25 NOVEMBER 2011
Transactions in a Close Period - Listing Rule 15.5.1 (4)
In accordance with Listing Rule 15.5.1 (4), the Company announces that it is satisfied that all inside information which the Directors and the Company may have to 25 November 2011 has previously been published or notified via a regulatory information service. Therefore the dealings referred to in Listing Rule 15.5.1 (3) and the issue of securities from the Company's general purposes block listing authority are permitted.
The close period to which this relates is in respect of the financial year ended 31 October 2011.
If, in the period leading up to the announcement of the annual results, the directors of the Company come into possession of any inside information, this will be notified to a RIS before any such transactions are undertaken.
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For further information please contact:
Jeremy Hamon
Company Secretary
BNP Paribas Securities Services Fund Administration Limited
Tel: 01534 709108