Holding in Company

HSBC Holdings PLC 22 May 2001 Letter to Company Announcements Office Section 198 - Companies Act 1985 The Company was notified today that Barclays PLC, through its subsidiary Barclays Bank PLC, had a notifiable interest as at 21 May 2001 in 361,011,143 ordinary shares of US$0.50 each in HSBC Holdings plc, representing approximately 3.86% of the ordinary shares in issue. A copy of the letter of notification, including a list of the registered holders of the shares where known, is quoted below. Letter from P A Stafford Senior Assistant Secretary HSBC Holdings plc 22 May 2001 Letter to HSBC Holdings plc Companies Act 1985 ('The Act') - Part VI I hereby inform you that as of the date of this letter Barclays PLC, through its subsidiary Barclays Bank PLC, has a notifiable interest in the capital of your Company of 3.86%. Details of this interest, together with a breakdown between registered holders (as required by Section 202(3) of the Act), are set out on the attached schedule. The issued capital of 9,332,679,082 is the latest figure available to us. If this is incorrect please let me know. If you have any questions arising from this letter, please contact me on 020 7699 2305. Letter from Sarah Waine Head of Secretarial Services Group Corporate Secretariat Barclays 21 May 2001 Barclays Bank PLC - Registered Holders Analysis HSBC HLDGS Sedol Number: 540528 As at 21/5/2001 Barclays PLC, through its subsidiary Barclays Bank PLC, had a notifiable interest in 361,011,143 ORD USD0.50 (UK REG) units representing 3.86% of the issued share capital of 9332679082 units. Registered Holder Holding MSTC Nominees Ltd 240,772 MSTC Nominees Ltd 770,995 Barclays Capital Nominees Limited 5,021,125 Bank of Ireland Nominees Limited 289175 112,364 Bank of Ireland Nominees Limited 73520 909,107 Dematerialised 38,170 Chase Nominees Limited 16331 3,432,732 Chase Nominees Limited 16338 453,957 Chase Nominees Limited 16341 8,946,151 Chase Nominees Limited 16342 849,304 Chase Nominees Limited 16344 475,584 Chase Nominees Limited 16345 838,458 Chase Nominees Limited 16376 1,403,317 Chase Nominees Limited 16400 87,341,122 Chase Nominees Limited 16530 21,073,929 Chase Nominees Limited 18408 909,153 Chase Nominees Limited 20947 14,911,132 DEM69 200,734 Barclays Bank Trust Co Ltd & third party nominee 15,143 Barclays Bank Trust Co Ltd as executor 347,598 *** Unknown *** 11,334 Zeban Nominees Limited 1,500 Phildrew Nominees Limited 380,000 Barclays Bank Trust Co Ltd - IMA 21,887 Twenty Nine Gracechurch Street Nominees Limited a/c 48,597,809 5781C Twenty-Nine Gracechurch Street Nominees Limited Account 311,394 5781C Chase Manhattan Bank 971,457 Chase Nominees Ltd A/C Lend 16201 393,902 Chase Nominees Ltd A/C BGIOMNI 19688 1,323,919 *** Unknown *** 24,163 Investors Bank & Trust Company 299,341 *** Unknown *** 7,536,994 *** Unknown *** 4,030,479 *** Unknown *** 69,005 *** Unknown *** 328,608 *** Unknown *** 88,196 *** Unknown *** 164,727 *** Unknown *** 167,739 *** Unknown *** 31,500 Barclays Bank Trust Co Ltd and another 6,753 Barclays Capital Securities Limited 146,888,589 Nutraco Nominees Limited 1,071,000 Total 361,011,143
UK 100