Final Results
08 December 2005
Preliminary Announcement of Final Results for the period ending 30 September
Financial Highlights
Period to 30 September
Capital Values:
Net assets (£000) 14,870
Net asset value per share 103.71p
Share price (mid) 99.0p
Discount 4.54%
Returns per share:
Revenue return 0.14p
Capital return 12.15p
Total return 12.29p
Total expense ratio 2.49%
Chairman's Statement
This is my first annual statement as Chairman of Keydata AIM VCT which covers
the period from date of incorporation on 16 August 2004 to 30 September 2005. I
would like to welcome you as a shareholder and thank you for your support in the
launch of the VCT.
The initial Offer for Subscription closed on 30 April 2005 with gross funds
raised of around £14.3 million from 863 investors. The costs of the launch were
set at 5% of the gross funds raised and the net proceeds retained by the company
were £13.6 million with an initial net asset value per share of 95p.
Results and Investments
The Investment Manager, Hargreave Hale, has invested £4.1 million in fifteen
qualifying AIM companies during the period. The bid value of these investments
at 30 September 2005 was around £5.5 million, representing a 32.7% uplift. We
have a further £9.4 million available to invest, £4.0 million of which is held
in short dated gilts and £5.4 million in bank deposit.
This increase in the value of investments led to a capital return of 12.15p per
share over the period, which, in addition to a revenue surplus of 0.14p per
share, resulted in a total return of 12.29p per share (based on the weighted
average number of shares in issue during the period). The net asset value per
share at 30 September 2005 was 103.71p, a 9.2% increase on the initial NAV of
We are pleased with progress to date with a healthy increase in NAV and over 30%
of funds now invested in qualifying investments but our primary focus remains to
deliver long term returns to shareholders.
The directors do not propose to recommend a final dividend for the period.
New and secondary issues on AIM have increased strongly in number this year.
There were 1,292 companies on AIM with a combined market capitalisation of over
£48 billion as at 31 August 2005. In the first 8 months of this year, over £4.4
billion was raised by AIM companies (both qualifying and to a large extent
non-qualifying) either at the time of floating on AIM or in secondary fund
raisings. The quality of such issues has however been variable and the
Investment Manager has been selective in making new investments.
Our focus is investment in new listings or secondary top ups of AIM companies.
While we can invest in OFEX and pre-IPO companies, due to the lack of liquidity
in these companies, we will generally do so only in exceptional circumstances.
Post balance sheet event
We are pleased to have obtained shareholder approval on 11 October 2005 to a C
share offer for subscription of up to £25 million. This will be managed as a
separate fund and should benefit existing ordinary shareholders through a lower
total expense ratio to the extent that overheads will in future be allocated pro
rata across both investment funds.
Shareholder Communication
The Company's daily share price can be found on various financial websites under
the EPIC code 'KEY' or on our own dedicated website at
Sir Aubrey Brocklebank Bt
7 December 2005
Statement of total return (incorporating the revenue account) for the period
ending 30 September 2005
For the period
16 August 2004 to
30 September 2005
Note Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Gains on investments 7 - 1,316 1,316
Income 2 303 - 303
-------- -------- --------
303 1,316 1,619
Management fees 3 (28) (84) (112)
Other expenses 4 (258) - (258)
-------- -------- --------
(286) (84) (370)
-------- -------- --------
Return on ordinary activities before 17 1,232 1,249
Tax on ordinary activities 5 (3) 3 -
-------- -------- --------
Return for the period attributable to 14 1,235 1,249
equity shareholders
-------- -------- --------
Return per share 6 0.14p 12.15p 12.29p
The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the
Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from
continuing operations.
