Interim Results
Henderson Strata Investments PLC
14 June 2002
14 June 2002
Unaudited Interim Results for the half year ended 30 April 2002
The Chairman's Statement:
Net Assets
The focus on growth companies, which generally has served the Trust well over
the past decade, has proved more testing over the last six months. The ratings
of many of the companies have fallen back further than expected as profits have
failed to materialise. The net asset value per share is only slightly higher
while the FTSE SmallCap Index (excluding investment companies) has risen 11.6%
in capital terms.
The economic slowdown has been painful for many companies and the uncertain
outlook for profits has made investors wary of stockmarkets. Companies on modest
ratings have made most progress in share price terms. Dividend policies have
become more important, with companies on reasonable yields proving to be a safe
haven at a time of low interest rates. The portfolio has suffered from the
highly-rated investments in the UK which have fallen short of expectations. As
recovery has been pushed further out, many of these ratings have fallen to what
we believe are now attractive levels.
A constant process of reviewing holdings on demanding ratings and looking for
growth opportunities on attractive valuations has led to an increase in cash so
the portfolio is now ungeared with net cash of £5 million to invest. Technology
investments in the US have been reduced while exposure to the early
beneficiaries of recovery has been sought. Europe has been a nervous market and,
with few businesses reporting a pick up in activity, good opportunities have not
been easy to find.
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Unaudited Interim Results for the half year ended 30 April 2002
Global economic recovery is expected to be a slow process. So far only inventory
rebuilding has boosted activity, with few signs of a real increase in final
demand. Confidence remains fragile but investors should begin to anticipate
better news in due course and we believe smaller company share prices will lead
the way. The feeling that we might have passed the low point for many earnings
forecasts is encouraging and in many cases the more extreme pessimism has not
been borne out. The very sharp correction in growth company share prices has
likewise passed the worst and the portfolio is set to rebound, assisted by
increased corporate activity. Global markets remain vulnerable to shocks but,
after the disappointments of recent months, better news could prove to be quite
a fillip for the indices.
Frans ten Bos
13 June 2002
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Unaudited interim results for the half year ended 30 April 2002
Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account)
for the half year ended 30 April 2002
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Half year ended Half year ended Year ended
30 April 2002 30 April 2001 31 October 2001
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Total capital gains/ - 620 620 - (51,657) (51,657) - (93,025) (93,025)
on investments
Income from fixed asset 354 - 354 383 - 383 870 - 870
Other interest receivable
and similar income 19 - 19 76 - 76 130 - 130
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------
Gross revenue and capital
gains/(losses) 373 620 993 459 (51,657) (51,198) 1,000 (93,025) (92,025)
Management fee (523) - (523) (784) - (784) (1,442) - (1,442)
Other administrative (98) - (98) (98) - (98) (204) - (204)
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------
Net loss/(return) on
ordinary activities
before interest
payable and taxation (248) 620 372 (423) (51,657) (52,080) (646) (93,025) (93,671)
Interest payable (48) - (48) (431) - (431) (699) - (699)
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------
Net (loss)/return on
activities before
taxation (296) 620 324 (854) (51,657) (52,511) (1,345) (93,025) (94,370)
Taxation on net (loss)/ (13) - (13) (19) - (19) (39) - (39)
on ordinary activities
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------
Net (loss)/return on
activities after taxation (309) 620 311 (873) (51,657) (52,530) (1,384) (93,025) (94,409)
Dividends - nil - - - - - - - - -
--------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------
Transfer (from)/to (309) 620 311 (873) (51,657) (52,530) (1,384) (93,025) (94,409)
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
(Loss)/return per
ordinary (1.75p) 3.52p 1.77p (4.95)p (293.17)p (298.12)p (7.85)p (527.92)p (535.77)p
The revenue columns of this statement represent the revenue accounts of the Company.
