Hang Seng Bank Interim 05 Pt2

HSBC Holdings PLC 01 August 2005 Analysis of income from wealth management businesses Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun05 30Jun04 31Dec04 Figures in HK$m restated restated Investment income: - retail investment products and funds under management ^ 789 869 630 - securities/stockbroking 233 295 265 - margin trading 33 33 33 1,055 1,197 928 Insurance income: - life insurance - underwriting including embedded value 334 387 236 - life investment income ^^ 209 79 339 - general insurance and others 161 150 119 704 616 694 Total 1,759 1,813 1,622 ^ Income from retail investment products and funds under management included those which were reported under fees and commissions including the sale of unit trust funds, third party investment products and private banking business. This also included profit on issue of structured investment products, reported under trading income. ^^ Investment income from insurance funds included those reported as net interest income, trading income, net income from financial instruments designated as at fair value and net investment income on assets backing policyholder liabilities. Wealth management business related income fell slightly by HK$54 million, or 3.0 per cent, compared with the first half of 2004. Investment income fell by HK$142 million, or 11.9 per cent. In a rising interest rate environment, the focus of the bank's investment services shifted from capital guaranteed funds to yield enhancement structured instruments. The bank continued to widen its investment products range to facilitate customers in capturing market opportunities. Private banking business recorded encouraging growth in both customers and asset management portfolios. Total funds under management, including discretionary and advisory, grew by 10.6 per cent to HK$99.4 billion during the first half of 2005. Insurance agency and underwriting income, including embedded value of long-term life contracts, increased by HK$88 million, or 14.3 per cent, following the successful launch of new insurance plans such as 'Three-year Express Wealth' and 'Five-year Excel' with cumulative life protection and wealth benefits. Compared with the second half of 2004, wealth management business related income rose by HK$137 million, or 8.4 per cent, attributable to the growth of 13.7 per cent and 1.4 per cent in investment services related income and insurance income respectively. Loan impairment(charges)/releases and other credit risk allowances Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun05 30Jun04 31Dec04 Figures in HK$m restated restated Loan impairment(charges)/ releases - individually assessed (95) 144 (3) - collectively assessed - portfolios basis (55) (96) (80) - individually unimpaired loans (152) 698 114 (302) 746 31 Of which: - new and additional (666) (241) (222) - releases 314 932 199 - recoveries 50 55 54 (302) 746 31 Loan impairment charges amounted to HK$302 million, compared with net releases in loan impairment of HK$746 million for the first half of 2004 and HK$31 million for the second half of 2004. The overall loan impairment charges on individually assessed loans amounted to HK$95 million, with new loan impairment charges on certain commercial banking accounts offset by a net release from mortgages and personal loans. This compared with a net release of HK$144 million in the first half of 2004. Impairment loss for small homogeneous loans collectively assessed on a portfolio basis amounted to HK$55 million, compared with HK$96 million for the first half of 2004, reflecting further improvement in credit card charge-offs in the generally stronger economic conditions. Collective assessment of loans determined not to be individually impaired resulted in a charge of HK$152 million, following an update of the historical loss rate to cover the economic cycle. This compared with releases in general provisions of HK$698 million and HK$114 million for the first and second halves of 2004 respectively. Operating expenses Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun05 30Jun04 31Dec04 Figures in HK$m restated restated Personnel expenses: - salaries and other costs 1,059 972 1,093 - retirement benefit costs 66 84 85 1,125 1,056 1,178 General and administrative expenses: - rental expenses 98 95 98 - other premises and equipment 343 