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As at close of business on 22 November 2021, the unaudited net asset value per share calculated in accordance with the AIC formula (including current financial year revenue items and excluding shares held in treasury) was 168.1p. As the Company's shares are now ex-dividend, the dividend has been deducted from the net asset value.
As at close of business on 22 November 2021, the unaudited net asset value per share (excluding current financial year revenue items and shares held in treasury) was 167.5p.
Please note that following the 10 for 1 sub-division of the share capital, the values reported with effect from close of business on 22 November 2021 will be calculated in accordance with the new share capital in issue.
For further information, please call: |
Wendy King Janus Henderson Investors Telephone: 020 7818 1818