Balance sheet as at 30 September 2005
Note As at 30 September 2005
Fixed assets
Investments 7 9,501
Current assets
Debtors 9 45
Cash at bank and in hand 5,368
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 10 (44)
Net current assets 5,369
Net assets 14,870
Capital and Reserves
Called up share capital 11 143
Special reserve 12 13,478
Capital reserve - realised 12 (113)
Capital reserve - unrealised 12 1,348
Revenue reserve 12 14
Equity shareholders' funds 14,870
Net asset value per share 13 103.71p
Cash flow statement for the period ending 30 September 2005
Note For the period
16 August 2004 to
30 September 2005
Net cash outflow from operating activities 15 (68)
Net financial investment 15 (8,185)
Cash outflow before management of liquid resources (8,253)
Financing 15 13,621
Increase in cash 5,368
Reconciliation of movement in shareholders' funds
For the period
16 August 2004 to
30 September 2005
Revenue return for period 14
Capital return for the period 1,235
Issue of ordinary shares 13,621
Issue of redeemable preference share 50
Redemption of redeemable preference shares (50)
Closing shareholders' funds 14,870
Investment portfolio summary as at 30 September 2005
Qualifying investments Book cost Valuation % of net assets
£000 £000 %
Accuma Group PLC 380 760 5.1
Ascribe PLC 250 479 3.2
Centrom Group PLC 300 240 1.6
Egdon Resources PLC 249 556 3.7
FDM Group PLC 250 326 2.2
Hardide PLC 200 235 1.6
Internet Business Group PLC 300 281 1.9
K3 Business Technology Group PLC 270 270 1.8
Maxima Holdings PLC 251 246 1.7
Neutrahealth PLC 315 420 2.8
Sarantel Group PLC 343 343 2.3
SectorGuard PLC 250 232 1.6
Torex Retail PLC 244 425 2.9
York Pharma PLC 250 267 1.8
Zenith Hygiene Group PLC 281 402 2.7
-------- -------- --------
Total qualifying investments 4,133 5,482 36.9
------- ------- --------
Non-qualifying investments
Treasury 4.5% Stock 2007 4,020 4,019 27.0
------- ------- -------
Total investments 8,153 9,501 63.9
Cash 5,368 5,368 36.1
Other net current assets 1 1 0.0
-------- -------- --------
Net assets 13,522 14,870 100.0
-------- -------- --------
Notes to the financial statements
1. Accounting policies
A summary of the principal accounting policies, all of which have been applied
consistently throughout the period, is set out below.
Basis of preparation
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost
convention, modified to include the revaluation of fixed asset investments and
in accordance with UK GAAP and applicable accounting standards and with the
Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) for 'Financial Statements of Investment
Trust Companies' issued by the Association of Investment Trust Companies.
Listed investments and investments traded on AIM are stated at closing bid
market prices. Unquoted investments are stated at Directors' valuation in
accordance with current British Venture Capital Association guidelines for the
valuation of venture capital investments. In determining this valuation the
Directors give consideration to the period of investment, the performance of the
investment against plan, appropriately discounted comparative listed companies'
price earnings ratios and any recent transactions.
Any capital gains or losses, whether realised or unrealised, arising on fixed
asset investments are taken directly to capital reserves.
Equity dividends are taken into account on the ex-dividend date, net of any
associated tax credit. Fixed returns on non-equity shares and debt securities
are recognised on a time apportionment basis so as to reflect the effective
yield, provided there is no reasonable doubt that payment will be received in
due course. All other income, including deposit interest receivable, is
recognised on an accruals basis.
All expenditure is accounted for on an accruals basis. 75% of investment
management fees are allocated to the capital reserve - realised and 25% to the
revenue account in line with the Board's expected long term split of investment
returns in the form of capital gains and income respectively. Expenses
incidental to the acquisition or disposal of an investment are included within
the cost of the investment or deducted from the disposal proceeds as
appropriate. All other expenditure is charged to the revenue account.
Capital Reserves
Realised profits and losses on the disposal of investments and 75% of Investment
management fees are accounted for in the Capital Reserve -realised.
Increases and decreases in the valuation of investments held at the year end are
accounted for in the Capital Reserve - unrealised.
The tax effect of expenditure is allocated between capital and revenue on the
same basis as the particular item to which it relates, using the Company's
effective rate of tax for the accounting period. Any liability to corporation
tax is based on net revenue for the period.
Deferred taxation is recognised in respect of all timing differences that have
originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date where transactions or
events that result in an obligation to pay more tax in the future or a right to
pay less tax in the future have occurred at the balance sheet date. Timing
differences are differences between the Company's taxable profits and its
results as stated in the accounts. Deferred tax assets are only recognised to
the extent they are recoverable.
Deferred tax is measured at the average tax rates that are expected to apply in
the periods in which timing differences are expected to reverse, based on tax
rates and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted at the balance
sheet date. Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted basis.
2. Income
Income from listed investments:
UK dividends -
Unfranked investment income -
Other income:
Deposit interest 303
Total income 303
3. Management Fees
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Management fees 24 71 95
Irrecoverable VAT thereon 4 13 17
------ ------ -----
28 84 112
------ ------ -----
The Company's Investment Manager is Hargreave Hale Limited. The investment
management agreement dated 10 September 2004 will continue for a period of 3
years from 29 October 2004, the date of Admission, and thereafter terminate on
12 calendar months' notice, subject to earlier termination in certain
The Investment Manager receives an investment management fee of 0.9% per annum
of the net asset value of the company, calculated and payable quarterly in
arrears. At 30 September 2005, £11,000 was owed in respect of management fees.
A performance related incentive fee will be payable at the rate of 20% of any
dividends paid to shareholders in excess of 6p per ordinary share per annum,
provided that the net asset value per share is at least 95p. The first payment
will be made after 30 September 2007 provided cumulative distributions in the
first three accounting periods exceed 18p per ordinary share. Thereafter, a
performance related incentive fee will be payable annually provided the hurdles
have been exceeded, with any cumulative shortfalls below 6p per ordinary share
having to be made up in subsequent years before the incentive fee becomes
payable. Any performance related incentive fee payable will be shared equally
between the Investment Manager and Keydata Investment Services Limited ('KISL').
4. Other Expenses
General expenses 196
Directors fees 48
Auditors remuneration
- for audit services 12
- for non-audit services 2
The maximum aggregate Directors emoluments authorised by the Articles of
Association are £200,000 per annum.
5. Tax on ordinary activities
The tax charge for the period is lower than the standard rate of UK Corporation
Tax of 30%. The differences are explained below:
Revenue on ordinary activities before taxation 17
UK Corporation Tax at 30% 5
Smaller companies relief (2)
Actual current tax charge 3
There is no taxation in relation to capital gains or losses. No asset or
liability has been recognised in relation to capital gains or losses on
revaluing investments. The Company is exempt from such tax as a result of its
intention to qualify as a Venture Capital Trust.
Factors that may affect future tax charges:
There is an unrecognised deferred tax asset of £13,000 which relates to surplus
management expenses of £67,000. The directors believe that there will be no
taxable profits in the future against which the deferred tax assets can be
offset and therefore the asset has not been recognised.
6. Return per ordinary share
Revenue Capital Total
Return per ordinary share:
- basic 0.14p 12.15p 12.29p
------- -------- --------
Revenue return per ordinary share is based on a net revenue profit on ordinary
activities after taxation of £14,000 and on 10,164,185 ordinary shares, being
the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.
Capital return per ordinary share is based on a net capital profit of £1,235,000
for the period and on 10,164,185 ordinary shares, being the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.
7. Investments
2005 2005 2005
AIM Quoted Listed Total
Investments Investments Investments
£000 £000 £000
Investments 5,482 4,019 9,501
------- ------ ------
Movement in period:
Opening valuation - - -
Purchases at cost 4,208 4,020 8,228
Sales - proceeds (43) - (43)
- realised losses (32) - (32)
Movements unrealised 1,349 (1) 1,348
------- ------- ------
Closing valuation 5,482 4,019 9,501
Closing book cost 4,133 4,020 8,153
------- ------- ------
Closing unrealised 1,349 (1) 1,348
------- ------ ------
Realised loss on sales (32) - (32)
Unrealised profit on investments 1,349 (1) 1,348
------- ------ ------
Gain on investments 1,317 (1) 1,316
------- ------ ------
8. Significant Interests
At the period end the Company held 3% or more of the issued share capital of the
following investments:
Centrom Group PLC - 3.90%
Internet Business Group PLC - 3.72%
9. Debtors
Prepayments and accrued income 45
10 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
Accruals and deferred income 44
11. Called up share capital
50,000,000 ordinary shares of 1p each 500
Allotted, called-up and fully paid:
14,337,731 ordinary shares of 1p each 143
During the financial period to 30 September 2005, ordinary shares of 1p each
were issued as follows:
Date of issue Number of shares Issue price Gross proceeds
issued (pence) £000
16 August 2004 (on incorporation) 2 1p -
27 October 2004 to 11 May 2005 14,337,729 100p 14,338
------------- --------
14,337,731 14,338
------------- --------
The Company issued 50,000 Redeemable Preference shares of £1 on 1 September 2004
for a consideration of £50,000. On 27 October 2004, the Company redeemed in full
the 50,000 Redeemable Preference shares with a consideration paid of £50,000. On
redemption the authorised share capital of £50,000 was converted into an
additional 5,000,000 ordinary shares of 1p each. The authorised ordinary share
capital increased from 45,000,000 to 50,000,000 ordinary shares of 1p each.
12. Reserves
Share Capital Capital Special Revenue
premium reserve-realised reserve-unrealised reserve reserve
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Proceeds from issue of shares 14,194 - - - -
Costs related to issue of shares (716) - - - -
Cancellation of share premium (13,478) - - 13,478 -
Unrealised profit on investments - - 1,348 - -
Net realised losses on disposals - (32) - - -
Management fees charged to capital - (84) - - -
Tax relief - 3 - - -
Net revenue return for period - - - - 14
------ ------- ------- -------- -----
At 30 September 2005 Nil (113) 1,348 13,478 14
------ ------ ------- -------- -----
The Company obtained court approval to cancel its ordinary share premium account
which became effective on 30 August 2005. The special reserve created may be
treated as a distributable reserve for all purposes.
13. Net asset value per ordinary share
The net asset value per ordinary share and the net asset values attributable at
the period end calculated in accordance with FRS4 and the Articles of
Association were as follows:
Net asset value per share Net assets attributable
2005 2005
pence £000
Ordinary shares
- Basic 103.71 14,870
-------- --------
Net asset value per ordinary share is based on net assets at the period end and
on 14,337,731 ordinary shares, being the number of shares in issue at period
14. Contingencies, guarantees and financial commitments
There were no contingencies, guarantees or financial commitments of the Company
at the period end.
15. Notes to the Cash Flow Statement
(a) Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flows
Net revenue on ordinary activities before taxation 17
Investment management fee charged to capital (84)
Increase in debtors (45)
Increase in creditors 44
Net cash outflow from operating activities (68)
(b) Analysis of cash flow for headings netted in cash flow statement
Net financial investment: £000
Purchase of investments (8,228)
Sale of investments 43
Financing: £000
Net proceeds from issue of ordinary shares 13,621
Net proceeds from issue of redeemable preference shares 50
Redemption of redeemable preference shares (50)
16. Related party transactions
One of the directors of the Company, Mr S Ford, is a director of Keydata
Investment Services Limited ('KISL') and has an interest in excess of 20% in
that company. As such, KISL is considered to be a related party to the Company.
KISL acts as Promoter and Administrator to the Company.
KISL in its capacity as Promoter of the Offer for Subscription, receives annual
commission of 0.9% per annum of the net asset value of the Company, calculated
and payable quarterly in arrears. KISL is responsible for payment of all trail
commission due to intermediaries. KISL also receives a fee of £35,000 per annum
for administration services. In total, KISL earned fees of £130,000 during the
period. Of those fees, £11,000 was still owing at the period end.
KISL has agreed to indemnify the Company against annual running costs (excluding
VAT) exceeding 3.5% of its net asset value.
Any performance related incentive fee payable to the Investment manager (as
detailed in Note 3) will be shared equally between the Investment Manager and
17. Financial instruments
Investment in securities exposes the Company to certain inherent risks, the most
predominant of which are market price risk, liquidity risk and interest rate
risk. The Company seeks to minimise the liquidity risk by investing mainly in
AIM securities. It seeks to minimise interest rate risk by using equity (as
opposed to debt) funding to grow its investment portfolio.
The Company's financial assets and liabilities are denominated in Sterling as
As at 30 September 2005 Fixed interest Non-interest bearing
Floating bearing Total
£000 £000 £000 £000
Investments - 4,019 5,482 9,501
Cash 5,368 - - 5,368
------- ------- ------- --------
5,368 4,019 5,482 14,869
Other net short term assets - - 1 1
------- ------- ------- --------
Net assets 5,368 4,019 5,483 14,870
------- ------- ------- --------
Interest received on cash balances is variable and is dependent on UK bank base
Interest on Treasury 4.5% Stock 2007 is fixed.
The Company had no uncommitted borrowing facilities at the period end.
The fair value of financial assets and liabilities is represented by their
carrying value in the balance sheet.
18. Post balance sheet events
The Company obtained shareholder approval on 11 October 2005 to raise up to £25
million in additional funds through a C class share issue.
The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's
statutory accounts for the period ended 30 September 2005. The annual report and
accounts for the period 16 August 2004 to 30 September 2005 will be delivered to
the Registrar of Companies following the Company's annual general meeting.
The Annual report and accounts will be posted to shareholders shortly. Copies
may in due course be obtained during normal business hours from Keydata
Investment Services Limited, One Angel Court, London EC2R 7HJ.
The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Company's
registered office, 19 Cavendish Square, London W1A 2AW on 18 January 2006 at
7 December 2005
For further information please contact:
Roddi Vaughn-Thomas
Head of Corporate Communications
Keydata Investment Services Limited
020 7710 6923
Craig McNeil
Company Secretary
Keydata AIM VCT plc
0141 572 2300
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange