Herald Investment Trust plc confirms that the following proxy votes were received ahead of its annual general meeting held this morning.
Total valid proxies received based on resolution 1 - 27,138,825 (representing 34.9% of the total voting rights in issue).
The percentage of those votes expressed to be in favour of each resolution (or where discretion was given to the Chairman of the meeting or another person, in which case it is assumed that those votes would also have been declared in favour) are set out below:
6 To re-elect Mr S W Newton as a director - 99.98%
7 To elect Dr T J Black as a director - 99.99%
All resolutions were approved by the required majority. Resolutions 1 to 9 were proposed and passed as ordinary resolutions. Resolution 10 was proposed and passed as a special resolution requiring a 75% majority.
A copy of resolution 10, being a special resolution, will shortly be issued to the National Storage Mechanism where in due course it may be viewed free of charge.
A fuller analysis of the above proxy votes will shortly available at the following website:
At the conclusion of the AGM, as previously announced, Tim Curtis retired as a director.
Law Debenture Corporate Services Limited
Company Secretary
Contact: Ian Bowden 020 7696 5285
Herald Investment Trust plc is registered in England at 10-11 Charterhouse Square, London, EC1M 6EE, company registration number 2879728.
22 April 2014