Brazil Exploration Update
Horizonte Minerals PLC
18 January 2007
Horizonte Minerals plc / Index: AIM / Epic: HMZ / Sector: Mining
18 January 2007
Horizonte Minerals plc ('Horizonte' or 'the Company')
Brazil Exploration Update
• Work focussed on 32,890 hectare Tangara and 29,717 hectare Falcao projects
• Tangara drill hole DDH-4 returns 6.75m grading 9.8 g/t Au within a 35m
zone averaging 2.5 g/t Au
• Newly identified 'Freda Trend' soil anomaly has a strike length of 1,300m
• Follow-up work on Tangara defines four new regional targets
• Field work on the Falcao copper-gold project to commence to define drill
Horizonte Minerals plc, the AIM listed exploration and development company
focused on Brazil and Peru, is pleased to provide an update on its two advanced
Brazilian projects for 2007.
The Tangara gold project comprises 32,890 hectares (330 sq km) covering the
western extension of the Achaean, Identidade Greenstone belt located in the
southern part of the world class Carajas Mineral Province. Work was initially
focussed on the 6km long MA anomaly, with encouraging results obtained from
DDH-4 with 2.54 g/t Au over 36.25m with anomalous zinc up to 1.0% and silver up
to 85 g/t. The remaining holes drilled over an area of 2 sq km returned
sub-economic mineralisation but assisted in defining the focus of the large
scale mineralised system.
DDH-5, drilled 2000m west of DHH-4, returned anomalous gold with grades of up to
3.9 g/t Au over 2m from 14m down hole. DDH-7, 8 and 9 also drilled 2000m west of
DHH-4 on two sub-parallel trends returned anomalous gold and zinc but the
mineralisation appears distal to the centre of the system. DDH-10 and 11 were
drilled 800m to the east to test the Barbossa Pit area and though weak in gold
are highly anomalous in zinc with DDH 11 having extensive intervals of 0.1%. A
full table of all results is included at the end of the release.
Detailed soils over the newly identified 'Freda Trend' associated with DDH-4 has
defined a >0.1 g/t Au anomaly over 1,300m strike and up to 120m wide. This area
will be the focus of the second phase of drilling, working out from DDH-4, which
will commence in March 2007.
The area is attracting considerable interest from major mining companies and the
adjacent exploration claims to the east are held by the Brazilian subsidiaries
of Barrick Gold Corp, Corporacion Nacional del Cobre ('Codelco') and Teck
Cominco Ltd. Troy Resources recently paid US$10m to purchase the Andorinhas
deposit on the southern arm of the greenstone belt. This has a Probable Reserve
of 594,000T at 6.6g/t for 126,000 ozs Au. Troy plan to fast track development of
this mine, which lies just 35km south east of the MA target at Tangara.
Follow-up stream sediment sampling has defined four new regional target areas
within the 32km extent of the Tangara land holding; Pampeana, MA South, MA East
and MA North. Follow-up soil grid sampling and detailed mapping has been
completed or is underway, the results of which are awaited. Subject to
satisfactory results these new target areas will be drill tested as part of the
March programme.
The Falcao project is located 175km south of the Tangara project, covering an
area of circa 300 sq km. Its focus was a BHP grassroots discovery identified by
regional stream sediment sampling, which defined several sample locations
running anomalous gold, copper and silver values, covering a 50 sq km land area.
The stream sediment programme was followed-up by a regional soil grid and a
shallow auger drill programme on an 800m by 200m grid, which defined the main
area of interest as an open 6km long anomalous gold/copper and zinc/silver/gold
Horizonte will commence a detailed soil grid and auger programme within the
broad anomalous zone to define follow up drill targets.
Horizonte CEO Jeremy Martin said: '2007 is going to be an exciting and active
year for the Company. The wide spaced drilling completed at Tangara last year
has allowed us to develop a better understanding of the large mineralised
system. We intend to step out from DDH-4, which returned very encouraging
values, and drill test the intrusive contact. The zone is open for 1,300m and
we have a well defined gold in soil anomaly associated with the contact zone.
Importantly, the regional work has outlined four new target areas within the
Tangara land holding and subject to the results of the follow up work will also
be tested in the March drill programme.'
Sampling, assaying, and QA/QC
Procedures adopted by Horizonte in the collection, preparation and storage of
samples from the auger drilling programme, conform to industry-wide best
practice and with chain of custody being observed for all samples. Analysis is
undertaken by ALS Labs at its laboratories in Vancouver, Canada, and the Company
maintains QA/QC on all analytical work via the inclusion of certified reference
materials and field duplicates and blanks, in addition to monitoring of the
laboratory's own internal check-analyses.
The above information has been reviewed and verified by Mr. Jeremy Martin, a
Director and Chief Executive of Horizonte, for the purposes of the Guidance Note
for Mining, Oil and Gas Companies issued by the London Stock Exchange in March
2006. Mr. Martin, with six years of mining and management experience, graduated
with a degree in geology from the Camborne School of Mines, and an MSc in
mineral exploration from the University of Leicester and is a member in good
standing with the Society of Economic Geologists and the Institute of Mining
Hole From To Interval Au FA (g/t) Zn Ag (g/t)
(m) (m) (m) (+0.5g/t) (+0.1%) (+5g/t)
GA-DDH01 0 4 4 1.1 0.3%
4 8 4 0.2%
18 19.6 1.6 6.6
19.6 21.7 2.1 0.6
21.7 29.5 7.8 0.1%
29.5 31.15 1.65 0.3% 5.7
57 58.31 1.31 0.1%
58.31 60.02 1.71 0.7%
72 74 2 0.1%
80.4 82 1.6 0.1%
88 90 2 0.1%
TGA-DDH02 0 2 2 1.0
6 26 20 0.2%
62 72 10 0.1%
80 82 2 0.2%
TGA-DDH03 0 2 2 1.2
2 6 4 0.5
8 18 10 0.4%
18 20 2 0.2 0.2%
20 24 4 0.2%
28 30 2 0.1%
36 37.9 1.9 0.2%
48 50 2 0.1%
50 52 2 >1%
52 54 2 0.1%
58 60 2 0.1%
86 95 9 0.6
TGA-DDH04 0 0.75 0.75 0.9
6 7.05 1.05 0.1%
34.1 36.25 2.15 0.3%
36.25 38.1 1.85 22.3 1.0% 10.8
38.1 40 1.9 5.7 1.0% 10.9
40 41.51 1.51 7.0 0.2% 16.2
41.51 43 1.49 2.3
43 45 2 0.5
59 61 2 0.3%
61 63 2 6.0 1.0% 37.8
65 67 2 1.0% 10.4
67 71.38 4.38 1.4 0.3% 39.32
71.38 73 1.62 8.5
84 87 3 0.1%
TGA-DDH05 0 2 2 1.1
14 16 2 3.9
20 22 2 1.8
26 28 2 0.7
40.45 42 1.55 1.2
71.5 73.5 2 0.8
73.5 75 1.5 3.3
80 84 4 0.7 0.6655
TGA-DDH06 39.25 44 4.75 0.7
TGA-DDH07 28 40 12 0.2%
TGA-DDH08 16 30 14 0.1%
46 48 2 0.6
68 70 2 0.6
97.44 100.1 2.66 1.1
100.1 102 1.9 1.0
TGA-DDH09 2 4 2 0.5
34 36 2 1.2
46 48 2 1.2
62 64 2 1.1
90 92 2 0.9
106 108 2 0.6 11.1
TGA-DDH10 0 2 2 0.2%
2 4 2 0.7
8 20 12 0.1%
30 32 2 0.1%
37.75 39.07 1.32 0.5
39.07 40.53 1.46 0.2%
TGA-DDH11 2 4 2 0.5
44 45.46 1.46 0.1%
49 59 10 0.2%
67.5 85.5 18 0.2%
92 94 2 0.1%
100.45 102.46 2.01 0.2%
102.46 104.48 2.02 0.4%
128 129.4 1.4 0.2%
* * ENDS * *
For further information visit or contact:
Jeremy Martin/David Hall Horizonte Minerals plc Tel: 020 7495 5446
David Paxton Hichens Harrison Tel: 020 7382 7785
Hugo de Salis St Brides Media & Finance Ltd Tel: 020 7242 4477
John Frain/Fergal Meegan Davy Tel: +353 1 679 6363
Notes to Editors:
Horizonte Minerals Plc is an AIM listed mineral resources exploration group
focused on the discovery, appraisal and development of gold and base metal
deposits in Brazil and Peru. The Company has two gold exploration projects in
Brazil, and one silver-zinc-lead project in Peru. The two Brazilian gold
projects, Tangara and Falcao, are located to the south of the highly prospective
Carajas Mineral Province. Both projects cover an area of approximately 300 sq km
and are centred over greenstone belts, with known gold mineralisation. The scale
of these project areas, the overall aerial extent of the mineralised system and
the high density and magnitude of related gold anomalies (identified in river
sediments, surface soils and rocks), indicate the potential for multiple deposit
The silver-zinc-lead project is located in the historic mining district of Cerro
de Pasco in Central Peru. Sampling and limited historic drilling on this project
has demonstrated the high grade potential of this project. The Company has a
joint venture with Australian gold producer Troy Resources NL's 70% owned local
subsidiary Sertao Mineracao Ltda to advance its Goias Velho gold exploration
project in Brazil.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange