1/4: HSBC Holdings 1H03 (2/2)

HSBC Holdings PLC 04 August 2003 Additional Information 1. Accounting policies The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those described in the 2002 Annual Report and Accounts. 2. Dividend The Directors have declared a first interim dividend for 2003 of US$0.24 per ordinary share, an increase of 17 per cent. The dividend will be payable on 7 October 2003 to shareholders on the Register at the close of business on 22 August 2003. The dividend will be payable in cash, in US dollars, sterling or Hong Kong dollars, or a combination of these currencies, at the exchange rates on 29 September 2003, with a scrip dividend alternative. Particulars of these arrangements will be mailed to shareholders on or about 3 September 2003, and elections will be required to be made by 24 September 2003. The dividend payable in cash on shares held through Euroclear France, the settlement and central depositary system for Euronext Paris, will be converted into euros at the exchange rate on 29 September 2003 and paid on 7 October 2003 through CCF, HSBC's paying agent. The dividend payable to holders of American Depositary Shares ('ADSs'), each of which represents five ordinary shares, will be paid in cash in US dollars or as a scrip dividend of new ADSs on 7 October 2003 or invested in additional ADSs for participants in the dividend reinvestment plan operated by the depositary. The Company's shares will be quoted ex-dividend in London and in Hong Kong on 20 August 2003 and in Paris on 25 August 2003. The ADSs will be quoted ex-dividend in New York on 20 August 2003. 3. Earnings and dividends per share Half-year to Half-year to Half-year to Figures in US$ 30Jun03 30Jun02 31Dec02 Cash earnings per share 0.48 0.40 0.36 Basic earnings per share 0.41 0.35 0.32 Diluted earnings per share 0.40 0.35 0.31 Dividend per share 0.24 0.205 0.325 Dividend pay out ratio ^ 50 % 51 % 90 % ^ Dividends per share expressed as a percentage of cash earnings per share. Basic earnings per ordinary share was calculated by dividing the earnings of US$4,106 million by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding, excluding own shares held, of 10,066 million (first half of 2002: earnings of US$3,280 million and 9,298 million shares; second half of 2002: earnings of US$2,959 million and 9,380 million shares). Diluted earnings per share was calculated by dividing the basic earnings, which require no adjustment for the effects of dilutive ordinary potential shares, by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding, excluding own shares held, plus the weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued on conversion of all the dilutive potential ordinary shares (being share options outstanding not yet exercised) of 10,161 million (first half of 2002: 9,404 million shares; second half of 2002: 9,469 million shares). The cash earnings per share was calculated by dividing the basic earnings, including the add-back of amortised goodwill, by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding. 4. Taxation Half-year Half-year Half-year Figures in US$m to 30Jun03 to 30Jun02 to 31Dec02 UK corporation tax charge 225 322 362 Overseas taxation 1,219 736 481 Joint ventures - (6) - Associates 8 19 (2) Current taxation 1,452 1,071 841 Deferred taxation 102 244 378 Total charge for taxation 1,554 1,315 1,219 Effective tax rate 25.4% 26.0 % 26.5 % HSBC Holdings and its subsidiary undertakings in the United Kingdom provided for UK corporation tax at 30 per cent, the rate for the calendar year 2003 (2002: 30 per cent). Overseas tax included Hong Kong profits tax of US$250 million (first half 2002: US$253 million; second half 2002: US$155 million) provided at the rate of 17.5 per cent (2002: 16.0 per cent) on the profits assessable in Hong Kong. Other overseas taxation was provided for in the countries of operation at the appropriate rates of taxation. At 30 June 2003, there were in total potential future tax benefits of approximately US$1,086 million (30 June 2002: US$842 million; 31 December 2002: US$885 million) in respect of trading losses, expenditure charged to the profit and loss account but not yet allowed for tax, and capital losses, against which a 100 per cent valuation allowance has been taken, as recoverability of these assets is currently considered remote. Should circumstances change then the treatment of these assets would be reviewed. Analysis of overall tax charge: Half-year Half-year Half-year Figures in US$m to 30Jun03 to 30Jun02 to 31Dec02 Taxation at UK corporate tax rate of 30% 1,834 1,517 1,378 Impact of differently taxed overseas profits in principal locations (196) (241) (231) Tax-free gains (15) (48) 29 Argentine losses (relieved)/unrelieved (7) 18 69 Goodwill amortisation 238 128 133 Acquisition accounting adjustments (115) - - Prior period adjustments (113) (7) (83) Other items (72) (52) (76) Overall tax charge 1,554 1,315 1,219 Timing differences subject to deferred tax (102) (244) (378) Current tax charge 1,452 1,071 841 The acquisition accounting adjustments arise because certain assets and liabilities were revalued on the Household and GFBital acquisitions. The difference between the 'fair value' of assets and liabilities, which is included in the accounts, and the book value is amortised to the profit and loss account over the life of the assets and liabilities. This amortisation resulted in a positive impact on the profit and loss account. There is no tax associated with this adjustment to net income and so it reduces the effective tax rate. 5. Subordinated liabilities At At At Figures in US$m 30Jun03 30Jun02 31Dec02 Dated subordinated loan capital which is repayable: - within 1 year 615 1,651 956 - between 1 and 2 years 1,024 652 862 - between 2 and 5 years 2,070 2,056 1,957 - over 5 years 13,480 7,840 11,056 17,189 12,199 14,831 6. Assets charged as security for liabilities HSBC has pledged assets as security for liabilities included under the following headings: Amount of liability secured At At At Figures in US$m 30Jun03 30Jun02 31Dec02 Deposits by banks 4,080 1,386 1,661 Customer accounts 8,148 5,510 4,204 Debt securities in issue 30,228 1,718 1,437 Other liabilities 3,851 3,619 2,884 46,307 12,233 10,186 The amount of assets pledged to secure these liabilities are included under the following headings: Amount of assets pledged At At At Figures in US$m 30Jun03 30Jun02 31Dec02 Treasury bills and other eligible securities 2,041 1,513 1,673 Loans and advances to customers 37,922 3,114 2,514 Debt securities 42,464 34,740 39,126 Other 2,461 1,478 1,144 84,888 40,845 44,457 7. Capital resources At At At 30Jun03 30Jun02 31Dec02 Capital ratios (%) Total capital ratio 11.7 13.5 13.3 Tier 1 capital ratio 8.5 9.7 9.0 Composition of capital Figures in US$m Tier 1: Shareholders' funds 70,290 51,178 52,406 Minority interests 3,521 3,434 3,306 Innovative tier 1 securities 4,964 3,570 3,647 Less: property revaluation reserves (1,707) (2,292) (1,954) : goodwill capitalised and intangible assets (28,007) (15,587) (17,855) : own shares held ^ (801) (576) (601) Total qualifying tier 1 capital 48,260 39,727 38,949 Tier 2: Property revaluation reserves 1,707 2,292 1,954 General provisions 2,816 2,085 2,348 Perpetual subordinated debt 3,543 3,514 3,542 Term subordinated debt 14,885 9,882 12,875 Minority interests in tier 2 capital 556 793 775 Total qualifying tier 2 capital 23,507 18,566 21,494 Unconsolidated investments (3,703) (2,031) (2,231) Investments in other banks (662) (696) (638) Other deductions (521) (126) (144) Total capital 66,881 55,440 57,430 Total risk-weighted assets 569,613 410,986 430,551 The above figures were computed in accordance with the EU Banking Consolidation Directive. ^ This principally reflects shares held in trust to fulfil the Group's obligations under employee share option plans. 8. Foreign exchange exposure The Group's foreign exchange exposure comprises trading exposures and structural foreign currency translation exposure. Foreign exchange trading exposures comprise those which arise from foreign exchange dealing within Treasury and currency exposures originated by commercial banking businesses in HSBC. The latter are transferred to local treasury units where they are managed, together with exposures which result from dealing activities, within limits approved by the Group Executive Committee. The Group's structural foreign currency translation exposures are represented by the net asset value of the holding company's foreign currency equity and subordinated debt investments in its subsidiaries, branches and associated undertakings. Gains or losses on structural foreign currency exposures are taken to reserves. The Group's structural foreign currency exposures are managed with the primary objective of ensuring, where practical, that the Group's and individual banking subsidiaries' tier 1 capital ratios are protected from the effect of changes in exchange rates. 9. Contingent liabilities and commitments The total contract amounts of contingent liabilities and commitments which, at 30 June 2003, were US$450,233 million (30 June 2002: US$255,130 million; 31 December 2002: US$276,884 million) are credit-related instruments which include acceptances, letters of credit, guarantees and commitments to extend credit. The contractual amounts represent the amounts at risk should the contract be fully drawn upon and the client default. Since a significant portion of guarantees and commitments are expected to expire without being drawn upon, the total of the contract amounts is not representative of future liquidity requirements. 10. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operating activities Half-year Half-year Half-year Figures in US$m to 30Jun03 to 30Jun02 to 31Dec02 Operating profit 5,895 4,659 4,376 Change in prepayments and accrued income (2,450) 156 199 Change in accruals and deferred income 1,682 447 (257) Interest on finance leases and similar hire purchase contracts 20 15 21 Interest on subordinated loan capital 479 445 417 Depreciation and amortisation 1,298 941 1,103 Amortisation of discounts and premiums 254 9 (17) Provisions for bad and doubtful debts 2,374 715 606 Loans written off net of recoveries (2,834) (888) (1,043) Provisions for liabilities and charges 591 462 417 Provisions utilised (457) (948) (383) Amounts written off fixed asset investments 60 139 185 Net cash inflow from trading activities 6,912 6,152 5,624 Change in items in the course of collection from other banks (2,215) (119) 243 Change in treasury bills and other eligible bills (118) 460 255 Change in loans and advances to banks (14,353) 11,320 5,230 Change in loans and advances to customers (52,514) (32,940) (2,392) Change in other securities (6,335) (7,523) 10,066 Change in other assets (881) (5,947) (1,108) Change in deposits by banks 20,923 7,806 (11,311) Change in customer accounts 51,214 20,505 10,656 Change in items in the course of transmission to other banks 1,331 314 402 Change in debt securities in issue 6,201 1,585 1,350 Change in other liabilities 7,248 14,092 (15,672) Elimination of exchange differences ^ (3,022) (2,757) 135 Net cash inflow from operating activities 14,391 12,948 3,478 ^ Adjustment to bring changes between opening and closing balance sheet amounts to average rates. This is not done on a line-by-line basis, as it cannot be determined without unreasonable expense. 