HK & Shanghai Bk pt 3/3

HSBC Holdings PLC 03 March 2008 20. Cross-border exposure The country risk exposures in the tables below are prepared in accordance with the HKMA Return of External Positions Part II: Cross-Border Claims (MA(BS)9) guidelines. Cross-border claims are on-balance sheet exposures to counterparties based on the location of the counterparties after taking into account the transfer of risk. The tables show claims on individual countries and territories or areas, after risk transfer, amounting to 10 per cent or more of the aggregate cross-border claims. Cross-border risk is controlled centrally through a well-developed system of country limits and is frequently reviewed to avoid concentration of transfer, economic or political risk. Banks and other Public financial sector Figures in HK$m institutions entities Other Total At 31Dec07 Americas United States 53,963 63,624 62,638 180,225 Other 48,643 2,713 51,189 102,545 102,606 66,337 113,827 282,770 Europe United Kingdom 322,972 17 46,218 369,207 Other 450,375 1,651 48,113 500,139 773,347 1,668 94,331 869,346 Asia-Pacific excluding Hong Kong 241,481 104,092 171,184 516,757 At 31Dec06 Americas United States 62,558 78,354 72,669 213,581 Other 38,585 6,568 47,393 92,546 101,143 84,922 120,062 306,127 Europe United Kingdom 138,625 17 24,324 162,966 Other 405,950 5,010 18,981 429,941 544,575 5,027 43,305 592,907 Asia-Pacific excluding Hong Kong 213,292 93,968 116,242 423,502 21. Customer accounts Figures in HK$m At 31Dec07 At 31Dec06 Current accounts 417,786 292,450 Savings accounts 983,874 785,659 Other deposit accounts 1,084,446 911,358 2,486,106 1,989,467 Customer accounts increased by HK$497 billion, or 25 per cent, compared with the end of 2006. In Hong Kong, customer accounts rose by HK$271 billion, or 18.8 per cent, largely in savings and other account balances, attributable to successful deposit campaigns and effective pricing which made savings products more attractive to customers. Deposits from personal customers increased by HK$101 billion, or 12.2 per cent. In the rest of Asia-Pacific, customer accounts increased HK$226 billion, or 41.0 per cent, as the group continued to expand the deposit base throughout the region. The group's focus was on attracting mass affluent customers through HSBC Premier and increasing corporate balances by growing the payments and cash management business and the securities services business. Deposits from personal customers grew by HK$54 billion, or 26.7 per cent,notably in India, Australia and mainland China. Customer account balances held by corporate customers in Commercial Banking and Global Banking and Markets rose by HK$169 billion, or 49.5 per cent, largely in mainland China, India, Singapore and South Korea. The group's advances-to-deposits ratio decreased to 48.8 per cent at 31 December 2007, from 52.5 per cent at 31 December 2006. 22. Reserves Figures in HK$m At 31Dec07 At 31Dec06 Other reserves - Property revaluation reserve 6,995 4,798 - Available-for-sale investment reserve 58,757 25,812 - Cash flow hedge reserve 677 (166) - Foreign exchange reserve 8,887 2,805 - Other 8,636 2,265 83,952 35,514 Retained profits 107,908 80,942 Total reserves 191,860 116,456 An amount of HK$4,180 million (excluding an amount of HK$555 million recognised in minority interests), being the amount of the gains arising from the dilution of investments in associates, has been transferred from retained profits to other reserves. 23. Contingent liabilities, commitments and derivatives a Off-balance sheet contingent liabilities and commitments Figures in HK$m At 31Dec07 At 31Dec06 Contingent liabilities and financial guarantee contracts - Guarantees and irrevocable letters of credit pledged as collateral security 161,493 121,911 - Other contingent liabilities 122 34 161,615 121,945 Commitments - Documentary credits and short-term trade-related transactions 54,803 34,538 - Forward asset purchases and forward forward deposits placed 461 319 - Undrawn note issuing and revolving underwriting facilities - 1,166 - Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments to lend: - 1 year and under 1,037,691 887,680 - over 1 year 93,111 93,970 1,186,066 1,017,673 The above table discloses the nominal principal amounts of third party off-balance sheet transactions, the amounts relating to other contingent liabilities and the nominal principal amounts relating to financial guarantee contracts. Contingent liabilities and commitments are mainly credit-related instruments which include non-financial guarantees and commitments to extend credit. Contractual amounts represent the amounts at risk should contracts be fully drawn upon and clients default. Since a significant portion of guarantees and commitments are expected to expire without being drawn upon, the total of the contractual amounts is not representative of future liquidity requirements. b Guarantees (including financial guarantee contracts) The group provides guarantees and similar undertakings on behalf of both third party customers and other entities within the group. These guarantees are generally provided in the normal course of the banking business. The principal types of guarantees provided, and the maximum potential amount of future payments which the group could be required to make at 31 December 2007, were as follows: At 31Dec07 At 31Dec06 Guarantees Guarantees by by the group the group in Guarantees in in favour of Guarantees in favour of favour of third other HSBC favour of third other HSBC Figures in HK$m parties Group entities parties Group entities Guarantee type Financial guarantee contracts^ 26,157 3,912 22,195 4,229 Standby letters of credit which are financial guarantee contracts^^ 25,366 28 17,734 65 Other direct credit substitutes^^^ 30,384 21 27,778 4 Performance bonds^^^^ 35,666 3,628 25,962 3,078 Bid bonds^^^^ 2,223 147 1,175 132 Standby letters of credit related to particular transactions^^^^ 4,942 137 1,703 102 Other transaction-related guarantees^^^^ 27,559 4,509 20,685 1,654 152,297 12,382 117,232 9,264 ^ Financial guarantees are contracts that require the issuer to make specified payments to reimburse the holder for a loss incurred because a specified debtor fails to make payment when due in accordance with the original or modified terms of a debt instrument. The amounts in the above table are nominal principal amounts. ^^ Standby letters of credit which are financial guarantee contracts are irrevocable obligations on the part of the group to pay third parties when customers fail to make payments when due. ^^^ Other direct credit substitutes include re-insurance letters of credit and trade-related letters of credit issued without provision for the issuing entity to retain title to the underlying shipment. ^^^^ Performance bonds, bid bonds, standby letters of credit and other transaction-related guarantees are undertakings by which the obligation on the group to make payment depends on the outcome of a future event. The amounts disclosed in the above table reflect the group's maximum exposure under a large number of individual guarantee undertakings. The risks and exposures from guarantees are captured and managed in accordance with HSBC's overall credit risk management policies and procedures. Approximately half of the above guarantees have a term of less than one year. Guarantees with terms of more than one year are subject to HSBC's annual credit review process. c Contingencies The group is named in and defending legal actions in a number of jurisdictions including Hong Kong, arising out of its normal business operations. None of the actions is regarded as material litigation, and none is expected to result in a significant adverse effect on the financial position of the group, either collectively or individually. Management believes that adequate provisions have been made in respect of such litigation. 24. Foreign exchange exposure Foreign exchange exposures may be divided broadly into two categories: structural and non-structural. Structural exposures are normally long-term in nature and include those arising from investments in overseas subsidiaries, branches, associates and strategic investments as well as capital instruments denominated in currencies other than Hong Kong dollars. Non-structural exposures arise primarily from trading positions and balance sheet management activities. Non-structural exposures can arise and change rapidly. Foreign currency exposures are managed in accordance with the group's risk management policies and procedures. The group had the following structural foreign currency exposures which exceeded 10 per cent of the total net structural exposure in all foreign currencies: Figures in HK$m Net structural position At 31Dec07 Chinese renminbi 104,825 Indian rupee 18,774 At 31Dec06 Chinese renminbi 54,960 United States dollars 15,886 The increase in the Chinese renminbi structural position during 2007 was principally due to an increase in the valuation of the group's strategic long-term foreign currency equity investments. The group had the following non-structural foreign currency positions which exceeded 10 per cent of the group's net non-structural positions in all foreign currencies: United States Singapore Brunei Chinese Figures in HK$m dollars dollars dollars renminbi At 31Dec07 Spot assets 2,754,883 35,820 65,053 222,368 Spot liabilities (2,700,125) (81,235) (26,586) (201,629) Forward purchases 3,584,670 258,370 58 252,162 Forward sales (3,653,773) (206,637) (44,713) (274,787) Net options position 18,068 - - - 3,723 6,318 (6,188) (1,886) At 31Dec06 Spot assets 1,205,314 118,964 27,665 78,111 Spot liabilities (1,222,334) (140,566) (107) (69,689) Forward purchases 2,222,005 168,534 24,949 97,130 Forward sales (2,210,290) (141,505) (57,857) (104,949) Net options position (132) - - - (5,437) 5,427 (5,350) 603 25. Segmental analysis The allocation of earnings reflects the benefits of shareholders' funds to the extent that these are actually allocated to businesses in the segment by way of intra-group capital and funding structures. Interest is charged based on market rates. Common costs are included in segments on the basis of the actual recharges made. Geographical information has been classified by the location of the principal operations of the subsidiary company or, in the case of the bank, by the location of the branch responsible for reporting the results or advancing the funds. Due to the nature of the group structure, the analysis of profits shown below includes intra-group items between geographical regions with the elimination shown in a separate column. Consolidated income statement Intra- Figures in HK$m Rest of Americas/ segment Hong Kong Asia-Pacific Europe elimination Total Year ended 31Dec07 Interest income 96,700 54,384 1,079 (8,010) 144,153 Interest expense (54,538) (33,877) (995) 8,018 (81,392) Net interest income 42,162 20,507 84 8 62,761 Fee income 27,644 14,355 1 (851) 41,149 Fee expense (3,930) (3,116) (13) 851 (6,208) Net trading income/(loss) 7,026 9,033 1 (4) 16,056 Net income from financial instruments designated at fair value 5,322 883 - (4) 6,201 Gains less losses from financial investments 737 155 - - 892 Gains arising from dilution of investments in associates - 4,735 - - 4,735 Dividend income 385 308 - - 693 Net earned insurance premiums 21,934 1,761 - - 23,695 Other operating income 6,580 597 22 (3,143) 4,056 Total operating income 107,860 49,218 95 (3,143) 154,030 Net insurance claims incurred and movement in policyholders' liabilities (25,044) (1,977) - - (27,021) Net operating income before loan impairment charges and other credit risk provisions 82,816 47,241 95 (3,143) 127,009 Loan impairment charges and other credit risk provisions (1,799) (4,006) - - (5,805) Net operating income 81,017 43,235 95 (3,143) 121,204 Operating expenses (27,446) (22,848) (27) 3,143 (47,178) Operating profit 53,571 20,387 68 - 74,026 Share of profit in associates and joint ventures 221 4,514 - - 4,735 Profit before tax 53,792 24,901 68 - 78,761 Tax expense (8,826) (4,623) (7) - (13,456) Profit for the year 44,966 20,278 61 - 65,305 Profit attributable to shareholders 38,605 19,362 61 - 58,028 Profit attributable to minority interests 6,361 916 - - 7,277 Year ended 31Dec06 Interest income 82,301 40,151 884 (7,408) 115,928 Interest expense (46,490) (24,960) (804) 7,425 (64,829) Net interest income 35,811 15,191 80 17 51,099 Fee income 17,347 9,925 - (718) 26,554 Fee expense (3,030) (1,826) (12) 718 (4,150) Net trading income/(loss) 3,077 5,871 (13) (17) 8,918 Net income from financial instruments designated at fair value 2,048 622 - - 2,670 Gains less losses from financial investments 1,245 221 - - 1,466 Dividend income 525 224 - - 749 Net earned insurance premiums 20,495 1,351 - - 21,846 Other operating income 6,171 2,073 22 (2,613) 5,653 Total operating income 83,689 33,652 77 (2,613) 114,805 Net insurance claims incurred and movement in policyholders' liabilities (20,991) (1,489) - - (22,480) Net operating income before loan impairment charges and other credit risk provisions 62,698 32,163 77 (2,613) 92,325 Loan impairment charges and other credit risk provisions (1,336) (3,473) - - (4,809) Net operating income 61,362 28,690 77 (2,613) 87,516 Operating expenses (23,534) (17,287) (31) 2,613 (38,239) Operating profit 37,828 11,403 46 - 49,277 Share of profit in associates and joint ventures 150 2,589 - - 2,739 Profit before tax 37,978 13,992 46 - 52,016 Tax expense (6,079) (3,317) (15) - (9,411) Profit for the year 31,899 10,675 31 - 42,605 Profit attributable to shareholders 27,206 10,472 31 - 37,709 Profit attributable to minority interests 4,693 203 - - 4,896 26. Capital adequacy The following table shows the capital adequacy ratio and the components of the capital base contained in the 'Capital Adequacy Ratio' return required to be submitted to the HKMA by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited on a consolidated basis that is specified by the HKMA under the requirement of section 98(2) of the Banking Ordinance. The Banking (Capital) Rules ('the Rules') came into effect on 1 January 2007. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited uses the standardised (credit risk) approach and standardised (securitisation) approach to calculate its credit risk for non-securitisation exposures and credit risk for securitisation exposures respectively. It also uses the standardised (operational risk) approach and standardised (market risk) approach to calculate its operational risk and market risk respectively. However, an internal model approach is adopted for calculating the general market risk and a separate model is used for calculating the market risk relating to equity options. This basis is different from the basis used at 31 December 2006, and the numbers are therefore not strictly comparable. Figures in HK$m At 31Dec07 Composition of capital Core Capital: Paid-up ordinary share capital 21,040 Paid-up irredeemable non-cumulative preference shares 51,882 Published reserves 72,069 Profit and loss account 29,543 Minority interests^^^^ 21,318 Less: Deduction from core capital (11,111) Less: 50% of total amount of deductible items (@50%)^^^^^ (28,894) Total core capital 155,847 Supplementary Capital: Property revaluation reserves^ 5,869 Available-for-sale investments revaluation reserves^^ 4,434 Unrealised fair value gains from financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss 137 Regulatory reserve^^^ 4,148 Collective provisions 5,078 Perpetual subordinated debt 9,415 Paid-up irredeemable cumulative preference shares 16,610 Term subordinated debt 11,970 Paid-up term preference shares 21,835 Less: 50% of total amount of deductible items (@50%)^^^^^ (28,894) Total supplementary capital 50,602 Capital base 206,449 Total deductible items^^^^^ 57,788 There is no relevant capital shortfall in any of the group's subsidiaries which are not included in its consolidation group for regulatory purposes. ^ Includes the revaluation surplus on investment properties which is reported as part of retained profits. ^^ Includes adjustments made in accordance with guidelines issued by the HKMA. ^^^ The regulatory reserve is maintained for satisfying the Banking Ordinance for prudential supervision. ^^^^ After deduction of minority interests in unconsolidated subsidiary companies. ^^^^^ Total deductible items are deducted from institution's core capital and supplementary capital. The capital ratios on a consolidated basis calculated in accordance with the Rules are as follows: At 31Dec07 Capital adequacy ratio 11.6% Core capital ratio 8.8% The table below sets out an analysis of regulatory capital and capital adequacy ratios for the group. They are calculated in accordance with the Third Schedule of the Hong Kong Banking Ordinance. This basis is different from the basis used at 31 December 2007, and the numbers are therefore not strictly comparable. Figures in HK$m At 31Dec06 Composition of capital Tier 1: Total shareholders' equity 145,450 Less: proposed dividend (6,500) property revaluation reserves^ (7,892) available-for-sale investment reserve^^ (26,028) classified as regulatory reserve^^^ (1,689) goodwill (4,182) others (138) Irredeemable non-cumulative preference shares 51,735 Minority interests^^^^ 17,483 Total qualifying tier 1 capital 168,239 Tier 2: Property revaluation reserves (@70%) 5,524 Available-for-sale investment reserve (@70%) 18,220 Collective impairment provision and regulatory reserve 6,610 Perpetual subordinated debt 9,370 Term subordinated debt 9,849 Term preference shares 8,165 Irredeemable cumulative preference shares 16,563 Total qualifying tier 2 capital 74,301 Deductions (58,559) Total capital 183,981 Risk-weighted assets 1,367,607 ^ Includes the revaluation surplus on investment properties, which is now reported as part of retained profits. ^^ Includes adjustments made in accordance with guidelines issued by HKMA. ^^^ The regulatory reserve is maintained for the purpose of satisfying the Banking Ordinance for prudential supervision. Movements in this reserve are made in consultation with the HKMA. ^^^^ After deduction of minority interests in unconsolidated accounts of subsidiary companies. The group's capital adequacy ratios adjusted for market risks calculated in accordance with the HKMA Guideline on 'Maintenance of Adequate Capital Against Market Risks' are as follows: At 31Dec06 Total capital 13.5% Tier 1 capital 12.3% The group's capital adequacy ratios calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Third Schedule of the Banking Ordinance, which does not take into account market risks, are as follows: At 31Dec06 Total capital 13.0% Tier 1 capital 11.8% 27. Liquidity ratio The Hong Kong Banking Ordinance requires banks operating in Hong Kong to maintain a minimum liquidity ratio of 25 per cent, calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Fourth Schedule of the Banking Ordinance. This requirement applies separately to the Hong Kong branches of the bank and to those subsidiary companies which are Authorised Institutions under the Banking Ordinance in Hong Kong. 2007 2006 The average liquidity ratio for the year was as follows: Hong Kong branches of the bank 57.0% 49.3% 28. Property revaluation The group's premises and investment properties were revalued as at 30 September 2007 and updated for any material changes as at 31 December 2007. The basis of valuation was open market value or depreciated replacement cost. Premises and investment properties in the Hong Kong SAR, the Macau SAR and mainland China, which represent 93 per cent by value of the group's properties subject to valuation, were valued by DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Limited. The valuations were carried out by qualified valuers who are members of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. Properties in 11 other countries, which represent seven per cent by value of the group's properties, were valued by different independent professionally qualified valuers. The September property revaluation, together with the revaluation of Hong Kong properties undertaken in June 2007, has resulted in an increase in the group's revaluation reserves of HK$2,432 million, net of deferred taxation of HK$658 million, and a credit to the income statement of HK$384 million. Of the HK$384 million credit to the income statement, HK$262 million represents the surplus on the revaluation of investment properties and HK$122 million relates to the reversal of previous revaluation deficits that had arisen when the value of certain premises fell below depreciated historical cost. 29. Accounting policies The accounting policies applied in preparing this news release are the same as those applied in preparing the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2006, as disclosed in the Annual Report and Accounts for 2006. 30. Statutory accounts The information in this news release is not audited and does not constitute statutory accounts. Certain financial information in this news release is extracted from the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007, which were approved by the Board of Directors on 3 March 2008 and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies and the HKMA. The Auditors expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements in their report dated 3 March 2008. The Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007, which include the financial statements, can be obtained on request from Group Communications, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong, and will be made available on our website: A further press release will be issued to announce the availability of this information. 31. Ultimate holding company The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited is an indirectly held, wholly-owned subsidiary of HSBC Holdings plc. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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