HgCapital Trust PLC
Results of AGM
Following the Annual General Meeting of the Company which was held today, we are pleased to announce that all the resolutions put to shareholders were passed on a show of hands.
Resolutions 1 to 7 related to Ordinary Business. Resolutions 9 to 12 related to Special Business, as set out below:
Resolution 8: To extend the authority to make market purchases of the Company's shares pursuant to section 701 of the Companies Act 2006.
Resolution 9: To extend the authority to allot shares pursuant to section 551 of the Companies Act 2006.
Resolution 10: To empower the Directors to allot shares pursuant to sections 570 and 573 of the Companies Act 2006, as if the pre-emption rights in section 561 did not apply.
Resolution 11: To authorise the Directors to hold general meetings, other than annual general meetings, on 14 clear days notice.
Resolution 12: To adopt the updated articles of association
Under listing rule 9.6.2 a copy of the resolutions will shortly be available via the National Storage Mechanism, at http://www.hemscott.com/nsm.do
8 May 2013