Final Results - Year Ended 31 December 1999
Highcroft Investment Trust PLC
9 March 2000
The following statement was approved at a meeting of the directors held today.
Summary Results - Operating Activities
Operating profit was slightly down on the 1998 figure of £1,379,000 at
£1,364,000. This reverse can be attributed to a number of factors that the
directors consider to be to some extent exceptional in their nature.
General levels of income were largely unchanged on 1998 figures, in part due to
the limited number of significant rent reviews effective during the year.
However, gross rents receivable were down on 1998 as a result of the disposals
made during the year. Property outgoings benefited from a substantial reduction,
mainly as a result of the strategy of improving the property portfolio, and as a
result, net property income showed a small increase. Administrative expenses
increased and those in respect of the share buy-back amounted to £34,000.
Additionally, the on-account payments of corporation tax arising under the new
payment regime and the payment of recoverable advance corporation tax on the
shares purchased by way of the buy-back ensured that cash balances were
lower than otherwise might have been, which in turn reduced net interest.
Summary Results - Capital Activities
Net assets showed a good advance during the year of £3.1 million to £30.6
million and stood at 592p per share at 31 December 1999, a rise of 85p (17%) on
the year. Of this increase, 12p arises from the buy-back of 260,000 shares which
was completed during the year.
During the course of the year, the company completed the purchase of
property assets at a cost of £5,550,000 (1998 nil) and investment assets of
£1,058,000 (1998 £630,000). The net proceeds from property disposals during
the year amounted to £3,341,000 (1998 £2,940,000) while investment
disposals raised £1,271,000 (1998 £827,000).
Profits from the gains on these disposals amounted to £868,000 (1998
£547,000). Such gains are non distributable and after taxation of £533,000
(1998 £247,000) are transferred to realised capital reserve.
The company continued to implement its strategy to improve the quality of
the property portfolio by replacing those investments perceived as being of
poorer quality with generally larger properties providing reliable
covenants and appropriate yields. There is now clear evidence that despite
the generally lower gross yields arising from the replacement properties
the reduction in management and other costs is having a positive net impact
on the profit and loss account. Although the broad objectives of this
policy are likely to take a number of years to achieve, the Directors are
aware that new strategies will be required to respond both to the changing
environment in the property sector and the ever present need to enhance the
value of the portfolio.
There were two significant additions to the portfolio during the year. The
construction of a distribution centre in Kidlington, Oxon. was completed
in August 1999 and occupied by the Post Office during the same month. This
investment was purchased on an initial yield of 7.6%. This was a
speculative project undertaken by a third party developer whereby the
Company provided forward finance to purchase the site and construct the
buildings with the security and comfort provided by a binding agreement to
lease with the Post Office. As such, it represented a significant departure
from our normal method of acquisition and we are now seeking similar
arrangements where exposure to a limited risk provides opportunities to
acquire properties that may not otherwise be available to the Company.
Additionally a substantial listed office building in central Bristol was
acquired in August 1999. This property is the subject of a lease to Royal &
Sun Alliance expiring in 2013 and is occupied by Eversheds solicitors on a
sub-lease. This investment was purchased on an initial yield of 8.1%.
The second half of the year was a period of consolidation, with the
continuing programme; of property disposals and cash-flow arising from
normal activities being used to re-establish cash reserves. This period of
consolidation has continued since the year-end and leaves the Company well
placed to take advantage of any appropriate opportunities that may arise.
The Property Valuation reflects these activities showing a rise from £15.3
million to £19.6 million. Those properties that remained in the portfolio
throughout the period show a rise in value equivalent to 10.6% (1998
Listed Investments
Following a positive first half year, markets fell during the third quarter
but recovered well towards to end of the year. Our stance has remained
cautious as we perceive that the threat of downward corrections in the US
and UK markets particularly cannot be discounted. The continuing effects
of the strength of sterling on the UK manufacturing sector, exacerbated
during the latter part of the year by rising interest rates, are additional
causes for concern. The early months of 2000 saw markets once again in
reverse, and we expect volatility to be the key word for the immediate
The takeover of M & G Group PLC early in the year provided only a temporary
boost to cash reserves as these proceeds were reinvested during the
following months.
Our income from listed investments was affected by changes during 1999 to
the rate of tax credits, consequently the underlying trend was more
positive than the figure of £387,000 (1998 - £382,000) indicates. Listed
investment income net of tax credits was £351,000 in 1999 and £315,000 in
1998 an increase of 11%
1. Income from fixed asset investments and other interest receivable:
1999 1998
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
From investment properties:
Rents receivable 1,246 1,378
Less outgoings (108) (249)
1,138 1,129
From listed fixed asset investments 387 382
Other interest receivable 55 78
442 460
1,580 1,589
2. Operating profit:
1,364 1,379
3. Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation:
2,232 1,926
4. Taxation:
873 641
5. Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation:
1,359 1,285
4. Gains on disposals of assets after taxation
taken to capital reserve:
335 300
5. Profit available for distribution:
1,024 985
6. Total amount absorbed by dividends:
Ordinary shares
Interim dividend 142 136
Proposed final dividend 261 250
403 386
1998 final dividend not paid on own shares
purchased (12) -
391 386
7. Rates of net ordinary dividends paid and proposed:
Interim - paid 2.75p 2.50p
Final-payable 5.05p 4.60p
8. Earnings per share:
including gains on disposals of assets 26.1p 23.7p
excluding gains on disposals of assets 19.6p 18.1p
BALANCE SHEET The Group The Company
1999 1998 1999 1998
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 19,637 15,291 - -
Investments 11,333 9,822 31,096 27,245
30,970 25,113 31,096 27,245
Current assets
Debtors 386 1,251 177 895
Cash at bank 415 2,644 8 57
801 3,895 185 952
Amounts falling due within
one year 1,170 1,497 680 686
Net current (liabilities)/assets (369) 2,398 (495) 266
Total assets less current
liabilities 30,601 27,511 30,601 27,511
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 1,292 1,357 1,292 1,357
Revaluation reserve - property 5,219 5,421 - -
- other 6,959 5,858 26,394 22,953
Capital redemption reserve 95 30 95 30
Realised capital reserve 11,274 8,845 2,104 1,648
Profit and loss account 5,762 6,000 716 1,523
Shareholders' funds 30,601 27,511 30,601 27,511
1. Share capital:
The shares in issue at 31 December 1999 were 5,167,240 (1998 5,427,240).
2. Net asset value:
The net asset value per 25p share at 31 December 1999 was 592p (1998 507p).
1999 1998
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash(outflow)/Inflow from operating activities 2,044 (721)
Taxation paid (1,026) (442)
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of fixed assets - properties (5,550) -
- listed investments (1,058) (630)
Sale of fixed assets - properties 3,341 2,940
- listed investments 1,271 827
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from capital
expenditure and financial investment (1,996) 3,137
Purchase of own shares (871) -
Equity dividends paid (380) (367)
(Decrease)/Increase in cash (2,229) 1,607
Accounting convention:
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention
except that freehold and leasehold properties and listed and unlisted
investments are revalued annually.
Annual General Meeting:
The 2000 Annual General Meeting will be held on 7 June 2000.
Final ordinary dividend:
Warrants in payment of the final ordinary dividend for 1999 will be paid on 9
June 2000 to shareholders registered at the close of business on 8 May 2000.
The above does not constitute full accounts within the meaning of section 240 Of
the Companies Act 1985. It is an extract from the full accounts for the year
ended 31 December 1999 on which the auditors have confirmed that they expect to
express an unqualified opinion. They will be posted to shareholders on or before
30 April 2000 and filed at Companies House in due course.