Preliminary Results

Heath(Samuel) & Sons PLC 13 July 2000 Samuel Heath & Sons PLC Preliminary Results - Year ended 31 March 2000 At a meeting of the Board of Directors, the results of the Group were approved as follows for the year ended 31st March 2000:- 2000 1999 £000 £000 £000 £000 TURNOVER 10,989 10,740 -------- PROFIT ON 1,369 954 ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION TAXATION -------- Corporation 390 265 Tax based thereon Deferred (12) 378 (31) 234 Taxation ---- --- ---- --- PROFIT FOR 991 720 ---------- THE FINANCIAL ------------- YEAR ---- DIVIDENDS --------- Interim 127 101 Final 176 303 142 243 --- --- --- ADDED TO 688 477 -------- === === RESERVES -------- DIVIDEND PER SHARE 10.8 pence 8.3 pence ------------------ EARNINGS PER SHARE 35.2 pence 24.7 pence ------------------ Earnings per share are derived from the profit after taxation, £991,000 (1999: £720,000) related to 2,812,000 Ordinary Shares, being the average number in issue during the financial year (1999: 2,920,000). The Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday 25th August 2000 at 12.00 noon. The Final Ordinary Share dividend of 6.5 pence will be paid on Friday 25th August 2000 and the record date for this dividend is Friday 4th August 2000. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT The year to 31st March 2000 was quite clearly a very satisfactory one for the Company. The profit achieved was a record one. I apologised with the interim results for getting our budget wrong, but in the event, it turned out that in only four months had we taken a too pessimistic view. These four months however turned out to be decisive for our fortunes. Particularly pleasing has been the increase in export sales in what was, to say the least, a challenging year. All those involved in this should be especially congratulated, as should everyone on the production side of the business who responded so well to the above-budget demands. During the latter part of the year, it was decided to pull out altogether from the Giftware business, and we have ceased the manufacture of hearth furniture and all other giftware articles completely. The Company is now entirely focused on the Builders Hardware and Bathroom Trades. As will be apparent from the accounts, the Group continues to have a strong balance sheet, and your Directors believe that a purchase of the Company's shares at the right price level could benefit the Company, and thereby its shareholders. Accordingly, your Directors are seeking your approval for the purchase of up to 15% of the issued share capital 405,032 shares, between Annual General Meetings. During the last year the Company did buy back 141,000 shares. Coming on to the present year, we have budgeted for a result considerably down on these exceptionally good past twelve months. Having said that, we have traded above this budget for the first three months. To reflect the very good results, your Board is recommending a final dividend of 6.5 pence per share, making a total of 11.0 pence for the year. SAM HEATH Chairman 13 July 2000
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