HSBC FY05 REL1;Pt 2/4

HSBC Holdings PLC 06 March 2006 2004 Year ended 31Dec 2005 US$m US$m £m HK$m For the year 18,943 Profit before tax 20,966 11,531 163,073 Profit attributable to shareholders of 12,918 the parent company 15,081 8,295 117,300 6,932 Dividends 7,750 4,263 60,280 At year-end 85,522 Total shareholders' equity 92,432 53,704 716,718 90,780 Capital resources 105,449 61,266 817,652 777,127 Customer accounts and deposits by banks 809,146 470,112 6,274,118 1,279,974 Total assets 1,501,970 872,645 11,646,275 759,210 Risk-weighted assets 827,164 480,582 6,413,830 US$ Per share US$ £ HK$ 1.18 Basic earnings 1.36 0.75 10.58 1.17 Diluted earnings 1.35 0.74 10.50 0.63 Dividends^ 0.69 0.38 5.36 7.66 Net asset value 8.16 4.74 63.27 Share information 11,172m US$0.50 ordinary shares in issue 11,334m US$190bn Market capitalisation US$182bn £8.79 Closing market price per share £9.33 Over 1 Over 3 Over 5 year years years Total shareholder return to 31Dec05^^ 111.3 158.8 121.2 Benchmarks: FTSE 100 120.8 158.4 105.9 MSCI World 123.1 159.1 99.1 ^ The fourth interim dividend for 2005 of US$0.31 per share is translated at the closing rate on 31 December 2005 (see note 11 on page 28). Where required, this dividend will be converted into sterling or Hong Kong dollars at the exchange rates on 2 May 2006 (see Note 2 on page 16). Under IFRSs accounting rules, the dividend per share of US$0.69 shown in the accounts is the total of the dividends declared during 2005. This represents the fourth interim dividend for 2004 and the first, second and third interim dividends for 2005. As the fourth interim dividend for 2005 was declared in 2006 it will be reflected in the accounts for 2006. ^^ Total shareholder return ('TSR') is as defined in the Annual Report and Accounts 2005 on page 220. 2004 Year ended 31 Dec 2005 Performance ratios (%) 15.0 Return on average invested capital^ 15.9 16.3 Return on average total shareholders' equity 16.8 1.14 Post-tax return on average total assets 1.06 2.13 Post-tax return on average risk-weighted assets 2.01 Efficiency and revenue mix ratios 51.6 Cost efficiency ratio 51.2 As a percentage of total operating income: 55.5 - Net interest income 50.8 23.1 - Net fee income 23.4 5.0 - Net trading income 9.5 Capital ratios 8.9 - Tier 1 capital 9.0 12.0 - Total capital 12.8 ^ Return on invested capital is based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders. Average invested capital is measured as average total shareholders' equity after adding back goodwill previously written-off directly to reserves, deducting average equity preference shares issued by HSBC Holdings and deducting/(adding) average reserves for unrealised gains/(losses) on effective cash flow hedges and available-for-sale securities. This measure reflects capital initially invested and subsequent profit. Consolidated Income Statement 31Dec04 Year ended 31Dec05 US$m US$m £m HK$m 50,471 Interest income 60,094 33,052 467,411 (19,372) Interest expense (28,760) (15,817) (223,694) 31,099 Net interest income 31,334 17,235 243,717 15,902 Fee income 17,486 9,617 136,006 (2,954) Fee expense (3,030) (1,666) (23,567) 12,948 Net fee income 14,456 7,951 112,439 Trading income excluding net interest 2,786 income 3,656 2,011 28,436 - Net interest income on trading activities 2,208 1,214 17,174 2,786 Net trading income 5,864 3,225 45,610 - Net income from financial instruments - designated at fair value 1,034 569 8,042 Net investment income on assets backing 1,012 policyholders' liabilities - - - Gains less losses from financial 540 investments 692 381 5,382 622 Dividend income 155 85 1,206 5,368 Net earned insurance premiums 5,436 2,990 42,280 1,613 Other operating income 2,733 1,502 21,256 55,988 Total operating income 61,704 33,938 479,932 Net insurance claims incurred and (4,635) movement in policyholders' liabilities (4,067) (2,237) (31,633) Net operating income before loan impairment charges and other credit 51,353 risk provisions 57,637 31,701 448,299 Loan impairment charges and other (6,191) credit risk provisions (7,801) (4,290) (60,677) 45,162 Net operating income 49,836 27,411 387,622 (14,523) Employee compensation and benefits (16,145) (8,880) (125,576) (9,739) General and administrative expenses (11,183) (6,150) (86,977) Depreciation of property, plant and (1,731) equipment (1,632) (898) (12,694) (494) Amortisation of intangible assets (554) (305) (4,309) (26,487) Total operating expenses (29,514) (16,233) (229,556) 18,675 Operating profit 20,322 11,178 158,066 Share of profit in associates and joint 268 ventures 644 353 5,010 18,943 Profit before tax 20,966 11,531 163,076 (4,685) Tax expense (5,093) (2,800) (39,616) 14,258 Profit for the year 15,873 8,731 123,460 Profit attributable to shareholders of 12,918 the parent company 15,081 8,295 117,300 Profit attributable to minority 1,340 interests 792 436 6,160 Consolidated Balance Sheet At 31Dec04 At 31Dec05 US$m US$m £m HK$m ASSETS 9,944 Cash and balances at central banks 13,712 7,967 106,323 6,338 Items in the course of collection from 11,300 6,565 87,620 other banks Hong Kong Government certificates of 11,878 indebtedness 12,554 7,294 97,344 122,160 Trading assets 190,257 110,539 1,475,251 Trading assets which may be repledged or - resold by counterparties 42,652 24,781 330,724 - Financial assets designated at fair value 15,046 8,742 116,667 32,190 Derivatives 73,928 42,952 573,238 143,449 Loans and advances to banks 125,965 73,186 976,733 672,891 Loans and advances to customers 740,002 429,941 5,737,975 185,332 Financial investments 176,301 102,431 1,367,038 Financial investments which may be - repledged or resold by counterparties 6,041 3,510 46,842 3,441 Interests in associates and joint ventures 7,249 4,212 56,209 34,495 Goodwill and intangible assets 33,200 19,289 257,433 15,624 Property, plant and equipment 15,206 8,835 117,907 23,077 Other assets 26,596 15,452 206,225 19,155 Prepayments and accrued income 11,961 6,949 92,746 1,279,974 Total assets 1,501,970 872,645 11,646,275 At 31Dec04 At 31Dec05 US$m US$m £m HK$m LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities 11,878 Hong Kong currency notes in 12,554 7,294 97,344 circulation 84,055 Deposits by banks 69,727 40,511 540,663 693,072 Customer accounts 739,419 429,601 5,733,455 Items in the course of transmission to 5,301 other banks 7,022 4,080 54,449 46,460 Trading liabilities 174,365 101,306 1,352,024 Financial liabilities designated at fair - value 61,829 35,923 479,422 34,988 Derivatives 74,036 43,015 574,075 211,721 Debt securities in issue 188,072 109,271 1,458,310 6,475 Retirement benefit liabilities 4,869 2,829 37,754 20,581 Other liabilities 26,515 15,405 205,597 Liabilities under insurance contracts - issued 14,144 8,218 109,673 Liabilities to policyholders under 19,190 long-term assurance business - - - 16,499 Accruals and deferred income 12,689 7,372 98,391 Provisions 1,435 - Deferred tax 530 308 4,110 2,636 - Other provisions 1,436 834 11,135 26,486 Subordinated liabilities 16,537 9,608 128,228 1,180,777 Total liabilities 1,403,744 815,575 10,884,630 Equity 5,587 Called up share capital 5,667 3,293 43,942 4,881 Share premium account 6,896 4,007 53,472 25,622 Other reserves 23,646 13,738 183,351 49,432 Retained earnings 56,223 32,666 435,953 85,522 Total shareholders' equity 92,432 53,704 716,718 13,675 Minority interests 5,794 3,366 44,927 99,197 Total equity 98,226 57,070 761,645 1,279,974 Total equity and liabilities 1,501,970 872,645 11,646,275 Consolidation Statement of Recognised Income and Expense 2004 Year ended 31Dec 2005 US$m US$m Available-for-sale investments: - - Fair value losses taken to equity (400) - - Fair value gains transferred to income statement on disposal or impairment (240) Cash flow hedges: - - Fair value changes taken to equity (92) - - Fair value changes transferred to income statement (106) - Share of changes in equity of associates and joint ventures 161 Exchange differences arising on net investments in foreign 3,720 operations (4,257) (731) Actuarial losses on post-employment benefits (812) 2,989 (5,746) 319 Net deferred tax on items taken directly to equity 437 14,258 Profit for the year 15,873 17,566 Total recognised income and expense for the year 10,564 Effect of change in accounting policy IFRSs transition adjustment at 1 January 2005 - - Available-for-sale fair value reserve 1,919 - - Cash flow hedging reserve 410 - - Foreign exchange reserve 686 - - Retained earnings (1,762) - - Minority interests (10,077) 17,566 1,740 Total recognised income and expense for the year attributable to: 15,743 - Shareholders of the parent company 9,912 1,823 - Minority interests 652 17,566 10,564 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Year ended 31Dec 2005 2004 US$m US$m Cash flows from operating activities Profit before tax 20,966 18,943 Adjustments for: Non-cash items included in net profit 1,358 368 Change in operating assets (82,710) (124,299) Change in operating liabilities 70,933 178,014 Elimination of exchange differences 2,315 (8,664) Net gain from investing activities (692) (540) Share of profits in associates and joint ventures (644) (268) Dividends received from associates 114 127 Tax paid (4,619) (3,784) Net cash from operating activities 7,021 59,897 Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of financial investments (378,103) (330,917) Proceeds from the sale of financial investments 368,696 315,437 Purchase of property, plant