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Hong Kong Land Hldgs Ld 28 November 2001 NEW BOARD APPOINTMENT AT HONGKONG LAND 28 November 2001 - Hongkong Land Holdings Limited announced that Mr Charles Allen-Jones will join the Board as non-executive Director on 1st December 2001. Charles Allen-Jones was until recently the Senior Partner of Linklaters, the leading international law firm - where he had been a Partner for 33 years. He spent six years running the firm's Hong Kong office. Simon Keswick, Chairman of Hongkong Land, said, 'We are very pleased to welcome Charles Allen-Jones to the Board. He brings a wide range of experience and extensive contacts and interest in the Asia-Pacific region.' Hongkong Land is a leading property and infrastructure investment, management and development group. The Group owns and manages some five million sq. ft of prime office and retail space in the heart of Hong Kong's Central business district. It is active primarily in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Singapore, and has a portfolio of property and infrastructure interests in other Asian cities. Hongkong Land employs some 700 people, has its primary share listing in London, and at end of 2000, reported shareholders' funds in excess of US$6 billion. Hongkong Land is a member of the Jardine Matheson Group. - end - For further information, please contact: Hongkong Land Limited (852) 2842 8401 Nicholas Sallnow-Smith Matheson & Co. Limited (44) 20 7816 8135 Martin Henderson Golin/Harris Forrest (852) 2501 7937 Adrian Overholser Golin/Harris Ludgate (44) 20 7324 8888 Richard Hews This and other Group announcements can be accessed through the Internet at ''.
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