Announcement Cancellation & Deletion of Shares
Αthens, December 15, 2023 - Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. ("OTE S.A." or the "Company") announces the following:
As already in public, the Extraordinary Shareholders' General Meeting, held on 30/11/2023, decided among other issues, pursuant to article 49 of L. 4548/2018, the cancellation of 8,245,534 own shares, with a nominal value of €2.83 each, with a corresponding reduction of its share capital by €23,334,861.22 and the corresponding amendment of article 5 (Share Capital) of the Company's Articles of Incorporation.
These shares were acquired during the period from 01/05/2023 to 31/10/2023, with an average purchase price of €13.99 within the framework of the Own Share Buy Back Program as approved by the General Shareholders Meeting (meeting of 18/01/2022).
Following this capital reduction due to the cancellation of 8,245,534 shares, the Company's share capital amounts to €1,182,945,696.79 (from €1,206,280,558.01 before the reduction) divided into 418,002,013 registered shares (from 426,247,547 registered shares before the cancellation), with a nominal value of €2.83 each.
The aforementioned amendment of article 5 of the Company's Articles of Incorporation has been approved by virtue of a decision of the Ministry of Development, number 3172325/ΑΠ/12-12-2023 which was registered in the General Commercial Registry (G.E.MI.) on 12.12.2023.
The Athens Stock Exchange's Corporate Actions Committee has been notified in its meeting held on 14.12.2023.
Following the above, 19.12.2023 has been set as the date for the cancellation and deletion from the Athens Stock Exchange of the 8,245,534 own shares. From this date on, trading of the aforementioned shares will cease.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: OTE GROUP INVESTOR RELATIONS Τel. + 30 210-6117364, +30 210-6118190 E-mail:,, |