Final Results

SAMUEL HEATH & SONS PLC 15 July 1999 At a meeting of the Board of Directors, the results of the Group were approved as follows for the year ended 31st March 1999:- 1999 1998 ---- ---- £000 £000 £000 £000 TURNOVER 10,740 10,848 -------- PROFIT ON CONTINUING ACTIVITIES 954 1,019 BEFORE TAXATION TAXATION -------- Corporation 265 266 Tax based thereon Deferred (31) 234 19 285 Taxation ---- --- --- --- PROFIT FOR THE 720 734 -------------- FINANCIAL YEAR -------------- DIVIDENDS --------- Interim 101 105 Final 142 243 135 240 --- --- --- --- ADDED TO RESERVES 477 494 ----------------- === === DIVIDEND PER SHARE 8.3 pence 8.0 pence ------------------ EARNINGS PER SHARE 24.7 pence 24.5 pence ------------------ Earnings per share are derived from the profit after taxation, £720,000 (1998: £734,000) related to 2,920,000 Ordinary Shares, being the average number in issue during the financial year (1998: 3,000,000). The Annual General Meeting has been fixed for Friday 27th August 1999 at 12.00 noon. The Final Ordinary Share dividend of 5.0 pence will be paid on Friday 27th August 1999 and the record date for this dividend is Friday 30th July 1999. J PARK Company Secretary Chairman's Report I am probably as pleased with the results to March 31st 1999 as any in the last years. Trading conditions at home altered dramatically after the first three months and the pound continued stronger through the period. Turnover therefore actually fell by 1% against the previous year but considerably more against budget. But, because of swift action taken in the Autumn, the trading profit worked out at 8.4% on turnover. This was in the first full year when our new management structure was in place with myself taking a more part-time role. It was pleasing to see that exports actually rose by 4.5% albeit at lesser margins and now represent 36% of our total sales. The problems in the British ceramic industry have been well chronicled elsewhere and it was decided that it was unlikely that we, with Dartmouth Pottery, would buck the trend. We therefore found in March a private buyer for the business at a very small amount over book asset value. This will have some equally small effect on our total sales and return in the short term. As will be apparent from the accounts, the Group continues to have a strong balance sheet and your Directors believe that a purchase of the Company's shares at the right price level could benefit the Company, and thereby its shareholders. Accordingly, your Directors are seeking your approval for the purchase of up to 15% of the issued share capital, 426,182 shares, between Annual General Meetings. At the Annual General Meeting, a resolution will be proposed to authorise your Directors to purchase ordinary shares between Annual General Meetings at a price of not less than 10 pence per ordinary share and not more than 5% above the average of the middle market quotations of the ordinary shares as derived from the Stock Exchange Daily Official List on the ten dealing days before the purchase is made (exclusive of expenses). The authority will expire at the Annual General Meeting to be held in 2000. Your Directors believe that it is right for the Company to seek the flexibility to purchase its own shares, and they accordingly recommend all shareholders to vote in favour of the resolution. They intend to do so in respect of their own holdings of the Company's shares. During the last year the Company did in fact buy back 158,788 shares. After this enthusiastic - for me anyway - resume, it would be pleasant to be able to be upbeat about prospects for the future. Given the present outlook both at home and particularly overseas, with the pound where it is against the Euro it is difficult to be so. As always, we have budgeted realistically and this shows a result to be expected well down on the previous year. This could all be altered by the types of swings in trade and currencies which we have seen in recent times, and also on the even better than expected success in the second half of a large range of products which will be launched shortly. Meanwhile, trading within the first three months has been marginally up on budget. Your Board is recommending a final dividend of 5.0 pence per share, making a total of 8.5 pence for the year, an increase of 6.25% on last year. SAM HEATH Chairman 15th July 1999
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