HSBC Holdings plc pt 2/3

HSBC Holdings PLC 30 July 2007 UK Commercial Banking continued to perform well. Profit before tax rose 18 per cent, our customer base expanded, and we are now the bank most recommended by our start-up customers. Investment in technology is improving customer service and productivity; the successful positioning of Business Direct has attracted over 40,000 customers since its launch in September 2006, of which 60 per cent are new to the Group. Our Personal Financial Services business in Europe was, however, 34 per cent down on the comparable period in 2006. This was largely due to two factors. First, a deliberate reduction in credit exposure to sectors whose pricing, in our view, inadequately reflects risk. Second, the impact in the UK of unauthorised overdraft fee refunds, which increased our costs by US$236 million. This is an industry-wide issue and the size of the refunds that we have made demonstrate our commitment to treating our customers in a fair and transparent manner. Indeed, we very much welcome the agreement with the OFT to take the case to court to achieve legal clarity and a resolution for our customers and our business. In Group terms, our Personal Financial Services business in the UK typically represents less than 7 per cent of our worldwide profits. Nevertheless, this remains a highly challenging operating environment. We continue to focus on customer acquisition and retention, and we see growth opportunities in wealth management and insurance to counterbalance the challenges posed by competition and regulation for current account pricing. We grew strongly in packaged fee-based accounts, in Premier accounts, and in retail savings products, which helped to offset the reduction in lending margin. Average savings balances increased by 14 per cent in the first half to US$83 billion. In First Direct we have the UK's most recommended bank - for every one of the 15 years the measure has existed - and we will learn from its expertise as we build direct channels around the world. Good progress in managing down the Mortgage Services portfolio in North America Within North America, our Canadian and Bermudian businesses grew pre-tax profits by 22 per cent and, although our US businesses were 43 per cent below the pre-tax performance achieved in the first half of 2006, they recovered strongly against the second half of last year, delivering pre-tax profits of US$1.8 billion - an improvement of US$1.5 billion. This recovery in profitability reflected the success of the steps we have taken to manage loss exposure within the correspondent channel mortgage business. There was no significant change to the levels of loan impairment reserves established at the end of last year. Credit impairment charges in Mortgage Services in the half year were US$760 million and we wrote off loans of US$715 million against allowances already raised. As a result our impairment allowances remained largely unchanged at US$2.1 billion. We have stopped underwriting sub-prime mortgages within the Mortgage Services correspondent business, centralised collection activities at one centre for the most at-risk customers, made management changes in key accountabilities, and put in place a proactive calling programme to reach out to customers facing interest rate resets in the coming months. In contrast to many lenders, we are able to manage these relationships directly because we own the loan and the servicing. This means that we can have a more positive dialogue with customers and can actively manage our portfolio in this challenging environment. Since we started the contact programme at the end of 2006, we have contacted 19,000 customers, and have modified the loans for over 5,000 of them, benefiting both our customers and our business. With the benefit of a resilient US economy, we have managed down the Mortgage Services exposure to US$41.4 billion, a reduction of some US$8 billion from the beginning of the year, a trend we hope to continue in the second half. We have also managed down the value of resets in the Mortgage Services portfolio due in the second half by almost a quarter to US$5.3 billion. Elsewhere in US consumer finance, the remaining US businesses continued to meet expectations, led by branch-based consumer lending. There is growing evidence that the reduction of capacity in the sub-prime mortgage industry, coupled with curtailment of most of the structured 'affordability' products offered, are leading to more disciplined underwriting and pricing across the industry. This is reducing acquisition costs and improving customer retention. As a result, our US consumer finance revenues were 2 per cent and 5 per cent higher compared with the first and second halves of 2006, respectively. In our US retail bank, we continued to expand outside of residential mortgage lending. We are growing our branch network in California, Connecticut, New Jersey, Florida and the Metro DC Area, and continuing to roll out HSBC Direct, our highly successful online business. Record results in CIBM reflecting focus on emerging markets and financing Our strategy of positioning our CIBM business as emerging markets-led and financing-focused is paying off, with profits growing by 32 per cent to a new high of US$4 billion. Asian (including Middle Eastern) and Latin American operations contributed 49 per cent of CIBM's pre-tax profits in the first half of 2007. In Asia, success in financing and providing structuring and hedging solutions for the growing investment flows into and from the region, together with growth in traditional foreign exchange and securities activities, delivered an additional US$479 million of pre-tax profits, a rise of 36 per cent. Europe also achieved strong growth as CIBM's product hubs in London and Paris delivered a full spectrum of products both within Europe and to the global HSBC network. Especially encouraging was the growing number of notable mandates in sizeable cross-border financing transactions which leveraged HSBC's presence in both countries. These included: Saudi Basic Industries Corp.'s US$11.6 billion acquisition of GE Plastics; Singapore Telecommunications Ltd.'s US$758 million acquisition of 30 per cent of Warid Telecom (Pvt) Ltd. of Pakistan; National Titanium Dioxide Co. of Saudi Arabia's US$1.2 billion acquisition of Lyondell Chemical Co.'s inorganic chemicals business in the US; and Dubai Drydocks' S$650 million acquisition of Pan-United Marine Ltd. of Singapore. HSBC also acted as lead arranger of financing facilities for Macquarie of £1.8 billion for the acquisition of O2 Airwave and £3.4 billion for the acquisition of National Grid Wireless. We were pleased to be recognised in industry awards: HSBC was named global 'Best Risk Management House' in the Euromoney magazine 2007 Awards for Excellence. We also won global 'Best Cash Management House' in the Euromoney awards. In debt capital markets HSBC ranked first in the Asian local currency Bloomberg bond league table, first in the sterling bond league table and sixth in the international bond league table. Developing our income stream in Insurance Less than 15 per cent of HSBC customers currently take an insurance product from us. Our insurance operations across our customer groups are making an important contribution to the Group and we believe that insurance has the potential over time to represent a fifth of Group pre-tax profits. We have started our work towards this by strengthening the management team and launching the 'HSBC Insurance' brand, repositioning for growth and aiming to be a top-10 player. We are committed to the life pensions and investments business and to working with preferred strategic partners in general insurance, and to raising the Group's retention levels. We announced three insurance deals in three months. In France, where we are building our life, pensions, investments and retirement services business, we acquired the remaining 50 per cent of Erisa, the life, property and casualty insurer, from our former joint venture partner, Swiss Life, for a consideration of €229 million. In the UK, HSBC Bank plans to partner with Aviva to create a joint venture under the 'HSBC Insurance' brand. In India, we plan to create a joint venture life insurance company - Canara HSBC Life Insurance - with Canara Bank and the Oriental Bank of Commerce. The new company will have access to the customers of both banks - 40 million people in total - and provides a platform for growth in India's growing life insurance market. Global wealth creation supporting strong growth in private banking Given the strong economic background and buoyant property and stock markets in many parts of the world, increasing wealth accumulation drove strong growth in client assets and sales of structured investment products within our private banking operations. Client assets grew by 11 per cent to reach US$370 billion. Fee revenues within the private bank were up by 15 per cent to a record US$811 million. In part, this reflected improved cooperation between our commercial bank and the private bank in terms of customer referral, and the use of our in-house structuring capabilities in CIBM to build the products demanded by the private bank's customers. Global credit environment Apart from US sub-prime mortgages, the credit environment generally remained favourable globally in the first half of the year, with continuing low levels of impairment emerging across our corporate and commercial lending books. Encouragingly, the more recent underwriting of unsecured personal lending in the UK has performed better, although credit impairment has remained at the elevated levels experienced in the past two years. High levels of liquidity and demand for higher yielding debt, combined with investor appetite for higher leverage, have historically supported the restructuring of corporate balance sheets. We remain alert, however, to the probability of a change in sentiment, in particular as risk premia are rising and interest rates move on an upward trend across much of the world. A clear way forward The management team has a clear strategy to execute and we have produced strong results for the half-year. We will build on these results during the rest of the year. We are focused on growing revenues by joining up the company for the benefit of our customers. We are intent on slowing cost growth by using technology to re-engineer our processes in a meaningful way. We believe there is great potential to unlock further value from HSBC and we aim to do precisely that. Financial Overview Half-year to Half-year to 30Jun07 30Jun07 30Jun06 31Dec06 £m HK$m US$m US$m US$m For the period 7,188 110,611 Profit before tax 14,159 12,517 9,569 Profit attributable to shareholders of the parent 5,531 85,112 company 10,895 8,729 7,060 3,143 48,372 Dividends 6,192 5,270 3,499 At the period-end 59,738 936,374 Total shareholders' equity 119,780 101,381 108,352 68,347 1,071,319 Capital resources 137,042 116,636 127,074 489,168 7,667,605 Customer accounts 980,832 833,742 896,834 1,072,485 16,810,965 Total assets 2,150,441 1,738,138 1,860,758 519,445 8,142,187 Risk-weighted assets 1,041,540 872,893 938,678 £ HK$ US$ US$ US$ Per ordinary share 0.48 7.42 Basic earnings 0.95 0.78 0.62 0.48 7.34 Diluted earnings 0.94 0.77 0.62 0.27 4.13 Dividends^ 0.53 0.46 0.30 5.04 79.05 Net asset value 10.10 8.71 9.24 Share information US$0.50 ordinary shares in issue 11,713m 11,481m 11,572m Market capitalisation US$215bn US$202bn US$212bn Closing market price per share £9.15 £9.52 £9.31 Over 1 Over 3 Over 5 year years years Total shareholder return to 30Jun07^^ 101.2 129.1 156.6 Benchmarks: FTSE 100 117.1 163.8 168.5 MSCI World 124.2 161.4 197.2 ^ The second interim dividend for 2007 of US$0.17 per ordinary share is translated at the closing rate on 30 June 2007 (see note 7 on page 25). Where required, this dividend will be converted into sterling or Hong Kong dollars at the exchange rates on 24 September 2007 (see note 7 on page 25). ^^ Total shareholder return ('TSR') is as defined on page 282 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2006. Half-year to 30Jun07 30Jun06 31Dec06 % % % Performance ratios Return on average invested capital^ 18.4 17.2 12.8 Return on average total shareholders' equity 19.1 18.1 13.4 Post-tax return on average total assets 1.19 1.12 0.88 Post-tax return on average risk-weighted assets 2.30 2.21 1.65 Efficiency and revenue mix ratios Cost efficiency ratio 48.3 50.1 52.5 As a percentage of total operating income: - Net interest income 43.3 48.7 49.7 - Net fee income 24.9 24.4 24.6 - Net trading income 13.1 12.4 11.1 Capital ratios - Tier 1 capital 9.3 9.4 9.4 - Total capital 13.2 13.4 13.5 ^ Average invested capital is measured as average total shareholders' equity after adding back goodwill previously written-off directly to reserves, deducting average equity preference shares issued by HSBC Holdings and deducting average reserves for unrealised gains/(losses) on effective cash flow hedges and available-for-sale securities. This measure reflects capital initially invested and subsequent profit. Consolidated Income Statement Half-year to Half-year to 30Jun07 30Jun07 30Jun06 31Dec06 £m HK$m US$m US$m US$m 22,116 340,348 Interest income 43,567 35,785 40,094 (12,862) (197,934) Interest expense (25,337) (19,054) (22,339) 9,254 142,414 Net interest income 18,230 16,731 17,755 6,339 97,557 Fee income 12,488 10,441 10,639 (1,012) (15,569) Fee expense (1,993) (2,061) (1,837) 5,327 81,988 Net fee income 10,495 8,380 8,802 Trading income excluding 1,701 26,178 net interest income 3,351 3,112 2,507 Net interest income on 1,097 16,874 trading activities 2,160 1,149 1,454 2,798 43,052 Net trading income 5,511 4,261 3,961 Net income from financial instruments designated at 444 6,828 fair value 874 260 397 Gains less losses from 507 7,804 financial investments 999 493 476 Gains arising from dilution 546 8,406 of interests in associates 1,076 - - 128 1,969 Dividend income 252 222 118 Net earned insurance 2,019 31,069 premiums 3,977 2,834 2,834 344 5,297 Other operating income 678 1,153 1,393 21,367 328,827 Total operating income 42,092 34,334 35,736 Net insurance claims incurred and movement in (1,826) (28,117) policyholders' liabilities (3,599) (2,149) (2,555) Net operating income before loan impairment charges and other credit 19,541 300,710 risk provisions 38,493 32,185 33,181 Loan impairment charges and other credit risk (3,222) (49,576) provisions (6,346) (3,890) (6,683) 16,319 251,134 Net operating income 32,147 28,295 26,498 Employee compensation and (5,295) (81,480) benefits (10,430) (8,992) (9,508) General and administrative (3,565) (54,856) expenses (7,022) (6,065) (6,758) Depreciation of property, (415) (6,382) plant and equipment (817) (748) (766) Amortisation of intangible (173) (2,672) assets (342) (334) (382) (9,448) (145,390) Total operating expenses (18,611) (16,139) (17,414) 6,871 105,744 Operating profit 13,536 12,156 9,084 Share of profit in associates and joint 317 4,867 ventures 623 361 485 7,188 110,611 Profit before tax 14,159 12,517 9,569 (1,343) (20,663) Tax expense (2,645) (3,272) (1,943) 5,845 89,948 Profit for the period 11,514 9,245 7,626 Profit attributable to shareholders of the 5,531 85,112 parent company 10,895 8,729 7,060 Profit attributable to 314 4,836 minority interests 619 516 566 Consolidated Balance Sheet At 30Jun07 At 30Jun07 At 30Jun06 At 31Dec06 £m HK$m US$m US$m US$m ASSETS Cash and balances at 8,304 130,168 central banks 16,651 24,343 12,732 Items in the course of collection from other 11,547 180,990 banks 23,152 12,425 14,144 Hong Kong Government certificates of 6,457 101,214 indebtedness 12,947 12,588 13,165 211,782 3,319,641 Trading assets 424,645 299,295 328,147 Financial assets designated at fair 17,380 272,430 value 34,849 16,855 20,573 74,401 1,166,215 Derivatives 149,181 104,665 103,702 Loans and advances to 107,049 1,677,977 banks 214,645 162,482 185,205 Loans and advances to 462,870 7,255,383 customers 928,101 814,209 868,133 116,204 1,821,473 Financial investments 233,001 192,334 204,806 Interests in associates 4,281 67,097 and joint ventures 8,583 7,795 8,396 Goodwill and intangible 19,174 300,542 assets 38,445 34,544 37,335 Property, plant and 7,472 117,121 equipment 14,982 15,277 16,424 17,040 267,088 Other assets 34,166 27,542 33,444 Prepayments and accrued 8,525 133,624 income 17,093 13,784 14,552 1,072,486 16,810,963 Total assets 2,150,441 1,738,138 1,860,758 At 30Jun07 At 30Jun07 At 30Jun06 At 31Dec06 £m HK$m US$m US$m US$m LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities Hong Kong currency notes in 6,457 101,213 circulation 12,947 12,588 13,165 64,223 1,006,676 Deposits by banks 128,773 83,139 99,694 489,168 7,667,605 Customer accounts 980,832 833,742 896,834 Items in the course of transmission to other 10,144 158,999 banks 20,339 9,532 12,625 156,198 2,448,371 Trading liabilities 313,193 228,116 226,608 Financial liabilities designated 37,886 593,860 at fair value 75,966 64,354 70,211 71,958 1,127,933 Derivatives 144,284 103,660 101,478 114,328 1,792,064 Debt securities in issue 229,239 209,309 230,325 1,488 23,327 Retirement benefit liabilities 2,984 3,722 5,555 17,206 269,702 Other liabilities 34,500 31,669 29,824 Liabilities under insurance 18,418 288,691 contracts issued 36,929 15,663 17,670 8,407 131,779 Accruals and deferred income 16,857 12,584 16,310 1,797 28,166 Provisions 3,603 2,286 2,859 11,722 183,741 Subordinated liabilities 23,504 20,404 22,672 1,009,400 15,822,127 Total liabilities 2,023,950 1,630,768 1,745,830 Equity 2,921 45,787 Called up share premium 5,857 5,741 5,786 3,907 61,242 Share premium account 7,834 7,236 7,789 15,879 248,892 Other reserves 31,838 26,394 29,380 37,031 580,453 Retained earnings 74,251 62,010 65,397 59,738 936,374 Total shareholders' equity 119,780 101,381 108,352 3,348 52,462 Minority interests 6,711 5,989 6,576 63,086 988,836 Total equity 126,491 107,370 114,928 1,072,486 16,810,963 Total liabilities and equity 2,150,441 1,738,138 1,860,758 Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense Half-year to 30Jun07 30Jun06 31Dec06 US$m US$m US$m Available-for-sale investments: - fair value gains/(losses) taken to equity 1,162 (476) 2,058 - fair value gains transferred to income statement on disposal or impairment (783) (319) (325) Cash flow hedges: - fair value gains taken to equity 395 147 1,407 - fair value changes transferred to income statement (568) (177) (2,021) Share of changes in equity of associates and joint ventures 186 (44) 64 Exchange differences 2,293 3,203 1,472 Actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans 2,028 1,477 (1,555) 4,713 3,811 1,100 Tax on items taken directly to equity (455) (196) 152 Total income and expenses taken directly to equity during the period 4,258 3,615 1,252 Profit for the period 11,514 9,245 7,626 Total recognised income and expense for the period 15,772 12,860 8,878 Total recognised income and expense for the period attributable to: - shareholders of the parent company 14,950 12,292 8,235 - minority interests 822 568 643 15,772 12,860 8,878 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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