Interim Results

UK Coal PLC 08 September 2004 UK COAL PLC Harworth Park, Blyth Road, Harworth Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN11 8DB Tel: 01302 751 751 Fax: 01302 752 420 8 September 2004 UK COAL PLC INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2004 UK COAL PLC, the coal mining and property group, today announces its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2004. • Operating loss on continuing operations before exceptional items of £14.2 million (2003: profit of £0.7 million) • Loss before tax of £5.8 million (2003: loss of £0.8 million) • Cash outflow, before use of liquid resources financing and dividends, of £1.9 million (2003: cash inflow £30.3 million) • Dividend 5.0 pence per share (2003: 5.0 pence per share) • Sales volumes 7.4 million tonnes (2003: 9.9 million tonnes) • Deep mine production 6.0 million tonnes (2003: 7.9 million tonnes); surface mine production 1.2 million tonnes (2003: 1.8 million tonnes) • Property sales income £1.9 million (2003: £8.3 million); planning approvals for a further 40 acres Commenting on the results, Gordon McPhie, Chief Executive of UK COAL, said: 'Production performance was disappointing in the first half year, limiting sales, and unit costs have increased. The second half performance should improve with fewer production gaps at the deep mines, and a return to full production at Kellingley Colliery. We continue to work to mitigate the effect of cost increases through Project 105 and other initiatives. 'International coal prices have remained high throughout the period and should be reflected in higher prices in 2005 and beyond. We therefore continue to invest in improved production equipment and in accessing new reserves at our deep mines assisted by the Government's Coal Investment Aid programme. In contrast, the surface mining business is reducing in size through lack of planning approvals. 'The outlook for the property business remains good and we will continue to generate added value to our significant property portfolio by obtaining planning permissions and by development and restoration where appropriate.' For further information, please contact: UK COAL PLC Gordon McPhie, Chief Executive Today : 020 7554 1400 Chris Mawe, Finance Director Thereafter: 01302 751751 Gavin Anderson & Company Liz Morley 020 7554 1400 Ken Cronin Stuart Oliver (Operational) 01525 381759 07774 231 178 RESULTS In the half year to 30 June 2004, the Group sustained an operating loss, on continuing operations before exceptional items, of £14.2 million (2003: profit of £0.7 million). The loss is stated after release of provisions of £4.8 million (2003: £0.3 million). The losses resulted from reduced deep mine operational performance and gaps in production due to face changes together with industrial action at Kellingley. However, there was some saving from lower costs at Selby, which is in its run down phase. As a result, total mining costs were £1.30 per gigajoule (2003: £1.18 per gigajoule). After incorporating exceptional items, credits from Coal Investment Aid, profits on sales of land and buildings and profit on the sale of Gloucester Coal, the Group reported a loss before tax of £5.8 million (2003: loss of £0.8 million). First half sales mainly fulfilled existing fixed-priced contracts, leaving little opportunity to benefit from higher prices. Income for the period was £1.17 per gigajoule (2003: £1.15 per gigajoule), and is expected to remain around this level for the rest of the year. With sales volumes restricted by production, volumes in the first half-year were limited to 7.4 million tonnes (2003: 9.9 million tonnes). Cash flow Cash outflow before use of liquid resources financing and dividends amounted to £1.9 million (2003: £30.3 million inflow) and was affected by lower sales which reduced operating earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation to £14.7 million (2003: £29.1 million). Cash was realised from coal stocks which reduced by 0.2 million tonnes (2003: 0.2 million tonnes reduction). Capital expenditure amounted to £23.7 million (2003: £11.9 million). The Group received £2.0 million in the period from the Government in respect of Coal Investment Aid. At the half year, £14.1 million (2003: £nil) remains outstanding and is included within working capital. This will be received in the second half year. Expenditure in respect of redundancy and surface mine restoration was in line with the prior year and amounted to £14.5 million (2003: £14.0 million). Property sales generated £1.9 million cash in the period (2003: £8.3 million). The sale of Gloucester Coal realised £19.8 million. The detailed cash flow is included in the financial statements. DIVIDEND The Board has declared an interim dividend of 5.0 pence per share (2003: 5.0 pence per share) which will be paid on 19 November 2004 to shareholders on the register on 22 October 2004. In declaring this level of dividend the board has taken into account cash requirements and the Group's future prospects which will benefit from higher international coal prices. UK MINING Deep Mines Deep mine production in the period was 6.0 million tonnes (2003: 7.9 million tonnes). The Selby Complex, which will shortly cease operations, produced 2.1 million tonnes (2003: 1.9 million tonnes) as its planned phased closure progressed. As a result of the reduced volumes, offset partly by lower operating costs at the Selby complex, unit production costs increased to £1.36 per gigajoule (2003: £1.18 per gigajoule). Production has improved and output has recently returned to expected levels. New working arrangements have been agreed at Kellingley and the industrial action has been withdrawn. A re-invigoration of the Project 105 initiatives is being implemented to improve operational performance across the business. Daw Mill is producing around 60,000 tonnes per week, following difficult mining conditions in 2003. The next panel of coal to be worked will utilise a new set of face equipment being purchased during 2004, which will reduce the risk of production gaps from face changes in future years. A seismic survey has now been completed over the next two faces giving increased confidence in the geology of the reserves. We continue to invest in improving mine infrastructure and equipment with capital purchases for the Group of £23.7 million in the half year (2003: £11.9 million). We are increasing sums expended on seismic and geological mapping giving increased confidence in the reserves and future mining plans. Further investment in new mining equipment is planned for the second half of the year at similar levels to the first half. Surface Mines Surface mine output reduced in the period to 1.2 million tonnes (2003: 1.8 million tonnes), with coal recovery being completed at several long term sites. No new planning approvals were received, in a planning environment that remains difficult for English operators. Coal Sales Contracts UK COAL has agreed heads of terms with Drax Power Ltd, for the supply of almost 14 million additional tonnes of coal over a five-year period. The value of the contract is linked to international prices, with limits to protect both parties from extreme fluctuations in price, and will range from almost £400 million to around £450 million before inflation. These additional deliveries will be phased in from January next year, with 0.5 million tonnes to be supplied in 2005, increasing to 4 million tonnes by 2007, and extends to December 2009. Together with existing contracts, this will result in UK COAL supplying a total of 18 million tonnes to Drax over the five years. Coal Investment Aid Applications for £37.5 million of Coal Investment Aid relating to accessing coal reserves at the Group's ongoing deep mines were approved by the Department of Trade and Industry. Applications for further Coal Investment Aid have been submitted in respect of deep mines investment planned for 2005. EC Large Combustion Plant Directive The implementation of the Large Combustion Plant Directive aimed at reducing sulphur emissions from power stations, and other large plant from 2008, has continued to be the subject of detailed discussion and intensive lobbying. The Government is continuing to work with Brussels on a solution that meets both the environmental aims of the directive and the concerns of coal producers and other industries in the UK. AUSTRALIA The sale of the Group's 97% investment in Gloucester Coal Limited (GCL), the Company's mining activity in Australia, was successfully completed on 2 April 2004. The price for the sale of UK COAL's 75,572,049 shares in GCL was A$0.69 (28.5p) per share, resulting in net proceeds after transaction costs of A$47.8 million (£19.8 million). The consideration was received in cash. A profit on disposal of £2.5 million is included in the profit and loss account. GCL incurred a trading loss in the three months prior to the sale of £1.3 million. PROPERTY The Group, operating through its property arm, Harworth Estates, continues to create added value by obtaining new planning permissions to develop its former mine sites, and by conversion of brownfield sites to land suitable for development. It is actively managing its property portfolio and agricultural land holdings. This comprises some 49,000 acres, which was valued in 2002, before deduction of rehabilitation and aftercare costs, at £174 million £96 million in excess of book value. Surveyors have been instructed to carry out a property valuation to be published with the full years results. Development is progressing on the Waverley site near Rotherham. The first phase, the Waverley Advanced Manufacturing Park, has seen significant progress. The first new building, constructed by Sheffield University in conjunction with Boeing, is now occupied. We are looking at development opportunities on the Selby sites where mining will shortly cease. Potential tenants have expressed interest in these sites subject to gaining the required planning consents. Work has also commenced on preparing and servicing an initial development phase on the former Bilsthorpe Colliery site in Nottinghamshire, which was granted planning consent this year. Infrastructure works continue at Tetron Point, the development site in Derbyshire, where we are currently marketing serviced plots of land for industrial and distribution users. Master plans are being drawn up for the development of two former colliery sites in West Yorkshire. Property sales for the first six months totalled £1.9 million (2003: £8.3 million). Further sales are under negotiation and are expected to be completed in the second half year. Occupation rates of 90% and 58% have been maintained at Asfordby and Whitemoor Business Parks and have increased to 60% (2003: 34%) at North Selby. These former mining sites are providing good regeneration opportunities, and, when fully occupied, will create significant employment opportunities. BANKING FACILITIES UK COAL successfully refinanced its £50 million revolving credit facility to be used for general corporate purposes. The new facility matures in July 2007. DIRECTORS We are pleased to welcome Graham Menzies who joined the Board on 1st June 2004 as a non-Executive Director. He is a respected industrialist and UK COAL will benefit from his strong engineering and operational background and experience in the management of change. OUTLOOK The second half performance should improve with fewer production gaps at the deep mines, and a return to full production at Kellingley Colliery. We continue to work to mitigate the effect of cost increases through Project 105 and other initiatives. International coal prices have remained high throughout the period and should be reflected in higher prices in 2005 and beyond. We therefore continue to invest in improved production equipment and in accessing new reserves at our deep mines assisted by the Government's Coal Investment Aid programme. The surface mining business is reducing in size through lack of planning approvals. We continue to add value to our significant property portfolio by obtaining planning permissions and by development and restoration where appropriate. Production - 6 months to 30 June 2004 Deep mines 2004(mt) 2003(mt) Ongoing mines Daw Mill 1.4 1.0 Ellington 0.3 0.4 Harworth 0.5 0.5 Kellingley 0.3 0.9 Maltby 0.4 0.8 Rossington 0.2 0.5 Thoresby 0.4 0.9 Welbeck 0.4 0.8 ----- ----- Sub total 3.9 5.8 Selby Complex 2.1 1.9 Closed mines Nil 0.2 ----- ----- Total Deep Mines 6.0 7.9 Surface mines 1.2 1.8 ----- ----- Total Production 7.2 9.7 ===== ===== UK COAL PLC Consolidated profit & loss account for the six months ended 30 June 2004 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30-Jun 30-Jun 31-Dec 2004 2003 2003 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 -------------------- ------- -------- -------- ------- Turnover - Continuing operations 222,385 286,126 538,221 - Discontinued operations 5,856 13,090 25,633 --------------------- ------- -------- -------- ------- Total turnover 2 228,241 299,216 563,854 Cost of sales before exceptional items (240,210) (294,855) (558,982) Exceptional items Net closure and redundancy costs 3,250 (1,349) (1,983) Amounts recovered against TXU - - 6,467 Provision against other amounts receivable - (792) (1,681) --------------------- ------- -------- -------- ------- Exceptional cost of sales 3 3,250 (2,141) 2,803 Total cost of sales (236,960) (296,996) (556,179) Gross (loss)/profit (8,719) 2,220 7,675 Exceptional item-Coal Investment Aid 4,449 - 3,522 Other operating income and expenses (3,518) (4,847) (11,359) -------------------------- -------- -------- ------- Total other operating income & expenses 931 (4,847) (7,837) -------------------------- -------- -------- ------- Operating result on continuing operations before exceptional items 9 (14,185) 736 (2,495) Exceptional items 3 7,699 (2,141) 6,325 --------------------- ------- -------- -------- ------- Operating (loss)/profit-continuing operations (6,486) (1,405) 3,830 Operating (loss)-discontinued operations (1,302) (1,222) (3,992) -------------------------- -------- -------- ------- Operating loss (7,788) (2,627) (162) Profit on sale of land and buildings 1,315 5,860 5,830 Profit on sale of subsidiary 12 2,489 - - --------------------- ------- -------- -------- ------- (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before interest and taxation (3,984) 3,233 5,668 Interest receivable and similar income 4 2,726 1,345 3,141 Interest payable and similar charges 5 (1,540) (1,773) (3,486) Unwinding of discount on provisions 13 (3,049) (3,644) (6,570) ------------------------ ---- -------- -------- ------- Net (1,863) (4,072) (6,915) interest Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (5,847) (839) (1,247) Taxation 6 - - 5,109 ------------------------ ---- -------- -------- ------- (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after taxation (5,847) (839) 3,862 Equity minority interest 47 45 138 ------------------------ ---- -------- -------- ------- (Loss)/profit for the period (5,800) (794) 4,000 Dividends 8 (7,303) (7,292) (14,591) ------------------------ ---- -------- -------- ------- Loss sustained for the period (13,103) (8,086) (10,591) ------------------------ ---- -------- -------- ------- (Loss)/profit per ordinary share 7 (4.0p) (0.5p) 2.7p Statement of total recognised gains and losses for the six months ended 30 June 2004 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30-Jun 30-Jun 31-Dec 2004 2003 2003 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 ----------------------- ----- -------- -------- ------- (Loss)/profit for the period (5,800) (794) 4,000 Exchange adjustments (1,023) 3,521 4,721 Surplus arising on revaluation of - - 220 tangible property assets ----- -------- -------- ------- ----------------------- Total recognised gains and losses for the period (6,823) 2,727 8,941 ----------------------- ----- -------- -------- ------- Consolidated balance sheet at 30 June 2004 At At At 30-Jun 30-Jun 31-Dec 2004 2003 2003 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 -------------------------- ----- ------- -------- ------- Fixed assets Tangible fixed operating assets 367,597 405,897 393,148 Investment properties 6,720 6,500 6,720 Investments - 25 27 -------------------------- ----- ------- -------- ------- 374,317 412,422 399,895 Current assets Stocks 56,226 79,201 59,496 Debtors: amounts falling due after one year 634 715 637 Debtors: amounts falling due within one year 97,170 73,891 81,772 Cash at bank and in hand 10 57,431 61,547 60,350 ------------------------ ---- -------- -------- ------- 211,461 215,354 202,255 ------ ------- -------- ------- Total assets 585,778 627,776 602,150 ------------------------ ---- -------- -------- ------- Equity shareholders' funds 11 218,123 223,198 222,242 Equity minority interests - 340 262 ------------------------ ---- -------- -------- ------- Capital employed 218,123 223,538 222,504 Provisions for liabilities and charges 13 209,892 249,792 226,987 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 14 12,183 20,500 15,302 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 14 145,580 133,946 137,357 ------------------------ ---- -------- -------- ------- 367,655 404,238 379,646 ------------------------ ---- -------- -------- ------- Total funds employed 585,778 627,776 602,150 ------------------------ ---- -------- -------- ------- Consolidated cash flow statement for the six months ended 30 June 2004 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30-Jun 30-Jun 31-Dec 2004 2003 2003 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 ---------- ---------- -------- ----- -------- -------- ------- Operating activities Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities 15 (408) 33,300 46,026 Returns from investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (425) (541) (1,171) Interest paid on hire purchases and finance leases (714) (809) (1,933) Financing costs - (63) (203) Interest received 1,297 1,345 2,577 Inland Revenue interest received - - 564 ----------------------- ----- -------- -------- ------- Net cash inflow/(outflow) from returns on investments and servicing of finance 158 (68) (166) Taxation - 393 3,967 Capital expenditure and financial investment Development expenditure (3,268) (1,183) (3,778) Purchase of fixed assets (20,466) (10,687) (15,300) Receipts from sale of fixed assets 2,742 8,507 10,410 ----------------------- ----- -------- -------- ------- (20,992) (3,363) (8,668) Acquisitions and disposals Disposal of subsidiary 12 19,800 - - Cash disposed with sale of subsidiary (417) - - Purchase of trade and assets - - (2,076) Cash (outflow)/inflow before use of liquid resources (1,859) 30,262 39,083 financing and dividends Equity dividends paid (7,267) (7,255) (14,521) ----------------------- ----- -------- -------- ------- Cash (outflow)/inflow before use of liquid resources and financing (9,126) 23,007 24,562 Management of liquid resources Cash deposited in subsidence security fund (920) (377) (792) Cash expended to cover insurance 2,636 2,353 4,471 requirements Other cash security deposits 590 (1,968) (2,053) ----------------------- ----- -------- -------- ------- Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing (6,820) 23,015 26,188 Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 61 - 128 Drawdown/(repayment) of bank borrowings 9,073 (22,571) (21,343) Hire purchase and finance lease capital repaid (2,864) (3,219) (8,690) Increase in finance lease debt - 3,437 4,737 ----------------------- ----- -------- -------- ------- Net inflow/(outflow) from financing 6,270 (22,353) (25,168) ----------------------- ----- -------- -------- ------- (Decrease)/increase in cash (550) 662 1,020 ----------------------- ----- -------- -------- ------- Notes to the financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2004 1 Preparation of interim statements The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's 2003 statutory accounts. The interim financial statements are not statutory accounts for the purposes of S240 of the Companies Act 1985. The figures for the full year to 31 December 2003 do not constitute the statutory accounts for the year. They have been abridged from the statutory accounts which have been filed with the Register of Companies and contain the auditors' report, which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either S237(2) or S237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. The half-year figures, which are for a 26-week period (2003: 26 weeks), have not been audited, but have been reviewed by the auditors. The auditors' review report is included with the interim statements. The Board approved the interim financial statements on 8 September 2004 . 2 Segmental and geographical analysis 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30-Jun 30-Jun 31-Dec 2004 2003 2003 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover Continuing operations Coal sales - deep mines 183,190 237,778 447,351 Coal sales - surface mines 25,228 36,221 66,236 -------------------------- -------- -------- ------- UK Mining 208,418 273,999 513,587 Other associated activities 1,940 2,670 3,856 Manufactured fuel and combined heat and power 9,925 7,692 16,965 Property activities 2,102 1,765 3,813 Discontinued operations Australia - coal sales 5,856 13,090 25,633 -------------------------- -------- -------- ------- 228,241 299,216 563,854 -------------------------- -------- -------- ------- 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30-Jun 30-Jun 31-Dec 2004 2003 2003 £'000 £'000 £'000 Geographical analysis by destination Continuing operations United Kingdom 217,448 282,835 530,287 Europe 4,937 3,291 7,934 Discontinued operations Europe - 1,473 1,591 Asia - Pacific 5,856 11,617 24,042 -------------------------- -------- -------- ------- 228,241 299,216 563,854 -------------------------- -------- -------- ------- 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30-Jun 30-Jun 31-Dec 2004 2003 2003 £'000 £'000 £'000 Profit/(loss) before taxation Continuing operations : Coal sales - deep mines (20,826) (252) (8,552) Coal sales - surface mines 4,221 (1,417) 668 Exceptional items (note 3 ) 7,699 (2,141) 6,325 -------------------------- -------- -------- ------- UK Mining (8,906) (3,810) (1,559) Other associated activities 182 285 738 Manufactured fuel and combined 78 310 360 heat and power Emissions trading 1,251 1,368 3,230 Property activities - rentals and other property income 909 442 1,061 - profit on sales 1,315 5,860 5,830 Discontinued operations Australia - coal sales (1,302) (1,222) (3,992) -------------------------- -------- -------- ------- (6,473) 3,233 5,668 Profit on sale of subsidiary - Australia 2,489 - - Net interest payable (1,863) (4,072) (6,915) -------------------------- -------- -------- ------- (Loss) before taxation (5,847) (839) (1,247) -------------------------- -------- -------- ------- Due to the nature of the Group's business, distribution expenses are treated as a part of cost of sales. 3 Exceptional items 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30-Jun 30-Jun 31-Dec 2004 2003 2003 £'000 £'000 £'000 Coal Investment Aid 4,449 - 3,522 Net closure and redundancy costs 3,250 (1,349) (1,983) Amounts recovered against TXU - - 6,467 Provision against other amounts receivable - (792) (1,681) ------------------------- -------- -------- ------- 7,699 (2,141) 6,325 ------------------------- -------- -------- ------- 4 Interest receivable 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30-Jun 30-Jun 31-Dec 2004 2003 2003 £'000 £'000 £'000 ------------------------- -------- -------- ------- Interest receivable 2,726 1,345 3,141 ------------------------- -------- -------- ------- 5 Net interest payable and similar charges 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30-Jun 30-Jun 31-Dec 2004 2003 2003 £'000 £'000 £'000 On hire purchase and finance leases repayable within 5 years 865 1,048 1,931 Amortisation of loan issue costs 250 184 384 On bank loans, overdrafts and other loans repayable within 5 years 425 541 1,171 ------------------------- ------ ------- ------ 1,540 1,773 3,486 ------------------------- ------ ------- ------ 6 Taxation 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30-Jun 30-Jun 31-Dec 2004 2003 2003 £'000 £'000 £'000 On ordinary activities United Kingdom corporation tax at 30% ( 2003: 30% ) - - (1,898) Adjustment in respect of previous years - - (5,109) ------------------------- -------- -------- ------- Total current tax on ordinary activities - - (7,007) On exceptional items United Kingdom corporation tax at 30% (2003: 30%) - - 1,898 ------------------------- -------- -------- ------- Total current tax credit - - (5,109) ------------------------- -------- -------- ------- The tax credit at 31 December 2003 of £5.1 million arose as a result of the Group reaching agreement with the Inland Revenue on the open issues relating to prior years. 7 Earnings per share Earnings per share have been based on the weighted average number of shares in issue and ranking for dividend being 146,033,889 (June 2003 - 145,847,454: Dec 2003 - 145,887,376) 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30-Jun 30-Jun 31-Dec 2004 2003 2003 £'000 £'000 £'000 (Loss)/profit per ordinary share basic (4.0p) (0.5p) 2.7p diluted (3.9p) (0.5p) 2.7p ----------------------------------------- ------ ------- ------ 8 Dividends The ordinary dividend will be paid on 19 November 2004 to shareholders on the register on 22 October 2004. The interim report will be circulated to all ordinary shareholders and will be available at the Company's registered office at Harworth Park, Blyth Road, Harworth, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN11 8DB. 2004 2004 2003 2003 pence per pence per share £'000 share £'000 Interim 5.00 7,303 5.00 7,292 Final 5.00 7,299 ---------------- -------- -------- -------- ------- 10.00 14,591 ---------------- -------- -------- -------- ------- 9 Operating result on continuing operations before exceptional items 30-Jun 30-Jun 31-Dec 2004 2003 2003 £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating (loss)/profit on continuing operations (6,486) (1,405) 3,830 Coal Investment Aid (4,449) - (3,522) Exceptional items (3,250) 2,141 (2,803) ------------------- -------- -------- -------- ------- (14,185) 736 (2,495) ------------------- -------- -------- -------- ------- 10 Cash at bank and in hand 30-Jun 30-Jun 31-Dec 2004 2003 2003 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash deposited to cover insurance requirements 30,254 35,008 32,890 Subsidence security fund 24,943 23,608 24,023 Other security funds 1,463 1,968 2,053 Other cash balances 771 963 1,384 ------------------- -------- -------- -------- ------- 57,431 61,547 60,350 ------------------- -------- -------- -------- ------- 11 Movements in shareholders' funds 6 months to 30-Jun-04 £'000 Shareholders' funds at 1 January 2004 222,242 Loss sustained for the period (13,103) Goodwill charged to profit and loss account on disposal of subsidiary 8,470 Accrual for long-term incentive plan liabilities 1,476 Exchange adjustment (1,023) Ordinary shares issued 1 Premium on shares issued 60 ------------------- -------- Shareholders' funds at 30 June 2004 218,123 ------------------- -------- 12 Disposal of subsidiary On 2 April 2004, the Group disposed of its Australian operating subsidiary, Gloucester Coal Ltd, for a cash consideration, net of transaction costs, of £19,800,000. £'000 Tangible fixed assets 29,676 Stocks 1,007 Debtors 5,019 Creditors (6,919) Inter-group loans at date of sale (18,991) Cash 417 Provisions (1,155) ------------------------ --------------------- 9,054 Less Equity minority interests (213) ------------------------ --------------------- 8,841 Goodwill previously written off to reserves 8,470 ------------------------ --------------------- 17,311 Profit on disposal 2,489 ------------------------ --------------------- Cash consideration net of transaction costs 19,800 ------------------------ --------------------- 13 Provisions for liabilities and charges At 1 Jan Created Released Subsidiary Utilised Unwinding At 30 June 2004 in period in period sold in period of discount 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Provisions 226,987 11,605 (10,042) (1,155) (20,552) 3,049 209,892 -------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------- -------- -------- Provisions released in the period include an exceptional release in respect of redundancy of £5,195,000. The Group's liabilities for surface mining restoration reduced by £1,155,000 with the sale of Gloucester Coal Ltd. 14 Creditors The creditors figures shown in the balance sheet include the following liabilities: 30-Jun-04 30-Jun-03 31-Dec-03 £'000 £'000 £'000 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Hire purchase and finance lease liabilities 12,021 17,762 15,106 ------------------------- -------- -------- -------- Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Bank borrowings 16,547 5,936 7,224 Hire purchase and finance lease liabilities 9,022 7,929 8,801 ------------------------- -------- -------- -------- 25,569 13,865 16,025 ------------------------- -------- -------- -------- 15 Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30-Jun-04 30-Jun-03 31-Dec-03 £'000 £'000 £'000 Continuing operations Operating (loss)/profit (6,486) (1,405) 3,830 Depreciation on tangible fixed assets 22,351 31,567 52,189 Net (credit)/charge for surface mine development (1,228) 2,837 5,832 and restoration assets Decrease in coal and other stocks 2,463 980 20,236 (Increase)/decrease in debtors (2,946) 7,180 695 (Decrease ) in creditors (14,233) (7,817) (36,198) Government contributions to redundancy payments 5,200 1,800 4,800 ------------------------- -------- -------- -------- Net cash inflow from continuing operations 5,121 35,142 51,384 ------------------------- -------- -------- -------- 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30-Jun-04 30-Jun-03 31-Dec-03 £'000 £'000 £'000 Discontinued operations Operating (loss) (1,302) (1,222) (3,992) Depreciation on tangible fixed assets 159 162 565 Net (credit)/charge for surface mine development and (1,923) 1,923 1,213 restoration assets (Increase) in coal and other stocks (220) (1,072) (525) (Increase) in debtors (2,388) (1,896) (3,546) Increase in creditors 145 263 927 ------------------------- -------- -------- -------- Net cash outflow from discontinued operations (5,529) (1,842) (5,358) ------------------------- -------- -------- -------- Total net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities (408) 33,300 46,026 ------------------------- -------- -------- -------- This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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