Document re:EGM

Henderson Strata Investments PLC 21 December 2006 21 December 2006 Henderson Strata Investments plc Bonus Issue of Subscription Shares, Reduction of Capital and Extraordinary General Meeting INTRODUCTION On 24 November 2006 the Company announced certain proposals which consist of a change of the Company's investment objective to provide Shareholders with higher than average growth of capital over the medium to long term; the appointment of James Henderson to be the individual fund manager with primary responsibility for the portfolio (the 'portfolio manager'); changes in the management fee arrangements; a change of name; an amendment to the Articles of Association to remove the discount realisation mechanism; and a bonus issue of long-dated Subscription Shares. The Company also proposes to implement a share capital reduction in order to facilitate the future payment of dividends. The Company has today published a Prospectus to explain the reasons for the proposals and explain why the Directors recommend that Shareholders vote in favour of the Resolutions to be proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting, which will be held on 19 January 2007 (the 'EGM'). Terms used in this announcement shall have the same meaning as those set out in the Prospectus. BACKGROUND TO AND REASONS FOR THE PROPOSALS The Company's current investment objective is to seek to achieve capital growth from investment in UK listed micro cap securities. The Company adopted this investment objective in February 2005 and the subsequent realignment of the Company's portfolio in accordance with this objective was substantially completed by 30 April 2005. The individual who currently has primary responsibility for managing the Company's portfolio is Colin Hughes, an employee of Henderson Global Investors Limited. The Company's share price has increased by 50.7% over the period from 22 December 2004 (the date on which the proposals for the Company's current investment objective were announced) to 31 October 2006. The total return of the FTSE All-Share Index over the same period was 39.5% (source: FundData). The Company's Net Asset Value per share on a total return basis has increased by 37.3% over the period from 1 May 2005 to 31 October 2006 which compares with the total return of the Company's current benchmark, the FTSE Fledgling Index (ex investment companies), of 25.3% over the same period (source: FundData). This represents out-performance of 12% against the benchmark. The total return of the FTSE All-Share Index over this period was 37.3%. The Company has sought over time to implement a discount control policy by regularly repurchasing shares. These share repurchases ensured that the average discount to Net Asset Value over the ninety days prior to the Company's financial year end on 31 October 2006 was less than 8%. Despite achieving the Company's discount control objective and the out-performance of the current portfolio manager, Colin Hughes, against the performance benchmark, the Board has been advised that there is insufficient demand from investors to sustain the discount at this 8% level over the medium term, particularly at a time when many other smaller company focused investment companies are trading at greater discounts to Net Asset Value than the Company. In the light of this and the ongoing demand for share repurchases by the Company, the Board has concluded that it is unlikely that the Company, in its current form, will be able to remain of a sufficient size for its continuation, given the fixed element of its expenses, to be in the interests of Shareholders. There is, however, no intention of recommending that the Company be put into liquidation if the Proposals are not approved (and thus not implemented). CHANGE OF INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE AND INVESTMENT STRATEGY Investment objective If the relevant Resolution is approved at the EGM, the Company will have James Henderson, who joined Henderson Global Investors in 1984 and is currently a member of the Value and Income team, as its portfolio manager. The Company will invest in a portfolio of predominantly UK companies that the portfolio manager believes to be undervalued by the market. The Company's policy will be to invest in a concentrated portfolio of shares on an unconstrained basis across the whole range of market capitalisations. The investment portfolio will be characterised by its focus on growth, recovery and 'special opportunities' company shares which the portfolio manager believes should achieve a higher than average rate of capital growth over the medium to long term. James has an opportunistic and value driven stock-picking investment style. He has primary responsibility for the portfolio of Lowland Investment Company plc ('Lowland'), a company in the UK Growth and Income sector of the AIC, which has had net asset value performance on a total return basis of 727.6% since he took on this role in March 1990, 297.9% better than its benchmark (source: FundData), and which was ranked 1st in its sector over the 3, 5 and 10 calendar years to 31 