares in issue as at
30 September 2009 (2008 17,719,270).
Ordinary Share Fund
As at 30 September 2009
 Book Cost Valuation Valuation
Qualifying investments £000 £000 %
Cohort 800 982 6.1
Advanced Computer Software 400 882 5.5
Abcam 167 870 5.4
Intercede 518 628 3.9
Brulines 541 506 3.2
Pressure Technologies 340 499 3.1
Animal Care 300 436 2.7
Vertu Motors 600 430 2.7
FDM 249 394 2.5
Craneware 150 379 2.4
Mount Engineering 400 331 2.1
MAMA 300 270 1.7
Rotala 400 262 1.6
CBG 534 238 1.5
K3 270 249 1.5
Universe 385 247 1.5
Keycom 300 225 1.4
Portland Gas 46 201 1.3
Idox 150 195 1.2
Energetix 380 168 1.0
Maxima 251 163 1.0
Essentially 220 147 0.9
Feedback 201 151 0.9
Tangent Communications 300 150 0.9
Neutrahealth 315 120 0.7
Jelf 174 98 0.6
Legion Group 250 89 0.6
Tasty 288 100 0.6
Autoclenz 256 86 0.5
Innovision 175 81 0.5
Plastics Capital 250 80 0.5
Relax 650 83 0.5
Advanced Power 148 70 0.4
Hexagon Human 300 58 0.4
Progressive Digital 173 58 0.4
Richoux 300 67 0.4
Enfis 146 52 0.3
Expansys 331 40 0.3
Invocas 169 41 0.3
Egdon Resources 8 30 0.2
Hardide 396 25 0.2
Infoserve 200 27 0.2
Reneuron 168 34 0.2
St Helen's Capital 211 31 0.2
Invu 200 22 0.1
Sport Media Group 300 16 0.1
Accuma 49 5 0.0
 --------- --------- -------
Total qualifying investments 13,659 10,316 64.2
 --------- --------- -------
Book Cost Valuation Valuation
Non-Qualifying investments £000 £000 %
Treasury 2.25% 2014 1,467 1,479 9.2
UKTI 2.5% 2016 491 503 3.1
UKTI 2.5% 2020 482 497 3.1
 ------- ------- ------
Total - UK gilts 2,440 2,479 15.4
 ------- ------- ------
Lloyds 4% Nov 11 1,024 1,042 6.5
Nationwide 3.75% Nov 11 1,018 1,037 6.4
 ------- ------- ------
Total - UK corporate bonds 2,042 2,079 12.9
 ------- ------- ------
Optare 200 250 1.6
Hargreaves 131 189 1.2
Marstons 103 122 0.8
Cove 100 120 0.7
Lookers 124 119 0.7
Qinetiq 118 105 0.7
Cineworld 81 80 0.5
Prostrakan 83 85 0.5
Clerkenwell 47 35 0.2
OPG Group 25 30 0.2
Renew Group 28 35 0.2
UK Coal 16 25 0.2
Abcam 1 1 0.0
Advanced Computer Software 2 2 0.0
Craneware 4 5 0.0
Enfis 1 1 0.0
Hexagon 2 0 0.0
St Helen's Capital 2 0 0.0
Tasty 1 0 0.0
Vertu Motors 3 1 0.0
 -------- --------- -------
Total - non-qualifying equities 1,072 1,205 7.5
 -------- --------- -------
Total - non-qualifying investments 5,554 5,763 35.8
 --------- --------- -------
Total investments 19,213 16,079 100.0
 --------- --------- -------
31 December 2009
For further information please contact:
Stuart Brookes
Company Secretary
Hargreave Hale AIM VCT1 plc
0207 009 4900