Appointment of Auditor and additional Audit Committee member
The Board of the Company is pleased to announce that PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLP (PwC) have been appointed as the auditors of the Company, and that Vic Holmes, Chairman of the Company has been appointed as a member of the Audit Committee. More detail follows.
The Board, as indicated in past annual reports, was very aware that the original auditors to the Company, Ernst Young, had completed ten audits of the Company. In addition, in view of the changes to the Company passed by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 24 February 2016, the Board felt it appropriate to carry out a tender for the external audit of the Company. Six potential audit firms were asked to indicate their interest in the appointment and to provide certain initial information about themselves, including all the so called "Big 4" and two other firms. The Audit Committee then selected a shortlist of two who were invited to be interviewed by them on 10 October 2016.
PwC were ultimately selected and were appointed by the Board to replace Ernst and Young LLP who resigned on 10 October 2016. A resolution to appoint PwC as Auditors of the Company will be put to the next Annual General Meeting of the Company in the normal way.
The Board is also pleased to announce that, effective 10 October 2016, Vic Holmes, Chairman of the Company was appointed as a member of the Audit Committee of the Company. The Board is aware that the current guidance to Listed Companies is that the Chairman of the Board should not also be a member of the Audit Committee. However, the Board believes that, since it is now comprised of only four individuals, and since Mr Holmes is a qualified accountant with considerable experience in the administration and financial reporting of listed investment companies, his addition to the Audit Committee is of benefit to shareholders.
For further information about this announcement please contact:
JTC (Guernsey) Limited
Tel: +44 (0) 1481 702 400
E&OE - in transmission