Update - El Aguila

Horizonte Minerals PLC 19 March 2007 Horizonte Minerals plc / Index: AIM / Epic: HMZ / Sector: Mining 19 March 2007 Horizonte Minerals plc ('Horizonte' or 'the Company') Defines Strong Geophysical Targets at El Aguila Horizonte Minerals plc, the AIM listed exploration and development company focused on Brazil and Peru, is pleased to announce the definition of four new geophysical and geochemical targets on its 100% owned El Aguila silver-lead-zinc-gold project, located in the Cerro de Pasco mining district, central Peru. At Pacos Hill the survey indicates a strong chargeability / low resistivity anomaly adjacent to the known mineralised zone. The untested broad anomaly represents a new target that if associated with economic mineralization, would add significant tonnage potential to the project. Additional geophysical targets were also defined at Zona Sur and reconnaissance rock chip sampling has identified a new target zone east of Pacos Hill. Following the successful drilling programme completed at the Pacos Hill area in October 2006, Horizonte undertook a geophysical survey comprising ground magnetics and Induced Polarization (IP) over the Pacos Hill and Zona Sur zones with the objective of optimising the next phase of drilling. A total of 48.9 km of magnetic profiles were measured and 7.1 km of IP measurements were recorded on 50m spaced centres on north south lines. At the same time, detailed mapping and rock geochemical sampling was completed in the area around Pacos Hill and over Zona Sur. Zona Sur Three strong IP anomalies were defined in the previously undrilled Zona Sur area, interpreted as occurring at between 100m and 250m depth, correlating with mineralisation and alteration mapped on surface. • Target 1 lies at approximately 100m depth and coincides with high grade surface copper-lead-silver veins. • Target 2 occurs at 150m depth and is associated with a NW/SE trending fault and the SW dipping Mitu rock formation. The surface expression is marked by extensive faulting and fracturing of the host Pucara Limestone. • Target 3 is a chargeability anomaly at circa 250m that appears to be directly related with mapped veins - Vicky and Marlene. Near the surface the anomaly is weak but strengthens at depth where the mineralised veins intersect the NW/SE fault. Geochemical rock samples taken from the two underground workings in the Zona Sur demonstrate higher grades of silver than in the Pacos Hill area together with copper and gold possibly indicating closer to source intrusive. The average grade of 7 channel samples taken along 230m extent of the Veta Marlene returned 0.24g/t Au, 10.24 oz/t Ag, 4% Pb and 5.6% Zn. Pacos Hill Five IP north-south orientated lines with a total length of 4.6 km were run over the Pacos Hill zone. The data generated indicates that both Veta Sur and Veta Norte, the focus of the October 2006 drilling programme, are outboard of the main geophysical anomaly. A significant chargeability anomaly on line 00 between 50m and 150m depth is located to the south of the principle veins. One drill hole from the October 2006 programme, HM DDH-11, tested the area south of the veins. It returned 16.6m grading 64g/t silver ('Ag'), 1.9% lead ('Pb') and 0.9% zinc ('Zn'). While this hole only reached a vertical depth of 45m and was outboard of the geophysical anomaly, it indicates the mineralised system extends to the south.. Follow-up mapping and sampling to the east of the Pacos Hill target has outlined a zone of alteration and vein mineralisation with values of 5.9% Pb and 12.7% Zn (RK-6929). Horizonte CEO Jeremy Martin said, 'The results of the IP survey have upgraded the Zona Sur area. It indicates that the high grade veins on surface may be associated with a larger replacement system at relatively shallow depths. The geophysics has certainly provided greater focus to the system. The new geochemical values from the underground workings demonstrate the very high grades of silver found in the Zona Sur are significantly higher than at Pacos Hill where we completed the drilling in the latter part of last year. We will fast-track the drilling in the Zona Sur to test these targets. 'At Pacos Hill the October 2006 drilling demonstrated the economic potential of the Veta Norte and Sur replacement vein systems. However the geophysics indicates that the drilling was outboard of the main geophysical target area, which appears to lie at depth and to the south. This opens up the tonnage potential in the Pacos Hill area.' Sampling, assaying, and QA/QC Procedures adopted by Horizonte in the collection, preparation and storage of samples from the auger drilling programme, conform to industry-wide best practice and with chain of custody being observed for all samples. Analysis is undertaken by ALS Labs at its laboratories in Vancouver, Canada, and the Company maintains QA/QC on all analytical work via the inclusion of certified reference materials and field duplicates and blanks, in addition to monitoring of the laboratory's own internal check-analyses. The above information has been reviewed and verified by Mr. Jeremy Martin, a Director and Chief Executive of Horizonte, for the purposes of the Guidance Note for Mining, Oil and Gas Companies issued by the London Stock Exchange in March 2006. Mr. Martin, with six years of mining and management experience, graduated with a degree in geology from the Camborne School of Mines, and an MSc in mineral exploration from the University of Leicester and is a member in good standing with the Society of Economic Geologists and the Institute of mining Analysts. * * ENDS * * For further information visit www.horizonteminerals.com or contact: Jeremy Martin/David Hall Horizonte Minerals plc Tel: 020 7495 5446 David Paxton Hichens Harrison Tel: 020 7588 5171 Hugo de Salis St Brides Media & Finance Ltd Tel: 020 7242 4477 John Frain/Fergal Meegan Davy Tel: +353 1 679 6363 Notes to Editors: Horizonte Minerals Plc is an AIM listed mineral resources exploration group focused on the discovery, appraisal and development of gold and base metal deposits in Brazil and Peru. The Group has two gold exploration projects in Brazil, and one silver-zinc-lead project in Peru. The two Brazilian gold projects, Tangara and Falcao, are located to the south of the highly prospective Carajas Mineral Province. Both projects cover an area of approximately 300 sq km and are centred over greenstone belts, with known gold mineralisation. The scale of these project areas, the overall aerial extent of the mineralised system and the high density and magnitude of related gold anomalies (identified in river sediments, surface soils and rocks), indicate the potential for multiple deposit discoveries. The silver-zinc-lead project is located in the historic mining district of Cerro de Pasco in Central Peru. Sampling and limited historic drilling on this project has demonstrated the high grade potential of this project. The Group has a joint venture with Australian gold producer Troy Resources NL's 70% owned local subsidiary Sertao Mineracao Ltda to advance its Goias Velho gold exploration project in Brazil. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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