3/4: Hang Seng 1H03 (2/3)

HSBC Holdings PLC 04 August 2003 Financial Review (continued) Securities held for dealing purposes Figures in HK$m At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 Debt securities by remaining maturity: - three months or less but not repayable on demand 40 579 97 - one year or less but over three months 71 214 90 - five years or less but over one year 814 416 890 - over five years 119 - 121 1,044 1,209 1,198 Equity shares 3 - - 1,047 1,209 1,198 Advances to customers Figures in HK$m At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 Gross advances to customers 228,840 228,893 227,475 Specific provisions (1,568) (1,710) (1,805) General provisions (1,101) (1,437) (1,108) 226,171 225,746 224,562 Remaining maturity: - repayable on demand 12,162 12,128 11,983 - three months or less but not repayable on demand 17,263 15,441 18,128 - one year or less but over three months 22,512 26,036 21,243 - five years or less but over one year 85,981 83,242 84,466 - over five years 82,189 84,628 84,273 - overdue for more than one month 3,062 1,452 1,301 - non-performing advances 5,671 5,966 6,081 Gross advances to customers 228,840 228,893 227,475 Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (2,669) (3,147) (2,913) 226,171 225,746 224,562 Included in advances to customers are: - trade bills 2,309 2,222 2,180 - provisions for bad and doubtful debts (23) (66) (78) 2,286 2,156 2,102 Advances to customers (after deduction of interest in suspense and provisions) recorded a modest growth of HK$1,609 million, or 0.7 per cent, to HK$226.2 billion at 30 June 2003, with loan demand remaining weak during the period. Provisions against advances to customers Suspended Figures in HK$m Specific General Total interest At 1Jan03 1,805 1,108 2,913 404 Amounts written off (721) - (721) (93) Recoveries of advances written off in previous years 22 - 22 - Net charge/(release) to profit and loss account 462 (6) 456 - Interest suspended during the period - - - 77 Suspended interest recovered - - - (29) Exchange adjustment - (1) (1) - At 30Jun03 1,568 1,101 2,669 359 Suspended interest comprises both suspended interest netted against 'Advances to customers' and suspended interest netted against accrued interest receivable in 'Prepayments and accrued income'. Total provisions as a percentage of gross advances to customers are as follows: At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 % % % Specific provisions 0.69 0.75 0.79 General provisions 0.48 0.63 0.49 Total provisions 1.17 1.38 1.28 Total provisions as a percentage of gross advances to customers fell to 1.17 per cent at 30 June 2003, compared with 1.28 per cent at the end of 2002. Specific provisions as a percentage of gross advances decreased by 10 basis points to 0.69 per cent. The reduction mainly reflected the writing-off of irrecoverable balances and the repayment and upgrading of rescheduled advances and doubtful accounts to performing status. General provisions stood at 0.48 per cent of gross advances to customers, compared with 0.49 per cent at the end of 2002. Non-performing advances to customers and provisions Non-performing advances to customers on which interest has been placed in suspense or on which interest has ceased to accrue are as follows: Figures in HK$m At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 Gross non-performing advances on which interest: - has been placed in suspense 5,567 5,622 5,767 - accrual has ceased 182 479 429 5,749 6,101 6,196 Suspended interest (78) (135) (115) Gross non-performing advances ^ (page 24) 5,671 5,966 6,081 Specific provisions (1,568) (1,710) (1,805) Net non-performing advances 4,103 4,256 4,276 Specific provisions as a percentage of gross non-performing advances ^ 27.6 % 28.7 % 29.7 % Gross non-performing advances ^ as a percentage of gross advances to customers 2.5 % 2.6 % 2.7 % ^ Stated after deduction of interest in suspense. Non-performing advances to customers are those advances where full repayment of principal or interest is considered unlikely and are so classified as soon as such a situation becomes apparent. Non-performing advances may include advances that are not yet overdue for more than three months but are considered doubtful. Except in certain limited circumstances, all advances on which principal or interest is overdue for more than three months are classified as non-performing. Specific provisions are made after taking into account the value of collateral held in respect of such advances. Gross non-performing advances (after deduction of