October 2006 (source: FundData). As at close of business on 15 December 2006, Lowland's share price stood at a 1.6% premium to net asset value. He is also the individual with primary responsibility for the investment portfolio of The Law Debenture Corporation plc. Law Debenture has produced net asset value performance on a total return basis of 104.4% since he took over responsibility in June 2003, which is 20.5% better than its benchmark (source: FundData). Revised benchmark and AIC sector If the Resolutions are approved at the EGM, the Company will change its benchmark from the FTSE Fledgling Index to the FTSE All-Share Index and will apply to the AIC to change its classification from the UK Smaller Companies sector to the UK Capital Growth sector of the AIC. Revised investment management fee If the relevant Resolution is approved at the EGM, the investment management fee will be changed so that the annual management fee is reduced from 0.85% to 0.6% of the first £100 million of the Company's gross assets and 0.5% of any excess above £100 million. In addition, the Board will introduce a performance fee equal to 15% of any out-performance over the benchmark (being the FTSE All-Share Index) on a NAV total return fully diluted basis, subject to a cap on the total fees of 1.65% of net assets in any year. No performance fee will be payable if the Company's share price or Net Asset Value is lower at the end of an accounting period than it was at the beginning. Any underperformance against the benchmark will be carried forward, with any unrewarded outperformance also carried forward (but only available to set-off against future underperformance). Dividend policy and reduction of capital The expectation is that the Company's initial portfolio will produce a relatively low dividend yield, notwithstanding the proposed change in investment objective, and that sums available for distribution to Shareholders will be modest. The Company allocated 80% of its management fees and finance costs to capital and 20% to revenue for the year ended 31 October 2006 and intends to maintain this going forward. The Board nevertheless considers that the ability to pay dividends and other distributions from the Company's net income is important and is thus proposing that the existing deficit in revenue reserves of £1,957,933 at 31 October 2006 should be eliminated by a reduction of the Company's share premium account by the same amount. Such a reduction requires, amongst other matters, the approval of a Special Resolution and the sanction of the Court. A suitable Special Resolution will be proposed at the EGM and, if passed, the Company will apply to the Court to sanction this reduction, which it is expected would become effective, following Court approval, on or about 14 February 2007. Gearing policy The Articles of Association limit the power of the Company to borrow up to two times the Adjusted Capital and Reserves (as defined therein). The Company's current gearing policy is that borrowings shall not exceed 20 per cent. of the value of the Company's total net assets. The Company has no long term borrowings but the Board considers that if the Manager is of the view that investment prospects justify borrowing to make further investments, the Company should have the ability to use gearing up to a limit of 25% of net assets. Accordingly, if the relevant Resolution is approved at the EGM, the Company's gearing policy will be that borrowings shall not exceed 25 per cent. of net assets. The Company's borrowings are expected to be provided by way of flexible banking facilities. SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES James Henderson's investment approach is both value orientated and contrarian. He will seek to identify 'special opportunities' - that is to say, undervalued companies that have fallen out of favour with investors. Although the following is not an exclusive list, the stocks that James selects are likely to fall in one or more of the following categories: • Recoveries - Companies that have performed poorly but where there are early signs of improvement, potentially leading to a restructuring or sale. • Unrecognised growth - Growth companies selling on relatively low valuations but with growth potential that has not yet been generally recognised. • Corporate potential - Companies that have an above average chance of being taken over in the medium term, which factor is not reflected in the valuation. the Subscription Share issue In conjunction with the Company's proposed change of investment objective, the Directors also propose to implement a bonus issue of long-dated Subscription Shares. Shareholders on the register at 19 January 2007 will receive 1 Subscription Share for every 5 Ordinary Shares then held. Each Subscription Share will confer a right, exercisable by notice to the Company in the thirty days preceding the annual general meeting in any of the years 2009 to 2014 (inclusive), to convert, on the date of the relevant annual general meeting, into 1 Ordinary Share of the Company. The Directors consider that the Subscription Share issue should have the following advantages for Shareholders: • The current favourable market background for the UK market stocks and the potential for the strong performance of the Company's assets should result in the Subscription Shares having a financial value on issue. • The Subscription Shares have the same characteristics as warrants but with the additional benefit of being qualifying investments for the purposes of an existing PEP and for the stocks and shares component of an ISA (whereas warrants are not). The trading value of the Subscription Shares will be determined by market forces, including the global macroeconomic background, the supply and demand for the Subscription Shares and investor sentiment towards the Company and the UK Growth sector of the AIC. The Subscription Shares will have time or 'option' value - that is to say, a value for the time the underlying Ordinary Share has the potential to rise above the Conversion Price (as defined below). Entitlement of Shareholders to Subscription Shares Subject to the proposed bonus issue of long-dated Subscription Shares being approved by passing the requisite Resolution at the EGM, Shareholders will each receive 1 Subscription Share for every 5 Ordinary Shares owned by them as at the close of business on 19 January 2007. Fractions of Subscription Shares arising from the calculation of each Ordinary Shareholder's entitlement will not be allotted or issued and the number of Subscription Shares allotted to each Ordinary Shareholder will be rounded down to the nearest whole Subscription Share. The proposed issue of Subscription Shares will not be underwritten. Terms of the Subscription Shares In summary, the Subscription Shares being issued will entitle a holder to elect to convert, by notifying the Company in the thirty days preceding the annual general meeting in any of the years 2009 to 2014 (inclusive), each Subscription Share into one Ordinary Share on the date of the relevant annual general meeting at the Conversion Price. The 'Conversion Price' will be the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share as at 18 January 2007, plus a 20 percentage premium of such amount. For illustrative purposes only, the published unaudited Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share (on a capital basis) as at 15 December 2006 was 750.8 pence, and had this Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share been used (and adjusted to 747.2 pence to take account of current year net income and the costs of the bonus issue), the Conversion Price would have been 897 pence. The Conversion Price will be notified to Shareholders by way of a supplementary prospectus expected to be published on 19 January 2007. To exercise their conversion rights, Subscription Shareholders must notify the Company during the thirty days preceding the annual general meeting in any of the years 2009 to 2014 (inclusive). The conversion date will be the date of the relevant annual general meeting. The issue of the Subscription Shares is subject to the passing of the relevant Resolution at the EGM authorising the Directors to allot the Subscription Shares, the UK Listing Authority agreeing to admit the Subscription Shares to the Official List and the London Stock Exchange agreeing to admit the Subscription Shares to trading. If the conditions are satisfied, the Directors intend to exercise the authority conferred by the Resolution to allot the Subscription Shares. If any of these conditions are not fulfilled, then the Subscription Shares will not be issued. It is expected that the Subscription Shares will be admitted to the Official List on 22 January 2007 and that the first day of dealings in the Subscription Shares will be on the same date. The Subscription Shares will be issued in either certificated or uncertificated form. The ISIN number for the Subscription Shares will be GB00B1JLN010. SHARE BUYBACKS AND LIFE OF THE COMPANY Following the annual general meeting held on 9 February 2006, the Company had the authority to buy back up to 1,627,526 Ordinary Shares by way of market purchases at prices not exceeding 105 per cent. of the average of the middle market quotations as derived from the daily Official List for the five business days immediately preceding the date of purchase and otherwise in accordance with the Listing Rules. This authority was fully utilised and subsequently renewed at the extraordinary general meeting held on 4 October 2006 where the Company was granted the power to buy back up to 1,383,560 Ordinary Shares of which 1,021,595 had been utilised by 15 December 2006 (being the latest practicable date prior to publication of this document). The current authority will expire at the next annual general meeting, which has been convened for 15 February 2007. At that annual general meeting the Board proposes to seek renewal of this authority to repurchase 14.99 per cent. of the Ordinary Shares in issue at the date of the meeting. The Company is proposing to take similar powers to buy back up to 14.99 per cent. of the Subscription Shares on the basis described above and the necessary authority from Shareholders is included in a Resolution to be proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting. The Company will be including a continuation vote in the agenda for the annual general meeting to be held in 2008 (and, if passed, at every third subsequent annual general meeting) and will continue to employ share buy back and share issuance powers with a view to being active in enhancing returns for Shareholders, including by repurchasing shares on an opportunistic basis. However, in the circumstances, and in particular the proposed change of investment objective and the change of portfolio manager, the Board has decided to recommend the removal of the discount realisation mechanism (which requires the Board to provide realisation proposals if the discount to NAV is more than 8% over the last 90 days of each financial year). This will require an amendment to the Articles of Association, which requires the approval of a Special Resolution of the Ordinary Shareholders and such a resolution will accordingly be proposed as a Special Resolution at the EGM. Consequences of the CONVERSION of Subscription Shares on the Company In general, it is anticipated that the Subscription Shareholders will exercise their conversion rights if the market price of Ordinary Shares exceeds the Conversion Price at the final conversion date and may do so if similar circumstances prevail at an earlier conversion date. If the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share at the relevant time exceeds the Conversion Price, the Company will issue Ordinary Shares (pursuant to the conversion of the Subscription Shares) on receipt of a sum equal to the Conversion Price, which will be below the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share at that date. If the Conversion Price is materially below the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share then the issue of Ordinary Shares pursuant to the conversion of the Subscription Shares would have a material dilutive effect on the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share. CHANGE OF NAME As part of the revised investment objective, the Board is proposing that the name of the Company be changed to Henderson Opportunities Trust plc. This requires the approval of a Special Resolution and the necessary authority from Shareholders is included in the agenda for the EGM. Costs of the ProposalS The Company's expenses in connection with the Proposals, including the proposed issue of Subscription Shares, are estimated to amount to £500,000 (inclusive of VAT). Henderson Global Investors Limited has undertaken to contribute £100,000 of these costs. The Board is proposing to charge the balance to the Company's revenue account. Extraordinary General Meeting The implementation of the Proposals, to include the issue of the Subscription Shares, requires the approval of Shareholders. Accordingly, an Extraordinary General Meeting has been convened for 19 January 2007 at which three Resolutions will be proposed as Special Resolutions. Resolution 1 will approve the proposed change of investment objective, the change in investment management fee, the proposed change of name and sanction the proposed issue of Subscription Shares. Resolution 2 will approve the amendment of the Articles of Association to remove the requirement to bring forward proposals to remove the Discount Realisation Mechanism. Resolution 3 will approve the proposed reduction of capital (which will require the sanction of the court prior to implementation). Resolution 2 is conditional on Resolution 1 being passed. Timetable Event 2007 Latest time and date for receipt of Voting Instruction Forms from Plan Participants 5:00 p.m. on 12 January Latest time and date for receipt of Forms of Proxy from Shareholders 10:30 a.m. on 17 January Conversion price of Subscription Shares calculated as at close of business on 18 January Extraordinary General Meeting 10:30 a.m. on 19 January Record date for issue of bonus Subscription Shares close of business on 19 January Supplementary prospectus stating Subscription Share conversion price published 19 January Date from which revised investment objective and change of name becomes effective 22 January Date on which Subscription Shares issued and admitted to the Official List 8:00 a.m. on 22 January Dealings in Subscription Shares commence on London Stock Exchange 8:00 a.m. on 22 January Subscription Shares issued in uncertificated form credited to stock accounts in CREST 8:00 a.m. on of Shareholders entitled thereto 22 January Subscription Share certificates and supplementary prospectus stating Subscription by 26 January Share conversion price posted to non-CREST Shareholders Court hearing of petition to sanction reduction of capital 14 February Annual General Meeting 2:00 p.m. on 15 February Enquiries Peter May, Director, Henderson Strata Investments plc 020 7818 4469 James de Sausmerez, James Henderson, Henderson Global 020 7818 1818 Investors Angus Gordon Lennox 020 7588 2828 JPMorgan Cazenove Limited This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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