Hang Seng Bank pt 3/6

HSBC Holdings PLC 30 July 2007 Net fee income Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun07 30Jun06 31Dec06 Figures in HK$m (restated) - Stockbroking and related services 738 398 407 - Retail investment funds 728 484 312 - Structured investment products 249 32 62 - Insurance 56 59 49 - Account services 144 121 153 - Private banking 333 160 171 - Remittances 91 75 86 - Cards 483 403 457 - Credit facilities 56 52 59 - Trade services 189 176 204 - Other 96 75 79 Fee income 3,163 2,035 2,039 Fee expense (301) (253) (324) 2,862 1,782 1,715 Net fee income reached HK$2,862 million, representing an increase of 60.6 per cent over the first half of 2006 and 66.9 per cent compared with the second half of 2006. Investment services expanded significantly, capturing the opportunities provided by the buoyant stock market and favourable investment environment. Stockbroking and related services income rose by 85.4 per cent to HK$738 million, driven by a 78.4 per cent growth in turnover. Investment funds income (including sales commission and fund management fees) rose by 50.4 per cent to HK$728 million. Sales turnover of investment funds reached a half-year record of HK$32.4 billion, rising 88.6 per cent over the same period last year. Income from sales of third-party structured products (mainly equity-linked instruments) rose by HK$217 million to HK$249 million. Private banking investment services income rose by 108.1 per cent. Card services income rose by 19.9 per cent, supported by a rise of 22.3 per cent in cardholder spending. Deposit services and payment and cash management business also showed good progress, reporting growth in account services fees and remittances of 19.0 per cent and 21.3 per cent respectively. Trading income Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun07 30Jun06 31Dec06 Figures in HK$m (restated) Trading profits: - foreign exchange 394 610 568 - securities, derivatives and other trading activities 190 49 103 584 659 671 Trading income fell by HK$75 million, or 11.4 per cent, compared with the first half of 2006. The fall in foreign exchange income of HK$216 million was mainly attributable to two reasons not related to normal foreign exchange trading. First, an exchange loss of HK$187 million was incurred in the first half of 2007 (HK$38 million in the first half of 2006) on forward contracts used in 'funding swap' activities^ in the balance sheet management portfolios. Second, capital funds of HACN maintained in US dollars pending approval to convert into renminbi were recorded at historical rate. The subsequent revaluation loss of such US dollar funds against the renminbi, amounting to HK$47 million in the first half of 2007, was recognised as a foreign exchange loss. Income from securities, derivatives and other trading rose significantly by HK$141 million, or 287.8 per cent, attributable mainly to the 78.8 per cent increase in the turnover of equity-linked structured products for commercial and personal customers and an improvement in proprietary trading results. Compared with the second half of 2006, trading income was down HK$87 million, mainly attributable to the exchange loss on funding swap transactions. ^Treasury from time to time employs foreign exchange swaps for its funding activities, which in essence involve swapping a currency ('original currency') into another currency ('swap currency') at the spot exchange rate for short-term placement and simultaneously entering into a forward exchange contract to convert the funds back to the original currency on maturity of the placement. In accordance with HKAS39, the exchange difference of the spot and forward contracts is required to be recognised as foreign exchange gain/loss, while the corresponding interest differential between the original and swap funding is reflected in net interest income. Other operating income Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun07 30Jun06 31Dec06 Figures in HK$m Rental income from investment properties 72 104 82 Movement in present value of in-force long-term insurance business 207 185 178 Other 118 103 193 397 392 453 Analysis of income from wealth management business Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun07 30Jun06 31Dec06 Figures in HK$m (restated) Investment income: - retail investment funds 728 484 312 - structured investment products^ 511 235 278 - private banking ^^ 337 165 175 - securities broking and related services 738 398 407 - margin trading and others 30 33 32 2,344 1,315 1,204 Insurance income: - life insurance 943 688 788 - general insurance and others 142 165 121 1,085 853 909 Total 3,429 2,168 2,113 ^ Income from structured investment products includes income reported under net fee income on the sales of third-party structured investment products. It also includes profit generated from the selling of structured investment products in issue, reported under trading income. ^^ Icome from private banking includes income reported under net fee income on investment services and profit generated from selling of structured investment products in issue, reported under trading income. Wealth management income reached a record HK$3,429 million in the first half of 2007, an increase of 58.2 per cent over a year earlier. This was contributed by a 78.3 per cent growth in investment services income and 37.1 per cent rise in life insurance income. Investment fund sales reached a half-year record of HK$32.4 billion and rose by 88.6 per cent over the same period last year. The achievement reflected the success of the Hang Seng fund series in the launch of new funds (the Hang Seng Consumer Sector FlexiPower Fund, the first consumer sector fund authorised in Hong Kong focusing on the mainland and Hong Kong markets, and the Hang Seng China B-Share Focus Fund, which is the first retail fund in Hong Kong to focus on China B-shares) and the good performance of existing funds (particularly the Hang Seng China Equity Fund and the Hang Seng High Yield Bond Fund). In addition, a wide variety of third-party funds were selected to meet customers' different investment objectives. Funds under management (excluding private banking) rose by 8.8 per cent to HK$67.4 billion from the previous year-end. Investment fund income (including sales commission and management fees) rose by 50.4 per cent to HK$728 million. The bank adopted an open architecture model to source and package the most competitive structured products (including both Hang Seng and third party products) allowing customers to timely capture market opportunities. The success of this approach brought a 28.3 per cent rise in turnover and 117.4 per cent increase in income from structured investment products (mainly equity-linked instruments). Further investments were made in securities services to enhance the efficiency and capacity of the e-Banking and phone banking trading platforms to capture business opportunities provided by the buoyant stock market. Leveraging on its extensive network, customer base and funding capabilities, the bank participated actively in IPO activities by acting as a receiving bank and offered preferential packages to customers for IPO subscription. Our promotional campaigns were also successful in acquiring new securities accounts and boosting trading volume, registering 17.2 per cent and 78.4 per cent year-on-year growth respectively. Stockbroking and related service income rose by 85.4 per cent to HK$738 million. Private banking further strengthened its relationship management team and investment service support. Customer base and assets under management rose by 8.5 per cent and 20.6 per cent respectively. Its investment services income rose by an impressive 104.2 per cent. Life insurance recorded encouraging income growth of 37.1 per cent to reach HK$943 million (analysed in the table below). Hang Seng ranked first in the market for new regular-pay (non-linked) life insurance premiums in the first quarter of 2007. This unprecedented success is attributable to the offering of a diverse range of retirement solutions and an efficient multi-channel distribution network. General insurance income fell by 13.9 per cent to HK$142 million in a competitive market environment. Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun07 30Jun06 31Dec06 Figures in HK$m Life insurance: - net interest income and fee income 429 294 371 - investment returns on life insurance funds 689 44 866 - net earned insurance premiums 4,676 3,791 3,743 - claims, benefits and surrenders paid (618) (517) (497) - movement in policyholders' liabilities^ (4,445) (3,113) (3,878) - reinsurers' share of claims incurred and movement in policyholders' liabilities 5 4 5 - movement in present value of in-force long-term insurance business 207 185 178 943 688 788 General insurance and others 142 165 121 Total 1,085 853 909 ^ Including premium and investment reserves Loan impairment charges and other credit risk provisions Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun07 30Jun06 31Dec06 Figures in HK$m Loan impairment (charges)/releases: - individually assessed (137) 29 (136) - collectively assessed (143) (63) (82) (280) (34) (218) Of which: - new and additional (349) (165) (258) - releases 40 97 9 - recoveries 29 34 31 (280) (34) (218) Other provisions - - (12) Loan impairment charges and other credit risk provisions (280) (34) (230) Loan impairment charges and other credit risk provisions increased by HK$246 million, or 723.5 per cent, to HK$280 million. Individually assessed provisions recorded a net charge of HK$137 million compared with a net release of HK$29 million for the same period last year, due mainly to higher new charges and lower releases for corporate and commercial banking customers. Of the collectively assessed charges, HK$101 million was made on card and personal loan portfolios, a rise of 71.2 per cent over same period last year. A charge of HK$42 million was made on advances not individually identified as impaired, compared with a charge of HK$4 million made in the first half of 2006. This reflects an update of the historical loss rates used for the first half of 2007. Operating expenses Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun07 30Jun06 31Dec06 Figures in HK$m Employee compensation and benefits: - salaries and other costs 1,171 1,090 1,098 - performance-related pay 405 128 254 - retirement benefit costs 22 59 65 1,598 1,277 1,417 General and administrative expenses: - rental expenses 170 117 150 - other premises and equipment 363 350 479 - marketing and advertising expenses 225 142 305 - other operating expenses 378 298 373 1,136 907 1,307 Depreciation of business premises and equipment 169 150 173 Amortisation of intangible assets 11 4 6 2,914 2,338 2,903 Cost efficiency ratio 26.6% 26.8% 31.0% At 30Jun07 At 30Jun06 At 31Dec06 Staff numbers^ by region Hong Kong 7,724 7,524 7,748 Mainland 843 471 661 Others 58 50 55 Total 8,625 8,045 8,464 ^ Full-time equivalent Operating expenses rose by HK$576 million, or 24.6 per cent, compared with the first half of 2006. Mainland operations accounted for an increase of HK$121 million, attributable mainly to the establishment of HACN and the expansion of branch network and headcount. Excluding mainland operations, operating expenses rose by 20.3 per cent. Employee compensation and benefits increased by HK$321 million, or 25.1 per cent, over the same period last year. Of this amount, HK$277 million was in the form of variable performance-related pay, including sales incentives and bonuses, which made up 25.3 per cent of total staff costs in the first half of 2007 (10.0 per cent for the first half of 2006). Salaries and other costs increased by 7.4 per cent, reflecting increased headcount and annual salary increment. General and administrative expenses were up HK$229 million, or 25.2 per cent. An increase of HK$53 million in rental expenses was attributable to branches in Hong Kong and on the Mainland as well as additional rental after the disposal of the Hang Seng Building in May 2006 and the new 'Mega Site' back office centre. Marketing and advertising expenses rose by HK$83 million with the increased promotion of wealth management products and card services and brand building both in Hong Kong and on the Mainland. The increase of HK$80 million under the heading of 'Other operating expenses' included financial data fees to support securities business growth, professional and other costs associated with the establishment of HACN and charges by the HSBC Group processing centres due to an increase in business volume. The number of full-time equivalent staff increased by 580 year-on-year. New staff in Hong Kong were hired to further expand private banking's financial advisory team and strengthen the PFS and CMB relationship management and wealth management teams. Mainland staff increased from 471 to 843, due to the establishment of HACN and branch network expansion. The cost efficiency ratio for the first half of 2007 was 26.6 per cent, compared with 26.8 per cent for the same period last year. Profit on disposal of fixed assets and financial investments Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun07 30Jun06 31Dec06 Figures in HK$m Profit on disposal of available-for-sale securities 248 126 212 Profit less loss on disposal of fixed assets 26 448 57 274 574 269 Profit on disposal of fixed assets and financial investments amounted to HK$274 million, a decrease of 52.3 per cent compared with the first half of 2006. Profit on disposal of equity investments increased by 96.8 per cent to HK$248 million. Profit on disposal of properties fell to HK$26 million, compared with HK$448 million in the same period last year, which recorded the disposal of the Hang Seng Bank Building at 77 Des Voeux Road Central. Tax expenses Taxation in the consolidated income statement represents: Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun07 30Jun06 31Dec06 Figures in HK$m Current tax - provision for Hong Kong profits tax Tax for the period 1,077 1,367 821 Current tax - taxation outside Hong Kong Tax for the period 28 11 25 Deferred tax Origination and reversal of temporary differences 45 (176) 1 Total tax expenses 1,150 1,202 847 The current tax provision is based on the estimated assessable profit for the first half of 2007, and is determined for the bank and its subsidiaries operating in Hong Kong by using the Hong Kong profits tax rate of 17.5 per cent (the same rate as in 2006). For subsidiaries and branches operating in other jurisdictions, the appropriate tax rates prevailing in the relevant countries are used. Earnings per share The calculation of earnings per share for the first half of 2007 is based on earnings of HK$8,867 million (HK$6,190 million and HK$5,848 million for the first and second halves of 2006 respectively) and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue of 1,911,842,736 shares (unchanged from the first and second halves of 2006). Dividends per share Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended 30Jun07 30Jun06 31Dec06 HK$ HK$m HK$ HK$m HK$ HK$m per share per share per share First interim 1.10 2,103 1.10 2,103 - - Second interim 1.10 2,103 1.10 2,103 - - Third interim - - - - 1.10 2,103 Fourth interim - - - - 1.90 3,633 2.20 4,206 2.20 4,206 3.00 5,736 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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