LEI: 213800OC94PF2D675H41
Hostelworld Group plc ("Hostelworld")
Annual General Meeting Update
Arrangements regarding the Annual General Meeting to be held on Monday 27 April 2020 at Floor 2, One Central Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, Ireland having regard to Coronavirus COVID-19
The well-being of our shareholders, employees and other attendees is a priority for Hostelworld. Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, Hostelworld has put in place certain new arrangements regarding the holding of its 2020 AGM.
To comply with the advice of the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE), Hostelworld Group plc will hold the meeting at 12.00 noon on 27 April 2020 without shareholders being permitted to attend in person. As personal attendance at the AGM would present a real risk to you and to others, we invite you to submit your proxy forms to ensure that your vote counts at the AGM. All valid proxy votes (whether submitted electronically or in hard copy form) will be included in the poll to be taken at the meeting.
Proxy voting can be done in advance of the AGM by the means set out on the Form of Proxy included with the Notice of AGM previously sent to shareholders and available on the Hostelworld website - www.hostelworldgroup.com . Proxy appointments must be received by no later than 12 noon on Thursday, 23 April 2020.
Ask Questions
Members may submit questions relating to the business of the meeting, in advance by email to agmquestions@hostelworld.com or send them in writing with your Form of Proxy to the Registrar. Questions raised in this way will be replied to as soon as practicable.
Hostelworld will continue to monitor the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and any relevant updates regarding the AGM will be available on http://www.hostelworldgroup.com/investors/regulatory-news .
If you have any queries, please contact our Registrar, Computershare Investor Services (Ireland) Limited, on +353 1 447 5566 .
As we all face the COVID-19 challenge together and health and safety is our joint priority, we know you will understand the constrained circumstances under which the AGM must take place this year. On behalf of Hostelworld, may I take this opportunity to extend our best regards to you and your family at this challenging time. We look forward to receiving your questions.
John Duggan
General Counsel and Company Secretary