9 June 2008
Appointment of New Non-Executive Directors
Henderson High Income Trust plc is pleased to announce the appointments of Mrs Margaret Littlejohns and Mr Anthony Newhouse as non-executive directors to the Board with effect from Tuesday 1 July 2008.
Mrs Littlejohns (age 48) joined Citigroup from university, accumulating 18 years of experience in both commercial and investment banking and developing particular expertise in derivatives and in credit and market risk management. She has also worked as an independent consultant in the commercial, charitable and academic sectors. Since 2004 she has established two new self storage companies in the Midlands and is currently Finance Director and Company Secretary of The Space Place Self Storage (Telford) Ltd. She is also a trustee of two charities involved in relieving and researching lymphatic cancer: The Lymphoma Association and The Lymphoma Research Trust.
Mr Newhouse (age 60) is a solicitor who, until recently, was a partner in Slaughter and May. He began his career in the City in banking and joined Slaughter and May in 1976, where he became a partner in 1984. He had a wide-based domestic and international corporate finance practice advising many UK listed and other corporate entities. He is currently a member of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Panel and a visiting professor at the London Metropolitan University Business School.
In accordance with paragraphs 9.6.13 (1) to (6) of the Listing Rules, it is confirmed that there are no additional details to be disclosed in relation to Mrs Littlejohns or Mr Newhouse.
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For further information, please contact:
Alex Crooke
Fund Manager
Henderson High Income Trust plc
Telephone: 020 7818 4447
James de Sausmarez
Head of Investment Trusts
Henderson Global Investors
Telephone: 020 7818 3349