11. Profit and loss account impact from Household for the half-year to 30 June 2003 30Jun03 30Jun03 30Jun03 30Jun02 31Dec02 Total Household Rest of HSBC US$m US$m US$m US$m US$m Interest receivable 18,206 3,492 14,714 14,229 14,366 Interest payable (6,985) (702) (6,283) (6,636) (6,499) Net interest income 11,221 2,790 8,431 7,593 7,867 Other operating income 7,286 612 6,674 5,510 5,625 Operating income 18,507 3,402 15,105 13,103 13,492 Operating expenses excluding goodwill (9,490) (1,214) (8,276) (7,146) (7,808) Goodwill amortisation (632) (115) (517) (396) (458) Operating profit before provisions 8,385 2,073 6,312 5,561 5,226 Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (2,374) (1,539) (835) (715) (606) Provisions for contingent liabilities and commitments (22) - (22) (3) (36) Loss from foreign currency redenomination in Argentina (34) - (34) (45) (23) Amounts written off fixed asset investments (60) - (60) (139) (185) Operating profit 5,895 534 5,361 4,659 4,376 Share of operating loss in joint (124) - (124) (23) (5) ventures Share of operating profit in 92 - 92 71 64 associates Gains/(losses) on disposal of: - investments 264 2 262 351 181 - tangible fixed assets (15) - (15) (1) (23) Profit on ordinary activities before tax 6,112 536 5,576 5,057 4,593 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (1,554) (133) (1,421) (1,315) (1,219) Profit on ordinary activities after tax 4,558 403 4,155 3,742 3,374 Minority interests: - equity (261) - (261) (278) (227) - non-equity (191) - (191) (184) (188) Profit attributable to shareholders 4,106 403 3,703 3,280 2,959 Dividends (2,589) - (2,589) (1,929) (3,072) Retained profit/(deficit) for the period 1,517 403 1,114 1,351 (113) 12. Registers of shareholders - First interim dividend for 2003 The Overseas Branch Register of shareholders in Hong Kong will be closed for one day, on Friday 22 August 2003. Any person who has acquired shares registered on the Hong Kong Branch Register but who has not lodged the share transfer with the Branch Registrar should do so before 4.00pm on Thursday 21 August 2003 in order to receive the dividend. Any person who has acquired shares registered on the Principal Register in the United Kingdom but who has not lodged the share transfer with the Principal Registrar should do so before 4.00pm on Friday 22 August 2003 in order to receive the dividend. Transfers between the Principal Register and the Branch Register may not be made while the Branch Register is closed. Similarly, transfers of American Depositary Shares must be lodged with the depositary by noon on Friday 22 August 2003 in order to receive the dividend. 13. Proposed second interim dividend for 2003 The Directors intend to declare a second interim dividend for 2003 of US$0.12 per ordinary share. The proposed timetable for the dividend is: Announcement of second interim dividend for 2003 10 November 2003 Shares quoted ex-dividend in London and Hong Kong and American Depositary Shares (ADSs) quoted ex-dividend in New York 26 November 2003 Record date for second interim dividend for 2003 28 November 2003 Closure of Hong Kong Overseas Branch Register of shareholders 28 November 2003 Shares quoted ex-dividend in Paris 1 December 2003 Mailing of dividend documentation 9 December 2003 Final date for receipt by registrars of forms of election and revocations of standing instructions for scrip dividends 7 January 2004 Exchange rate determined for payment of dividends in sterling and Hong Kong dollars 12 January 2004 Payment date: dividend warrants, new share certificates and notional tax vouchers mailed and shares credited to stock accounts in CREST 20 January 2004 14. Foreign currency amounts The sterling and Hong Kong dollar equivalent figures in the consolidated profit and loss account and balance sheet are for information only. These are translated at the average rate for the period for the profit and loss account and the closing rate for the balance sheet as follows: Period-end 30Jun03 30Jun02 31Dec02 Closing : HK$/US$ 7.798 7.800 7.798 : £/US$ 0.605 0.654 0.620 Average : HK$/US$ 7.799 7.799 7.799 ^ : £/US$ 0.621 0.693 0.641 ^ ^ Average for the second half of 2002. 15. Litigation HSBC, through a number of its subsidiary undertakings, is named in and is defending legal actions in various jurisdictions arising from its normal business. None of these proceedings is regarded as material litigation. 16. Notifiable interests in share capital According to the register maintained under section 211 of the Companies Act 1985, Legal and General Investment Management Limited notified the Company on 11 June 2002 that it had an interest in 284,604,788 HSBC Holdings ordinary shares, representing 3.01 per cent of the ordinary shares in issue at that date. No notifiable interest, being 5 per cent or more, in the equity share capital is recorded in the register maintained under Section 336 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance of Hong Kong. 17. Dealings in HSBC Holdings shares On 8 May 2003 HSBC Life (International) Limited sold 20,902 HSBC Holdings ordinary shares of US$0.50 each on the London Stock Exchange at 708.26 pence per share. Save for this and dealings by HSBC Bank plc, trading as an intermediary in the Company's shares in London, neither the Company nor any subsidiary undertaking has bought, sold or redeemed any securities of the Company during the six months ended 30 June 2003. 18. Interim Report and Statutory accounts The information in this news release does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 (the Act). The 2003 Interim Report was approved by the Board of Directors on 4 August 2003. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2002 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies in England and Wales in accordance with Section 242 of the Act and filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. The auditor has reported on those accounts. Its report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Act. This news release does not constitute the unaudited interim consolidated financial statements which are contained in the Interim Report. The unaudited interim consolidated financial statements have been reviewed by the Company's auditor, KPMG Audit Plc, in accordance with the guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4: Review of interim financial information issued by the Auditing Practices Board. On the basis of its review it was not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the unaudited interim consolidated financial statements as presented for the six months ended 30 June 2002 in the Interim Report. The full report of its review is included in the Interim Report to the shareholders. 19. Forward-looking statements This news release contains certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and business of the Group. These forward-looking statements represent the Group's expectations or beliefs concerning future events and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainty that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Certain statements, such as those that include the words 'potential', 'estimated', and similar expressions or variations on such expressions may be considered 'forward-looking statements'. 20. Corporate Governance HSBC is committed to high standards of corporate governance. HSBC Holdings has complied throughout the six months to 30 June 2003 with the best practice provisions of the Combined Code on corporate governance appended to the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority and with the provisions of Appendix 14 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. There have been no material changes to the information disclosed in the 2002 Annual Report and Accounts in respect of the remuneration of employees, remuneration policies and share option plans. On 28 March 2003 the Company acquired Household International, Inc. which has approximately 34,500 employees. The terms of the employment agreement with W F Aldinger, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Household, particulars of which were set out in the Disclosable Transaction Circular dated 26 February 2003, came into effect on 28 March 2003. 21. Interim Report Copies of the Interim Report will be sent to registered shareholders on or about 15 August 2003 and may be obtained from Group Corporate Affairs, HSBC Holdings plc, 8 Canada Square, London E14 5HQ, United Kingdom; or from Group Public Affairs, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong; or from HSBC Bank USA, 452 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10018, USA; or from Direction de la Communication, CCF, 103 avenue des Champs Elysees, 75419, Paris Cedex 08, France. The Interim Report will also be available on the HSBC website www.hsbc.com and on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong's website www.hkex.com.hk. A Chinese translation of the report may be obtained on request from Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, Rooms 1901-5, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong. Custodians or nominees that wish to distribute copies of the Interim Report to their clients may request copies for collection by writing to Group Corporate Affairs at the addresses given above. 22. Final results and third interim dividend for 2003 The results for the year to 31 December 2003 will be announced on Monday 1 March 2004. It is intended that any third interim dividend for 2003 that is announced on that date would be payable on 5 May 2004 to shareholders on the Register on 19 March 2004. HSBC's shares would be quoted ex-dividend in London and in Hong Kong on 17 March 2004 and in Paris on 22 March 2004. The American Depositary Shares would be quoted ex-dividend in New York on 17 March 2004. 23. News release Copies of this news release may be obtained from Group Corporate Affairs, HSBC Holdings plc, 8 Canada Square, London E14 5HQ, United Kingdom; The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong; HSBC Bank USA, 452 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10018, USA. The news release will also be available on the HSBC website www.hsbc.com. Within this document, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China has been referred to as 'Hong Kong'. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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