interest in suspense) fell by HK$410 million, or 6.7 per cent, to HK$5,671 million, compared with the end of 2002. The ratio of gross non-performing advances to gross advances to customers further improved to 2.5 per cent from 2.7 per cent at the end of 2002. Overdue advances to customers The amounts of advances to customers which are overdue for more than three months and their expression as a percentage of gross advances to customers are as follows: At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 HK$m % HK$m % HK$m % Gross advances to customers ^ which have been overdue with respect to either principal or interest for periods of: - six months or less but over three months 1,196 0.5 823 0.3 934 0.4 - one year or less but over six months 1,098 0.5 1,321 0.6 1,097 0.5 - over one year 2,460 1.1 2,910 1.3 2,734 1.2 4,754 2.1 5,054 2.2 4,765 2.1 Overdue advances to customers (as above) 4,754 2.1 5,054 2.2 4,765 2.1 Less: overdue advances on which interest is still being accrued (1,305) (0.6) (691) (0.3) (1,131) (0.5) Add: advances overdue for periods of three months or less, or which are not yet overdue, and on which interest has been placed in suspense - included in rescheduled advances 1,843 0.8 321 0.1 1,814 0.8 - other 379 0.2 1,282 0.6 633 0.3 Gross non-performing advances (page 23) 5,671 2.5 5,966 2.6 6,081 2.7 ^ Stated after deduction of interest in suspense. Advances with a specific repayment date are classified as overdue when the principal or interest is overdue and remains unpaid at the period-end. Advances repayable by regular instalments are treated as overdue when an instalment payment is overdue and remains unpaid at the period-end. Advances repayable on demand are classified as overdue either when a demand for repayment has been served on the borrower but repayment has not been made in accordance with the demand notice, or when the advances have remained continuously outside the approved limit advised to the borrower for more than the overdue period in question. Rescheduled advances to customers The amount of rescheduled advances and its expression as a percentage of gross advances to customers are as follows: At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 HK$m % HK$m % HK$m % Rescheduled advances to customers ^ 2,958 1.3 391 0.2 1,831 0.8 ^ Stated after deduction of interest in suspense. Rescheduled advances are those advances which have been restructured or renegotiated because of deterioration in the financial position of the borrower leading to an inability to meet the original repayment schedule. Rescheduled advances to customers are stated net of any advances that have subsequently become overdue for over three months and are included in overdue advances to customers (page 24). Rescheduled advances to customers increased by HK$1,127 million, or 61.6 per cent, to HK$2,958 million at 30 June 2003, representing 1.3 per cent of gross advances to customers. The increase was due to the debt restructuring of certain corporate customers. Repossessed assets In the recovery of non-performing advances, Hang Seng may take repossession of the collateral assets through court proceedings or voluntary delivery of possession by the borrowers. Specific provisions have been made in respect of such non-performing advances taking into account the net realisable value of the related collateral which is revalued periodically. Upon repossession of the collateral assets, the advances are adjusted to the net realisable value of the repossessed assets, usually resulting in a partial write-off of the advances against specific provisions. Advances with repossessed collateral assets will continue to be accounted for as 'Advances to customers' and classified as non-performing. At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 Repossessed collateral assets 603 679 638 Segmental analysis of advances to customers by geographical area Advances to customers by geographical area are classified according to the location of the counterparties after taking into account the transfer of risk. In general, risk transfer applies when an advance is guaranteed by a party located in an area which is different from that of the counterparty. At 30 June 2003, over 90 per cent of Hang Seng's advances to customers and the related non-performing advances and overdue advances were classified under the area of Hong Kong (unchanged from the position at 30 June 2002 and 31 December 2002). Gross advances to customers by industry sector The analysis of gross advances to customers (after deduction of