Final Results
15 July 1999
Unaudited Preliminary Group Results for the year ended 31 May
'Growth, Consistency, Liquidity'
* Strong emphasis on smaller companies with real long term
growth potential
* Focus on total return rather than income generation
Extracts from the Chairman's Statement:
Over the year the Trust's net asset value total return was -
7.7%* compared with a total return of -6.3%* from our benchmark
index, the FTSE SmallCap Index (excluding investment companies).
This was marginally disappointing as outperformance earlier in
the year was given up in the second half. Smaller quoted
companies around the world continued to underperform larger
companies, affected by the low level of inflation in the
economic system and the lack of stockmarket liquidity. Our
policy of investing in high quality growth stocks has been
affected by some catching up by 'value' stocks but we still feel
confident that our strategy is the correct one. We will always
be vulnerable to swings in cyclical stocks which we largely
ignore, feeling that our role is to continue to search out
smaller companies with long term growth potential.
We have painstakingly built up a focused portfolio of clearly
differentiated growth companies. The aim is to invest in
today's smaller companies which have the potential to become
tomorrow's large companies and to remain patient long term
strategic shareholders. It is the Trust's policy to retain the
successful and growing companies past the notional £600m cut off
point for a new smaller company investment. A good example of
this strategy is Colt Telecom, our largest holding, which has
now entered the FTSE 100, having listed on the stockmarket with
a market capitalisation of £295m in December 1996. This policy
can provide your Trust with consistent earnings growth and
stockmarket performance as well as greater liquidity.
* Source: AITC Services Limited. The total return figures
assume the reinvestment of net dividends.
Over the year the number of holdings in the portfolio was
further reduced from 258 to 179 companies, and we sold the
Trust's residual Japanese portfolio (3% of assets) into rising
prices and a strengthening yen. Your Trust is now focused on
three geographic areas, the UK, the US and Continental Europe.
We continued to concentrate on the service sectors as consumers
spend more on services and less on durables. There is very
little pricing power in the traded goods areas, and we believe
we can capitalise on the shift in momentum away from
transactional businesses towards ones that require the creation
of lasting customer relationships.
At 31 May 1999, 75% of the investments by value were in the UK
compared with 69% at the end of the previous year. The number
of holdings in the UK portfolio was reduced from 103 to 77. The
UK portfolio fell by 4.9% on a gross income total return basis.
The US weighting remained steady at 17% of the Trust's
investments, and the portfolio fell in value by 6.4%. The
Continental European weighting was reduced from 10% to 8% of the
Trust's portfolio but fell in value by 22.9% which held back our
Revenue and Dividends
A maintained net dividend is being proposed at 3.95p for the
year. It is important to emphasise that the earnings per
ordinary share of your Trust amounted to 2.33p, so that the
equivalent of 1.62p is being paid out of revenue reserves,
costing £2.9m. This leaves the Group with revenue reserves of
£5.8m. Our focus on quality growth companies means that the
earnings per ordinary share are likely to fall as such companies
tend to retain more of their earnings to fund their future
growth. In future, dividends will be paid much more in line
with current earnings and shareholders should anticipate a big
reduction in dividends. Our policy will hereon be on total
return and not on income generation.
Share Buy-Backs
The Trust's share price continues to trade at a significant
discount to net asset value. The Trust now has enabling powers
that allow it to buy in its own shares and 200,000 ordinary
shares were purchased for cancellation on 21 May this year at a
22.5% discount to net asset value, thereby enhancing the net
asset value for remaining shareholders. It is the Board's
intention to use this buy-back facility actively where it
believes it to be in shareholders' overall interests so to do.
Investment Company Status
It is expected that the government will change the law shortly
to align the rules governing investment company status under
company law with those governing investment trust status under
tax law. Because the date of this expected change is not yet
known, the Trust, since its year end, has elected to give up
investment company status. This will allow any purchases of the
Trust's own shares to be funded from realised capital reserves.
The Company remains an investment trust for tax purposes.
Our aim is to search out smaller companies with real long term
growth potential and to retain them where the potential
continues. We believe we are well equipped to identify such
companies and monitor their progress on behalf of shareholders.
We feel those value and cyclical stocks which have bounced back,
recently, following a period of being oversold offer less
exciting long term prospects than investing in companies which
have the potential to become the big companies of tomorrow.
Through this policy we are confident we can do well for our
shareholders. It is pleasing to note that our growth stocks
have shown a strong relative performance since the year end.
