Directors' Dealings

HSBC HOLDINGS PLC 25 October 1999 NOTIFICATION OF DIRECTORS' SHARE INTERESTS IN HSBC HOLDINGS PLC Interests in shares of HSBC Holdings plc ('the Company') arising under sections 324 and 328 of the Companies Act 1985. The HSBC Qualifying Employee Share Ownership Trust ('the QUEST') was established by the Company as an efficient way of distributing shares to those employees exercising options granted in the UK under the HSBC Savings-Related Share Option Scheme ('the Scheme'). As a result of the trustee of the QUEST, HSBC QUEST Trustee (UK) Limited, acquiring shares in the Company to satisfy the exercise of such options, a temporary, non-beneficial, disclosable interest in the shares acquired arose for the UK based, executive Directors of the Company and of HSBC Bank plc (formerly Midland Bank plc) as potential beneficiaries of the QUEST. The shares were registered in the name of HSBC QUEST Trustee (UK) Limited, the trustee of the QUEST. This disclosure is therefore made on behalf of Sir John Bond, Messrs W R P Dalton, S K Green and K R Whitson as Directors of both the Company and HSBC Bank plc, Mr D J Flint as a Director of the Company only, and Messrs D W Baker and R M J Orgill as Directors of HSBC Bank plc only. HSBC Holdings plc - Ordinary Shares US$0.50 each Number Date Nature of transaction by the QUEST of Shares Price 22 October 1999 Acquisition by subscription by the QUEST 73,811 684.5p 22 October 1999 Transfer by the QUEST to participants see in the Scheme 73,811 attachment 22 October 1999 Shares held by the trustees of the QUEST NIL NOTIFICATION OF DIRECTORS' SHARE INTERESTS IN HSBC HOLDINGS PLC Price per unit of shares registered in the name of HSBC QUEST Trustee (UK) Limited on 22 October 1999 and transferred to participants of the HSBC Holdings Savings-Related Share Option Scheme on 22 October 1999: HSBC HOLDINGS PLC - ORDINARY SHARES OF US$0.50 EACH Year of grant No of Option Shares Price (p) 1994 32,997 233.61 1995 22,250 180.60 1996 8,585 305.90 1997 7,336 452.06 1998 2,638 522.12 1999 5 539.80 73,811
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