Hang Seng pt 3/6

HSBC Holdings PLC 05 March 2007 Financial Review Net interest income 2006 2005 Figures in HK$m (restated) Net interest income/(expense) arising from: - financial assets and liabilities that are not at fair value through profit and loss 13,689 11,068 - trading assets and liabilities (2,039) (306) - financial instruments designated at fair value 44 34 11,694 10,796 Average interest-earning assets 578,588 522,922 Net interest spread 1.66% 1.85% Net interest margin 2.02% 2.06% With effect from 2006 (and as restated for 2005), interest income and interest expense for all interest-bearing financial instruments are reported in 'Interest income' and 'Interest expense' respectively in the income statement. The change from the HSBC Group presentation described in page 22 has been made principally to match the interest expense arising from trading liabilities with the interest income from non-trading assets. This facilitates the comparison of Hang Seng's net interest income and net interest margin with peer banks in Hong Kong. The impact of the change in accounting presentation is set out in note 1 under 'Additional information' on page 56. Net interest income rose by HK$898 million, or 8.3 per cent, to HK$11,694 million with a 10.6 per cent increase in average interest-earning assets. Average customer advances rose 4.5 per cent, driven by encouraging growth in higher yielding card advances, personal loans, trade finance and mainland loans. BLR-based lending - mainly residential mortgages and certain trade finance, overdraft and SME loans - benefited from a wider BLR/HIBOR gap. The pricing of residential mortgages and corporate lending, however, was still under pressure due to intense market competition. Overall, the total loan portfolio contributed HK$419 million to the growth in net interest income. Benefiting from the rise in both interest rate and funds balance, net free funds added HK$867 million to net interest income. Of this, HK$302 million was attributable to non-interest-bearing HK dollar current accounts. Net shareholders' funds increased due to the growth in retained profits and the proceeds from the disposal of properties, contributing HK$565 million. The debt securities portfolio of life insurance fund investments grew by 50.9 per cent, adding HK$264 million to net interest income. Average customer deposits rose by 11.3 per cent, mainly reflecting increases in time and structured deposits. However, the favourable impact of the growth in deposits was more than offset by the narrower deposit spread on HK dollar savings and the change in average deposit mix from savings and current account deposits to time and structured deposits. Net interest income from deposit products fell by HK$138 million. For structured deposits, the bank earns a spread on the derivatives embedded in the structured deposits, which was reported as trading income. Thus, there was no deposit spread on structured deposits reported under net interest income. Yields in treasury balance sheet management portfolios were further compressed by the rise in funding costs and flattened yield curves, and this resulted in a fall of HK$514 million in net interest income. Net interest margin fell by four basis points to 2.02 per cent. Net interest spread fell 19 basis points to 1.66 per cent, mainly due to the treasury balance sheet management portfolios and deposit spreads on HK dollar savings and structured deposits as mentioned above, outweighing the impact of loan growth and margin enhancement. The fall in net spread was largely offset by the contribution from net free funds which rose 15 basis points to 0.36 per cent. The HSBC Group reports interest income and interest expense arising from financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading as 'Net trading income' and arising from financial instruments designated at fair value through profit and loss as 'Net income from financial instruments designated at fair value' (other than for debt securities in issue and subordinated liabilities, together with derivatives managed in conjunction with them). The table below presents the net interest income of Hang Seng, as included within the HSBC Group accounts: Figures in HK$m 2006 2005 Net interest income 13,639 11,046 Average interest-earning assets 564,027 505,221 Net interest spread 1.83% 1.94% Net interest margin 2.42% 2.19% Net fee income 2006 2005 Figures in HK$m (restated) - Stockbroking and related services 805 493 - Retail investment products and funds under management 891 916 - Insurance 108 116 - Account services 274 225 - Private banking 336 174 - Remittances 161 141 - Cards 860 705 - Credit facilities 111 117 - Trade services 380 375 - Other 148 132 Fee income 4,074 3,394 Fee expense (577) (438) 3,497 2,956 Net fee income rose by HK$541 million, or 18.3 per cent, compared with 2005. Stockbroking and related services rose 63.3 per cent, driven by an 86.6 per cent growth in turnover with a 20.1 per cent growth in customer base. Benefiting from the favourable investment environment, income from private banking investment services rose 93.1 per cent. Card services income rose by 22.0 per cent, supported by a rise of 10.5 per cent in the number of cards in issue and an 11.7 per cent increase in cardholder spending. Deposit services and payment and cash management business also showed good progress, reporting growth in account services fees and remittances of 21.8 per cent and 14.2 per cent respectively. Trading income 2006 2005 Figures in HK$m (restated) Trading income: - foreign exchange 1,178 785 - securities, derivatives and other trading activities 152 100 1,330 885 Trading income reached HK$1,330 million, a rise of HK$445 million, or 50.3 per cent, over 2005. Foreign exchange income increased by HK$393 million, or 50.1 per cent, attributable to active position taking and increased customer activity. The increase in spreads earned on foreign exchange option-linked products offered to retail and corporate customers also contributed to foreign exchange income growth. Securities, derivatives and other trading rose by HK$52 million, attributable to the improvement in trading results and the growth in trading volume and profit earned on equity-linked products provided to customers. With effect from 2006 reporting, interest income and expense from trading assets and liabilities are reported under 'Net interest income'. Details of the change in accounting presentation are set out in note 1 under 'Additional information' on page 56. Net income/(expense) from financial instruments designated at fair value 2006 2005 Figures in HK$m (restated) Net income/(expense) on assets designated at fair value which back insurance and investment contracts 910 (25) Net change in fair value of other financial instruments designated at fair value (11) (7) 899 (32) Financial instruments designated at fair value reported a net income of HK$899 million, compared with a net expense of HK$32 million last year, reflecting the outstanding investment performance of the life insurance fund portfolios. With effect from 2006 reporting, interest income and expense from financial instruments designated at fair value are reported under 'Net interest income'. Details of the change in accounting presentation are set out in note 1 under 'Additional information' on page 56. Other operating income Figures in HK$m 2006 2005 Rental income from investment properties 186 207 Movement in present value of in-force long-term insurance business 363 316 Other 296 275 845 798 Analysis of income from wealth management business Figures in HK$m 2006 2005 Investment income: - retail investment products and funds under management 891 916 - structured investment products in issue 419 283 - private banking^ 345 188 - stockbroking and related services 805 493 - margin trading 59 63 2,519 1,943 Insurance income: - life insurance 1,476 1,256 - general insurance and others 286 289 1,762 1,545 Total 4,281 3,488 ^ Income from private banking includes income reported under net fee income on the investment services and profit generated from selling of structured investment products in issue, reported under trading income. Wealth management income gained strong growth momentum in 2006, reporting a rise of 22.7 per cent over 2005. Investment services income rose by 29.6 per cent, benefiting from the buoyant stock market and positive investment sentiment. Our efficient and convenient e-banking and phone trading channels played key roles in the expansion of our securities broking business, which grew its customer base and market share. With the success of campaigns to acquire new accounts and promote active trading as well as offers such as special packages for IPO subscriptions, stockbroking turnover rose 86.6 per cent and income increased by 63.3 per cent. Private banking continued to expand its customer base and product range. Assets under management rose 39.6 per cent and private banking income grew 83.5 per cent. Retail investment fund sales grew by 40.6 per cent over 2005, supported by a broad range of fund offerings from high-growth China and emerging market equity funds to capital-guaranteed and fixed-income funds. Equity, foreign exchange and other market-linked investment and deposit products also reached record highs in terms of issue volume and income earned, which were up by 68.6 per cent and 48.1 per cent respectively. Life insurance recorded satisfactory income growth of 17.5 per cent to reach HK$1,476 million (as analysed in the table below). During the year, we continued to launch new products catering for customers' investment and protection needs. The Monthly Income Retirement Plan was successful in capturing a section of the lucrative retirement plan market and the MediCash Lifetime Insurance Plan, which targets mid-market pre-retirees, was also well received. Figures in HK$m 2006 2005 Net interest income and fee income 665 411 Investment return on life insurance funds 910 (25) Net earned insurance premiums 7,534 7,483 Net insurance claims incurred and movement in policyholders' liabilities (7,996) (6,929) Movement in present value of in-force long-term insurance business 363 316 1,476 1,256 Income from general insurance and others maintained at the same level as the previous year. Loan impairment charges and other credit risk provisions Figures in HK$m 2006 2005 Loan impairment (charges)/releases: - individually assessed (107) (309) - collectively assessed (145) (309) (252) (618) of which: - new and additional (423) (1,070) - releases 106 351 - recoveries 65 101 (252) (618) Other provision (12) _ Loan impairment charges and other credit risk provisions (264) (618) Loan impairment charges and other credit risk provisions decreased by HK$354 million, or 57.3 per cent, to HK$264 million, reflecting the benign credit environment. There was a decrease of HK$202 million in individually assessed provisions, mainly due to a substantial reduction in new and additional charges for commercial banking customers. Releases from commercial banking accounts increased but those from mortgages and personal lending were substantially lower. Of the collectively assessed charges, HK$139 million was made on card and personal loan portfolios, a rise of 13.9 per cent over last year. A charge of HK$6 million was made on advances not identified individually as impaired, compared with a charge of HK$187 million made in 2005. The reduction in historical loss rates used at the end of 2006 for calculation of this type of collectively assessed impairment provisions reflects the continued improvement in credit conditions in recent years. Operating expenses Figures in HK$m 2006 2005 Employee compensation and benefits: - salaries and other costs 2,470 2,074 - retirement benefit costs 124 137 - share-based payments 100 70 2,694 2,281 General and administrative expenses: - rental expenses 267 207 - other premises and equipment 829 751 - other operating expenses 1,118 1,018 2,214 1,976 Depreciation of business premises and equipment 323 280 Amortisation of intangible assets 10 9 5,241 4,546 Cost efficiency ratio 29.0% 28.0% Staff numbers^ by region 2006 2005 Hong Kong 7,748 7,425 Mainland 661 377 Others 55 43 Total 8,464 7,845 ^ Full-time equivalent Operating expenses rose by HK$695 million, or 15.3 per cent, compared with 2005. Employee compensation and benefits increased by 18.1 per cent, due to the annual salary increment, the increase in number of staff, and performance-based incentives and bonuses. General and administrative expenses were up 12.0 per cent. Rental expenses increased due to increases in rents for branches in Hong Kong and new branches on the Mainland. Other premises and equipment expenses increased by 10.4 per cent, attributable to IT systems development and enhancement for business expansion and regulatory related projects. The rise in marketing expenditure was attributable mainly to the launch of the bank's new brand image and increased promotion of investment and insurance products and credit cards. Depreciation charges rose by 15.4 per cent as a result of the increase in fair value of business premises. The bank's mainland operations, which expanded its network from 12 to 15 outlets and increased its staff force from 377 to 661 during 2006, also accounted for the bank's increase in operating expenses. The number of full-time equivalent staff increased by 619 compared with the previous year-end. New staff in Hong Kong were hired to further expand private banking's financial advisory team and CMB's relationship management and corporate wealth management teams, as well as to support IT systems development and enhancement. The number of staff at mainland branches rose by 75.3 per cent, mainly to support the network expansion, building up sales and marketing force for personal banking business, and strengthening of the corporate and commercial relationship management and trade services teams. The cost efficiency ratio for 2006 was 29.0 per cent, compared with 28.0 per cent in 2005. Profit on disposal of fixed assets and financial investments Figures in HK$m 2006 2005 Profit on disposal of available-for-sale securities: - realisation of amounts previously recognised in reserves at 1 January 137 611 - net gains/(losses) arising in the year 201 (153) 338 458 Profit less loss on disposal of fixed assets 505 19 843 477 Profit on disposal of fixed assets and financial investments amounted to HK$843 million, an increase of 76.7 per cent over last year. Profit on disposal of fixed assets, mainly properties, rose by HK$486 million to HK$505 million. During the year, the group sold properties for a total value of HK$3.1 billion, including the property at 77 Des Voeux Road Central, to rationalise the bank's property portfolio and enhance shareholders' return. Profit on the disposal of equity investments fell to HK$338 million. Tax expense Taxation in the consolidated income statement represents: Figures in HK$m 2006 2005 Current tax - provision for Hong Kong profits tax Tax for the year 2,188 1,501 Current tax - taxation outside Hong Kong Tax for the year 36 12 Deferred tax Origination and reversal of temporary differences (175) 282 Total tax expense 2,049 1,795 The current tax provision is based on the estimated assessable profit for 2006, and is determined for the bank and its subsidiaries operating in Hong Kong by using the Hong Kong profits tax rate of 17.5 per cent (the same rate as in 2005). For subsidiaries and branches operating in other jurisdictions, the appropriate tax rates prevailing in the relevant countries are used. Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the year when the liability is settled or the asset is realised. Deferred tax is charged or credited in the income statement except when it relates to items charged or credited directly to equity, in which case the deferred tax is also recorded in equity. The carrying amount of deferred tax assets/liabilities is reviewed at each balance sheet date and is reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow the related tax benefit to be utilised. Earnings per share The calculation of earnings per share in 2006 is based on earnings of HK$12,038 million (HK$11,342 million in 2005) and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue of 1,911,842,736 shares (unchanged from 2005). Dividends per share 2006 2005 HK$ HK$m HK$ HK$m per share per share First interim 1.10 2,103 1.10 2,103 Second interim 1.10 2,103 1.10 2,103 Third interim 1.10 2,103 1.10 2,103 Fourth interim 1.90 3,633 1.90 3,633 5.20 9,942 5.20 9,942 Segmental analysis Segmental information is presented in respect of business and geographical segments. Business by customer group information, which is more relevant to the group in making operating and financial decisions, is chosen as the primary reporting format. For the purpose of segmental analysis, the allocation of revenue reflects the benefits of capital and other funding resources allocated to the customer groups or geographical segments by way of internal capital allocation and funds transfer pricing mechanisms. Cost allocation is based on the direct costs incurred by the respective customer groups and apportionment of management overheads. Rental charges at market rate for usage of premises are reflected as inter-segment income for the 'Other' customer group and inter-segment expenses for the respective customer groups. (a) By customer group The group's business comprises five customer groups. Personal Financial Services provides banking (including deposits, credit cards, mortgages and other retail lending) and wealth management services (including private banking, investment and insurance) to personal customers. Commercial Banking manages middle market and smaller corporate relationships and specialises in trade-related financial services. Corporate Banking handles relationships with large corporate and institutional customers. Treasury engages in balance sheet management and proprietary trading. Treasury also manages the funding and liquidity positions of the group and other market risk positions arising from banking activities. 'Other' mainly represents management of shareholders' funds and investments in premises, investment properties and equity shares. Profit before tax contributed by the customer groups in 2006 compared with 2005 is set out in the table below. More customer group analysis and discussions are set out in the 'Customer group performance' section on page 8. Personal Financial Commercial Corporate Figures in HK$m Services Banking Banking Treasury Other Total Year ended 31Dec06 Profit before tax 7,730 2,262 557 1,051 2,795 14,395 Share of profit before tax^ 52.9% 16.4% 3.8% 7.6% 19.3% 100.0% Year ended 31Dec05 Profit before tax 7,686 1,078 507 1,072 3,015 13,358 Share of profit before tax^ 56.8% 8.8% 3.7% 8.3% 22.4% 100.0% ^ Share of profits from associates is adjusted to pre-tax basis for the purpose of calculating the Customer Groups' share of profit before tax. (b) By geographical region The geographical regions in this analysis are classified by the location of the principal operations of the subsidiary companies or, in the case of the bank itself, by the location of the branches responsible for reporting the results or advancing the funds. Figures in HK$m Hong Kong Americas Mainland and Total other Year ended 31Dec06 Income and expense Total operating income 24,449 1,295 414 26,158 Profit before tax 12,380 1,262 753 14,395 Capital expenditure incurred during the year 335 _ 44 379 At 31Dec06 Total assets 573,067 65,997 30,000 669,064 Total liabilities 603,636 4,180 12,550 620,366 Contingent liabilities and commitments 165,541 _ 8,701 174,242 Year ended 31Dec05 Income and expense Total operating income 21,377 1,644 225 23,246 Profit before tax 11,253 1,614 491 13,358 Capital expenditure incurred during the year 206 _ 25 231 At 31Dec05 Total assets 497,406 60,845 22,569 580,820 Total liabilities 520,260 9,395 7,435 537,090 Contingent liabilities and commitments 137,536 _ 3,973 141,509 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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