P H G Cadbury
14 July 1999
Unaudited Preliminary Group Results for the year ended 31 May 1999
Group Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account)
Year ended 31 May 1999 Year ended 31 May 1998
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Total capital - (54,791)(54,791) - 149,634 149,634
(losses)/gains from
Income from fixed asset 8,993 - 8,993 11,124 - 11,124
Other interest 1,458 - 1,458 830 - 830
receivable and similar
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Gross revenue and 10,451 (54,791) (44,340) 11,954 149,634 161,588
capital (losses)/gains
Management fee (1,969) - (1,969) (1,825) - (1,825)
Other administrative (416) - (416) (502) - (502)
Irrecoverable VAT (234) - (234) (242) - (242)
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Net return/(loss) on
ordinary activities
before interest payable 7,832 (54,791) (46,959) 9,385 149,634 159,019
and taxation
Interest payable (2,232) - (2,232) (2,136) - (2,136)
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Net return/(loss) on
ordinary activities
before taxation 5,600 (54,791) (49,191) 7,249 149,634 156,883
Taxation on net return (1,410) - (1,410) (1,705) - (1,705)
on ordinary activities
---- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Net return/(loss) on
ordinary activities
taxation 4,190 (54,791) (50,601) 5,544 149,634 155,178
Dividends - cumulative (33) - (33) (28) - (28)
preference stock
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Net return/(loss)
attributable to ordinary
shareholders 4,157 (54,791) (50,634) 5,516 149,634 155,150
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Dividends - ordinary
shares (note 2)
Interim of 1.50p (1998: (2,673) - (2,673) (2,673) - (2,673)
Final of 2.45p (1998: (4,361) - (4,361) (4,366) - (4,366)
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
(7,034) - (7,034) (7,039) - (7,039)
------ --- ------ ----- ------ ------
Transfer (from)/to (2,877)(54,791)(57,668) (1,523) 149,634 148,111
===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
Return/(loss) per 2.33p (30.75)p (28.42)p 3.10p 83.97p 87.07p
ordinary share (note 1)
===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
The revenue columns of this statement represents the revenue
accounts of the Group.
Unaudited Preliminary Group Results for the year ended 31 May
Summary of Group Net Assets: 31 May 1999 31 May 1998
£'000 £'000
Fixed asset investments at valuation 563,157 635,143
Net current assets/(liabilities) 11,850 (1,115)
--------- ---------
Total assets less current liabilities 575,007 634,028
Creditors: amounts falling due after (20,000) (20,000)
more than one year
--------- ---------
Total net assets 555,007 614,028
Preference stock
(19) (875)
--------- ---------
Assets attributable to the ordinary 554,988 613,153
====== ======
Net asset value per ordinary share
after deducting
prior charges at par 311.8p 344.1p
1. Return per ordinary share
Capital return per ordinary share is based on net capital
losses for the year of £54,791,000 (1998: net capital
gains of £149,634,000) and on the weighted average number
of ordinary shares in issue during the year of
178,194,520 (1998: 178,200,000).
Revenue return per ordinary share is based on the
earnings attributable to the ordinary shares of
£4,157,000 (1998: £5,516,000) and on the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue during the year of
178,194,520 (1998: 178,200,000).
2. Dividend
The recommended final dividend of 2.45p per share,
subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting, will
be paid on 4 October 1999 to shareholders on the register
at the close of business on 10 September 1999.
3. Basis of consolidation
The Group accounts consolidate the accounts of the
Company and its wholly owned subsidiary undertaking,
Henderson Smaller Companies Finance Limited.
Unaudited Preliminary Group Results for the year ended 31 May 1999
4. 1999 Accounts
The preliminary figures for the year ended 31 May 1999
are an extract from the Group's accounts for that period.
These accounts have not yet been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies, nor have the auditors yet
reported on them.
5. 1998 Accounts
The figures and financial information for the year ended
31 May 1998 are an extract of the latest published
accounts and do not constitute the statutory accounts for
that year. These accounts have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies and included the report of the
auditors which was unqualified and did not contain a
statement under either section 237(2) or section 237(3)
of the Companies Act 1985.
6. Annual General Meeting
The full annual report and accounts will be posted to
shareholders in late August 1999 and copies will be
available thereafter from the Secretary at the Company's
Registered Office, 3 Finsbury Avenue, London EC2M 2PA.
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday 24
September 1999 at 12.00 noon.
For further information please contact :
John Alexander/Stephen Westwood or Vicki Staveacre
The Henderson Smaller Companies Henderson Press Office
Investment Trust plc Telephone: 0171 410 4222
Telephone: 0171 410 4340/5517