Hang Seng PT3
HSBC Holdings PLC
31 July 2006
Operating expenses
Half-year Half-year Half-year
ended ended ended
Figures in HK$m 30Jun06 30Jun05 31Dec05
Employee compensation
and benefits:
- salaries and
other costs 1,218 1,059 1,085
- retirement
benefit costs 59 66 71
1,277 1,125 1,156
General and administrative
- rental expenses 117 98 109
- other premises
and equipment 350 343 408
- other operating
expenses 440 451 567
907 892 1,084
Depreciation of business
premises and
equipment 150 135 145
Amortisation of
intangible assets 4 4 5
2,338 2,156 2,390
Cost efficiency ratio 26.8% 26.7% 29.4%
Staff numbers by region^
At 30Jun06 At 30Jun05 At 31Dec05
Hong Kong 7,524 7,148 7,425
Mainland and others 521 377 420
Total 8,045 7,525 7,845
^ Full-time equivalent
Operating expenses rose by HK$182 million, or 8.4 per cent, compared with the
same period last year. Employee compensation and benefits increased by 13.5 per
cent, due to the annual salary increment and the increase in number of staff.
General and administrative expenses were up 1.7 per cent and depreciation
charges rose by 11.1 per cent as a result of the increase in fair value of
business premises.
The number of full-time equivalent staff increased by 200 compared with the
previous year-end, with new staff hired to further strengthen the PFS and CMB
relationship management teams and to support the expansion of the mainland China
network and IT system development and enhancement.
The cost efficiency ratio for the first half of 2006 was 26.8 per cent, compared
with 26.7 per cent and 29.4 per cent for the first and second halves of 2005
Profit on disposal of fixed assets and financial investments
Half-year Half-year Half-year
ended ended ended
Figures in HK$m 30Jun06 30Jun05 31Dec05
Profit on disposal of
securities 126 328 130
Profit less loss on
disposal of fixed
assets 448 20 (1)
574 348 129
The profit on disposal of fixed assets and financial investments amounted to
HK$574 million, an increase of 64.9 per cent over the same period last year.
There was a HK$202 million reduction in profit from disposal of long-term equity
securities. Profit on disposal of fixed assets, however, rose by HK$428 million
to HK$448 million, mainly from the disposal of a commercial building situated in
Central in Hong Kong.
Tax expenses
Taxation in the consolidated income statement represents:
Half-year Half-year Half-year
ended ended ended
Figures in HK$m 30Jun06 30Jun05 31Dec05
Current tax
Tax for the period 1,378 789 724
Deferred tax
Origination and reversal
of temporary differences (176) 135 147
Total tax expenses 1,202 924 871
The current tax provision is based on the estimated assessable profit for the
first half of 2006, and is determined for the bank and its subsidiaries
operating in Hong Kong by using the Hong Kong profits tax rate of 17.5 per cent
(the same rate as in 2005). For subsidiaries and branches operating in other
jurisdictions, the appropriate tax rates prevailing in the relevant countries
are used.
Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the
year when the liability is settled or the asset is realised. Deferred tax is
charged or credited in the income statement except when it relates to items
charged or credited directly to reserves, in which case the deferred tax is also
recorded within reserves. The carrying amount of deferred tax assets/liabilities
is reviewed at each balance sheet date and is reduced to the extent that it is
no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow the
related tax benefit to be utilised.
Earnings per share
The calculation of earnings per share for the first half of 2006 is based on
earnings of HK$6,190 million (HK$6,045 million for the first half of 2005) and
on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue of 1,911,842,736
shares (unchanged from the first half of 2005).
Dividends per share
Half-year ended Half-year ended Half-year ended
30Jun06 30Jun05 31Dec05
HK$ HK$m HK$ HK$m HK$ HK$m
per share per share per share
First interim 1.10 2,103 1.10 2,103 - -
Second interim 1.10 2,103 1.10 2,103 - -
Third interim - - - - 1.10 2,103
Fourth interim - - - - 1.90 3,633
2.20 4,206 2.20 4,206 3.00 5,736
Segmental analysis
Segmental information is presented in respect of business and geographical
segments. Business by customer group information, which is more relevant to the
group in making operating and financial decisions, is chosen as the primary
reporting format.
For the purpose of segmental analysis, the allocation of revenue reflects the
benefits of capital and other funding resources allocated to the customer groups
or geographical segments by way of internal capital allocation and funds
transfer pricing mechanisms. Cost allocation is based on the direct cost
incurred by the respective customer groups and apportionment of management
overheads. Rental charges at market rate for usage of premises are reflected as
inter-segment income for the 'Other' customer group and inter-segment expenses
for the respective customer groups.
(a) By customer group
The group's business comprises five customer groups. Personal Financial Services
provides banking (including deposits, credit cards, mortgages and other retail
lending) and wealth management services (including private banking, investment
and insurance) to personal customers. Commercial Banking manages middle market
and smaller corporate relationships and specialises in trade-related financial
services. Corporate Banking handles relationships with large corporate and
institutional customers. Treasury engages in interbank and capital market
activities and proprietary trading. Treasury also manages the funding and
liquidity positions of the group and other market risk positions arising from
banking activities. 'Other' mainly represents management of shareholders' funds
and investments in premises, investment properties and equity shares.
Pre-tax profit contributed by the customer groups for the periods as indicated
is set out in the table below. More customer group analysis and discussions are
set out in the 'Customer group performance' section on pages 7 to 12.
Personal Inter-
Financial Commercial Corporate segment
Figures in HK$m Services Banking Banking Treasury Other elimination Total
Half-year ended 30Jun06
Profit before tax 3,897 1,096 271 506 1,743 - 7,513
Share of pre-tax
profit 51.9% 14.6% 3.6% 6.7% 23.2% - 100.0%
Half-year ended 30Jun05
Profit before tax 3,970 437 171 784 1,700 - 7,062
Share of pre-tax
profit 56.2% 6.2% 2.4% 11.1% 24.1% - 100.0%
Half-year ended 31Dec05
Profit before tax 3,716 641 336 288 1,315 - 6,296
Share of pre-tax
profit 59.0% 10.2% 5.3% 4.6% 20.9% - 100.0%
(b) By geographical region
The geographical regions in this analysis are classified by the location of the
principal operations of the subsidiary companies or, in the case of the bank
itself, by the location of the branches responsible for reporting the results or
advancing the funds.
Figures in HK$m Hong Kong Americas and other Total
Half-year ended 30Jun06
Total operating income 11,666 573 157 12,396
Profit before tax 6,668 558 287 7,513
Capital expenditure incurred 130 - 12 142
At 30Jun06
Total assets 539,776 63,216 25,297 628,289
Total liabilities 567,193 6,782 9,316 583,291
Contingent liabilities and
commitments 146,988 - 9,197 156,185
Half-year ended 30Jun05
Total operating income 9,441 962 96 10,499
Profit before tax 5,877 947 238 7,062
Capital expenditure incurred 81 - 16 97
At 30Jun05
Total assets 487,581 64,811 19,841 572,233
Total liabilities 512,998 10,095 6,709 529,802
Contingent liabilities
and commitments 138,219 - 3,429 141,648
Figures in HK$m Hong Kong Americas and other Total
Half-year ended 31Dec05
Total operating income 11,936 682 129 12,747
Profit before tax 5,376 667 253 6,296
Capital expenditure incurred 125 - 9 134
At 31Dec05
Total assets 497,406 60,845 22,569 580,820
Total liabilities 520,260 9,395 7,435 537,090
Contingent liabilities
and commitments 137,536 - 3,973 141,509
Analysis of assets and liabilities by remaining maturity
The maturity analysis is based on the remaining period at the balance sheet date
to the contractual maturity date, with the exception of the trading portfolio
that may be sold before maturity and is accordingly recorded as 'Repayable on
months Three One
Repayable or less months year Over
on but not to to five
Figures in HK$m on demand on demand one year five year years Undated Total
Cash and balances
with banks and
other financial
institutions 13,763 - - - - - 13,763
Placings with
and advances to
banks and other
institutions 9,146 69,689 3,628 100 - - 82,563
Trading assets 14,543 - - - - - 14,543
Financial assets
designated at
fair value - 41 298 1,460 2,679 1,951 6,429
instruments 1,631 30 71 277 152 - 2,161
Advances to
customers 14,922 29,248 38,550 88,183 95,602 - 266,505
investments 58 22,001 36,506 138,026 14,013 1,351 211,955
in associates - - - - - 3,267 3,267
properties - - - - - 3,161 3,161
Premises, plant
and equipment - - - - - 6,553 6,553
Interest in
leasehold land
held for own
use under
operating lease - - - - - 587 587
Intangible assets - - - - - 1,857 1,857
Other assets 5,180 7,398 1,001 418 4 944 14,945
At 30Jun06 59,243 128,407 80,054 228,464 112,450 19,671 628,289
At 30Jun05 40,599 111,720 76,324 222,444 102,633 18,513 572,233
At 31Dec05 57,790 97,970 74,642 220,176 110,087 20,155 580,820
months Three One
Repayable or less months year Over
on but not to to five
Figures in HK$m on demand on demand one year five year years Undated Total
Current, savings
and other
deposit accounts 250,973 188,149 8,042 933 - - 448,097
Deposits from banks 9,999 11,764 368 - - - 22,131
Trading liabilities 61,630 - - - - - 61,630
designated at
fair value - - - - 995 (45) 950
instruments 1,733 21 197 303 2 - 2,256
of deposit and
other debt
securities in
issue - 79 755 7,478 - - 8,312
Other liabilities 5,231 4,554 571 42 106 317 10,821
Liabilities to
customers under
contracts - - - - - 544 544
Liabilities to
customers under
contracts - - - - - 18,877 18,877
Deferred tax
and current tax
liabilities 1 8 1,411 - - 1,248 2,668
liabilities - - - - 7,005 - 7,005
At 30Jun06 329,567 204,575 11,344 8,756 8,108 20,941 583,291
At 30Jun05 273,285 213,445 13,321 12,571 3,518 13,662 529,802
At 31Dec05 289,758 207,494 8,478 9,148 4,690 17,522 537,090
Cash and balances with banks and other financial institutions
Figures in HK$m At 30Jun06 At 30Jun05 At 31Dec05
Cash in hand 5,229 4,172 4,772
Balances with central
banks 323 405 303
Balances with banks
and other financial
institutions 8,211 3,239 4,126
13,763 7,816 9,201
Placings with and advances to banks and other financial institutions
Figures in HK$m At 30Jun06 At 30Jun05 At 31Dec05
Placings with and advances
to banks and other
financial institutions
maturing within one month 61,425 43,150 54,338
Placings with and advances
to banks and other
financial institutions
maturing after one month 21,138 22,832 14,948
82,563 65,982 69,286
Trading assets
Figures in HK$m At 30Jun06 At 30Jun05 At 31Dec05
Treasury bills 7,966 1,843 2,594
Certificates of deposit 294 1,017 538
Other debt securities 6,269 10,920 9,440
Debt securities 14,529 13,780 12,572
Equity shares 14 32 28
14,543 13,812 12,600
Debt securities:
- listed in Hong Kong 874 908 767
- listed outside Hong Kong 164 - -
1,038 908 767
- unlisted 13,491 12,872 11,805
14,529 13,780 12,572
Equity shares:
- listed in Hong Kong 14 14 17
- unlisted - 18 11
14 32 28
14,543 13,812 12,600
Debt securities:
Issued by public bodies:
- central governments and
central banks 10,188 4,679 5,625
- other public sector entities 1,163 1,491 1,489
11,351 6,170 7,114
Issued by other bodies:
- banks and other financial
institutions 1,945 4,281 2,836
- corporate entities 1,233 3,329 2,622
3,178 7,610 5,458
Equity shares:
Issued by corporate entities 14 32 28
14,543 13,812 12,600
Financial assets designated at fair value
Figures in HK$m At 30Jun06 At 30Jun05 At 31Dec05
Certificates of deposit 234 190 194
Other debt securities 3,906 2,392 4,075
Debt securities 4,140 2,582 4,269
Equity shares 2,289 1,161 1,758
6,429 3,743 6,027
Debt securities:
- listed in Hong Kong 101 106 100
- listed outside Hong Kong 30 20 22
131 126 122
- unlisted 4,009 2,456 4,147
4,140 2,582 4,269
Equity shares:
- listed in Hong Kong 918 576 732
- listed outside Hong Kong 1,069 538 979
1,987 1,114 1,711
- unlisted 302 47 47
2,289 1,161 1,758
6,429 3,743 6,027
Debt securities:
Issued by public bodies:
- central governments and
central banks 846 875 865
- other public sector
entities 287 420 295
1,133 1,295 1,160
Issued by other bodies:
- banks and other
financial institutions 2,888 1,140 2,937
- corporate entities 119 147 172
3,007 1,287 3,109
Equity shares:
Issued by corporate
entities 2,289 1,161 1,758
6,429 3,743 6,027
Financial assets are designated at fair value, usually together with the related
liabilities or derivative financial instruments, primarily for the purpose of
eliminating or significantly reducing the accounting mismatch. The figures also
include those financial assets of the life insurance funds designated at fair
value for backing policyholder liabilities.
Advances to customers
Figures in HK$m At 30Jun06 At 30Jun05 At 31Dec05
Gross advances to customers 267,393 261,713 261,714
Loan impairment allowances:
- individually assessed (377) (733) (524)
- collectively assessed (511) (468) (510)
266,505 260,512 260,680
Included in advances to
customers are:
- trade bills 3,577 3,015 3,024
- loan impairment allowances (15) (12) (14)
3,562 3,003 3,010
Loan impairment allowances against advances to customers
Individually Collectively
Figures in HK$m assessed assessed Total
At 01Jan06 524 510 1,034
Amounts written off (119) (81) (200)
Recoveries of advances
written off in
previous years 15 19 34
New impairment allowances
charged to income
statement 83 82 165
Impairment allowances
released to
income statement (112) (19) (131)
Unwind of discount of
loan impairment
allowances (14) - (14)
At30Jun06 377 511 888
Total loan impairment allowances as a percentage of gross advances to customers
are as follows:
At 30Jun06 At 30Jun05 At 31Dec05
% % %
Loan impairment
- individually assessed 0.14 0.28 0.20
- collectively assessed 0.19 0.18 0.19
Total loan impairment 0.33 0.46 0.39
Total loan impairment allowances as a percentage of gross advances to customers
stood at 0.33 per cent at 30 June 2006, compared with 0.39 per cent at the
previous year-end. Individually assessed allowances as a percentage of gross
advances fell to 0.14 per cent, reflecting recoveries from doubtful accounts and
writing off of irrecoverable balances against impairment allowances.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange