Final Results

Holders Technology PLC 27 February 2001 Holders Technology plc Providers of specialised materials, equipment and services for the electronics and telecommunications industries. Year ended 30 November 2000 Chairman's statement In the year to 30 November 2000, turnover rose by 49% to £13.3m (1999: £8.9m). Pre-tax profits rose by 62% to £0.9m (1999: £0.5m). Earnings per share rose by 55%. Your directors are recommending a final dividend of 5.50p (1999: 5.25p), which will be payable on 22 May 2001 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 27 April 2001. In the chairman's statement accompanying the interim results I stated that market conditions remained challenging. This continued to be the case in the second half of the past year and overall the year was one of excellent progress for your company. United Kingdom It was particularly encouraging to see the widening of the customer base in the UK during the period, a development facilitated by the introduction of the additional commodity products during the year. Europe Our subsidiary based in Holland saw a recovery from previously depressed trading levels assisted in part by sales into France; an area which we have targeted for further expansion in the current year. Despite supply difficulties with certain products and price pressure on others our German subsidiary performed strongly during the year. The performance of our Swedish subsidiary was exceptional due almost entirely to the high levels of demand generated by the Scandinavian telecoms manufacturers. Own Products Our own manufactured drill care systems activity held its position but did not make the progress we had hoped. We continue to examine methods to expand this area of operations. Justfone Our 81% owned subsidiary Justfone Limited generated small revenues from trial sales in the year and the product range development is now largely complete. Justfone's products are targeted on niche applications and discussions concerning marketing linkages to exploit these packages commercially are now in hand. The market which Justfone addresses continues to be fast growing and we are looking to build profitability in the second half of the current year. Liquidity As we anticipated the year end balance sheet is substantially more liquid than was the case at the interim stage. Due to a reduction in stock levels and debtor days we closed the year with net cash of £0.1m. Given the nature and structure of your company's business it will always be the case that at times it will be necessary to hold high prudential stocks to ensure our ability to supply customers' requirements on demand. It will also be necessary to accept a degree of exchange rate exposure. We are continuing to look at ways to reduce our exposure to foreign exchange losses and to improve our treasury management. The future I have commented in the past on our desire to complete our European coverage and this remains our intent but only on sensible commercial terms. Your board is has decided that in order fully to serve our major customers, many of whom are out sourcing production to the Far East your company should seek to establish a Far Eastern base. To this end we are establishing a branch in Hong Kong which should be operational from May of this year. It is our aim to develop this business quickly to take advantage of the fast growing market for materials and equipment for electronic products. As always our core activity of supplying specialised materials and equipment for the electronics industry depends for its success on the activity levels of our customers coupled with our ability to source both innovative and cost-effective products with which to supply them. The year to 30 November 2000 was one of excellent progress for your company, and based on the opportunities which are open to us we expect to make further progress in the current year. R W Weinreich Chairman and Chief Executive 26 February 2001 Consolidated profit and loss account for the year ended 30 November 2000 Audited year ended Audited year 30/11/00 ended 30/11/99 Note £'000 £'000 Turnover - continuing 13,256 8,922 operations Cost of sales (9,790) (6,032) Gross profit 3,466 2,890 Distribution costs (178) (175) Administrative expenses (2,255) (1,994) Research and development (58) (100) expenses Other operating income 21 (26) Operating profit - continuing 996 595 operations Interest receivable 14 26 Interest payable and similar (145) (86) charges Profit on ordinary activities 865 535 before taxation Tax on profit on ordinary 1 (275) (144) activities Profit on ordinary activities 590 391 after taxation Minority interests - equity 15 - Profit for the financial year 605 391 Dividends (all equity) 2 (303) (293) Retained profit for the year 302 98 Earnings per share - basic 3 15.00p 9.69p and diluted Consolidated balance sheet at 30 November 2000 Audited year ended Audited year 30/11/00 ended 30/11/99 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 1,222 1,289 Current assets Stocks 2,533 1,790 Debtors 3,051 2,142 Cash at bank and in hand 387 619 5,971 4,551 Creditors: Amounts falling (2,763) (1,709) due within one year Net current assets 3,208 2,842 Total assets less current 4,430 4,131 liabilities Creditors: Amounts falling (60) (16) due after one year Provision for liabilities and (98) (89) charges 4,272 4,026 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 403 403 Share premium account 1,486 1,486 Capital redemption reserve 1 1 Profit and loss account 2,395 2,136 Equity shareholders' funds 4,285 4,026 Minority interests - equity (13) - 4,272 4,026 Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 30 November 2000 Audited year ended Audited year 30/11/00 ended 30/11/99 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from 394 407 operating activities Returns on investment and servicing of finance Interest received 14 26 Interest paid (53) (14) Finance lease interest (4) (1) Net cash inflow from returns on investment and (43) 11 servicing of finance Taxation Corporation tax paid (198) (311) Capital expenditure Payments to acquire tangible (123) (497) fixed assets Receipts from sales of 35 27 tangible fixed assets Receipt from sale of - 41 investment (88) (429) Equity dividends paid (293) (283) Cashflow before financing (228) (605) Financing Capital element of finance (13) (12) leases (13) (12) (Decrease) in cash (241) (617) Notes 1. Taxation comprises United Kingdom corporation tax of £36,000 (1999: £ 47,000), foreign tax of £226,000 (1999: £86,000) and deferred taxation of £ 13,000 (1999: £11,000). 2. The directors have recommended a final dividend of 5.5p (1999: 5.25p) per share payable on 22 May 2001 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 27 April 2001. The total dividend for the year, including the interim dividend of 2.0p (1999: 2.0p) per share paid on 15 September 2000, amounts to £303,000 (1999: £293,000), which is equivalent to 7.5p (1999: 7.25p) per share. 3. The basic and diluted earnings per share are based on the profit for the financial year of £605,000 (1999: £391,000) and on 4,034,498 ordinary shares (1999: 4,034,498 ordinary shares), the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. 4. This preliminary statement which has been agreed with the auditors and approved by the Board on 26 February 2001 is not the Company's statutory accounts. The statutory accounts for each of the two years to 30 November 1999 and 30 November 2000 received audit reports, which were unqualified and did not contain statements under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The 1999 accounts have been filed with the Registrar of Companies but the 2000 accounts are not yet filed.
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