and equipment (2,887) (2,830) Proceeds from the sale of property, plant and equipment 620 371 Purchase of intangible assets (849) (108) Net cash outflow from acquisition of and increase in stake of subsidiaries (1,662) (2,431) Net cash inflow from disposal of subsidiaries 705 27 Net cash outflow from acquisition of and increase in stake of associates (2,569) (2,122) Proceeds from disposal of associates 422 212 Net cash used in investing activities (15,627) (22,361) Cash flows from financing activities Issue of ordinary share capital 690 581 Issuance of preference shares 1,298 - Net purchases and sales of own share for market-making purposes (55) 98 Purchases of own shares to meet share awards and share option awards (766) (345) Own shares released on vesting of share awards and exercise of options 277 159 Decrease in non-equity minority interests - 1,480 Subordinated loan capital issued 2,093 6,021 Subordinated loan capital repaid (1,121) (1,740) Dividends paid to the shareholders of the parent company (5,935) (4,425) Dividends paid to minority interests - equity (508) (664) - non-equity - (548) Net cash (used in)/from financing activities (4,027) 617 Net(decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (12,633) 38,153 Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 160,956 117,558 Exchange differences in respect of cash and cash equivalents (7,016) 5,245 Cash and cash equivalents at 31December 141,307 160,956 Additional Information 1. Accounting policies For all periods up to and including the year ended 31 December 2004, HSBC prepared its consolidated financial statements in accordance with UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ('UK GAAP'). From 1 January 2005, HSBC has prepared its consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRSs') as endorsed by the EU and effective for HSBC's reporting for the year ended 31 December 2005. In preparing its consolidated financial statements, HSBC has elected to take advantage of certain transitional provisions within IFRS 1 'First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards' ('IFRS 1') which offer exemption from presenting comparative information or applying IFRSs retrospectively. The most significant of these provisions is the exemption from presenting comparative information in accordance with IAS 32 'Financial Instruments: Presentation', IAS 39 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement', IFRS 4 'Insurance Contracts' and disclosures under IFRS 7 'Financial Instruments: Disclosure'. IFRSs accounting policies applicable to the consolidated financial statements can be found in Notes 1 and 2 of the Annual Report and Accounts. 2. Dividend On 6 March 2006, the Directors declared a fourth interim dividend for 2005 of US$0.31 per ordinary share. The dividend will be payable on 11 May 2006, to shareholders on the Register at the close of business on 24 March 2006. The dividend will be payable in cash, in US dollars, sterling or Hong Kong dollars, or a combination of these currencies, at the exchange rates quoted by HSBC Bank plc in London at or about 11 am on 2 May 2006, and with a scrip dividend alternative. Particulars of these arrangements will be mailed to shareholders on or about 4 April 2006, and elections will be required to be made by 27 April 2006. As this dividend was declared after the balance sheet date, it has not been included in 'Other liabilities' at 31 December 2005. The dividend on shares held through Euroclear France, the settlement and central depositary system for Euronext Paris, will be payable on 11 May 2006 to the holders of record on 24 March 2006. The dividend will be payable in cash, in euros at the exchange rate on 2 May 2006, or as a scrip dividend. Particulars of these arrangements will be announced through Euronext Paris on 22 March 2006 and 29 March 2006. The dividend on American Depositary Shares ('ADSs'), each of which represents five ordinary shares, will be payable on 11 May 2006 to holders of record on 24 March 2006. The dividend of US$1.55 per ADS will be payable in cash in US dollars or as a scrip dividend of new ADSs. Particulars of these arrangements will be mailed to holders on or about 31 March 2006, and elections will be required to be made by 17 April 2006. Alternatively, the cash dividend may be invested in additional ADSs for participants in the dividend reinvestment plan operated by the depositary. The Company's shares will be quoted ex-dividend in London, Hong Kong and Bermuda on 22 March 2006 and in Paris on 27 March 2006. The ADSs will be quoted ex-dividend in New York on 22 March 2006. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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