319 358 - other operating expenses 451 381 483 892 795 939 Depreciation of business premises and equipment 135 126 130 Amortisation of intangible assets 4 4 4 2,156 1,981 2,251 Cost:income ratio 26.7% 24.6% 28.1% Staff numbers by region^ At 30Jun05 At 30Jun04 At 31Dec04 Hong Kong 7,148 7,233 7,229 Mainland and others 377 242 313 Total 7,525 7,475 7,542 ^ Full-time equivalent Operating expenses went up by HK$175 million, or 8.8 per cent, compared with the same period last year. Personnel expenses rose by 6.5 per cent, attributable to the salary increment at the beginning of the year and the increase in average headcount of 193, which was mainly related to recruitment for Personal Financial Services business and the expansion of the Mainland network. Increases in IT costs on business and credit control systems accounted for a 7.5 per cent increase in other premises and equipment cost. Other operating expenses rose by 18.4 per cent, due mainly to an increase in marketing expenditure for the promotion of card and insurance products and processing costs as further activities were outsourced to group service centres in Guangzhou and Shanghai. Compared with the second half of 2004, operating expenses fell by HK$95 million, or 4.2 per cent, due to the provision made for staff performance bonuses for 2004 in the previous half-year period. Full-time equivalent staff at 30 June 2005 was 7,525, a drop of 17 compared with the previous year-end, due to further migration of processing to the Mainland service centres and higher staff turnover. The number of staff on the Mainland increased by 64 in the first half of 2005, following the opening of a sub-branch in Shenzhen and the expansion of the Fuzhou branch. The cost:income ratio for the first half of 2005 was 26.7 per cent, compared with 24.6 per cent and 28.1 per cent for the first and second halves of 2004. Profit on disposal of tangible fixed assets and financial investments Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun05 30Jun04 31Dec04 Figures in HK$m restated restated Profit on disposal of financial investments - realisation of amounts previously recognised in revaluation reserves at beginning of the period 327 301 80 - gains arising in current period 1 28 3 328 329 83 Profit less loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets 20 20 10 348 349 93 Tax expenses Taxation in the consolidated profit and loss account represents: Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun05 30Jun04 31Dec04 Figures in HK$m restated restated Current tax - provision for Hong Kong profits tax Tax for the period 783 864 670 Benefit of previously unrecognised tax losses - (1) 1 (Over)/under-provision in respect of prior years - (15) 3 783 848 674 Current tax - taxation outside Hong Kong Tax for the period 6 3 4 Deferred tax Origination and reversal of temporary differences 135 141 41 Total tax expenses per profit and loss account 924 992 719 Share of associated companies' taxation 110 2 54 Total tax expenses (including share of associated companies' taxation) 1,034 994 773 Effective tax rate 14.4% 13.7% 12.7% The current tax provision is based on the estimated assessable profit for the first half of 2005, and is determined for the bank and its subsidiaries operating in the Hong Kong SAR using the Hong Kong profits tax rate of 17.5 per cent (17.5 per cent for 2004). For subsidiaries and branches operating in other jurisdictions, the appropriate tax rates prevailing in the countries in which they operate are used. Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the year when the liability is settled or the asset is realised. Deferred tax is charged or credited in the profit and loss account, except when it relates to items charged or credited directly to reserves, in which case the deferred tax is also dealt with in the reserves. The carrying amount of deferred tax assets/ liabilities is reviewed at each balance sheet date and is reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow the related tax benefit to be utilised. Earnings per share The calculation of earnings per share for the first half of 2005 is based on earnings of HK$6,045 million (HK$6,188 million for the first half of 2004) and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue of 1,911,842,736 shares (unchanged from the first half of 2004). Dividends per share Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun05 30Jun04 31Dec04 HK$ HK$m HK$ HK$m HK$ HK$m per share per share per share First interim 1.10 2,103 1.10 2,103 - - Second interim 1.10 2,103 1.10 2,103 - - Third interim - - - - 1.10 2,103 Fourth interim - - - - 1.90 3,633 2.20 4,206 2.20 4,206 3.00 5,736 Segmental analysis Segmental information is presented in respect of business and geographical segments. Business by customer group information, which is more relevant to the group in making operating and financial decisions, is chosen as the primary reporting format. For the purpose of segmental analysis, the allocation of revenue reflects the benefits of capital and other funding resources allocated to the customer groups or geographical segments by way of internal capital allocation and funds transfer pricing mechanisms. Cost allocation is based on the direct cost incurred by the respective customer groups and apportionment of management overheads. Rental charges at market rate for usage of premises are reflected as inter-segment income for the 'Other' customer group and inter-segment expenses for the respective customer groups. (a) By customer group The group's business comprises five customer groups. Personal Financial Services provides banking (including deposits, credit cards, mortgages and other retail lending) and wealth management services (including insurance and investment) to personal customers. Commercial Banking manages middle market and smaller corporate relationships and specialises in trade-related financial services. Corporate and Institutional Banking handles relationships with large corporate and institutional customers. Treasury engages in interbank and capital market activities and proprietary trading. Treasury also manages the funding and liquidity positions of the bank and other market risk positions arising from banking activities. 'Other' mainly represents management of shareholders' funds and investments in premises, investment properties and available-for-sale equities. Personal Financial Services Personal Financial Services (PFS) reported a growth of 12.8 per cent in pre-tax profit, underpinned by the growth in net interest income and a net release in loan impairment loss, mainly from mortgages and personal loans. Net interest income grew by 20.4 per cent, benefiting from the growth in average deposits and a widening of deposits spreads as the local market interest rates moved up after a prolonged period of exceptionally low levels. The expansion of the consumer lending portfolio also contributed to the growth in net interest income despite further decline in mortgage portfolio yields. The wealth management business remained the core of the PFS business. In a rising interest rate environment, the focus of investment services shifted from capital guaranteed funds to yield enhancement structured products and the further widening of the investment product range. Private banking business recorded encouraging growth in both customers and asset management portfolios. Insurance continued to record satisfactory growth with a rise of 6.7 per cent in life annualised premiums following the successful launch of new insurance plans featuring cumulative life protection and wealth benefits. Credit card services income rose satisfactorily, driven by the growth of 10.6 per cent and 20.6 per cent in card base and cardholder spending respectively. Net fees income (mainly including the sales of retail investment products and stockbroking and related income) fell by HK$186 million or 13.5 per cent. Net earned insurance premiums rose by 39.1 per cent, mainly contributed from renewed policies as the life insurance in-force policies continued to expand apart from the growth in new policies. Other operating income rose by HK$65 million or 14.9 per cent. During the first half of 2005, PFS customer advances grew by 1.2 per cent, recorded in mortgages, card and personal loans, despite the fall in mortgages under the suspended GHOS. Customer deposits were 0.8 per cent lower, compared with the end of last year. Commercial Banking Commercial Banking (CMB) reported pre-tax profit of HK$437 million, a fall of 66.7 per cent compared with the same period last year. This fall was largely due to the net charge for loan impairment of HK$453 million compared with a net release of HK$581 million in the first half of 2004. At the operating profit prior to loans impairment loss, CMB recorded growth of 4.9 per cent. Net interest income increased by 17.4 per cent, underpinned by the strong growth in average customer advances of 30.9 per cent and the widening of deposits spreads. Growth of 6.8 per cent in trade finance income, consistent with the increase in trade services turnover, was outweighed by a fall in investment services income, resulting in an overall decline of 9.0 per cent in net fee income, net earned insurance premiums and other operating income. Customer advances rose by 11.7 per cent. There was particularly strong growth of 14.1 per cent recorded in trade finance as CMB further leveraged its strong relationship management team, trade services capabilities and branches on the Mainland and in Macau to provide customised services to meet customers' needs. Corporate and Institutional Banking Corporate and Institutional Banking (CIB) reported a pre-tax profit of HK$171 million, 60.2 per cent lower than the same period last year. This was affected by the collectively assessed loan impairment charges of HK$109 million compared with a net release of HK$116 million in the first half of 2004. Operating profit before loans impairment loss was down by 10.8 per cent with the fall in fees and other operating income outweighing the growth in net interest income, driven by the growth of average customer advances and improved deposits spreads. During the first half of 2005, corporate advances grew by 3.5 per cent. Treasury Treasury's pre-tax profit fell by 40.9 per cent. Net interest income fell by 31.5 per cent, affected by the rise in funding costs and fewer gapping opportunities due to the flattening of the yield curves. Trading income fell by 66.3 per cent, mainly affected by the fall of HK$91 million in foreign exchange income as a result of the drop in customer trade turnover, and the losses from the economic hedges under the new accounting standards. Income from derivatives trading rose by HK$47 million, attributable mainly to increased sales of structured investment products to commercial and personal customers. Other Other showed a significant increase of 153.4 per cent in pre-tax profit. This was mainly attributable to the surplus on revaluation of properties and the improved return on shareholders' funds following the rise in market interest rates. Personal Corporate & Inter- Financial Commercial Institutional segment Figures in HK$m Services Banking Banking Treasury Other elimination Total Half-year ended 30Jun05 Income and expenses Net interest income 3,363 734 302 686 257 (78) 5,264 Net fee income 1,196 277 36 (11) 28 - 1,526 Net earned insurance premiums 2,619 109 - - - - 2,728 Other operating income 500 122 8 136 137 78 981 Inter-segment income - - - - 154 (154) - Total operating income 7,678 1,242 346 811 576 (154) 10,499 Net insurance claims incurred and movement in policyholder liabilities (2,387) (22) - - - - (2,409) Net operating income before loan impairment (charges)/releases and other credit risk allowances 5,291 1,220 346 811 576 (154) 8,090 Loan impairment (charges)/ releases and other credit risk allowances 260 (453) (109) - - - (302) Net operating income 5,551 767 237 811 576 (154) 7,788 Total operating expenses^ (1,468) (429) (63) (80) (116) - (2,156) Inter-segment expenses (123) (25) (3) (3) - 154 - Operating profit - - - - 348 - 348 Net surplus on property revaluation - - - - 877 - 877 Share of profits of associated companies 10 124 - 56 15 - 205 Profit before tax 3,970 437 171 784 1,700 - 7,062 Share of pre-tax profit 56.2% 6.2% 2.4% 11.1% 24.1% - 100.0% Operating profit excluding inter-segment transactions 4,083 338 174 731 306 - 5,632 ^ Included in operating expenses is depreciation/ amortisation of (50) (9) (1) (1) (78) - (139) At 30Jun05 Total assets 146,398 52,351 80,182 267,687 23,101 - 569,719 Total liabilities 353,402 73,003 29,628 61,214 10,041 - 527,288 Investments in associated companies 96 1,210 - 546 597 - 2,449 Capital expenditure incurred during the period 63 13 5 1 15 - 97 Personal Corporate & Inter- Financial Commercial Institutional segment Total Figures in HK$m Services Banking Banking Treasury Other elimination restated Half-year ended 30Jun04 Income and expenses Net interest income 2,794 625 259 1,002 35 - 4,715 Net fee income 1,382 320 106 (9) 22 - 1,821 Net earned insurance premiums 1,883 115 - - - - 1,998 Other operating income 435 123 8 404 141 - 1,111 Inter-segment income - - - - 159 (159) - Total operating income 6,494 1,183 373 1,397 357 (159) 9,645 Net insurance claims incurred and movement in policyholder liabilities (1,560) (34) - - - - (1,594) Net operating income before loan impairment releases and other credit risk allowances 4,934 1,149 373 1,397 357 (159) 8,051 Loan impairment releases and other credit risk allowances 49 581 116 - - - 746 Net operating income 4,983 1,730 489 1,397 357 (159) 8,797 Total operating expenses^ (1,334) (393) (56) (68) (130) - (1,981) Inter-segment expenses (128) (26) (3) (2) - 159 - Operating profit 3,521 1,311 430 1,327 227 - 6,816 Profit on disposal of tangible fixed assets and financial investments - - - - 349 - 349 Net surplus on property revaluation - - - - 91 - 91 Share of profits of associated companies - - - - 4 - 4 Profit before tax 3,521 1,311 430 1,327 671 _ 7,260 Share of pre-tax profit 48.5% 18.1% 5.9% 18.3% 9.2% - 100.0% Operating profit excluding inter-segment transactions 3,649 1,337 433 1,329 68 - 6,816 ^ Included in operating expenses is depreciation/ amortisation of (53) (9) (1) (1) (66) - (130) At 30Jun04 Total assets 140,417 42,376 75,152 222,498 22,115 - 502,558 Total liabilities 327,788 72,671 24,605 18,538 18,890 - 462,492 Investments in associated companies 90 1,075 - 470 468 - 2,103 Capital expenditure incurred during the period 35 6 1 1 15 - 58 Personal Corporate & Inter- Financial Commercial Institutional segment Total Figures in HK$m Services Banking Banking Treasury Other elimination restated Half-year ended 31Dec04 Income and expenses Net interest income 2,912 706 337 848 177 - 4,980 Net fee income 1,083 306 95 (10) 18 - 1,492 Net earned insurance premiums 2,346 128 - - - - 2,474 Other operating income 726 140 8 303 125 _ 1,302 Inter-segment income - - - - 161 (161) - Total operating income 7,067 1,280 440 1,141 481 (161) 10,248 Net insurance claims incurred and movement in policyholder liabilities (2,199) (47) - - - - (2,246) Net operating income before loan impairment releases and other credit risk allowances 4,868 1,233 440 1,141 481 (161) 8,002 Loan impairment releases and other credit risk allowances 2 15 14 - - - 31 Net operating income 4,870 1,248 454 1,141 481 (161) 8,033 Total operating expenses ^ (1,498) (481) (42) (91) (139) - (2,251) Inter-segment expenses (128) (3) (27) (3) - 161 - Operating profit 3,244 764 385 1,047 342 _ 5,782 Profit on disposal of tangible fixed assets and financial investments - - - (4) 97 - 93 Net surplus on property revaluation - - - - 55 - 55 Share of profits of associated companies 4 45 - 20 24 - 93 Profit before tax 3,248 809 385 1,063 518 - 6,023 Share of pre-tax profit 53.9% 13.4% 6.4% 17.7% 8.6% - 100.0% Operating profit excluding inter-segment transactions 3,372 767 412 1,050 181 - 5,782 ^Included in operating expenses is depreciation/ amortisation of (51) (9) (1) (1) (72) - (134) At 31Dec04 Total assets 142,592 46,712 77,353 256,368 23,963 - 546,988 Total liabilities 353,076 77,712 25,150 21,553 27,721 - 505,212 Investments in associated companies 94 1,123 - 491 591 - 2,299 Capital expenditure incurred during the period 69 11 1 1 8 - 90 (b) By geographical region The geographical regions in this analysis are classified by the location of the principal operations of the subsidiary companies or, in the case of the bank itself, by the location of the branches responsible for reporting the results or advancing the funds. Total Figures in HK$m Hong Kong Americas Other restated Half-year ended 30Jun05 Income and expenses Total operating income 9,441 962 96 10,499 Profit before tax 5,877 947 238 7,062 At 30Jun05 Total assets 485,067 64,811 19,841 569,719 Total liabilities 510,484 10,095 6,709 527,288 Capital expenditure incurred during period 81 - 16 97 Contingent liabilities and commitments 145,296 - 3,429 148,725 Half-year ended 30Jun04 Income and expenses Total operating income 8,863 731 51 9,645 Profit before tax 6,524 718 18 7,260 At 30Jun04 Total assets 421,676 65,212 15,670 502,558 Total liabilities 448,473 7,967 6,052 462,492 Capital expenditure incurred during period 55 - 3 58 Contingent liabilities and commitments 111,159 113 1,938 113,210 Total Figures in HK$m Hong Kong Americas Other restated Half-year ended 31Dec04 Income and expenses Total operating income 9,310 863 75 10,248 Profit before tax 5,075 848 100 6,023 At 31Dec04 Total assets 460,653 69,675 16,660 546,988 Total liabilities 490,711 9,315 5,186 505,212 Capital expenditure incurred during period 88 - 2 90 Contingent liabilities and commitments 127,246 - 2,925 130,171 Analysis of financial assets and liabilities by accounting treatment The following matrix sets out the financial assets and liabilities by type and by accounting treatment on adoption of HKAS 39. The related changes in accounting policies are set out on page 65. Fair value through Available profit or for Amortised Figures in HK$m Trading loss sale cost Total At 30Jun05 Financial assets Cash and short-term funds - - - 50,966 50,966 Placings with banks maturing after one month - - - 22,832 22,832 Treasury bills 1,843 - 4,604 - 6,447 Certificates of deposit 1,017 190 30,614 1,124 32,945 Investment securities 10,952 3,553 149,373 7,236 171,114 Derivatives financial instruments 1,326 3 223 - 1,552 Advances to cutomers - - - 260,512 260,512 Financial liabilities Deposits by banks - - - 34,753 34,753 Customer accounts 7,475 - - 430,395 437,870 Certificates of deposit and other debt securities in issue 9,836 - - 11,158 20,994 Securities net short position 7,047 - - - 7,047 Derivatives financial instruments 1,243 23 591 - 1,857 Liabilities to customers under investment contracts - - - 542 542 Liabilities to customers under insurance contracts - - - 11,558 11,558 Subordinated debts - 995 - 1,496 2,491 Analysis of assets and liabilities by remaining maturity The maturity analysis is based on the classification set out in the table for 'Analysis of financial assets and liabilities by accounting treatment' on page 34. Less Three One Repayable than months year Over on three to to five Figures in HK$m demand months one year five years years Total At 30Jun05 Assets Cash and short-term funds 7,735 43,231 - - - 50,966 Placings with banks maturing after one month - 14,436 8,192 204 - 22,832 Treasury bills - 3,869 2,578 - - 6,447 Certificates of deposit 59 5,285 10,798 15,514 1,289 32,945 Investment securities 9,498 26,189 119,437 15,990 171,114 Derivatives financial instruments - 1,552 - - - 1,552 Advances to customers 13,625 32,801 30,977 92,770 90,339 260,512 21,419 110,672 78,734 227,925 107,618 546,368 Liabilities Deposits by banks 4,800 29,953 - - - 34,753 Customer accounts 245,003 179,555 9,010 3,552 750 437,870 Certificates of deposit and other debt securities in issue - 278 3,392 16,638 686 20,994 Derivatives financial instruments - 1,857 - - - 1,857 Securities net short position - 7,047 - - - 7,047 Liabilities to customers under investment contracts 542 - - - - 542 Liabilities to customers under insurance contracts - - - - 11,558 11,558 Subordinated debts - - - 995 1,496 2,491 250,345 218,690 12,402 21,185 14,490 517,112 Cash and short-term funds At 30Jun05 At 30Jun04 At 31Dec04 Figures in HK$m restated restated Cash in hand and balances with banks and other financial institutions 7,816 5,946 7,248 Money at call and placings with banks maturing within one month 43,150 56,267 57,597 50,966 62,213 64,845 Trading securities At 30Jun05 At 30Jun04 At 31Dec04 Figures in HK$m restated restated Treasury bills 1,843 1,657 2,704 Certificates of deposit 1,017 63 70 Equity investments 32 919 1,136 Other debt securities 10,920 1,314 2,090 13,812 3,953 6,000 Financial assets designated as at fair value through profit or loss At 30Jun05 At 30Jun04 At 31Dec04 Figures in HK$m restated restated Certificates of deposit 190 - - Equity investments 1,161 - - Other debt securities 2,392 - - 3,743 - - Financial assets are designated as at fair value through profit or loss at inception, usually together with the related liabilities or derivatives for economic hedge. The policy and criteria for financial instruments designated as at fair value through profit or loss are set out in note 1 of the additional information on page 61. The figures also include those financial assets of life insurance funds designated as at fair value for backing policyholder liabilities. Advances to customers At 30Jun05 At 30Jun04 At 31Dec04 Figures in HK$m restated restated Gross advances to customers 261,713 247,615 252,564 Loans impairment allowances: - individually assessed (733) (787) (692) - collectively assessed (468) (434) (319) 260,512 246,394 251,553 Included in advances to customers are: - trade bills 3,015 2,861 3,053 - loans impairment allowances (12) (12) (8) 3,003 2,849 3,045 Loans impairment allowances against advances to customers Collectively assessed Individual Individually Portfolio unimpaired Figures in HK$m assessed basis loans Total At1Jan05 692 30 289 1,011 Amounts written off (69) (84) - (153) Recoveries of advances written off in previous years 24 26 - 50 New impairment allowances charged to profit and loss account 430 84 152 666 Impairment allowances released to profit and loss account (335) (29) - (364) Unwind of discount of loans impairment loss (9) - - (9) At 30Jun05 733 27 441 1,201 Total loans impairment allowances as a percentage of gross advances to customers are as follows: At 30Jun05 At 30Jun04 At 31Dec04 restated restated % % % Loans impairment allowances - Individually assessed 0.28 0.32 0.27 - Collectively assessed - portfolio basis 0.01 0.01 0.01 - individually unimpaired loans 0.17 0.16 0.11 Total loans impairment allowances 0.46 0.49 0.39 Total loans impairment allowances as a percentage of gross advances to customers rose to 0.46 per cent as at 30 June 2005, compared with 0.39 per cent at the end of 2004. Individually assessed allowances as a percentage of gross advances stood at the same level as last year-end at 0.28 per cent. Collectively assessed allowances rose by six basis points to 0.18 per cent of gross advances to customers, compared with 0.12 per cent at the end of 2004, following an update of the historical loss rate for calculation of allowances for collective assessment of loans which were individually determined to be unimpaired. Impaired loans to customers and allowances The amounts of impaired loans to customers are as follows: At 30Jun05 At 30Jun04 At 31Dec04 Figures in HK$m restated restated Gross impaired loans 1,946 3,434 1,793 Loans impairment allowances (760) (818) (722) Net impaired loans 1,186 2,616 1,071 Loans impairment allowances as a percentage of gross impaired loans 39.1% 23.8% 40.3% Gross impaired loans as a percentage of gross advances to customers 0.7% 1.4% 0.7% Impaired loans to customers are those advances where full repayment of principal and/or interest is considered unlikely and are so classified as soon as such a situation becomes apparent. Impairment allowances are made to write down the carrying value of the advances to the discounted value of future recoverable amounts, including the realisation of collateral. Gross impaired loans rose by HK$153 million, or 8.5 per cent, to HK$1,946 million, compared with the end of 2004, the net effect of the increase in commercial banking impaired loans and the recovery from residential mortgages. Compared with 30 June 2004, gross impaired loans decreased by HK$1,488 million, or 43.3 per cent, mainly due to the repayment of certain corporate customers. Loans impairment allowances as a percentage of gross impaired loans improved to 39.1 per cent from 40.3 per cent at the end of 2004. Overdue advances to customers The amounts of advances to customers which are overdue for more than three months and their expression as a percentage of gross advances to customers are as follows: At 30Jun05 At 30Jun04 At 31Dec04 restated restated HK$m % HK$m % HK$m % Gross advances to customers which have been overdue with respect to either principal or interest for periods of: - six months or less but over three months 500 0.2 715 0.3 587 0.2 - one year or less but over six months 224 0.1 378 0.1 304 0.1 - over one year 423 0.1 507 0.2 430 0.2 1,147 0.4 1,600 0.6 1,321 0.5 Advances with a specific repayment date are classified as overdue when the principal or interest is overdue and remains unpaid at the period-end. Advances repayable by regular instalments are treated as overdue when an instalment payment is overdue and remains unpaid at the period-end. Advances repayable on demand are classified as overdue either when a demand for repayment has been served on the borrower but repayment has not been made in accordance with the demand notice, or when the advances have remained continuously outside the approved limit advised to the borrower for more than the overdue period in question. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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