interest in suspense) by industry sector based on categories and definitions used by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority is as follows: Figures in HK$m At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 Gross advances to customers for use in Hong Kong Industrial, commercial and financial sectors Property development 17,910 19,775 19,300 Property investment 33,268 29,952 31,507 Financial concerns 3,681 2,121 2,071 Stockbrokers 154 199 219 Wholesale and retail trade 4,097 3,755 3,941 Manufacturing 2,096 2,032 2,037 Transport and transport equipment 8,885 9,671 9,238 Other 20,158 19,129 19,521 90,249 86,634 87,834 Individuals Advances for the purchase of flats under the Government Home Ownership Scheme, Private Sector Participation Scheme and Tenants Purchase Scheme 32,840 36,752 35,050 Advances for the purchase of other residential properties 77,972 78,937 78,518 Credit card advances 5,186 5,419 5,578 Other 6,283 6,944 6,251 122,281 128,052 125,397 Total gross advances for use in Hong Kong 212,530 214,686 213,231 Trade finance 11,029 10,002 9,751 Gross advances for use outside Hong Kong 5,281 4,205 4,493 Gross advances to customers 228,840 228,893 227,475 Lending to the industrial, commercial and financial sectors grew by HK$2,415 million, or 2.7 per cent, since the end of 2002. The increase was mainly in lending to financial concerns which included public sector entities engaged in financing activities. Lending to the property sector also rose slightly. Trade finance rose by HK$1,278 million, or 13.1 per cent, benefiting from the improvement in external trade. Advances to individuals decreased by HK$3,116 million, or 2.5 per cent. Lending under the GHOS continued to decline following the suspension of the sale of new flats under this scheme since the second half of 2002. Residential mortgages and credit card advances also fell marginally, in part due to the outbreak of SARS in the second quarter of 2003. Long-term investments Carrying value Figures in HK$m At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 Held-to-maturity debt securities Issued by public bodies - central governments and central banks 10,413 6,940 10,664 - other public sector entities 12,874 8,375 9,219 23,287 15,315 19,883 Issued by other bodies - banks and other financial institutions 58,608 21,229 40,011 - corporate entities 15,368 15,428 16,960 73,976 36,657 56,971 97,263 51,972 76,854 Equity investments Issued by corporate entities 1,814 2,946 2,315 99,077 54,918 79,169 Held-to-maturity debt securities - listed in Hong Kong 2,436 1,167 2,340 - listed outside Hong Kong 22,513 15,368 19,551 24,949 16,535 21,891 - unlisted 72,314 35,437 54,963 97,263 51,972 76,854 Equity investments - listed in Hong Kong 1,085 2,189 1,603 - listed outside Hong Kong 64 82 70 1,149 2,271 1,673 - unlisted 665 675 642 1,814 2,946 2,315 99,077 54,918 79,169 Held-to-maturity debt securities are stated at cost, adjusted for the amortisation of premiums and accretion of discounts over the period from the date of purchase to the date of redemption. Equity investments are stated at fair value, less provision for impairment. Investment in held-to-maturity debt securities rose by HK$20,409 million, or 26.6 per cent, to HK$97,263 million, with funds re-deployed from interbank placings to enhance net interest yield. Over 95 per cent of the held-to-maturity debt securities will mature within five years. The fair value of the held-to-maturity debt securities amounted to HK$98.8 billion, with an unrealised gain of HK$1.6 billion. The following table shows the fair value of held-to-maturity debt securities: Fair value Figures in HK$m At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 Held-to-maturity debt securities Issued by public bodies - central governments and central banks 10,673 7,055 10,924 - other public sector entities 13,465 8,649 9,645 24,138 15,704 20,569 Issued by other bodies - banks and other financial institutions 59,018 21,278 40,213 - corporate entities 15,682 15,549 17,241 74,700 36,827 57,454 98,838 52,531 78,023 Held-to-maturity debt securities - listed in Hong Kong 2,515 1,182 2,403 - listed outside Hong Kong 22,800 15,494 19,777 25,315 16,676 22,180 - unlisted 73,523 35,855 55,843 98,838 52,531 78,023 Maturity analysis of held-to-maturity debt securities: Carrying value Figures in HK$m At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 Remaining maturity: - three months or less but not repayable on demand 7,959 7,532 14,875 - one year or less but over three months 12,580 10,667 8,911 - five years or less but over one year 72,966 31,481 50,807 - over five years 3,758 2,292 2,261 97,263 51,972 76,854 Other assets At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 Figures in HK$m restated ^ restated ^ Unrealised gains on off-balance sheet interest rate, exchange rate and other derivative contracts which are marked to market 1,117 876 981 Deferred taxation 55 106 73 Items in the course of collection from other banks 2,945 3,756 2,886 Prepayments and accrued income 2,403 2,040 2,143 Long-term assurance assets attributable to policy holders 3,763 - 2,897 Other accounts 3,232 1,862 3,340 13,515 8,640 12,320 Remaining maturity: - three months or less 6,551 6,874 6,929 - one year or less but over three months 1,894 621 637 - five years or less but over one year 199 947 968 - over five years 4,826 162 3,745 13,470 8,604 12,279 - overdue ^ ^ -- six months or less but over three months 7 5 5 -- one year or less but over six months 9 7 9 -- over one year 29 24 27 45 36 41 13,515 8,640 12,320 ^ Certain figures for 2002 have been restated to reflect the adoption of Hong Kong Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 12 (revised) (HKSSAP 12) on ' Income taxes', details of which are set out in Note 1 of the additional information. ^ ^ Represented mainly by overdue interest receivable included under 'Prepayments and accrued income'. Current, savings and other deposit accounts Figures in HK$m At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 Customer deposit accounts - current accounts 38,854 32,548 36,242 - savings accounts 165,717 146,910 154,476 - time and other deposits 204,445 211,020 206,973 Certificates of deposit in issue 10,014 17,809 15,916 Other debt securities in issue 53 8 86 419,083 408,295 413,693 Customer deposit accounts Repayable on demand 232,393 223,161 210,351 With agreed maturity dates or periods of notice, by remaining maturity: - three months or less but not repayable on demand 166,328 159,948 180,380 - one year or less but over three months 9,029 6,973 6,701 - five years or less but over one year 1,266 396 259 409,016 390,478 397,691 Certificates of deposit in issue Remaining maturity: - three months or less but not repayable on demand 2,121 6,836 2,887 - one year or less but over three months 2,981 8,827 9,635 - five years or less but over one year 4,727 1,781 3,189 - over five years 185 365 205 10,014 17,809 15,916 Other debt securities in issue Remaining maturity: - three months or less but not repayable on demand - 8 48 - one year or less but over three months 53 - 38 53 8 86 419,083 408,295 413,693 Current, savings and other deposit accounts increased by HK$5.4 billion, or 1.3 per cent, to HK$419.1 billion, compared with HK$413.7 billion at 31 December 2002. The growth was mainly in customer deposit accounts which grew by HK$11.3 billion, or 2.8 per cent. During the period, customers continued to shift from time deposits to savings and current accounts, reflecting preference for liquidity in the prevailing low interest rate environment. Certificates of deposit and other debt securities in issue fell by HK$5.9 billion, or 37.1 per cent, to HK$10.1 billion following the maturity of part of the certificates of deposit portfolio. Deposits from banks Figures in HK$m At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 Repayable on demand 854 1,146 555 With agreed maturity dates or periods of notice, by remaining maturity: - three months or less but not repayable on demand 1,439 1,137 515 - one year or less but over three months 66 4 2 2,359 2,287 1,072 Other liabilities At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 Figures in HK$m restated ^ restated ^ Short positions in securities 5,604 5,267 2,916 Unrealised losses on off-balance sheet interest rate, exchange rate and other derivative contracts which are marked to market 1,072 726 832 Current taxation 921 998 249 Deferred taxation 601 605 635 Items in the course of transmission to other banks 4,030 4,253 4,629 Accruals and deferred income 1,531 1,303 1,668 Provisions for other liabilities and charges 384 329 313 Long-term liabilities attributable to policy holders 3,763 - 2,897 Other 944 1,103 606 18,850 14,584 14,745 ^ Certain figures for 2002 have been restated to reflect the adoption of Hong Kong Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 12 (revised) (HKSSAP 12) on ' Income taxes', details of which are set out in Note 1 of the additional information. Other liabilities increased by HK$4,105 million, or 27.8 per cent, to HK$18,850 million, compared with HK$14,745 million at 31 December 2002, reflecting the increase in short positions in securities, long-term liabilities attributable to policy holders and provision for current taxation. These were partly offset by a reduction in the items in the course of transmission to other banks. Shareholders' funds At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 Figures in HK$m restated ^ restated ^ Share capital 9,559 9,559 9,559 Retained profits 20,504 21,005 19,440 Premises and investment properties revaluation reserves 5,906 7,319 6,667 Long-term equity investment revaluation reserve 647 1,619 1,011 Capital redemption reserve 99 99 99 Total reserves 27,156 30,042 27,217 36,715 39,601 36,776 Proposed dividends 4,015 4,015 6,309 Shareholders' funds 40,730 43,616 43,085 Return on average shareholders' funds 24.4 % 24.1 % 21.9 % ^ Certain figures for 2002 have been restated to reflect the adoption of Hong Kong Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 12 (revised) (HKSSAP 12) on ' Income taxes', details of which are set out in Note 1 of the additional information on page 50. There was no purchase, sale or redemption of the bank's listed securities by the bank or any of its subsidiaries during the first half of 2003. Shareholders' funds (excluding proposed dividends) fell by HK$61 million, or 0.2 per cent, to HK$36,715 million at 30 June 2003. Retained profits rose by HK$1,064 million. Premises and investment properties revaluation reserves fell by HK$761 million as a result of the further decline in the property market and the provision for deferred tax on property revaluation surplus following the adoption of the HKSSAP 12. The disposal of long-term equities led to a reduction of HK$364 million in the long-term equity investment revaluation reserve. The return on average shareholders' funds was 24.4 per cent, compared with 24.1 per cent and 21.9 per cent for the first and second halves of 2002 respectively. Capital resources management Analysis of capital base and risk-weighted assets Figures in HK$m At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 At 31Dec02 Capital base Tier 1 capital - share capital 9,559 9,559 9,559 - retained profits 19,919 20,533 18,795 - capital redemption reserve 99 99 99 - total 29,577 30,191 28,453 Tier 2 capital - premises and investment properties revaluation reserves 4,160 5,674 5,153 - long-term equity investment revaluation reserve 459 1,056 705 - general provisions 1,101 1,437 1,108 - total 5,720 8,167 6,966 Unconsolidated investments and other deductions (1,404) (1,608) (1,376) Total capital base after deductions 33,893 36,750 34,043 Risk-weighted assets On-balance sheet 226,484 224,802 222,758 Off-balance sheet 14,243 14,058 16,262 Total risk-weighted assets 240,727 238,860 239,020 Total risk-weighted assets adjusted for market risk 241,300 239,200 239,426 Capital adequacy ratios After adjusting for market risk - tier 1 ^ 12.3 % 12.6 % 11.9 % - total ^ 14.0 % 15.4 % 14.2 % Before adjusting for market risk - tier 1 12.3 % 12.6 % 11.9 % - total 14.1 % 15.4 % 14.2 % ^ The capital ratios take into account market risks in accordance with the relevant Hong Kong Monetary Authority guideline under the Supervisory Policy Manual. The total capital ratio fell by 20 basis points to 14.0 per cent at 30 June 2003, compared with 14.2 per cent at 31 December 2002. The capital base recorded a reduction of 0.4 per cent while risk-weighted assets adjusted for market risk rose by 0.8 per cent. The tier 1 capital ratio rose by 40 basis points to 12.3 per cent as a result of the 6.0 per cent growth in retained profits. Liquidity ratio The average liquidity ratio for the period, calculated in accordance with the Fourth Schedule of the Hong Kong Banking Ordinance, is as follows: Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun03 30Jun02 31Dec02 The bank and its major banking subsidiaries 45.0 % 43.4 % 45.5 % Reconciliation of cash flow statement (a) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operating activities Half-year ended Half-year ended Figures in HK$m 30Jun03 30Jun02 Operating profit 5,617 5,568 Net interest income (5,220) (5,453) Dividend income (37) (53) Provisions for bad and doubtful debts 456 281 Depreciation 171 174 Amortisation of long-term investments 17 (42) Advances written off net of recoveries (700) (624) Interest received 5,413 6,736 Interest paid (1,462) (2,294) Operating profit before changes in working capital 4,255 4,293 Change in cash and short-term funds 889 1,499 Change in placings with banks repayable after one month 3,181 (976) Change in certificates of deposit 676 (3,374) Change in securities held for dealing purposes 151 958 Change in advances to customers (1,365) (2,967) Change in amounts due from immediate holding company and fellow subsidiary companies (357) (455) Change in other assets (1,213) (57) Change in customer deposit accounts 11,325 (5,286) Change in debt securities in issue (5,935) (747) Change in deposits from banks 1,287 (335) Change in amounts due to immediate holding company and fellow subsidiary companies (858) 845 Change in other liabilities 3,487 1,759 Elimination of exchange differences and other non-cash items (5,399) (3,985) Cash generated from operating activities 10,124 (8,828) Taxation paid (11) (68) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 10,113 (8,896) (b) Analysis of the balances of cash and cash equivalents Figures in HK$m At 30Jun03 At 30Jun02 Cash in hand and balances with banks and other financial institutions 4,014 4,244 Money at call and placings with banks maturing within one month 61,574 82,455 Treasury bills 1,363 2,415 Certificates of deposit 229 398 67,180 89,512 Contingent liabilities, commitments and derivatives Credit Risk- Contract equivalent weighted Figures in HK$m amount amount amount At 30Jun03 Contingent liabilities: Guarantees 10,974 10,795 3,650 Commitments: Documentary credits and short-term trade-related transactions 7,142 1,429 1,422 Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments to lend: - under one year 64,708 - - - one year and over 19,539 9,770 8,444 Other 38 38 38 91,427 11,237 9,904 Exchange rate contracts: Spot and forward foreign exchange 84,812 1,072 264 Other exchange rate contracts 42,140 379 86 126,952 1,451 350 Interest rate contracts: Interest rate swaps 78,220 1,366 336 Other interest rate contracts 13,281 6 3 91,501 1,372 339 Other derivative contracts 108 4 1 Credit Risk- Contract equivalent weighted Figures in HK$m amount amount amount At 30Jun02 Contingent liabilities: Guarantees 14,635 14,481 4,311 Commitments: Documentary credits and short-term trade-related transactions 7,470 1,501 1,492 Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments to lend: - under one year 65,755 - - - one year and over 16,668 8,334 7,656 Other 47 47 47 89,940 9,882 9,195 Exchange rate contracts: Spot and forward foreign exchange 106,446 1,016 248 Other exchange rate contracts 11,855 168 42 118,301 1,184 290 Interest rate contracts: Interest rate swaps 52,200 1,077 261 Other interest rate contracts 16,550 - - 68,750 1,077 261 Other derivative contracts 16 - - Credit Risk- Contract equivalent weighted Figures in HK$m amount amount amount At 31Dec02 Contingent liabilities: Guarantees 13,864 13,717 4,321 Commitments: Documentary credits and short-term trade-related transactions 6,982 1,400 1,394 Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments to lend: - under one year 65,110 - - - one year and over 21,565 10,783 9,840 Other 41 41 41 93,698 12,224 11,275 Exchange rate contracts: Spot and forward foreign exchange 73,607 894 251 Other exchange rate contracts 24,104 261 55 97,711 1,155 306 Interest rate contracts: Interest rate swaps 64,443 1,454 357 Other interest rate contracts 7,969 8 2 72,412 1,462 359 Other derivative contracts 177 6 1 The tables above give the nominal contract, credit equivalent and risk-weighted amounts of off-balance sheet transactions. The credit equivalent amounts are calculated for the purposes of deriving the risk-weighted amounts. These are assessed in accordance with the Third Schedule of the Hong Kong Banking Ordinance on capital adequacy and depend on the status of the counterparty and the maturity characteristics. The risk weights used range from 0 per cent to 100 per cent for contingent liabilities and commitments, and from 0 per cent to 50 per cent for exchange rate, interest rate and other derivative contracts. Contingent liabilities and commitments are credit-related instruments which include acceptances, letters of credit, guarantees and commitments to extend credit. The risk involved is essentially the same as the credit risk involved in extending loan facilities to customers. These transactions are, therefore, subject to the same credit origination, portfolio maintenance and collateral requirements as for customers applying for loans. As the facilities may expire without being drawn upon, the total of the contract amounts is not representative of future liquidity requirements. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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