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Unaudited interim results for the half year ended 30 April 2002
Balance Sheet
at 30 April 2002
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
30 April 2002 30 April 2001 31 October 2001
£000 £000 £000
Fixed asset investments
Investments at market value 82,229 136,632 89,561
---------- ---------- ----------
Current assets
Debtors 942 966 1,215
Cash at bank 3,191 650 625
---------- ---------- ----------
4,133 1,616 1,840
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (406) (10,725) (5,756)
---------- ---------- ----------
Net current assets/(liabilities) 3,727 (9,109) (3,916)
---------- ---------- ----------
Total net assets 85,956 127,523 85,645
====== ====== ======
Capital and reserves
Issued share capital 4,406 4,406 4,406
Share premium account 16,479 16,479 16,479
Realised profits 72,033 82,478 73,494
Unrealised (losses)/profits (3,125) 27,178 (5,206)
Revenue reserve (3,837) (3,018) (3,528)
---------- ---------- ----------
Equity shareholders' funds 85,956 127,523 85,645
====== ====== ======
Net asset value per ordinary share 487.77p 723.64p 486.00p
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Unaudited interim results for the half year ended 30 April 2002
Cash Flow Statement
for the half year ended 30 April 2002
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Half year ended Half year ended Year ended
30 April 2002 30 April 2001 31 October 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash outflow from operating activities (160) (684) (789)
Net cash outflow from servicing of finance (59) (427) (700)
Net tax recovered 6 - 12
Net cash inflow from
financial investment 8,348 9,390 14,208
---------- ---------- ----------
Net cash inflow before financing 8,135 8,279 12,731
Net cash outflow from financing (5,510) (8,556) (13,046)
---------- ---------- ----------
Increase/(decrease) in cash 2,625 (277) (315)
====== ====== ======
Reconciliation of operating revenue to net cash
inflow from operating activities
Net loss before interest payable and taxation (248) (423) (646)
(Increase)/decrease in accrued income (64) (47) 10
(Increase)/decrease in other debtors (34) 15 32
Increase/(decrease) in other creditors 201 (208) (134)
Tax on unfranked investment income deducted at source (15) (21) (51)
---------- ---------- ----------
Net cash outflow from operating activities (160) (684) (789)
====== ====== ======
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net
Increase/(decrease) in cash as above 2,625 (277) (315)
Cash outflow from decrease in loans 5,510 9,111 13,601
Exchange difference (59) (38) (25)
---------- ---------- ----------
Movement in net funds/(debt) 8,076 8,796 13,261
Net debt at the start of the period (4,885) (18,146) (18,146)
---------- ---------- ----------
Net funds/(debt) at the end of the period 3,191 (9,350) (4,885)
====== ====== ======
Represented by:
Cash 3,191 650 625
Debt falling due within one year - (10,000) (5,510)
---------- ---------- ----------
3,191 (9,350) (4,885)
====== ====== ======
Unaudited interim results for the half year ended 30 April 2002
1. Issue share capital
There were 17,622,350 ordinary shares in issue at 30 April 2002
(30 April 2001 and 31 October 2001: 17,622,350).
2. Return per ordinary share
The revenue loss per ordinary share is based on the net loss on ordinary
activities after taxation on £309,000 (half year ended 30 April 2001:
£873,000; year ended 31 October 2001: £1,384,000) and on the weighted
average number of 17,622,350 ordinary shares in issue during the period
(half year ended 30 April 2001: 17,619,864; year ended 31 October 2001:
The capital return per ordinary share is based on the net capital gains
of £620,000 (half year ended 30 April 2001: net capital losses of
£51,657,000; year ended 31 October 2001: net capital losses of
£93,025,000) and on the weighted average number of 17,622,350 ordinary
shares in issue during the period (half year ended 30 April 2001:
17,619,864; year ended 31 October 2001: 17,621,117).
3. Comparative information
The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 October 2001
are extracted from the latest published accounts of the Company and do
not constitute the statutory accounts for that year. Those accounts have
been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and included the report of
the auditors which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under
either section 237(2) or section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.
4. Interim Report
The interim report will be sent to shareholders early in July 2002 and
copies will be available from the Company's registered office, 4
Broadgate, London EC2M 2DA.
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For further information, please contact:
Richard Smith or Vicki Staveacre
Henderson Strata Investments plc Henderson Corporate Affairs
Telephone: 020 7818 4368 Telephone: 020 7818 4222
Geoffrey/Strata/interim/interim announcement June 2002
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange