HSBC Canada 3Q02 Results
HSBC Holdings PLC
24 October 2002
*Net income was C$195 million for the nine months ended 30 September 2002, an
increase of 19.6 per cent from C$163 million in the same period of 2001.
*Net income was C$78 million for the quarter ended 30 September 2002, an
increase of 36.8 per cent from C$57 million in the third quarter of 2001.
*Return on average common equity was 16.5 per cent for the nine months ended 30
September 2002 and 20.1 per cent for the quarter ended 30 September 2002.
*The cost:income ratio (excluding amortisation of goodwill and intangible
assets) was 55.3 per cent for the nine months ended 30 September 2002 and 49.8
per cent for the quarter ended 30 September 2002, compared with 57.9 per cent
and 56.7 per cent for the respective periods in 2001.
*Total assets of C$35.8 billion at 30 September 2002 compared to C$32.6 billion
at 30 September 2001.
*Total assets under administration were C$14.1 billion at 30 September 2002, of
which C$10.0 billion were funds under management and C$4.1 billion were custody
and administration accounts.
Financial Commentary
HSBC Bank Canada recorded net income of C$195 million for the nine months ended
30 September 2002, an increase of C$32 million, or 19.6 per cent, from C$163
million for the nine months ended 30 September 2001. Net income for the quarter
ended 30 September 2002 was C$78 million compared to C$57 million for the third
quarter of 2001, an increase of 36.8 per cent. The increase was primarily
attributed to higher net interest income and a lower effective tax rate,
partially offset by a larger credit loss provision.
Martin Glynn, President and Chief Executive Officer, said: "Net interest income
continues to be strong and benefited from continued growth in our residential
mortgage portfolio and higher net interest margins during the quarter. We are
encouraged that revenue from our non-market sensitive lines of business has
continued to grow. However, weakness in the equity markets has continued to
dampen our capital market revenues relative to the prior year comparative
"Provisions for credit losses were higher in the third quarter of 2002 compared
to the third quarter of last year but were lower than the second quarter of
2002. Overall, underlying credit quality remains strong and we remain adequately
"From a customer perspective, there have already been many success stories where
HSBC clients, from both sides of the border, have benefited as a result of our
North American alignment. We are striving to provide our customers with seamless
cross-border service and products they should expect from a truly North American
bank. This will clearly differentiate us from our competitors and strengthen the
reputation of HSBC as 'The world's local bank'.
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff for their high quality
work and continued efforts to maintain our excellent customer service and good
results during uncertain international economic conditions."
Net interest income
Net interest income for the third quarter of 2002 was C$222 million, an increase
of C$26 million, or 13.3 per cent, from C$196 million in the third quarter of
2001. For the nine months ended 30 September 2002 net interest income was C$646
million, an increase of 16.0 per cent from C$557 million in the comparative
period of 2001.
HSBC Bank Canada continues to benefit from lower funding costs, due in part to
the lower interest rate environment in 2002. In addition, the residential
mortgage portfolio continued to show strong growth as the housing market in
Canada remained robust. The net interest margin widened to 2.84 per cent for the
quarter ended 30 September 2002 compared with 2.76 per cent for the same period
in 2001.
Other income
Other income was C$105 million in the third quarter of 2002 compared to C$102
million in the third quarter of 2001. For the nine months ended 30 September
2002, other income was C$318 million compared to C$308 million for the same
period in 2001. Other income for the third quarter benefited from higher fees
generated in our merchant banking business. This was partially offset by the
negative impact on capital market fees, resulting from the continuing
uncertainty in global equity markets and the restructuring of the institutional
equity business announced in the second quarter of this year.
Excluding capital market fees, trading revenue and securitisation income, other
income from the bank's other lines of business increased 7.7 per cent for the
quarter ended 30 September 2002 compared to the same period in 2001.
Non-interest expenses
Non-interest expenses were C$165 million in the quarter ended 30 September 2002
compared to C$171 million in the third quarter of 2001. For the nine months
ended 30 September 2002, non-interest expenses were C$539 million compared to
C$507 million for the same period in 2001. As a result of the prior
restructuring, salaries and benefits were lower in the third quarter of 2002
compared to the same quarter in 2001. Variable compensation was higher in the
third quarter of 2002 compared to the second quarter of 2002, partially due to
the increased merchant banking fees this quarter.
Continued cost containment measures have resulted in a significant decrease in
the cost:income ratio. The cost:income ratio, excluding amortisation of goodwill
and intangible assets, for the third quarter of 2002 was 49.8 per cent compared
to 56.7 per cent for the same period in 2001.
Provision for income taxes
The provision for income taxes was C$46 million for the third quarter of 2002
compared to C$42 million for the same quarter in 2001. On a year-to-date basis,
the provision for income taxes was C$116 million in 2002 compared to C$121
million in 2001. The lower effective tax rate in 2002 reflects lower tax rates
in Canada compared to the prior year.
Credit quality and provision for credit losses
The provision for credit losses was C$34 million in the third quarter of 2002
compared to C$24 million in the third quarter of 2001. For the nine months ended
30 September 2002, the provision for credit losses was C$102 million compared to
C$62 million for the same period in 2001. The higher provision levels in 2002
reflect an exposure to the telecommunications sector. While the provision was
higher compared to the same period in 2001, it was lower compared to the C$43
million in the second quarter of 2002.
Balance sheet
Total assets at 30 September 2002 were C$35.8 billion, up C$2.5 billion from
C$33.3 billion at 31 December 2001. Loans increased by C$2.0 billion to C$23.8
billion due primarily to a C$1.2 billion increase in residential mortgages, net
of securitisations, and C$0.8 billion in loans to businesses and governments.
Total deposits increased C$1.6 billion from C$26.7 billion at 31 December 2001
to C$28.3 billion at 30 September 2002. Deposits from individuals grew C$0.7
billion to C$14.1 billion and businesses and government deposits increased by
C$0.8 billion to C$12.4 billion over the same period.
Total assets under administration
Funds under management were C$10.0 billion at 30 September 2002 compared to
C$10.5 billion at 30 June 2002 and C$9.0 billion at 30 September 2001. Including
custody and administration balances, total assets under administration were
C$14.1 billion compared with C$14.7 billion at 30 June 2002.
Capital ratios
The bank's tier 1 capital ratio was 8.3 per cent and the total capital ratio was
11.3 per cent at 30 September 2002. This compares with 8.3 per cent and 10.9 per
cent, respectively, at 30 September 2001 and 8.1 per cent and 11.1 per cent,
respectively, at 30 June 2002.
A regular dividend of 39.0625 cents per share (totalling C$2 million) has been
declared on the Class 1 Preferred Shares - Series A. The dividend will be
payable in cash on 31 December 2002, for shareholders of record on 13 December
About HSBC Bank Canada
HSBC Bank Canada (HSB.PR.A - TSX), a subsidiary of HSBC Holdings plc, has more
than 160 offices. With some 7,000 offices in 81 countries and territories and
assets of US$746 billion at 30 June 2002, the HSBC Group is one of the world's
largest banking and financial services organisations. For more information about
HSBC Bank Canada and its products and services, visit our website at
Copies of HSBC Bank Canada's third quarter 2002 report will be sent to
shareholders during November 2002.
This document may contain forward-looking statements, including statements
regarding the business and anticipated financial performance of HSBC Bank
Canada. These statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that
may cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated by the
forward-looking statements. Some of the factors that could cause such
differences include legislative or regulatory developments, competition,
technological change, global capital market activity, changes in government
monetary and economic policies, changes in prevailing interest rates, inflation
levels and general economic conditions in geographic areas where HSBC Bank
Canada operates.
Quarter ended Nine months ended
Figures in C$ millions 30Sep02 30Jun02 30Sept01 30Sept02 30Sept01
(except per share amounts)
Net income 78 41 57 195 163
Basic earnings per share 0.17 0.09 0.12 0.41 0.34
Performance ratios (%)
Return on average common equity 20.1 10.1 15.5 16.5 15.5
Return on average assets 0.86 0.45 0.68 0.73 0.67
Net interest margin 2.84 2.82 2.76 2.85 2.70
Cost:income ratio(^) 49.8 64.2 56.7 55.3 57.9
Other income:total income ratio 32.1 32.6 34.2 33.0 35.6
(^)Excluding amortisation of goodwill and intangible assets.
Credit information
Impaired loans 317 347 266
Allowance for credit losses
- Balance at end of period 373 359 318
- As a percentage of impaired loans 118 % 103 % 120 %
- As a percentage of loans outstanding 1.54 % 1.53 % 1.40 %
Average balances
Assets 35,196 34,598 31,976 34,517 31,244
Loans 23,293 22,885 22,383 22,768 20,928
Deposits 28,291 27,738 25,854 27,589 25,200
Common equity 1,502 1,563 1,410 1,532 1,360
Capital ratios (%)
Tier 1 8.3 8.1 8.3
Total capital 11.3 11.1 10.9
Total assets under administration (^)(^)
Funds under management 10,034 10,495 9,005
Custodial accounts 4,080 4,210 2,172
Total assets under administration 14,114 14,705 11,177
(^)(^)Amounts prior to 30 September 2002 have been restated to eliminate inter-company holdings of assets.
Consolidated Statement of Income (Unaudited)
Quarter ended Nine months ended
Figures in C$ millions 30Sept02 30Jun02 30Sept01 30Sept02 30 Sept01
(except per share amounts)
Interest and dividend income
Loans 322 318 368 939 1,119
Securities 26 28 36 81 123
Deposits with regulated
financial institutions 26 14 27 58 101
Total interest income 374 360 431 1,078 1,343
Interest expense
Deposits 142 139 227 406 762
Debentures 10 8 8 26 24
Total interest expense 152 147 235 432 786
Net interest income 222 213 196 646 557
Provision for credit losses 34 43 24 102 62
Net interest income after
provision for credit losses 188 170 172 544 495
Other income
Deposit and payment service charges 20 18 17 55 50
Credit fees 15 16 14 46 39
Capital market fees 15 15 18 50 64
Mutual fund and administration fees 15 15 15 45 45
Foreign exchange 15 13 13 40 37
Trade finance 7 7 7 20 18
Trading revenue 3 5 3 10 11
Securitisation income 3 2 3 17 10
Other 12 12 12 35 34
Total other income 105 103 102 318 08
Net interest and other income 293 273 274 862 803
Non-interest expenses
Salaries and employee benefits 86 83 90 254 261
Premises and equipment 23 27 25 78 84
Other 56 67 56 179 162
Restructuring costs - 28 - 28 -
Total non-interest expenses 165 205 171 539 507
Income before taxes and non-
controlling interest in income of trust 128 68 103 323 296
Provision for income taxes 46 23 42 116 121
Non-controlling interest in income
of trust 4 4 4 12 12
Net income 78 41 57 195 163
Preferred share dividends 2 2 2 6 6
Net income attributable to
common shares 76 39 55 189
Average common shares
outstanding (000's) 456,168 456,168 456,168 456,168 456,168
Basic earnings per share ($) 0.17 0.09 0.12 0.41 0.34
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited)
At 30Sept02 At 31Dec01 At 30Sept01
Figures in C$ millions
Cash and deposits with Bank of Canada 353 466 335
Deposits with regulated financial institutions 3,340 3,261 2,772
3,693 3,727 3,107
Investment securities 2,286 2,474 2,383
Trading securities 1,142 1,153 954
3,428 3,627 3,337
Assets purchased under
reverse repurchase agreements 939 428 364
Businesses and government 12,342 11,575 12,554
Residential mortgage 9,554 8,377 7,977
Consumer 2,320 2,233 2,158
Allowance for credit losses (373 ) (315 ) (318 )
23,843 21,870 22,371
Customers' liability under acceptances 2,563 2,571 2,113
Land, buildings and equipment 104 124 116
Other assets 1,193 913 1,220
3,860 3,608 3,449
Total assets 35,763 33,260 32,628
Liabilities and shareholders' equity
Regulated financial institutions 1,866 1,747 1,520
Individuals 14,052 13,390 13,110
Businesses and governments 12,391 11,570 11,835
28,309 26,707 26,465
Subordinated debentures 548 447 446
Acceptances 2,563 2,571 2,113
Assets sold under repurchase agreements 87 7 -
Other liabilities 2,362 1,686 1,811
Non-controlling interest in trust and subsidiary 230 230 230
5,242 4,494 4,154
Shareholders' equity
Preferred shares 125 125 125
Common shares 935 935 935
Contributed surplus 165 165 165
Retained earnings 439 387 338
1,664 1,612 1,563
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 35,763 33,260 32,628
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Unaudited)
Quarter ended Nine months ended
Figures in C$ millions 30Sept02 30Jun02 30Sept01 30Sept02 30Sept01
Cash flows provided by/(used in):
Operating activities 402 246 (365 ) 743 (42 )
Financing activities 9 1,326 1,787 1,626 2,933
Investing activities (938 ) (466 ) (955 ) (2,333 ) (2,384 )
(Decrease)/increase in cash and
cash equivalents (527 ) 1,106 467 36 507
Cash and cash equivalents,
beginning of period 3,701 2,595 2,378 3,138 2,338
Cash and cash equivalents,
end of period 3,174 3,701 2,845 3,174 2,845
Represented by:
Cash resources per balance sheet 3,693 4,275 3,107
less non-operating (519 ) (574 ) (262 )
Cash and cash equivalents,
end of period 3,174 3,701 2,845
(^) Non operating deposits are comprised primarily of cash which reprices after 90 days and cash restricted for
recourse on securitisation transactions.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange